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Posts posted by Teayre

  1. Now that the terrace was lit up and the ice had melted the red head could easily see what she needed to do. The five pedestals around her each had markings on that represented one of the animals on the door. There were six spots. All interconnected except the sixth, which was off set slightly. A puzzle. Letting out a laugh Teayre grinned, at least Kayaba had thought to include tricks like this in the game.  The serpent was already in the centre so the red head moved this to the sixth spot. Before she began to adjust the other pedestals into their respective positions. When she was done she let out several breaths. It was cold but she had managed what she had needed to. Looking at the twisting serpent pedestal and pushed it into place. As she did so a massive click resonated through the plateau that she was on. Raising her head Teayre watched as the door began to open.

  2. As she gave a sigh of relief, the red head began to make her way out of the forest. She seemed to be coming here more and more recently. The first time she had taken a player’s life had been in a clearing not far from here. The girl turned left and stepped into that very clearing. Get Her. Kill Her. The three players had tried to rob her. They had been player killers and she had still been a green at that point. Turning her head to one side, she grits her teeth. Where would should next fall? Will her blood lust overcome her? The red head didn’t know. Gripping her hand tightly she slashes at the tree next to her. The blade stopping as the immortal object sign flashes. Closing her eyes Teayre lets out a long breath before sheathing her weapon. Stepping out of the forest she begins to walk towards the nearby farm.

  3. Taking several steps back Teayre walks over to a pedestal that was nearby. Ice covered it, making it hard to determine anything underneath the layer of frost. Taking her blade she gently chips at it, all around the obelisk were carvings of different wolves. On the very top of it was a wolf, sat on its haunches, chin raised as it let out a howl. The red head smirked to herself. “If this is what I think it is. Then it should be easy enough.” She followed to the ground and sure enough there were several slots in the ground. Letting out a heavy sigh, Teayre spotted several torches. “Thank god.” Grabbing it she lit the braziers of the courtyard that she was standing in. The light quickly flickered around illuminating more of the courtyard. Letting a small sigh Teayre grinned as she saw the ice beginning to thaw. “Easier than I thought.”

  4. Red hair falling down around her face. A hand brushing the locks away. In front of her lay a blue haired man. Calling out to her. Would she listen? Would she reach out to him and take his hand? No the crimson maiden didn’t. She did do something however. Her feet moved underneath her, the right hand gripping around the hilt of her sword. It was drawing in one motion. The blade scraping against the scabbard.

    Teayre awoke with a start, gasping, beads of sweat rolling down her face. Her right hand gripped her weapon as she looked around the third floor, the mist swirling around her. Silence. No one. She slowly stood not being able to see anyone. Smiling quietly to herself the red head relaxed the grip on her blade. As her hand fell to her side the images of her dream flashed through her mind. “Guess I’d better start preparing myself.”

  5. “Big words? Not really.” Teayre flashed a smile, “It’s just the truth. There’s no need to hide anything.” As she spoke the crimson orbs glinted slightly, her lips settling down just turned up slightly at the corners. Looking from right to left she saw a crowd beginning to gather around them.

    “Alright little girl, let’s see what you got to offer me.”

    The words cut through to her, her eyes watching as her opponent settles into a parry stance. “Parry” Teayre thought as she squinted from the glare of the sun. “I need to be careful…” Her lips then she meets the green eyes of the leather clad foe. “You know more about me then I do of you?” Shaking her head Teayre glares. “That’s probably true. Your voice however is familiar. Very familiar.” Her lips going thin the red head makes her move charging in. However instead of drawing her blade she kicks off the ground jumping back several steps. Her eyes watching carefully to see what foe does.

    ID: 68999 BD: 1 (Nat) CD: 1 LD: 2 MD: 6

    @Opal HP: 1100/1100
    EN: 108/110
    Sword Art: Parry -> Justified Riposte [2 EN]

    Teayres HP: 995/995
    EN: 96/98
    Sword Art: Missed [2EN]




  6. The red head smirked as she listened to the hooded figure closely an eyebrow raising. “Was that?” It couldn’t have been the girl must be mistaken. “An easy target? Not likely. In fact with yourself hidden like that you’re probably much higher than these weaklings, potentially stronger than me.” Her smirk turned into a wicked grin. “Our fun is just beginning. Isn’t it?” The girl’s fingers wrapped around the dark saya of the weapon. "I must say, it’s been a while since I faced a katana user. I can’t think of the last time…” Letting her smile fade, the piercing red eyes met the striking green of her opponents. “I do feel bad for you though. Only doing a half loss duel, it’d let you escape from this world so much quicker.”

    Teayre paused for a moment, watching the leather clad player walk past her and to the edge of the lake. Following her she glares at the man who skirts around them, getting easily within range.  Meeting the eyes of the mysterious figure she accepts the duel invitation. Her right hand tightening around the handle of the curved blade, the Ketsueki Kanashiki. Around her neck a black and a white stone clattered together, the Finding Stone and the Hidden Stone. The coat she wore was done up in front the leather plates on either side thick enough to stop some damage but not restrict her movement.

    As the duel timer started to count down, Teayre spoke. “You know, I knew someone who had the same eyes as you. I went with her on a quest, it took quite a while. I almost decided to kill her then, I didn’t and it seems to have paid out so far.” She watched as her opponent drew a red katana. “We’ll be the first bracket!” Teayre shouts just as the timer reaches ten  seconds to go.

    Letting out a breath, she pushes her left foot back. Rotating the saya, turning the blade handle. She gripped it. The crimson maiden knew how she was going to attack. “Will I stop?” Her lip twisted at one side. Would she stop? There was only one way to find out.



    Level: 49 Health: 995 Energy: 98 ACC: +4 EVA: 3 DMG: 13 (14 on Rank 5 Sword Arts)MIT: 12 LD: +3

    Ketsueki Kanashiki: +6 DMG
    Hidden Stone: +3 EVA
    Finding Stone: +3 ACC
    Basic Light Armour

    OHCS: Rank 5
    Light Armour: Rank 3
    Charge: Rank 4
    Battle Healing: Rank 1
    Search & Detect: Rank 3

    Extra Skills:
    Katana: Rank 1
    Battojutsu: Rank 1

    Athletics: +1 DMG, +15 HP
    Precision: +1 ACC
    Night Vision
    OHCS – Rank 5 Ferocity


    ID: 68947 BD: 9 CD: 2 LD: 15 (Unbuffed) MD: 1

  7. Teayre could see Urburus in the distance as she trawled along the edge of one of the mountains. The pathway just up ahead. Stopping her mind begins to race. Images, flashing back. She keeps her hand on her weapon steeling herself just in case. Flicking her red hair over her shoulder the girl steps forwards as the sound of laughter reaches her ears. Her eyes went wide before narrowing again. Of course she had struck her father down, he was no longer here. She pressed onwards up the mountain stopping at the edge of the High Field of Crossing look out over the people who had arrived.

    Several people she recognised. Itzal, Kasier. She’d helped them but not seen them in quite a long time. Macradon and Lowenthal were there from the Knights. Shrugging Teayre turns to leave but a flicker of blonde hair catches her eye. “Oikawa.” She murmurs quietly. Her eyes focused on a curious figure. “Well who are you?” She ponders whilst walking slowly towards the heavily clad leather armour. The red head was finally close enough to catch a voice. “Did she just call you an Onion?”

    Smirking to herself Teayre looks at the other players. “Itzal, Kasier.” She says in greeting nodding to them. “You in the outfit.” Waving a hand towards the figure in leather. “Fancy a spin?” Her left hand pushed the tsuba of her wakazashi, exposing the blade from the saya. “Of course, I’ll go easy on you, wouldn’t want to kill you in front of the weak ones.”

  8. Teayre listened with quiet contemplation as several other members of the Spectrum Coalition piped up. One person she didn’t expect to see was Heathcliff. Raising an eyebrow at the commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath. As Baldur clapped his hands together she looked at him, inclining her head. Looking at the three other members of her guild she gave a small sigh. “Calrex, Oikawa, Baldur. I’ll talk to you soon.” Turning Teayre walked away from the group, disappearing into the gloom of the floor. Her feet trudging through the soft mud of the floor. Her hand going to her hip, attempting to grip the muramasa. Letting out a sigh Teayre looked over her shoulder, “Guess I’ll just have to get used to it.” Swallowing the red head knew the next few weeks would be the hardest. Soon though. Soon. As she reached the stairs she descended to the pass in which they had faced Leonidas.

  9. Her foot leaves the ground as she shot forward, her speed carrying her straight into her husband. The butt of the muramasa striking the hilt of Calrex’s Grand Blade. Looking up at her husband Teayre eyes him. The blade of the her weapon now completely covered. “Just making sure I could still do what I need to do.” Flashing him a mischievous smile, like the old one she used to give him, the red head flicks her hair over her shoulder as she walks forwards catching up with the rest of the group. The hackles of Baldur’s wolf caught Teayre’s eye. Gently she placed a hand on the beasts head and rubbed for a moment. “You are adorable.” As she stood up her eyes flicking to the side of the mountain. “Lycan. Just on your left.” Keeping her thumb pressed against the tsuba of her katana Teayre let out a short breath. When was she going to tell him?

  10. The message came up on Teayre’s display  flicking  through looking at the recipients she noticed that it was sent to everyone. “Should I go?” The girl questioned herself.  Gently gripping the curved blade at her hip, she runs her hand along the blunt side of the blade. Would they all be there? She didn’t know. The muramasa, now in the hands of the azure chevalier and Akuma’s Vein in the hands of the Feint. Swallowing, her hair flicking around her as she made her way down to the second floor. Uburus could be seen clearly and Teayre made her way. As she started to get closer Teayre moved around the edge of the lake, watching the festivities from afar. Settling down at the foot of the mountain her fingers rapping on her knees, curling her hair, she squinted. “Can’t blame them for having fun, as limited fun as it is.”

  11. Teayre watched as Vyrtew began to dematerialize. The young teen using the teleport crystal that she had given him so that he could survive if needed. He had wasted it. Her teeth grinding together as she stared at the space that he had been stood at, her hand gripping tighter around the muramasa. “Seriously.” She mutters quietly before looking at Baldur, letting out a sigh. “No chance he would have missed it.” Her eyes training on Tagas, the fallen angel slowly rising. “About time.” She says before her blade glints in the darkness. Moving to the side her agility letting her dodge the flames that came towards her, from the jagged blade. As Teayre’s foot landed she moved back in slicing deep into Tagas. Letting out a scream. Her blade repeatedly striking the boss as it began to disperse into crystals she turned around to see the body of Vyrtew disappeared. “I’m going to kill him.” Were the words she muttered before stalking off.

    ID: 68825 BD: 6 (2 + 4 ACC) CD:  7 (Battle Healing Activated) LD: 10 (8 + 2 LD) MD: 3

    San Ge Used: 15 * 12 = 180 DMG

    [H:3] Teayre: 182/189 HP EN: 18/46 (1 Energy Regen, - 12 Energy)
    Baldur:  120/120 EN: 15/30
    Vyrtew: 36/36 EN: 4/9 
    Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9 (Safeguard)

    Tagas The Corrupted: HP -71/650 | 155 DMG | 65 MIT 180-65 =115 DMG


    Total Loot:
    17 Materials

    6000 Col

  12. Teayre let out a long breath after she was done shouting at the NPC. “What good will it really do me?” Taking a couple of steps back she watches as Baldur makes his move, but not before Tagas took a chance against Vyrtew. The floor charring as yet another strike was made, “Surely you can do better than that.” She tuts at the boss. “Those two have been nothing but trouble.” Her eyes flick from Vyrtew, to Syn and then to the Azure Chevalier. “Guess I can’t kill them yet, he gave them his word.”

    Taking a slow breath Teayre sighs stepping forwards, preparing for her turn to attack. Vyrtew had just darted in, the boys steel dagger cutting into a couple of vital points on Tagas, causing the boss to remain still. “Huh. So you did something useful after all?” Teayre said nonchalantly her turn to attack came. The red head didn’t wait. Her blade starting to sing as she shot forwards, her blade came in from five different directions. North, South, East, West and straight in the centre. Twice. Each cut made contact with Tagas. The gleam from the muramasa seemingly singing. “Let’s finish this.” She says nodding at Baldur, “I’m done wasting my time.”

    ID: 68762 BD: 11 (7+4 ACC) CD: 4 LD: 13 (11 + 2 LD) MD: 5

    San Ge Used: 15 * 12 = 180 DMG

    [H:0] Teayre: 182/189 HP EN: 18/46 (1 Energy Regen, - 12 Energy)
    Baldur:  120/120 EN: 15/30
    Vyrtew: 36/36 EN: 4/9 
    Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9 (Safeguard)

    Tagas The Corrupted: HP 195/650 | 155 DMG | 65 MIT 180 (-65) = 115 DMG

  13. “No matter how our times change… Nothing about my truth ever will.” Teayre said quietly yet loud enough for Calrex to hear. Her lips remained straight, her eyes and expression remaining neutral giving no indication of anything. “Calrex. You and the Spectrum Coalition will always have my support.” Letting her eyes fall shut Teayre gave a few breaths. “She’s not got it in her to kill someone in complete cold blood Calrex. Take that from me.” The fingers of her left hand rapped on her knee for a second before stopping, curling into a fist. “She will calculate and determine the effect of her killing, she gets pleasure from manipulating people. Much like Kayaba.”

    “As for what I think about the guilds. The Knight’s they’re trying to rule Aincrad just as much as Laughing Coffin. The pk guild wants people to live in fear and torment of them. The Knight’s want respect.” Teayre makes quotation marks in the air as she continues to speak, “To keep the peace.” Letting her hands fall she raises an eyebrow. “No, they want everyone in their palms so they can be the heroes of Aincrad.” Teayre gave a small chuckle before continuing, “Finally there’s the Coalition. I’m not too sure about what we could be classed as…” Looking up towards the sky the red head let out a small sigh. "Despite whatever ideals anyone has, they always inevitably fall."

  14. Teayre’s feet trudged out onto the snow as she left the tower of Aincrad. Her husband at her side. The red head was continuously glancing at her husband as they walked down. The snow was falling softly, slowly. The forest was carpeted with a smooth sheet of snow, no one had been there recently. The sun light that shone down through the bough of the trees caused the girl to squint for a moment before she stopped as the couple reached a clearing. “Cal…” Teayre began before stopping, “How am I going to tell him…” The girl swallowed as she started to speak again, “Cal, I…” Her hands clenched turning to fists. “There’s no one that cares about you right?”  The words that her husband had muttered to himself, a little louder than he had intended. “It’s true, no one does care about me.”

    Letting her eyes flutter shut Teayre takes several breaths. “Calrex, I’m sorry. A price to be paid and a consequence for every action. You said those words to me not long ago.” She slowly opened them before looking at her partner in the eye. “The advice you gave me. I’ve thought about it, during the boss meeting, even on the journey down here it’s why I’ve been so quiet.” Walking into the centre of the clearing the red head gives a small smirk. “Thought this bit looked familiar, do you remember the dragon we fought here?” She chuckled quietly before her eyes went back to Calrex. “Everything must be in balance, or everyone suffers. Again I quote what you said.” Kneeling down slowly, almost ritualistic.

    Her left knee touching the ground followed by her right knee. Teayre draws her swords the Ketsueki Kanashiki. Placing it on the snow in front of her the red head lets out a small sigh. Her left hand goes to the white floor first followed by her right as she bows towards Calnus Hevrex. After several seconds with her forehead pressed to the cold floor she kneels back up.

    “What is our balance then Calrex? Light and dark need to be in equal measure. Light and Dark, Good and Evil, Yin and Yang. They’re all the same aren’t they? What can we really do, we can only be ourselves. Opal… Opal’s interesting she’s not a pker at heart, she likes manipulation, she likes control like my father.” Teayre let out a long sigh before continuing.  “Is she the evil of Aincrad? Who’s the good? Us? The Knight’s of the Blood? It always seems so clear cut in all the games and films out there. It’s just grey in reality isn’t it?” The red head’s back was erect, her hands resting on her knees as she looked at her husband with a steely gaze. “Who is really the bad guy? Kayaba was working towards making this entire world his play thing, to make people play the game of life so to speak? Although he wanted to make a point.” The red head paused, “Have I said enough?” She questioned herself in silence. “Only one way to find out. Wait and see.” With that she was quite watching her husband waiting for his reply.

  15. Teayre watched as Tagas began to emerg fully corrupted in front of her. The crimson eyes were like steel as she watches the mob scream in agony before… Before he was born anew. She looked down at the blade that struck down to their left. “Really? You’re going to terrorise us with that?” Her eyes met Tagas. “Seriously bad NPCs…” Red eyes flicking up and down before she sighed and mumbled quietly. “They said dreams can come true. they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams to.” The Muramasa brandished at her side Teayre lunges forward the sword art taking effect as she begins to hack and slash at the mob. After a short amount of time she stopped in front of Tagas. Looking into his eyes. “You don’t know the meaning of fear. You have no concept of Terror.” Placing a hand on the angel’s chest Teayre shoves only to have to side step out of the way of a blade with a coat of dark flame coming sailing towards her. “Try HARDER!” The red head shouts at the NPC.

    ID: 67899 BD: 11(7 + 4 ACC) CD: 10 (BH) LD: 5

    San Ge Used: (15 + 4) * 12 = 228 DMG

    [H:0] Teayre: 182/189 HP EN: 29/46 + 11 HP (1 Energy Regen, - 12 Energy)
    [H:0] Baldur:  120/120 EN: 26/30 (no action taken)
    [H:1] Vyrtew: 36/36 EN: 7/9 
    [H:0] Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9 (Safeguard)

    Tagas The Corrupted: HP 486/650 | 155 DMG | 65 MIT (228-65) = 163 DMG

  16. Teayre scowled as Calrex patted her on the head. “Did he really?” She thinks to herself.  Taking a step back she glares up at her husband. “Cal-“ She begins to growl in a warning tone when Macradon spoke. Her eyes flicked to the Knight and she sighed. “Does it matter?” The red head snapped, looking back at Lycan before huffing. “Guess we’d better get a move on.” Teayre begins to walk off ahead stopping. Then turning around.

    Her hand rested on the hilt of the sheathed Muramasa as she began to pull the blade. “Calrex.” Teayre mutters before crouching slightly lower. “You really did what I think you did?” The girl’s entire body began to tense as she started to draw the Muramasa out of the its sheathe. “Sometimes. Just SOMETIMES!” Teayre’s voice got louder as she pushed off her back foot and made her way towards her husband. Her target.

  17. Teayre’s eyes glazed over Vyrtew and Syn as they stood there, not reacting to Tagas. It was almost as if they were phased out. The red head closed her eyes for several moments taking a few deep breaths as her battle healing skill activated. “There’s no point me attacking just yet.” She states sitting down on one of the pews in the overgrown church. The blood red drapes that hung covering the stained glass windows shifted slightly. The crimson maiden’s eyes flicked to them, as a trickle of light came through. Her own eyes reflected the light making it appear as if they were on fire. “As soon as he corrupts I’ll strike Bal. We’ll take him down quick and ditch these two.” Her lips began to twitch at the corners. “Soon. It won’t be long now.” Taking another breath in Teayre holds it for several seconds before exhaling. “Need to stay calm.” She mutters before nodding, her entire attention focused on Tagas.

    ID:  67832 BD: 8 CD: 12 [Battle Healing Activated] LD: 16 MD: 3

    No Action Taken

    [H:1] Teayre: 171/189 +11 HP EN: 37/46
    [H:2] Baldur:  120/120 EN: 25/30 (-2/+1 EN)
    [H:0] Vyrtew: 36/36 EN: 7/9 
    [H:0] Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9 (Safeguarded)

    Tagas: HP 329/350 | 75 DMG | 25 MIT  

  18. Teayre raised an eye at Macradon, before watching Baldur’s lips, her own curling. “Helping him out are w-“ Her sentence was cut short however as the white haired teen in front of her spin around and shoot past her. Her hand tightened on her blade as she span. Following.

    Even as Lycan cryed out at making her orange Teayre’s blade was already coming down, the steel slicing some of the white strands away from the top of his head. Her blade cut through a werewolf just the other side of the boy as he offered his hand to her, although she hadn’t managed to strike in time. Skidding to a stop she glared out her new acquaintance. Her hand wrapped tightly around the leather bound hilt of the blade. “Lycan.” Teayre muttered quietly, slowly. “That was my hair.” She continued, stepping forwards a loose branch snapping under her foot.

    Her left thumb pressed against the tsuba of the sheathed blade as the red head bared some of the naked steel. Her right hand moved slightly. “Now. You three.” She continues glaring at the two members of the Spectrum Coalition and the tag along. “Why in the name of me did you not spot those wolves and deal with them?”

    ID: 67742 BD: 7 (3 + 4 ACC) CD: 12 (Nat) [Battle Healing Activate] LD: 10 MD: 8 (Hit Teayre)

    Teayre: 189/189 – (6 DMG – 12 MIT + 11 BH)
    EN: 45/46

    Lycan: 30/36 EN: 5/9
    WereWolf: 0/15 15 DMG - DEAD

  19. Finally the red head had reached the top of the steps. In front of her another four skeletons. Letting out a sigh Teayre closed her eyes for a split second as she shot forwards. Her blade drawing from its sheathe as she makes a single strike across all four mobs. “I just want to kill your king. Get my Quest Reward and get the hell out of here.” As the four piles of bones began to disperse into crystals Teayre dismissed the loot window. Moving across to the great door that loomed over her the red head presses her hand against it. Gently shoving it. With no success at opening it. Looking closer there appeared to be several moveable objects around. Teayre looked at the door and engraved on the iron monstrosity was symbols. A hawk in the top left, a bear in the top right, a dragon at the bottom left, a wolf at the bottom right. In the center was a snake.

     ID: 68922 BD: 10 (Nat) [+2 DMG] Batto Activated CD: 9 (BH Activated) LD: 12 (9 + 3 LD) MD: 7 [Stunned]

    Iai Used: 13 Energy, Mobs Stunned (15+2+4)*10 = 210 DMG

    Teayre: 189/189
    EN: 5/46 (13 Used, 1 Regen)

    Skeleton: 0/100 210 – 25 MIT = 185 DMG x4

    4 x Materials
    4 x (100*5 Col) = 2000 Col

    Total Loot:
    6000 Col
    29 Materials

  20. As the bickering continued Teayre let out a heavy glancing over to Baldur. The Azure Chevalier had placed his thumb over the tsuba. The blade remained sheathed as he stood. Inclining her head Teayre sits back down by her tree. Resting her hand on her knee she listens to Baldur’s comment. “Right then. All of you scumbags shut the hell up!” Teayre ordered not waiting she continued, “We all know Opal is a beautiful mayhem mind, however if anyone has a problem leave now. If anyone tries to derail this meeting again I will not hesitate in killing them.”

    Letting out a sigh, “We’re here to sort out the frigging tactics for the boss. If you all are bickering. Myself, Calrex, Oikawa, Takao and Baldur will go and five man the boss. So shut it.” She rapped her fingers on her knee, “Baldur you’re point is good and valid, those of us who are stronger should try and take the boss out ASAP, but if the boss oozes the same liquid as that on the ground, the quicker he takes damage the more crap will be on the ground for us to deal with.” Teayre closed her eyes for a moment. “What I think would be best, a low energy and a support player in each group who deals with the over flow. Three DPS, who react as needed and a single tank for obvious reasons. Any suggestions on this?”

    The crimson maiden looks at each of the players who had arrived before adding, “Keeping in mind my earlier statement.”

  21. Teayre looked up as her husband appeared, smiling weakly at him. “Hey Callie…” She replies to his greeting, unable to meet his eyes. As the boy makes his way over to her Teayre glances up only being able to make it as far as his chin before looking away again. “So it’s time for the quest huh?” Teayre swallows before nodding, “It’s time. I’ve asked Oikawa to come as well… I don’t know when he’ll get here though.” Her feet moved through the grass, kicking a stone forward. “I guess we’d better get a move on to that church, perhaps we could sit in the Starlight Café after….” “Even if it is for the last time.” Shaking her head Teayre pushes the thoughts to the back of her mind. Boars where littered around engaged in combat with a lot of lower level players. “Do you remember it Cal?” Teayre asked her husband. Her voice quiet almost a whisper.

  22. Even though the red had made it to the bottom of the stairs, the danger was far from over.  Letting out a long sigh as several mobs appeared in front of her. “What am I going to do?” The red head quietly mused to herself before beginning her movement. One hand on the saya that held the Muramasa one hand on the hilt. Breathing slowly the crimson maiden kicks off letting her charge skill take hold of her. The blade beginning to glow a brilliant white as she shoots past the four skeletons that had started to come down towards her. Her blade glow vanished as she stood straight, turning to see pixels bursting from each of the steps she had taken. “Iai,” The red hair whispers, narrowing her eyes as she looks distastefully down at the creatures she had just slain. “A little bit more and I’ll be at the boss room I hope…”

    ID: 67223 BD: 9 (Nat) [+1 DMG, Batto Activated] CD: 7 (BH Activated) LD: 6 (3 + 3 LD) MD: 7 (Stunned)

    Iai Used: 13 Energy, Mobs Stunned (15+1+4)*10 = 200 DMG

    Teayre: 189/189
    EN: 17/46 (13 Used, 1 Regen)

    Skeleton: 0/100 200 – 25 MIT = 175 DMG x4

    4 x Materials

    Total Loot:
    4000 Col
    25 Materials


  23. The first floor. The boars. The wolves. The players who were still taking their first steps out of Starting City. Teayre walked past them all, her blade gently tapping at her leg, the red knight’s coat flapping around her. Her fingers slid around her weapon as she looked up letting a small sigh out.  The sun was at its highest, the crimson maiden had finally decided to take on the quest her husband had wanted her to take for some time. She gritted her teeth, “Not that I’ll stay this way for long… Just till I manage to complete all the other quests. Maybe…” the girl mutters bitterly to herself. Opening her menu, she hits a few buttons, quickly typing up a message she sends it to two of her guild mates. Her closest friends. Calrex and Oikawa. The message simply said one thing, Redemption. The red head glanced up at her orange cursor and sighed. “Let’s get going then.”

  24. A ping came up on her display in front of her. Screams surrounded the red head as she stood calmly in the Forest of Wavering Mist. Opening them message she had just received Teayre reads through it nodding slowly. “Guess I’d better move then.” Quickly the red head makes her way down to the first floor and to the Gurando Foji. Opening the door she smiles at the shop owner, her guild mate and most importantly her friend. “Hey Kawi-kun.” Teayre greets the blonde, “I got your message sorry it’s taken me a while to get down here.” She took the blade from the stand that Oikawa had placed it on drawing it, the red head smiles. “It’s perfect thanks. Do you think you’d be able to make me a shield at all? I’m finally working on that other build of mine. I trust you to know what enhancements it should need, I’m planning on tanking with it. See ya!” With that Teayre turned her new blade at her hip.

    Ketsueki Kanashiki Gained

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