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Posts posted by Teayre

  1. The red head smirked at Kasier’s comment, “You’d want battle healing then, not just first aid.” Even as she replied to the girl Teayre dashed forwards her blade making a single strike along the flank of the Snow Beast. The muramasa neatly cut her opponent in half, the item they had come for dropped. As it bobbed up and down in front of Kasier Teayre nodded at the girl. “Take it.” She said flatly as she sheathed her blade and pushed passed her part member. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” The red head continued pulling her hood up high as she exited the cave. Her feet carried her towards the fourth floor boss room. Her eyes narrowed for a moment before she lets out a sigh and changes direction. A small town wasn’t far from the base of the mountain and they made some good drinks. The girl knew what she wanted and started to make her way there.


    ID: 67217 BD: 6 (2 + 4 ACC) CD: 11 LD: 1 MD: 3


    Zekkai Used: 15 * 7 = 105 DMG

    HP List
    (H:0) Kasier:28/56
    Energy: 14/14

    (H:1) Teayre: 189/189
    Energy: 17/46 (12 Used, 1 Regen)

    The Snow Beast: 0
    /250  - Dead



    Thread Complete

    Kasier Gains:
    1 SP for Thread Completion
    400 Col For 1 Completed Page
    1 SP for Quest Completion
    Essence of Steel

    Teayre Gains:
    1 SP for Thread Completion
    13 Materials from killings stuff.
    4000 Col from killings stuff

  2. As more and more people arrived Teayre looked around the group. She felt her stomach tighten when she saw Opal. Taking a deep breath, she moves over to Baldur whispering quietly to him, “Would you mind if I have the Muramasa back for just a moment Bal? I don’t want to be unarmed if everything kicks off.” Slowly the red head pushed herself to her feet. “Hikoru, Zandra, Opal, Lowenthal, Ariel… This could get interesting.” The girl thought as she slowly got to her feet, nodding at Hikoru, she looked directly at Zandra, “Thanks.” She replies curtly, “It didn’t even take a few hours.” Her eyes ran of the axe wielding girl’s lips. Her own lips curling slightly.

    “What are you even doing here?” Teayre looks at Opal, her lips still curled waiting for the player to finish speaking. Inclining her head to the woman Teayre holds her hands palm up towards Opal, leaning in to the woman. Whispering in her ear, “No one special, dear.” Stepping back just in time to hear Lowenthal’s comment Teayre placed one hand on her hip. “Lowe shut it. We’re here to talk about boss fights not if people are useless in them or not.” The red head began, “Quite simply Opal must have been watching and waiting in the last one, not much point fighting if you didn’t have an amulet.”  Letting out a sigh she sent a quick glance over to Baldur. “Now if you’ll listen to me. I’m done waiting.”

    The red head paused for a moment as she surveyed the group that had turned up, more than she had expected. “The boss fight’s going to be tough we’ll need people agile to keep embers from the torches dropping into the pools of acid. Then there’s the wolf himself… He has a large amount of HP. I suspect his damage is exceedingly high as well. It seems more likely that this boss fight will not be just a tank and spank.” Letting out a long, deep breath the crimson maiden looks around at the group that had gathered in the dusky setting of this floor. “One other thing, the cavern is very dim, so if you haven’t got it pick up night vision if you can.”

  3. Walking up to the massive door Teayre places her hand on it and pushes. Despite the cold weather seeping into the hinges the doors swing open without a sound revealing an arched entrance hall. The red head walks into it, looking around in awe at the architecture. The previously dim and gloomy hall suddenly lit up. Teayre glanced back at the door it had slid shut. “A trap.” She curses before looking around to see where the trap would be coming from. In front of her an ornate flight of stairs leads upwards, spreading out as it reaches the balcony of the second floor. Teayre swallows. “Guess I can’t go back now.” The girl says to herself as she begins to make her run across the floor. The moment she steps out of the doorway the floor a loud whirring sounds. The tiles beneath her feet began to crack and give way. “Tch.” Letting her reactions carry her safely to the bottom of the stares.

    ID: 67074 LD: 19 (16 + 3 LD) – Trap Avoided (15+ Avoid Trap, 1-15 take floor levels *15 – 1 DMG)

  4. Her eyes flick to Calrex then back to Oikawa and Baldur, “Later after the boss meeting…” The red head replies, just before a call comes from a blonde hair girl nearby. Flicking her eyes to the girl Teayre can spot her clearly. “Hi Ari.” Raising an eyebrow at the girl’s new attire she shakes her head. “Right then, If you two trust them, then I can’t see any reason as to why not, I’d like to meet with one or two of them first. However… No not now.” Teayre adds quickly before looking up and spotting Lowenthal. “Fair enough, I’d like to keep this short and sweet ideally.” Keeping her back pressed against the tree, Teayre sighs. “Alright then, if anyone knows anyone else who wants to come, even if it’s only in passing. I don’t know how much the Knights of the Blood Oath saw, but I want as many people to be involved in this boss fight as possible.” As she finished her sentence Teayre shuffled where she was sat for a moment, trying to find a more comfortable spot.

  5. A blue peregrine falcon cawed from high above her. Glancing up Teayre smiles slightly, “Roc.” She whispers to herself. Following the trail at which the bird had come she spots a motley crew of players. The red head watches as the pass the front of the forest, where she was hidden a touch back from the treeline. “Should we wait for your wife?” Stepping out she quietly walks forwards, drawing the Muramasa she places it on white haired man’s shoulder, with only one hand on the hilt.  “Now why would you want to wait for me?” She asks him a coy smile coming to her lips, twisting her wrist slightly so that the sharp edge of her blade rested against his neck. “Calrex, Baldur.” Teayre greets two of the players, before nodding at Macradon. “So, why would you want to wait for me, Lycan? You wouldn’t happen to have a death wish would you?” Teayre goaded the boy from behind.

  6. The clanking of armour reaches Teayre’s ears, looking up the girl can see that she’s not far from the top of the stairs. Shivering as an unnatural cold begins to take hold. “What that…” She quietly mutters as she reaches the final step.  Looking across the plateau she has ended up on there are four vaguely humanoid shapes that are immediately obvious. The four creatures turn, their red eyes gleaming as a low ghostly howl reverberates between them. “Just what I needed.” The crimson maiden mutters, “Now then.” Dashing forwards her muramasa at the ready Teayre makes two swift half-moon cuts around her. Each strike cutting clean through the four mobs. As she stood sheathing her blade the four creature’s burst into pixels. “Finally.” Teayre says as she looks around dismissing the loot window. Before her towering up stood the castle, the metal doors were slighting open, inviting the red head in.



    ID: 66843 BD: 7 (3 + 4 ACC) CD: 8 LD: 19 (16 + 3 LD) MD: 3

    Amatsu no Homura Used (15 + 4)*9 = 171 DMG

    Teayre: 189/189
    EN: 28/46 (18 Used)

    Frost Wright: 0/100 171 – 25 MIT = 146 DMG x4

    4 x Materials
    4 x Bonus Materials

    4 x (100 *5) Col = 2000 Col

    Total Loot:
    4000 Col
    21 Materials



  7. The bell to the shop she entered chimed, Teayre looked up seeing the Azure Chevalier. The Spectrum Coalition had come to fruition. Calrex, Oikawa, Baldur, Takao and herself. The girl let herself smile nodding at the man with a blue coat. “Hi Bal,” She walks straight over to one of the barrels that was dotted around the counters. Rummaging through it the red head finds a simple sword. The blade curving slightly. “This’ll do nicely.” Teayre mutters her eyes flicking over to Baldur. “Here.” She says throwing a pouch of col at him. Turning she heads out of the door without waiting for the man to reply. Swinging her new wakazashi the red head finds herself smiling. “This will do nicely…” Glancing back at the door that had just swung shut. Teayre shrugs before heading straight towards the boss room of the first floor. “Now to floor five.” The girl mutters quietly as she opened up her menu sending a PM to two people. The twins, Syn and Vyrtew.

    -100 Col

    + Good Curved Sword (Wakazashi)

  8. The white figure in her memory shot away, the last words of her echoing in Teayre’s mind. “I sure hope you do come back and force me like so again.” The girl shuddered, perhaps, just perhaps that was what had started to drive Teayre’s thoughts. Her perception of the world had changed since she had killed her father. With the very blade in her hand. Teayre slowly stands shaking her head. “I can’t let this get to me. Akarim, Manta, Ebony. Heh. I wish I could regret what I did to them.” Looking up at the moon the red head feels a smile creep across her lips. “This orange marker… It’s only just a symbol of what I am. A murderer.” As the silvery light shone at her Teayre looked over to her left spotting a pile of rubble, heading over to it the girl rumages around finding a material. “Can’t go wrong with that.”

    ID: 66842 LD: 18 (15 + 3 LD)
    Mat Found

    Total Loot:
    2000 Col
    13 Materials

  9. ID: 66832 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 66833 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233
    Thief’s Gamble V2
    Item Type: Trinket

    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 1
    Enhancement: +3 Loot Dice
    Description: A single red crystal with a golden loop through the top attached to a hooked earpiece.

    ID: 66834 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Golden Ring of Finding.
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +3 LD
    Description: A golden band that has 3 strands that have been plated together.

    ID: 66835 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 66836 CD: 1 (Nat) – Crit Fail

    ID: 66837 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66838 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 66839 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66840 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66841 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    10 Materials used, 44 EXP Gained

  10. Taking some more silver and a larger emerald Teayre begins to cut the gem into an oval shape. Once she had finished the tedious cutting Teayre leans back in the chair wiping some sweat from her brow, next she starts to draw out the silver spinning it around itself to make it into a wire. Taking what was left of the silver Teayre makes a setting for the emerald by heating and gently tapping the small sliver with a small hammer. Carefully threading the silver wire through the hole in the top of the setting Teayre places the emerald inside the setting and pops the item in her evaluation bin. Taking the next material she gently brushes the metal down, slowly whittling it with a craft knife the red head begins to shape it into a small metal eagle. Setting it down the girl leans forwards taking the mug that had her hot chocolate in and sips from it letting a small sigh.



    ID: 66832 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 66833 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233
    Thief’s Gamble V2
    Item Type: Trinket

    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 1
    Enhancement: +3 Loot Dice
    Description: A single red crystal with a golden loop through the top attached to a hooked earpiece.

    ID: 66834 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Golden Ring of Finding.
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +3 LD
    Description: A golden band that has 3 strands that have been plated together.

    ID: 66835 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 66836 CD: 1 (Nat) – Crit Fail

    ID: 66837 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66838 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 66839 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66840 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=486233

    Item: Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66841 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    10 Materials used, 44 EXP Gained



  11. “Took you for my own?” The crimson maiden snorted slightly from the thought that crossed her mind. Letting her eyes fall shut she thinks back to the day she had acquired battojutsu. “A light drizzle on the seventh floor. I fought several supposed masters at the temple. They fell to the Oikawa Kanashiki. Then she came…” The thoughts of the silver haired woman she had fought… Well fought was too strong a word, Teayre almost killed the NPC outright. She had claimed the right to be called Muramasa, the right to weild battojutsu. “Then why?!” She screams out loud into the night. The mountain that she was resting on rumbled in response. “I guess I’ll never really find out. Although what was it she had said to me…” Closing her eyes the girl racks her brains trying to remember what was said to her at the time of acquiring her unique skill.

    ID: 66831 LD: 11 (8 + 3)
    No Materials Found

    Total Loot:
    12 x Materials
    2000 Col

  12. With recent updates Teayre looked up at the sign of the shop she was stood outside letting out a sigh. Pressing her hand to the door she spots a very familiar blonde haired blacksmith and a small lion cub. Waving her free hand at the blonde before kneeling down next to King and running her hand over the small lions ear. “Kawi, would you be able to make me a curved sword that’s pure damage please?” She paused for a moment. “To cut through sadness…” A small smile came across the crimson maiden’s lips. “That blade is still one of the best in the game Oikawa.” Taking a slip of paper Teayre fills it in before pushing it over to her friend and guild mate. “I’ll need a few of the swords at either uncommon or rare as well.” Openning her inventory Teayre takes out a huge bag of materials before placing it down on the counter. “Hope this covers it.” She says.

    -30 Materials

    Name: Ketsueki Kanashiki
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 8
    ID: Leave Blank
    Roll: Leave Blank
    Item Type: Curved Sword
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3 slots of Damage (+6)
    Description: A clean smooth blade that has a dark contour line. (Change it if you like
    J )
    Post Link: Leave Blank

  13. Her eyes flicked up at the sound of her name. “Oikawa.” She says smiling at him. “You are, although… Cal’s just behind you.” She says raising a hand extended it as she pointed at the bluenette. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she nodded at him. “Thanks,” The red head swallowed she wasn’t here just for the boss meeting. Not just to orchestrate it but there was more to what she wanted to do. She stared off into the distance between Oikawa and Calrex. “Baldur.” Looking from each player’s eyes to the next she paused for a moment letting greeting be made. “So, looks like we’re here.” Taking a deep breath she exhales, “Calrex, Oikawa, Baldur. I know I’ve been... Different. However I’d like to pass a few things along.”

    Standing she takes Akuma’s Vein and throws it towards Oikawa. “Yours.” With a small smile she throws the sheathed muramasa at Baldur straight after. “And yours.” Teayre’s eyes glistened for a moment before she sighed. “There’s no need for me to have them anymore. If things go how I think they will…” Shaking her head she looks up and smiles at her three friends. “Now before I share any more information please could you send messages to everyone we know about this meeting.” The red head settled back down against her tree, “When we were forming the guild, Oikawa, Calrex and I put names forward. However as far as I know, you’ve not suggested anyone. Is there anybody you would consider for us to trust.”

    She pauses before continuing, “I understand we didn’t see eye to eye when we took on Tagas, I appreciate your views however. This guild isn’t just a guild to me. It is a family. The Spectrum Coalition has been together for over a year now, back before the rise and fall of the Azure Brigade, before Absolute Pin.” Teayre swallows before making eye contact with the Azure Chevalier, “Is there anyone who you believe would be suitable to join us, one who is willing to do their best and stand by each other supporting each other whatever way they can?”

  14. ID: 66749 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Monocle of Sight V2.
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 Search & detect Skill, +1 LD
    Description: An aristocrat's choice of eyewear, just the fashion statement to set him apart from the unwashed masses

    ID: 66750 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Lucky Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +2 LD
    Description: A twisted silver band.

    ID: 66751 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Shroud of Winter
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: Evasion +2
    Description: A thick silver necklace with one deep blue sapphire attached to it.

    ID: 66752 CD: 1 – Crit Fail

    ID: 66753 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66754 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Lucky Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    +2 LD
    Description: A twisted silver band.

    ID: 66755 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Bandit’s Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +3 Loot Dice
    Description: This lucky rabbt’s foot always helps bend the odds in your favour so that you can find what you’re looking for.

    ID: 66756 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Lucky Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +2 LD
    Description: A twisted silver band.

    ID: 66757 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66758 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Golden Ring of Finding.
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +3 LD
    Description: A golden band that has 3 strands that have been plated together.

  15. The crimson maiden had orders to complete. She wouldn’t be deterred. Taking a material she places it on the workbench her sculpting tool next to her as she quickly cuts into it the sculpting tool making a deep mark. Again and again she went at it crafting a small clay rabbit’s foot. Taking a paint brush she begins to apply several thin layers of paint. Working from white to a deep grey,  the texture taking form she puts a thick layer of glaze over it before placing it into her kiln. As the rabbit’s foot was heating up Teayre reached up and grabbed one of her older pieces of equipment. The mould for a ring. Heating a bar of gold she had acquired in a crucible the red head pours the molten metal into the mould. Bubbles forming as she adds air to it before smoothing  the edges out with her tool.



    ID: 66749 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Monocle of Sight V2.
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 Search & detect Skill, +1 LD
    Description: An aristocrat's choice of eyewear, just the fashion statement to set him apart from the unwashed masses

    ID: 66750 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Lucky Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +2 LD
    Description: A twisted silver band.

    ID: 66751 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Shroud of Winter
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: Evasion +2
    Description: A thick silver necklace with one deep blue sapphire attached to it.

    ID: 66752 CD: 1 – Crit Fail

    ID: 66753 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66754 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Lucky Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    +2 LD
    Description: A twisted silver band.

    ID: 66755 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Bandit’s Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +3 Loot Dice
    Description: This lucky rabbt’s foot always helps bend the odds in your favour so that you can find what you’re looking for.

    ID: 66756 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Lucky Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +2 LD
    Description: A twisted silver band.

    ID: 66757 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Bronze Ring of Finding
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 LD
    Description: A small twisted bronze band.

    ID: 66758 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item
    Artisan – Rank 8
    Golden Ring of Finding.
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +3 LD
    Description: A golden band that has 3 strands that have been plated together.

    10 Materials Used, 61 EXP Gained



  16. Snow drifted in front of her eyes Teayre waved her hands trying to clear some of her vision, unable to do so the girl presses onwards blindly searching for the way through the snow. After several minutes she finds herself in a small alcove. Investigating it she finds that it is completely clear. The girl nestles down in it as she waits for the storm to pass. Akuma’s Vein and the Muramasa nearby. Leaning her head back she rests it against the wall in the alcove. “Light fades to darkness… I know it does. So why… Why does it feel like this is so hard to do?” She questions herself. Looking down at the sheathed muramasa she looks at the blade. “Life. To live or die? Is one worse than the other.” She swallows, “I’ve murdered.” “They deserved it.” “Maybe…” Teayre replies to the quiet voice in the back of her mind. “You took me for your own Teayre.”

    ID: 66724 LD: 11 (8 + 3 LD)

    No mats found.

    Total Loot:
    12 x Materials
    2000 Col

  17. As the pixels finished dispersing around her the red head looked up towards the towering mountain. The castle that was sat out on a precipice. Shudders ran down Teayre back as she swallowed. “I need to keep going.” Her eyes narrowed as she scans the sheer steps for any sign of the knight that had passed her earlier. Unable to spot the player Teayre made her way back to the steps. However not before several bolts of ice were hurled at her. The red head deftly blocked these with the Muramasa. Looking up the steps the outlines of several small drakes could be seen, hovering slightly. “Whelps.” The girl mutters before dashing forwards her blade cutting either side of her as she fells four of the creatures. Dismissing the loot window Teayre follows the path up with her eyes, she was still a way off from the entrance to the castle.




    ID: 66720 BD: 6 (2 + 4 ACC) CD: 12 LD: 14 (11 + 3 LD) MD: 4

    Gen Getsu Used. (15+4 * 6)   = 114  DMG

    Teayre: 189/189 EN: 5/46 12 Energy Used

    Dragon Whelps: 0/90 (114 DMG – 23 MIT = 91DMG) x4


    Total Loot:
    12 x Materials
    2000 Col


  18. Even as she gazed up the path the sound of clanking could be heard coming from behind her. Teayre drew a short sharp breath as she glanced over her shoulder. It was a man in full plate, the white and red was unmistakeable. “Knight of the Blood Oath.” The red head cursed before sprinting off in a different direction. “Not even in the mood to deal with him…” Her red eyes flashed for a moment, “Who was that though, Macradon?” Teayre shook her head, it couldn’t be him, regardless of how often he was on the lower floors. Coming to a halt the red head is confronted by yet another pack of snow wolves. “When, will you ever learn?”  She challenges them before letting her charge skill activated. Whipping her forward she performs a single cut. Zekkai. Her blade biting through each of the wolves in a single strike, pixels beginning to fade around her even as their claws tore into the red head in their dying breath.



    ID: 66719 BD: 10 (Nat) CD: 10 (Nat) LD: 18 (15 + 3 LD) MD: 9 (Nat)

    Zekkai Used. (15 +2 + 4 * 7)   = 147 DMG

    Teayre: 189/189 EN: 16/46 7 Energy Used 4x(12+1-12MIT) = 4 DMG, 11 HP regened from Battle Healing

    Snow Wolf: 0/100 (147 DMG – 25 MIT = 122DMG) x4

    4 x Materials
    4 x Bonus Materials
    2000 Col

    Total Loot:
    12 x Materials


  19. She was stood under one of the many trees on the eighteenth floor. The time had come. The image haunted her mind. Licking her licks before she lets out a sigh Teayre swipes down opening her menu. “Guess it’s time.” Selecting the three people she trusted. She sent them a simple message.

    “Come to me, I found the boss room.”

    As she hit send a brief ray of sunshine scoured across her face. Leaning against the tree Akuma’s Vein in her hands she lays the armour on the floor before sitting down next to it, the muramasa across her knees. The clouds covered back over sending drizzle streaking across her face. “I hope Oink turns up first… At least if those four arrive I can sort a few bits out.” She quietly waited, her heart had slowed right down in its beating. Her breath became rhythmic as she inhaled deep into her lungs. The fingers of her left hand consistently drumming on her knee.

    Flicking her eyes upwards as the last of the non-existent sun rays disappear behind the horizon, casting the gloomy floor into perpetual darkness. A green tint flashing across the girl’s eyes as she kept watch for any creatures stupid enough to try and attack her.

    Out in the wilds. In the middle of nowhere. In the darkness Teayre would become who she needed to be.

    <<<< OC: Please let Oikawa, Calrex & Baldur post before joining due to IC reasons they'd be the ones to spread the word. >>>>

  20. ID: 66709 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 1
    Enhancement: Accuracy +1
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

    ID: 66710 CD: 12 – Nat – Perfect
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Emerald Magatama of Grace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +2 Evasion, + 1 Accuracy
    Description: An emerald in the shape of Yin.

    ID: 66711 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Monocle of Sight
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 Search & Detect Skill
    Description: An aristocrat’s choice of eyewear, just the fashion statement to set him apart from the unwashed masses.

    ID: 66712 CD: 7 (6 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 1
    Enhancement: Accuracy +1
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

  21. The door’s bell chimed again as it another customer walked in. Looking up from her sofa Teayre glowered at the Azure Chevalier. “Baldur-chan, That’s fine have you got payment?” She says quickly, her actions were the opposite of her words however. The crimson maiden placed the mug, that swirled with a creamy brown down on the table in front of her. “That being said with payment… Forget about it, I’m going to do a clear out soon enough of my shop.” The red head selected a few materials and began her work. Her tongue poked out as she took the sculpting tool that her husband had gotten her a few years back. As she cut into the softened silver, she began to shape the monocle after that was complete. The red head began to work on the next peace and pressed too hard with her tool causing it to shatter the crystal. Letting out a curse she sighs leaning back in her chair.



    ID: 66706 CD: 5 (4 + 1 CD) – Good Item
    ID: 66707 CD: 5 (4 + 1 CD) – Good Item
    ID: 66708 CD: 1 – Crit Fail
    ID: 66709 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 1
    Enhancement: Accuracy +1
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

    ID: 66710 CD: 12 – Nat – Perfect
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Emerald Magatama of Grace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +2 Evasion, + 1 Accuracy
    Description: An emerald in the shape of Yin.

    ID: 66711 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Monocle of Sight
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Rare
    Tier: 2
    Enhancement: +1 Search & Detect Skill
    Description: An aristocrat’s choice of eyewear, just the fashion statement to set him apart from the unwashed masses.

    ID: 66712 CD: 7 (6 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Profession: Artisan Rank: 8
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=485884
    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Tier: 1
    Enhancement: Accuracy +1
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

    ID: 66714 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good Item
    ID: 66715 CD: 6 (5 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    10 Materials Used, 38 EXP Gained


  22. Teayre’s eyes trailed on Baldur as he took several seconds to react to her words. Smiling to herself, her eyes washed over the twins as they did their respective things. “Vyrtew.” The red head mutters quietly, anger clear in her voice. “If only Baldur hadn’t said something about getting them out alive.” Shaking her head, Teayre runs in to attack Tagas. However rather than activating one of her Katana sword arts. She decides to activate her unique proper. The blade glowing a brilliant white as the sword art takes hold pulling the crimson maiden forward. “Anguish.” The red head says as her blade cuts horizontally across Tagas for minimal damage. Looking over at Baldur she nods at him, “You’re up.” Resting the blunt side of the muramasa on her shoulder she turns and grins at the angel. “You’re not so tough, are you really.” Her eyes narrowed as she spotted the muscles of the mythical creature beginning to bulge and flex. Jumping back Teayre prepared for the iminant attack.



    ID: 66656 BD: 10 (8 + 4 ACC) CD: 7 LD: 19 (17 + 2 LD) MD: 7

    Anguish Used (15 * 2) = 30 DMG (2 Energy)

    [H:1] Teayre: 160/189 EN: 37/46
    [H:1] Baldur:  120/120 EN: 26/30
    [H:0] Vyrtew: 36/36 EN: 7/9 
    [H:0] Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9 (Safeguarded)

    Tagas: HP 344/350 | 75 DMG | 25 MIT (Stunned) 5 DMG dealt


  23. The red head was wandering outside of Urburus, the mountains towering over the trees that surrounded her. She had the muramasa in her scabbard, her white hand resting gently on the blade. A wolf was prowling around the girl, leaping at her fangs and claws bared, it went for the attack. Carefully the girl side steps several times avoiding the creature with ease. She let out a sigh before she drew her blade slicing the wolf and killing it without even activating a sword art. “Why was I even training on something that weak?” A cry from high above caused Teayre to look up, eagles flying amongst each other over head. She swallowed closing her eyes as they started to become damp. “Bel…” she mutters before looking down and opening her menu. Selecting her husband she sends him a message informing him that she was on the second floor. Leaning against a tree she sighs, “I wonder if he’ll be able to find me.”



    ID: 66643 BD: 10 (8 + 4 ACC) CD: 10 LD: 4 MD: 2

    Teayre: 189/189 EN: 45/46 (Standard attack used)

    Wolf: 0/12 15 DMG – 3 MIT = 12 DMG.



  24. The howls that had echoed in the distance, were suddenly a lot closer. Teayre gave a long drawn out sigh as she gripped the Muramasa ready to react as soon as the mobs entered her charging range. “Honestly, some peace would be nice…” Whistling to herself the crimson maiden keeps walking. “So The Night’s King is the quest name. I’m almost surprised.” Grinning she looks up spotting four more wolves in front of her. The red head pushes off from one foot her charge skill carrying her forwards as she appears in the centre of them Teayre makes two half circles, the Muramasa cutting through all four mobs. Sheathing the blade, she flicks her hair over her shoulder. “Really? It’s the fourth floor why am I expecting a challenge?” The wind began to whistle as she made her way to the north side of the mountain. Looking up a winding path could be seen leading up to a castle.

    ID: 66580 BD: 7 (3 + 4 ACC) CD: 6 (Battle Healing Acitve) LD: 7 (4 + 3 LD) MD: 6

    Gen Getsu Used. (15+4 * 6)   = 114  DMG

    Teayre: 189/189 EN: 22/46 12 Energy Used 4x(12+1-12MIT) = 2 DMG 11 HP regened from Battle Healing

    Snow Wolf: 0/90 (114 DMG – 23 MIT = 91DMG) x4

    4x Materials

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