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Status Updates posted by Calrex

  1. Fighting four boars at once, this is gonna be fun XD

    1. Calrex


      Haha also welcome back dude! We've gotta do another thread and compare our punching power XD

    2. Skylar


      You are on! Well tomorrow. I am going to sleep for a bit first.

    3. Calrex


      Lol sounds good! Have a good night!

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  2. Alright back home, so everyone back to normal size...darn it still no more chibis caught

    1. Calrex


      Oooh you're that chick XD

    2. Kotori


      Honestly, I'm more like Nonon Jakuzure

    3. Calrex
    4. Show next comments  30 more
  3. Alrighty everyone, about to be heading for the bus home. See you on my phone!

    1. Takneil


      *rolls a 10 and shatters the glass* "I'm free! hahahahaha" *leaps onto Calrex with a present bomb* "hehehehehehehehehehe"

    2. XWuZHeAR


      3...2...1...*ignites chibi bombs* *enitre area turns into a chibi drawing visible from space*

    3. Kotori
    4. Show next comments  30 more
  4. Whew, just finished updating my journal. Geezes I need to keep up with it. Doing a huge updates takes WAAY too much time XD

    1. Kotori


      Good things, good things.

    2. Calrex


      Oook...if you say so XD

    3. Kiru


      i left mine half done

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  5. Back from lunch. Full belly, let's RP!

    1. Vaan-The Berserker

      Vaan-The Berserker

      That was about an hour and thirty minute lunch buffet I guessing?

    2. Calrex


      Nah it was actually 30 minutes, but I took my time updating XD

    3. Lowenthal


      HarHar Classis Cal

  6. Alrighty guys off to lunch! See you in a half hour!

  7. The dice are working bad right now...*starts building dice god pyres*

    1. Zandra


      Worked perfectly fine for me after I posted the complaining before, two 10's out of five rolls and mob only hitted one. XD

    2. Zandra


      with hitted I mean succesful hit, not crit :)

  8. Alrighty I'm ready to RP! Let's do this!

    1. Hikoru


      As soon as Teayre gets on, we can continue Rping ^-^ *waits patiently and plays with thumbs*

    2. Calrex
  9. Alrighty heading to bed everyone, see you tomorrow!

  10. Alrighty going to be heading for the bus home soon. See you all in a bit! XD hopefully I'll have the ability to catch some chibis tonight >:)

    1. Azrael



    2. XWuZHeAR


      *is almost done planting chibi bombs*

    3. Teayre


      *chibi Teayre's snuggles up to chibi Calrex in the chibi burrito blanket*

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  11. Alrighty back from lunch guys *cracks knuckles* Finnick you ready? XD

  12. Alright! Enough SP! Time to Grand Master my sword!

    1. XWuZHeAR


      *raises hand* I want to

    2. Azrael


      *kicks X* You be quiet or I'll tie you up and lock you back up in a closet.

    3. Calrex


      XD wait...WTH Zaz! XD

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  13. Alrighty everyone, I'm heading to bed for the night. See you all in a few hours! *builds some worship pyres before leaving*

    1. Takneil


      *Builds worship pyres to the 'smite whoever tampers with the die gods pyres-pyre'*

    2. Teayre


      *tampers with the pyres by adding human sacrifices*

    3. Kotori


      *protects her from teh smite*

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  14. Btw I know this is a bit late, but AW FREAKING YEAH LEVEL 30! XD

    1. Ssendom


      Congratulations Calrex, The next tier is within you reach.

    2. Calrex


      Now to aim for 40!...o good lord XD

  15. On the bus home. It's chibi catching time!

    1. Kotori


      *still hiding under bush*

    2. XWuZHeAR


      *stocks up in chibi bombs*

  16. In the light of Lemon's death, the Calrex Dice God Worship Pyre service will be temporarily down for quality inspection

    1. Lemon_Arsonist
    2. Calrex


      The investigation will continue as it appears to have multiple leads towards different suspects. Some think it was the one that was found with evidence, Kotori, while others think it was another crime committed by the serial criminal X

    3. XWuZHeAR


      *walks out onto rooftop and casually holds up arm* *helicopter with rope ladder flys over head and snags X*

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  17. Happily fed and ready to RP some more! Bring it! XD

    1. Kotori


      JOIN the op.. plis?

    2. Calrex


      *sees the op* ...Hm...yeah...I'm not pulling the pin on that hand grenade unless I need to XD

    3. Kotori


      Please? You did say you wanted a turn with X...

  18. Alrighty off to lunch guys! See you all in half an hour!

  19. Woohoo wide and awake and ready to RP! Let's do this!

    1. Azrael


      YAY! Play with my again my favorite talking blue toaster!

    2. Calrex


      O_O XD alrighty alrighty I'll make a new thread! Any particular floor or things you want to do?

  20. Alrighty all off to bed, gotta work tomorrow. See you in a few hours!

  21. Wow, just gotta say the raiders for the 11th floor are wrecking at the moment *applauds*

    1. Raeyliff


      So we have unlocked the 11th floor, I've jumped up to level 16, and there seems to be a ton of new players coming in. I need to get active ASAP or else I'll miss out on a lot...

    2. Kotori


      No, we're still on floor 10. They are just clearing the boss so we can get to floor 11

    3. Calrex


      LOL well if you need to play catchup feel free to let me know. I'm on practically every day

  22. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

    1. XWuZHeAR


      *begins singing pirate shanty on the deck of the ship in hopes of starting a chibi party*

    2. Kotori


      *cries chibi tears*

    3. Azrael


      *shakes Ko out of the bottle* No more crying!

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  23. Alrighty guys, gotta head to bed. My eyes can't stay open any longer. Gnight!

  24. Hey guys guess what? It's chibi catching time! Btw I'm also on the bus XD

    1. Kotori
    2. Calrex


      Dangit I'm back home already! I'll have to try another time XP

  25. Wide awake and ready to RP. Also Happy Birthday Teayre!

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