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Status Updates posted by Raeyliff

  1. Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 12: Just...just no. That ending was bad, and they should feel bad. Waited the entire episode for Arima vs. Kaneki just so that it brings them both face to face with no real fighting going on. 10/10 would ghoul again.

    1. Kiru


      I think they could've ended it a LOT better. I cried so much from the death of a certain person..

    2. Rusty


      That certain person's death could have been made missing so nobody would know if they are alive or not.. Why? Now I'm sad. I'll go in my bed and be sad

  2. Wait wait wait... I can still have +1 CD roll on my gloves, right? No harm done there?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      yes..tailors can still make +1 CD items..and that's pretty much all of the seeked enhancements they can make.

  3. Was out for a full day. Sorry for not posting, was just not in the mood yesterday.

  4. WE REACHED 10000 DICE ROLLS!!!!

    1. Baldur


      That was dicey, correcting your guild leader! :P

    2. Azide


      Yo, what makes you assume I'm not sitting on the roof? *Tackles*

    3. Alyss


      ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. Welcome to Sword Art Online!

    1. Raeyliff


      Awesome! Um, right now I just have my character waiting for evaluation and being accepted, but I've already posted at Floor 1-100 at Starting City. When do you guys wanna RP?

    2. Pyro


      Whenever your character is approved, message me and we could begin (if you want)Thanks!

    3. Raeyliff


      Sure, of course! :)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  6. What can I write for my status update?

  7. Wondering this..if SAO had some Naruto involved into its fighting would it be like this:

    1. Raeyliff


      Kirito: KAYABAAAAAAA


      Then they'd both start fighting.

  8. Wondering...can a human's hair really turn white and his nails black because of stress?

    1. Rolland


      Well, Stress can effect the human body in different ways. Hair loss is on factor, another is weight gain, and tiredness. But hair can become grey from it, not sure if it can turn white. And the nails... not sure on that either.

  9. You know how there's usually a fight between the good guy and the bad guy and they both yell each other's names? How would it be like for your character or for a character in SAO?

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