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Status Updates posted by Calrex

  1. Reu your fish are a blessing! I'm having a much easier time getting materials! XD

    1. Calrex


      And on that note it's time for lunch for me! Be back in 20-30 minutes!

  2. Alrighty wide awake and ready to RP!

    1. Zero


      If you need some entertainment, Zero's willing to offer his services for a small fee. I think he's like the only other Performer here aside from X. xD

    2. Calrex


      Oooh! :) That's an idea!

    3. Teayre


      Nope, we're doing some pre threads before we do the quest

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  3. Freeze be careful! Beware the name curse! XD, also gonna be heading to bed soon everyone. Catch you all tomorrow!

  4. Anyone know if you can have armor, gauntlets, and a shield as your three equipped slots? Thinking of an interesting build

    1. Calrex


      Awesome thanks Life! I actually do have the <<Martial Arts>> skill

    2. Teayre


      Oh god... Here comes Captain Countryside.

    3. Calrex


      ..say what now? O_o

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  5. Alrighty guys I'm back! Let's do this!

    1. Teayre


      *pokes timidly* I'm ready for work but no time to RP now D:

    2. Teayre


      *squeezes in a few replies* xD

    3. Calrex


      XD thank you!

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  6. Hey guys back on for a little bit today. I'll be checking in, but posting will probably happen later tonight, as I'll be out of the house for most of the day O_o

  7. Sorry guys, got home and suddenly my body decided to celebrate Friday...by taking a nap XD. Should be on in a little bit after dinner

    1. Rusty


      Gonna need you teh post. But eat first.

    2. Teayre


      *gets jealous* I wanna sleep! *cries at retail life D:

  8. Heading for the bus guys. Will be on my phone for about an hour or two!

  9. *so overjoyed that he begins building worship pyres like crazy*

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      should build a house instead.

    2. Azrael
    3. Calrex


      Oh right *turns into a blur as he makes a house a good distance away from the pyres*

  10. Cliffhanger, hanging on a cliff!

  11. Alrighty back from lunch! Let's do this!

    1. Rusty


      Sure, the more the merrier. It won't matter if you aren't as active, Im not in a rush to get a familiar, but if you don't post in lets say um.. two days, is it ok if we skip you?

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      If I don't post once a day you can skip:D I don't mind at all. aso the mobs will have 32 Hp since I'm joining..so better think about it again.

    3. Rusty


      We'll probably engage in combat every 10 posts (after every battle) so it falls around the 15 posts category.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  12. Alrighty guys, gonna be leaving for lunch for about an hour today O_o

  13. Oh ow...I think I might have overworked my left arm with weight training for sword wielding O_o

    1. Azrael


      I'm so there Tea, Serious yo. It looks stupid and yet so much fun XD It's the ultimate in nerdy XD

    2. Calrex


      Hey, at least you get a great workout and look awesome doing it!

      Like that *actually knows it's REALLY nerdy* XD

    3. Teayre


      I swear you linked me that before Cal!

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. Wide awake and ready to RP!

  15. Hey guys I'll probably be knocking out in a little over half an hours. One last day of work then the weekend! XD

  16. Back home on my laptop. Let's do this!

  17. Hey guys gonna be heading for the bus in about 15 minutes, meaning I'll be on my phone during that time XD

    1. Teayre


      Free the chibis!!

  18. Alrighty almost time for lunch! It's supposedly going to rain, hopefully not while I'm out O_o

  19. Alright, wide awake and ready to RP *rolls up sleeves* Let's do this!

    1. Calrex


      ...What is this containerception?! Get us outta here!

    2. Azrael


      Yes it is and no you can't come out!

    3. Calrex


      Why not?! *opens chibi Teayre's jar* Teayre help me here, maybe we can pull the stitches apart

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  20. Alrighty all, gotta knock out in about 20 minutes. See you all tomorrow! XD

  21. Alrighty all, gotta knock out in about 20 minutes. See you all tomorrow! XD

  22. Woohoo back on my home laptop. Time to knock out some replies!

  23. Whoa Level 26?! Awesome! Also heading for the bus. See you all in your chibi forms on my phone! XD

    1. Teayre


      *Carries on dancing with chibi Calrex on ice*

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