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Posts posted by Teayre

  1. Without waiting Teayre continues to shoot along the corridors, her head turning left and right as she dismisses several turning before finally making a sharp right. Not stopping she draws the Muramasa and cuts the Giant Kobold and three of its subordinates in front of her clean into two. She let out a gasp of pain however as they each manage to score a hit on the girl causing her flame thorns to activate burning their pixels to a crisp as she finishes landing. Looking ahead Teayre had reached a T-junction. Unsure of which way to go she opens her inventory and takes a single coin of col out. Placing it on her fist she flicks it up in the air. “Heads I go left.” She says catching it in the air and slapping it onto the back of her other hand. As she removes her hand the shape of a lion’s tail appears beneath it.

    Zekkai Used: (15 + 4) * 7 = 133 DMG

    ID: 66385 BD: 10 (8 + 4 ACC) [Batto Activated] CD: 5 LD: 7 (5 + 2 LD) MD: 7

    Teayre: 117/197 EN: 0/48 (54 - 12 MIT - 32 Flame Aura) = 10 DMG = 40 DMG Total

    Giant Kobold: 0/72 (114 – 18 MIT) = 96 DMG x 4

    16/25 Monsters Slain

  2. The cold walls of the dungeon were high around her, long white crystal like trees lining the paths. Teayre kept her eyes out for mobs however they were all keeping quiet it seemed. As she pressed her foot down a loud clanking sounded. “What the?” She asked before jumping back, narrowly avoiding an axe that swung across in front of her face. “Seriously?” She mutter before rolling her eyes, “Why am I not surprised Kayaba. So standard a trap in an RPG.” As she looks ahead Teayre spots some Kobold sentries into front of her. “Wolves, now Kobolds? It does sound like the first floor all over again as a swamp.” Without hesitating the girl dashed forwards her blade drawing , <<Charge>> skill activating as she uses her beloved Haku Senpu. The wind whipped around her knocking the kobolds flying as they burst into pixels. “Can’t waste much more time. Who knows what else is around here.” She mutters quietly to herself.

    ID: 66383 BD: 7 (3 + 4 ACC) CD: 2 LD: 13 (11 + 2 LD) MD: 6 [Stunned]

    Haku Senpu: (15 + 4) * 8 = 152 DMG 19 Energy Used

    Teayre: 163/197 EN: 6/48 (1 Restored, 19 lost)

    Kobold Guard: 0/72 x4 152 – 18 = 134 DMG x 4

    12/25 Monsters Slain



  3. Teayre didn’t hesitate as she hit the water jumping up she spam her blade lighting up as her sword art Iai activated. Cutting through each of the wolves in one smooth motion the girl  landed bank on the bank. Looking at the window she sighed, as she didn’t receive much in the way of loot. “Although that’s to be expected, they’re just paltry trash.” She wanted something more. No she craved it. Grinning she looked around this floor was exciting her. An archway could be seen not far away. “The Tower.” Teayre says, running towards it the girl presses on the door pushing it open. “Now to find the boss room.” The easy bit was done. She now needed to locate the boss room, and without any of the dungeon mapped out it was going to be a hard slog. Her blade back in its sheathe at her hip she set off.

    ID: 66381 BD: 10 (Nat) Batto Activated CD: 7  LD: 21 (19 + 2 LD) MD: 10 (Nat) [Stunned Mobs]

    Iai Used: (15 * 10) = 150 DMG

    Teayre: 163/197 EN: 24/48 (1 Restored, 13 lost)

    Grey Wolf: 0/72 x4 150 – 18 = 132 DMG x4 [Stunned this Turn]

    8/25 Mobs Slain

  4. The wolves had surrounded Teayre and leapt in towards her. Unable to do anything the girl parried the attacks. Spinning and twirling doing everything needed to avoid being killed. Sparks flew as her katana met their teeth. She wasn’t able to get an attack off, her energy draining. Jumping backwards Teayre manages to manoeuvre onto the bridge. Goading them towards her. The larger one leaps over the stream, and lands at the other end of the bridge. “Great.” Teayre mutters sarcastically before closing her eyes. Casting her mind back to when she was in stick situations previously the red head had found that she was often trying to survive by killing first. Swallowing she opened her eyes. “Time for a new tactic” she says and begins stands on the broken, water logged rail of the bridge. “Come and get me.” Jumping she lands in the water. The wolves howled following her.

    ID: 66380 BD: 1 (Fail) CD: 1 LD: 18 (16 + 2) LD: MD: 3

    Teayre: 163/197 EN: 36/48 (1 Restored, 2 lost)

    Grey Wolf: 72/72 x4

  5. The sound of howling from the distance reached her. The girl couldn’t help but smile, there seemed to be more wolves in this swampy forest than there were on the first floor. “I should go back to my original idea and get a wolf for a familiar…” She mused quietly her mind casting back to when Lawfer had abandoned her when she had taken the quest on the 15th floor. “I wonder.” She says quietly before breaking into a sprint heading straight towards the howling. As she arrived she leant against a tree, looking over one of the narrower rivers where an old bridge was sat, the timber appeared to be rotten. Another four wolves were opposite her all much larger than before. Their grey coats shimmering in the dim light. Stepping onto the bridge it creaked as the wood began to take her weight. She pushed off carrying herself over it her blade drawing. However she came to a halt a short distance from the wolves as they did her.

  6. As she waded through the water, the red head looked up and spotted some movement in the trees ahead. A few wolves had already sniffed her out and began howling. Sighing Teayre shoots forwards her blade drawing spinning in two half circles she cuts the four wolves down. Not before they had dug their own claws into her though. Letting out a small gasp before her flames clawed back at them burning them eradicating them with her half circles. “Gen Getsu.” She mutters under her breath. “It’s been a while since I’ve used you.” Glancing up Teayre looks at the dark rolling clouds, no sun light breaching them. The murk that covered the floor caused a smile from the red head. “So this is darkness.” She grinned, “It’s nice. It’s good.” She says quietly. Savouring the light wind that breathed across her taking the mugginess of the floor away. As she stood on the bank, the girl looks around trying to see where to go next.



    ID: 66376 BD: 7 (3 + 4 ACC) CD: 8 LD: 21 (19 + 2) MD: 8

    Gen Getsu Used: (15 + 4) * 6 = 114 DMG (12 Energy)

    Teayre: 157/197 EN: 36/48 (54 - 12 MIT - 32 Flame Aura) = 10 DMG = 40 DMG Total

    Grey Wolf: 0/72 (114 – 18 MIT) = 96 DMG x 4

    4/25 Monsters Slain

    4 Materials



  7. ID: 66371 LD: 8 (6 + 2 LD)

    Sheathing her blade as the boss bursts into pixels Teayre looks over to the bickering brats. Slowly walking over to them the crimson maiden cuffs them both around the back of the head. “The pair of you. Cut it out now.” She said her voice firm. “We’re on the thirteenth floor, if you both don’t sort it out right this second, I’ll leave you two hear and take Baldur with me. At least you’d have a shot a survival then.” She glanced up and caught sight of the samurai’s jaw shifting slightly. “Baldur, I’m sorry about earlier. However this isn’t the place to discuss it.” She grinned, “Let’s keep going.” Leaving the dungeon with her party the girl begins to look around trying to spot the chapel that Tagas was supposedly hiding out in. Gritting her teeth as she was unable to see any such building even in the graveyard she was stood in. “Damnit.”


    Artisan Rank 8

    ID: 66361 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare
    Item: Searcher’s Eye
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Loot Dice
    Description: A red lens within a golden monocle.
    Tier: 2

    ID: 66362 CD: 7 (6 + 1 CD) – Uncommon
    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: + 1 Accuracy
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

    Tier: 2

    ID: 66367 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Item: <Aimi's heart>
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Crafting Attempt per day
    Description: A dark green metal bracelet with a large purple gem shaped like a verbana flower, with two smaller ones to its side.  It gives off a faint glow.

    Tier: 1

    ID: 66368 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Item: Oblivion Ring
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: 2 accuracy 1 evasion
    Description: A sleek black ring with multiple runes unreadable to anyone who doesn't know them (Which of course Itzal does).  Lined on both sides of the ring are streaks of dark ruby gems.

    Tier: 1

  9. Itzal entered her shop, seemingly more friendly than he had been the past few times. “Itzal.” Teayre replies nodding at him. “No problems, I’ll let you know when they’re done.” Taking his order slips she reads through them smirking before glancing up meeting eyes with Rain. “We’ll go when you’re ready. I’ll meet you down on the floor at some point, it’ll take me a few days to get down there though.” She took the col he offered her and scooped up Itzal’s col at the same time, adding them to her and her husband’s inventory. Yet another patron entered the red heads shop, this time it was Aya. “Eleven Mats and 700 col? Hmmm…” Teayre pauses for a moment, “Okay but I want discounts on your potions. Considering I’m helping to make them all.” She grins her wicked smile before turning waving a hand. “If you’re waiting on an order get out, I’ll message you when it’s done.”



    +4700 Col, + 11 Mats

    -Mortar and Pestle
    -Herb Planter
    -Precise Alembic
    -Death’s Dance

    ID: 66360 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good
    ID: 66361 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare

    Item: Searcher’s Eye
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Loot Dice
    Description: A red lens within a golden monocle.

    ID: 66362 CD: 7 (6 + 1 CD) – Uncommon

    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: + 1 Accuracy
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

    ID: 66363 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good
    ID: 66364 CD: 5 (4 + 1 CD) – Good
    ID: 66365 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good
    ID: 66366 CD: 6 (5 + 1 CD) – Good

    ID: 66367 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Item: <Aimi's heart>
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +1 Crafting Attempt per day
    Description: A dark green metal bracelet with a large purple gem shaped like a verbana flower, with two smaller ones to its side.  It gives off a faint glow.

    ID: 66368 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect
    Item: Oblivion Ring
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: 2 accuracy 1 evasion
    Description: A sleek black ring with multiple runes unreadable to anyone who doesn't know them (Which of course Itzal does).  Lined on both sides of the ring are streaks of dark ruby gems.

    ID: 66369 CD: 5 (4 + 12 CD) – Good Item
    46 EXP Gained, 10 Mats used



  10. Teayre watched as the last Spartan fell dead, the doors before her opened up. Stepping through them the red head made her way onto the eighteenth floor. As she looked around as far as she could see was a forest before her. It almost reminded the girl of the swampy floor below. However instead of mangroves it was birch trees. Her feet began to trudge through the soft grass, squelching as they pressed against the mud that seeped over her boots.  Looking up all she can see is dark clouds above her, a small patch of sun before it disappeared again. “This floor… The darkness…” She muttered quietly to herself before walking forwards. Coming to a river Teayre looks up and down it trying to see if there is a way ford it before stepping through. Unable to find a bridge she sighs, and trudges through the murky waters that came up to her hips.

  11. A yell of help from behind cause Teayre to glance back. Gritting her teeth the red head looked as wolves beset upon Kasier. Their fangs ripping into girl alongside their claws. As her eyes glossed over the mobs she saw the black haired girl's health bar drop a small amount. Gripping her katana Teayre charges at the wolves, her blade a single slash. <<Zekkai>>, <<Battojutsu>> and her <<Charge>> skill all activating at once made it easy for the crimson maiden to dispatch all four of the wolves. “I said stay close.” Teayre mutters to Kasier, looking up back the way that they had several figure's lined the ridge that the brush they had emerged from rested on. “GET A MOVE ON!” Teayre shouts, before slowly backing up her katana held at the ready for the newer mobs. They were bigger than the wolves they had faced before. This wasn't the Snow Beast, despite how similar they looked. “Kasier! At the end of the valley there is the cave. Get there now.” She continues her eyes narrowing as the snow picks up the pace.



    ID: 66356 BD: 10 (8 + 4 ACC) CD: 9 [Battle Healing Activated] LD: 7 MD: 9 [+1 DMG]

    Zekkai Used. (7 Energy) = (15 + 4 * 7) = 133 DMG

    Teayre: 189/189 EN: 34/46
    Kasier: 52/56 EN: 14/14 [4 x (12 + 1Crit – 27 MIT Damage) = 4 Total Damage

    ~DEAD~ Snow Wolf: 0/100 (133 – 25 MIT) = 108 DMG x4

    4 x Materials

    Total Loots:
    - 4000 Col
    - 12 Materials



  12. The red head’s challenge had not gone unheard. The fourth phalanx surged forwards again attacking her, the glinting steel. The lick of flames. The thrill of the fight. Letting out a yelp of excitement as she was thrust into again and again, the depth not causing much concern to her as if they were wielding daggers instead of spears. Then her raid members ignored her. Baldur, Opal, Zandra. It was to be expected she gritted her teeth in frustration. “I don’t believe it.” The girl mused quietly. Steeling herself as she saw what came next. Oikawa, Ariel. Dashed in killing more of HER phalanx. Then her husband. Shaking her head Teayre grips the Muramasa tightly before unleashing a torrent of cuts. Wind began to shake and radiate out from her followed by twelve high reaching plumes of flame. Standing looks at the remaining members of the group in disgust. “Really? I’ve been wasting my time on you.” Spitting at them she walks past, following Takao as he heads towards the entrance.



    ID: 66348 BD: 10 (6 + 7 ACC) CD: 3 LD: 15 (13 + 2 LD) [Got phat loots] MD: 5

    Damage: 45 (15 Base + 4 Charge + 6 DMG Potion + 3 Potion of Fallen Strength + 6 Vodka + 1 Banner of Command + 10 Amulet)
    Haku Senpu Used. (19 Energy)

    -38/1500 HP
    100 Mitigation
    -1 Evasion
    +1 Accuracy

    60 Monsters per Phalanx Group
    300 HP
    70 Mitigation
    -2 Evasion
    +2 Accuracy

    (Edit in your own stats as your turn passes, and tag the next person in line with the "@" symbol.)

    [H: P4: 1] Calrex: 348/353- (35/67 EN)
    [H: 0] Takao: 460/463 - (102/201 EN) (-2/+1)
    [H: 3] Teayre: 319/339 - (94/138 EN)
    [H: 0] @Macradon 306/323 - (84/129 EN) 

    (Phalanx 1: 0 Remaining)
    (Phalanx 2: 0 Remaining)
    (Phalanx 3: 12 Remaining)
    *6 Spartans: -0/300 ( -336 DMG)
    *6 Spartans: 0/300 (-336 DMG)

    (Phalanx 4: 6 Remaining) Spartans: 44/300 (45*8) = DAMAGES 12 Deaded
    (Phalanx 5: 0 Remaining)

    [H: 0] Mack 419/420 - (111/144 EN) 
    [H: 0] Lawfer 290/292 - (43/129 EN) 
    [H: 1] Baldur 156/156 - (11/29 EN)
    [H: 1] Opal: 204/204 - (22/51 EN) <<Safeguard>>
    [H: 1] Zandra: 241/241 (43/49 EN)

    Phalanx 4


    [H: 1] Oikawa: 210/213 - (17/53 EN)
    [H: 1] Ariel: 243/245 - (26/50 EN)
    [H: 0] Xion: 129/153 - (23/27 EN)  
    [H: 0] Lowenthal: 127/156 - (27/39 EN)
    [H: 0] Seul: 143/153 (-10 HP) - (26/32 EN) 

    Phalanx 4





  13. I don't know Cal...” Teayre sighed looking at her husband. “I'm sorry, you know how fed up I am of everything. Of people trying to abuse me. Trying to use me. I don't care about life any more. Why should I fear death?” The girl began to sob. Her voice slowly getting higher. “Why should I fear death, why should anyone fear death when life is what is cruel? As a player killer. As a person. I have murdered people. I have enjoyed it Calrex, not the feeling of taking someone's life. The feeling of freeing someone from life. From the trapped torment that we all suffer from.” She turned walking ahead a short way, wiping her eyes with the back of Akuma's Vein. “This fire... It doesn't suit me. I should be shrouded in darkness not standing as a beacon. I'm no hero.” Looking at her husband Teayre grimaces, “Let's go, I need to get off this floor. Maybe head to that café on the fourth floor by the glacier.”

  14. The red head rolls her eyes at Oikawa, “And here I thought you did.” Poking her tongue out at the blonde before she fell silent. “She?” Teayre muttered quietly, “Is that all she is to you now? I was talking about Kotori, Kawi-kun. None of us have seen her in such a long time as far as I know.” She swallowed as she paused for a moment. “Is this really the right thing to say?” Shaking her head as if to clear it for a moment she continues. “We know she's not dead, her name isn't crossed out on the Monument of Life! She's still on my friends list as well. Even after everything...”

    Silence followed. Teayre waited for several moments before turning to her husband, expecting Oikawa's full wrath to hit her. “There was one person, I've only quested once with them myself. They're not too sure of themselves but she does have a good head on her shoulders.” She began to continue, “She's low level, but I think with a bit of... Instruction, the girl would be worth joining us.” Looking at her husband she gently rests her hand on his for a moment before letting go. “Her name's Aya, go look for her. I don't think she's left the first floor yet. As for me. Right now I need to go see Meokka... Inform her of what's happenned.”

  15. The red head glanced back for a moment watching as Kasier sighed. Gritting her teeth she peers through the branches. A valley lay before them covered in snow. Creatures roamed on all fours, sometimes rearing up and letting out a howl. “Wolves.” Teayre mutters. Stopping she waits for Kasier to draw level with her. “Where we want to go is on the other end of the valley.” Her left hand inching down she pushes the tsuba of the Muramasa exposing the blade.

    Straightening up from her crouch the red head pushes through the bushes instantly attracting the attention of the monsters. “Well... This game does update then. Kasier! Stay Close!” Teayre commands before sprinting down into the lair of the wolf. Her right hand joining her left on the muramasa the red head draws it in a smooth motion, her charge skill taking effect as she cuts through four of the larger more grizzly wolves. She kept her run going, not looking back presuming that her black haired patron would keep up.




    ID: 66342 BD: 10 (Nat) [+2 DMG Batto Activated] CD: 5 LD: 20 (18+2 LD) MD: 1

    San Ge Used (15 + 4 + 2) * 12 = 252 DMG

    Teayre: 189/189 EN: 34/46

    Kasier: 56/56 EN: 14/14 (Took stats from Sig please update if incorrect)

    ~DEAD~Large Wolf: 0/200 (252-50MIT = 202 DMG) x 4


    (200*5) = 4000 Col
    4 x Materials
    4 x Bonus Materials



  16. Sighing as her white haired party members followed up on her attack she watched as the man with the blue veined tattoo’s took several strikes. Before he turned around smiling at the boy. The blade raising high up about to strike down when the man in blue whipped past his sword coming out of its sheathe in one smooth move. “Iai.” Teayre mutters. The man in front of her. He knew his katana. He knew his arts. The Azure Chevalier. Smiling in approval Teayre flexes her hand as she lets her next sword art loose. <<San Ge>>. Six times the blade struck each one cutting deep into the man before her. Her opponent seemed to surge with fire as the red head hit him. As the blue flames covered him he staggered backwards, his hand raised convening the fire in his left hand before running it along his sword. As he knelt onto one knee the stun taking effect. “Vyrtew.” Teayre called as her battle healing activated restoring some more of her health.

    ID: 66308 BD: 9 (5 + 4 ACC) CD: 10 (Battle Healing Activated) LD: 11 (9 + 2 LD) MD: 9

    San Ge Used: 15 * 12 = 180 DMG

    Demonic Cult Leader: 160/780 (stunned)
    DMG: 91 base per hit.

    [H:2] Teayre: 131/189 EN: 23/46 (11 Health Regened, (1 Energy Regened, 12 Energy Used.)
    [H:1] Vyrtew: 36/36 EN: 5/9

    [H:0] Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9
    [H:1] Baldur:  120/120 EN: 17/30

  17. Watching her patron motion for her to lead the way Teayre nods obliging her, and began to head straight for an outcropping of forest. “The most powerful player?” Snorting the girl continues. “Don’t make me laugh. His power came from dual blades. He was all damage and no defense. He died with a single strike from another player.” Shaking her head. “Besides, I’d have to say either Tristan, Takao or Calrex are the top three players at the moment.” The girl nods, “You’re right to a degree. However why fear death? It’s another step in a journey. Another rung on the ladder.” She falls silent as she continues to walk. “Liss…” She mutters quietly to herself, as a tear freezes to her cheek. Wiping it away she enters the tree line and heads forwards along a small path that doesn’t look well-travelled. “This way.” She says to Kasier quietly, “It won’t take long now. We’re almost there.”

  18. Teayre nodded at Baldur as he mentioned about dealing with it in three strikes. She chuckled, “We’re on the thirteenth floor Chevalier. Do you really think we’ll take it down in three strikes?” Shaking her head, “No it’ll take more than that. I’ll open up. Vyrtew and Syn will follow up and then you stun it. Got it?” She turned around the corner not even waiting for a reply. Pressing her hand against the door she pushed it open. A loud roar came from within. “So it’s time.”

    As she opened the entrance to the boss room, a man stood in front of her several heads higher. A wicked curved blade held in his right hand, a ball of blue fire in his left. His skin was covered with ultramarine tattoos that throbbed with each heartbeat. He looked up raised a finger from his left hand and pointed it at Teayre. “Are you prepared to die?” His voice boomed out. The crimson maiden grinned as she let her charge take effect the boss wasted no time as well hurtling towards the girl. As her <<Charge>> skill and the sword art <<San Ge>> took effect Teayre found her body being sliced in several places. Grinning she landed back away from the entrance. “Are you?” She replied maintain eye contact as one of the bosses four health bars nearly faded completely away.

    ID: 66274 BD: 11 (7 + 4 ACC) CD: 10 [Battle Healing Activated] LD: 19 MD: 9 (Nat) [+1 DMG]

    San Ge Used, 12 Energy Consumed – (15 + 4) * 12 = 228 DMG

    Demonic Cult Leader: 552/780
    DMG: 91 base per hit.

    [H:1] Teayre: 120/189 EN: 34/46 [91+1 = 92 DMG] – [12 MIT] |[189*0.06 = 11 Health Regen Battle Healing]
    @Vyrtew : 36/36 EN: 9/9
    Syn: 36/36 EN: 9/9
    Baldur:  120/120 EN: 30/30

  19. The crimson maiden listened as Kasier spoke to her, her mind taking each word that the black haired girl said. “Kasier. You say you fear me? Yet you don't realise what you really fear. Very few people here do.” Teayre pushed her chair back holding the muramasa within her hand she walks around to the door, following her patron into the blizzard. “Because you're a customer I won't kill you Kasier? Who knows?” She looked up into the sky, squinting as the snow struck her. “I really do miss this floor.”

    The girl muses before turning her attention back to her companion. “My stories? They're not just stories they are history. Perhaps almost legend and myth? I suppose you haven't heard of a player known as Zelrius. The hero of Aincrad?” Teayre let out a low chuckle. “Hero of Aincrad, that was self titled. He's now dead from his own arrogance.” The snow continued to rain down onto the duo as they wound their way through the near invisible paths. “I'll tell you this much Kasier, about my story as you put it. The thing people learn to fear is life. They don't accept it, they don't accept what will happen sooner or later. That is death.”

  20. Teayre stood to one side of her husband as he screamed at her, she smiled gently raising a hand to his cheek completely turning her back on Thruk. “There’s nothing to excuse, Cah-Lee-Kun.” She says sounding out each syllable of his name individually.  “You see. Oikawa… He’s different he’s honest. Even though, sometimes… There’s a darkness that claws out of him. He’s our comrade. The spectrum coalition Cah-Lee-Kun.” Teayre’s eyes glazed over for a moment as she met her husband’s watching him kneel down next to Thruk after incapacitating him.  Rolling her eyes Teayre sheathes her blade. The muramasa scraping down into its scabbard.

    “I know we’ve got two teleport crystals.”

    She shakes her head at the man. “No Calrex, I’m not using one of them.” Turning her head, the crimson maiden looks at the quivering man several feet away from her. “Thruk, Thruk, Thruk.” She repeats his name three times. “I may let you live. I may let you die. You see, I’m in a bit of a conundrum here.” Walking over to him she kicks his shoulder and places her foot into his shoulder. “Now then. The wonderful man behind me wants me to let you live. Not for your own sake, more for mine. I on the other hand want to kill you. Because it’ll be a laugh.” Cocking her head the girl pushed her thumb against the tsuba of the Muramasa, as the man struggled against her husband’s stun.

    “Tch. Idiot.” She mutters before turning around, her foot catching Thruk’s chin and she faces her husband. “Calrex, what can I do when you ask so nicely?” Sauntering over to him she paces a hand on his chest. “I love you, but never say I’m full of hot air again sweetie okay?” She smiles at the bluenette sweetly, before the corner of her lips twitch. “There are better things to do than deal with trash like that. Although I presume if they come after me again, I can let him join Calia?”

    Flicking her hair she turns and begins to walk away through a few of trees. Letting her thumb drop away from the muramasa she gently rests her hand between the hilt and her hip. “Calrex. What do you want from me?” The red head mutters to herself as she glances back to see if her husband, her lover, her partner was following her. Her eyes twinkling for a moment as she sighs, “He’s right… But still. Maybe…”

  21. The red head watched as Kasier twitched in front of her, the girl opening her eyes, that fake smile sliding over her lips. Her own lips twitched in response. “Kasier, my reasons… Well… What have I got to lose?” Teayre said as she gazed at the window. “Whipping someone of importance. Heh. You could say that Kasier.” Pausing for a moment the red head brought her coffee to her lips sipping, “Before we go, perhaps you can leave that smile behind. I’ve seen it one too many times… If you do that smile again I will change my mind.” Teayre’s words, they were as bitter as the coffee that she was drinking that swirled in its own chocolate brown.

    The red head continued, “My first kill, was my own father. Mostly for his arrogance, the way he treated me and my sister. You don’t need to know the details.” She took another sip mid-sentence before continuing, “After that there was a couple of other players I met on floor three, that was self-defence.” She chuckled before finishing the rest of her drink turning her eyes to Kasier, “After that I realised something very special. The killing. It’s fun. Besides who’s to say Kayaba isn’t just lying to us with what the Nerve Gear does. High Level players, low level players. It doesn't matter to me. The bit that matters is that you're a customer.” The girl grinned, “So let’s get this quest done.”

  22. The message popped up on her screen as she stepped into the sludge of the twelfth floor. Reading it through Teayre smirked before muttering to herself, “So he’s finally noticed. Well then.” Hefting the sheathed Muramasa onto her shoulder Teayre begins to walk forwards following the path that twisted up whistling a tune to herself. It sounded as if it could be something from The Magic Flute by Mozart. The smile on her face as she almost knew what to expect. “Calrex. If he tries to stop me doing what I want to again.” She grumbles.

    “My unique. Battojutsu.” She looked up at the sky as her feet trod the ground beneath her. “The silver haired woman… I guess she didn’t run away.” Looking down as she wound her way around the girl eventually found her way to the black haired dagger user. “Hik. I got your message.” She patted the boy on the back, “Welcome to the parade.”

  23. “You’ll count down from ten?” Teayre couldn’t help but begin to laugh. “I won’t kill you Kasier, at least. Not yet. You’re smart enough to know I have killed other players. Some for reasons, some for the fun of it.”  She grinned, nodding at the waitress as the steaming coffee arrived. Quickly sipping it she looks back over at Kasier.

    “5… 4…”

    Letting out a sigh she takes a knife that was lying on the table and places the blade on the girl’s right shoulder. “At the moment, there’s no point in killing you. First of all, who else knows that you are with me right now?” Shaking her head Teayre pauses, “Secondly, perhaps more importantly. I invited you out here because I failed to make you an item. If I killed you know, it’d be bad for business. Honestly…” Another exasperated sigh, before Teayre takes a swing of her drink. Waving the waitress over she asks for something stronger to be slipped into her drink.

    (OC: Go for it, if you want to :) )


  24. Nodding at her blonde friend and then her husband Teayre smiles, “Is there anybody else I need to meet?” She paused for a moment, “Who else is there, besides Takao… Just in case they turn down the offer. After all it’s not mandatory for people to join.” More clanking from around the group of three players as several NPCs marched around them.  Watching them from the corner of her eyes Teayre sighs. “I really wonder who they’re going to say…” “Cal.” The red head continues, “You’re right, regardless of what happens we are all in this together. Let’s do what we need to.” She watches as her closest comrade looks up into the sky. Stepping forwards she shakes his shoulder. “Oink. Stop fretting I’m sure she’s okay.” Teayre says, just before glancing over at Calrex. “I’ve heard a few rumours that Meokka’s started to come out of hiding again, I think I’ll go make sure she’s okay. Let her know what has happened.” Flashing a smile at Oikawa Teayre chuckles, “I’m annoyed you didn’t wait for me though.”

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