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Posts posted by Teayre

  1. Teayre stood still laughing as the remaining Spartans hit her to no avail. “Is that really the best you’ve got?” Grinning from ear to ear she raised a hand slamming her weapon into the ground. “I’ll give you another shot. Perhaps you can avenge that pathetic king of yours.” Her eyes flashed for a moment as her muscles tensed as her battle healing took effect rejuvenating some of her health. A cry came from above, looking up she saw a very familiar Peregrine and what looked like a snowy eagle flying together. Tears began to form into the crimson maiden’s eyes. “Beleram.” She whispered, clasping her hand around the hilt of her katana she quickly grips it and spins. “BELERAM!” her voice yells out, flames wreathing around her from the Spartan’s attack. Her katana striking nothing but air. “I’ll avenge you. I’ll save you Bel.” Swallowing Teayre looks the fourth phalanx in the eyes. “No one else shall interfere with out fight, or I will kill them myself. No matter who it is.”



    ID: 65980 BD: 1 (Crit Fail) CD: 7 (Battle Healing Activated) LD: 13 (11 + 2 LD) MD: 10

    -38/1500 HP
    100 Mitigation
    -1 Evasion
    +1 Accuracy

    60 Monsters per Phalanx Group
    300 HP
    70 Mitigation
    -2 Evasion
    +2 Accuracy

    (Edit in your own stats as your turn passes, and tag the next person in line with the "@" symbol.)

    [H: 3 (P3)] Calrex: 348/353 - (48/67 EN)
    [H: 1 (P3)] Takao: 460/463 - (103/201 EN) (+1/-6)
    [H: 2 (P3), H: 2 (P4)] Teayre: 321/339 - (112/138 EN)  (-2 Miss, +1 energy) + 20HP Battle Healing (339*0.06 = 20.34)
    [H: 0] @Macradon 306/323 - (105/129 EN) 

    (Phalanx 1: 0 Remaining)
    Phalanx 2: 0 Remaining)
    (Phalanx 3: 24 Remaining) Spartans: 88/300 (12 Spartans: -105HP) 
    (Phalanx 4: 36 Remaining) Spartans: 76/300
    (Phalanx 5: 0 Remaining)

    [H: 0] Mack 419/420 - (111/144 EN) 
    [H: 0] Lawfer 290/292 - (60/129 EN) 
    [H: 0] Baldur 156/156 - (22/29 EN)
    [H: 0] Opal204/204 - (40/51 EN) <<Safeguard>>
    [H: 0] Zandra: 241/241 (49/49 EN)

    Phalanx 3
    Phalanx 4


    [H: 0] Oikawa: 210/213 - (26/53 EN)
    [H: 0] Ariel - The Crowned Lion: 243/245 - (33/50 EN)
    [H: 3 (P:3)] Xion  140/153(-1 HP) - (23/27 EN)  
    [H: 0] Lowenthal: 127/156 - (24/39 EN)
    [H: 0] Seul: 153/153 - (26/32 EN) 

    Phalanx 3
    Phalanx 4



  2. Teayre looks at Emblem, chuckling. “No I just fancied a change of pace.” Her eyebrow raising a small bit, “Seriously, if you can stand here and talk to me. Just ask her if that’s going to be your reaction.” Running a hand through the small strands of grass around her Teayre looks up as Victor speaks. “Who likes whom? The one time I’ve seen both Syn and Emblem here together. I could tell.” Her reply was quick. “Although a better question instead of what am I doing here, is what are you two doing out here? You are obviously in a panic, whispering like that.” Her head was resting against the tree as she continued to stroke the artificial ground below her. “Somewhere I am just lying in a hospital whilst I’m sat here talking to these two players.” Her lips parted as her next words escaped, “I wonder what will happen when we get out… Probably a lot of rehab.”

    (Sorry for taking so long @Victor @Emblem )

  3. Inclining her head to Oikawa and Calrex, Teayre smiles. “Even with all the previous activities of the other guilds, or former guilds. The Spectrum Coalition isn’t a guild in itself is it?” The red head paused for a while, “Despite all that’s happened we will be standing together. We are -more- than a guild. How long have we three been together nearly a year and eight months by my reckoning. We have survived this long. The coalition.” Teayre paused pressing her knuckles to her forehead. “No, we are stronger together even though I don’t like to admit it.” Looking at her husband, her eyes bored into his. Slowly she stood up her blade sheathed, the knuckles of her left hand, white around the saya. “Calrex. We -are- the Spectrum Coalition. We work together to get through Aincrad. Despite all that’s happened, if there’s one thing I will stay true to. It’s us.” Her gaze shifts to Oikawa for a moment. Pausing Teayre then closes her eyes and counts to ten audibly, before opening them again. “I have another request, let me meet with Baldur first. Let me understand him. Then if I like him, I’ll give him his badge. I’ve prepared an azure one for him. To honour him from the time of the original Brigade.

  4. As a waitress came over and set a steaming mug of hot chocolate down in front of Kasier, Teayre smirked. “Kasier? I’m surprised you haven’t heard of me to be completely honest. Take a guess.” The girl’s eyes glinted as she challenged her red eyed patron. Leaning back in her chair the maiden looks out the window resting her head on a hand. The fingers of her other hand drummed on the table, clenching it into a fist for a moment before stretching her fingers out as far as they would go the blood stained leather of her clothing underneath squeaking slightly in protest.

    “Why not? A drink would be nice, you’re paying I presume?” Teayre replied, turning to face the girl as she smiled back. “How about a wager? If you manage to guess who I am in a single try, I’ll treat you to some cake. If not, you pay for my drink.”  Folding one leg over the other her eyes gaze into Kasier’s. “So tell me, what do you know of this quest” The red head was interrupted by the waitress coming over again, she quickly ordered herself a drink before folding her hands in her lap. “What’s been your favourite thing from this game?”

  5. The frigid wind hit Teayre's face as the snow crunched beneath her feet. The red head had to come back down to this floor to get the Essence of Steel for the people she hadn't manage to craft things for properly. Clenching her teeth the girl stops for a moment as a message appears on her screen asking if she wished to complete the quest with her. Dismissing the message with a wave of her hand Teayre keeps walking the lights of Snowfrost visible in the distance. As she slowly meandered to the outskirts she spots the black haired girl sat down in the window of a small café. “Seriously, we've not got all day.” Pressing her hand onto the shop door the bell jingles slightly, the NPC running it begins to walk over to her offering the red head a menu. Striding past she slips into the chair opposite Kasier. “So, are you ready?”

  6. Turning her head Teayre sees the three players in conversation. Sighing the girl continues round the corner, dust falling down around her as a thudding rings through the walls of the cavern three times. The girl grins, it was about to begin. Following the twisting passageway she sees an ornately carved door just ahead of her. Placing her hand on it the girl sighs. “Should I?” She stops for a moment. “No point, I’ll exhaust myself.” She mutters underneath her breath. “I’ve just about regened. For now and need to fight Tagas as well…” Glancing over her shoulder the red head spots that no one had followed her just yet. “Really? What the hell is taking them so long?” A sigh of exasperation escaped Teayre’s lips, turned around on her heel she begins to walk back down the corridor, her thumb pushing the hilt of the muramasa free. “I’ve found the dungeon boss room.”

  7. The red head let out a sigh as Syn started to panic, turning her head the older girl scans the area that the other one had pointed to. Shaking her head Teayre looks down at the white haired girl only to see a shadow of a hand in the darkness. Glaring at the girl Teayre shakes her head before slapping her hand away. “Get real Syn.” The red head snapped. As she was about to move on an over dramatic teenager stepped in front of her. “Serio-” She began to speak as the Azure Chevalier stepped in front of her, just after a small chinking sound.

    Placing a hand on Baldur's back Teayre begins to laugh. “Honestly, I'm not going to kill him it's not worth the stain on my sword...” The girl continued before pausing for a moment as a darker chuckle crossed her lips, “At least not yet.” Smiling sweetly she turned away, “Baldur. We do need to have a talk. Without the ears of annoying people around... Even if they have their uses.” A loud roar came through the dungeon for a second time. “You have my word that I won't touch Syn or Vyrtew until the quest is completely over.”

  8. The red head looked up as Rain entered the shop. The white haired boy greeted her with such familiarity that it instantly made her grind her teeth. Glaring at Rain Teayre pushed her thumb on the tsuba of the Muramasa, just as the door opened again. “I’m sorry Rain, I didn’t quite catch that.” She spat at the boy. Turning to see who had entered her shop, a girl with black hair followed her husband in. Sighing she waves a hand at Rain, “Fine I’ll get them made. It’s going to cost you extra for that slip of the tongue though.”

    Smiling at Kasier Teayre swept the money up and took the order slip. Her eyes flicking over it, “Shouldn’t be a problem I’ll get this done for you.” The red head let out a loud and frustrated sigh as her bell went yet again. Turning her eyes narrowed, she sees Lowenthal entering her shop. “What. Do you want?” She starts before listnening to the boy’s order. Nodding she passes him on of the many rings she had lying around before taking the col he had placed down as well. “The perfect one will take a bit of time.”

    For a final time the bell went and Teayre turned to see a man with black hair rolling down his face. He approached her when she was free and got down to business, offering her slightly less than her normal rates for three perfect items. “Fine just take it and go” the red head snapped. Taking the materials she turns wading through the crowd of people in her little shop and begins her crafts in the back room. “I’ve managed to make items nearly at what you wanted. Because there’s so many of you they weren’t all to the standard you wanted. So. Each one of you will either have to wait for me to get the Essence of Steel to boost your item to the standard needed. Or accompany me. Now get out of my shop and pm me with how you want to do it.”



    +2200 Col
    +15 Materials

    Items Sold:

    ·         Clay Sewing

    ·         Masterful Tailor

    ·         Tailor’s Bracelet

    10 Materials Used for Crafts

    ID: 65791 CD: 1 (Nat) – Crit Fail -1 EXP

    ID: 65792 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare – 5 EXP
    Item: Theif's Gamble v1.5
    Item Type: Trinket
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 LD
    Description: A single red crystal with a golden loop through the top attached to a hooked earpiece.

    ID: 65793 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item – 2 EXP
    ID: 65794 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare – 5 EXP

    Item: Charm of the Kaiser
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare

    Enhancement: 2X Combat Craft
    Description: A red charm with a diamond shaped gem in the middle. Surrounding the red diamond gem is a black steel casing that protects the gem in the middle. Rumors have it that the middle of the gem leaves a blessing from the last Kaiser and is the source of the power within the charm. The charm is light and easy for the owner to carry around in their pocket.

    ID: 65795 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon – 3 EXP

    ID: 65796 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect – 8 EXP
    Item: Death's Dance
    Item Type: Trinket - Ring - Necklace
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +2 ACC; +1 EVA
    Description: A dark ashy black color ring with a crimson colored strip running through the middle of the ring. Inside the ring are an unfamiliar inscription of a long dead language. Going through the ring is a silver chain that forms to make the ring into a necklace of sorts.

    ID: 65797 CD: 1 (Nat) – Crit Fail – 1 EXP
    ID: 65798 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare – 5 EXP

    Item: Wedding Ring
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: 2 Slots Accuracy
    Description: A silver ring, twisted right a ruby cut into a droplet set into the metal.

    ID: 65799 CD: 4 (3 + 1 CD) – Good – 2 EXP
    ID: 65800 CD: 1 (Nat) – Crit Fail – 1 EXP

    43 EXP Gained Total

    @Rain @Lowenthal @Kasier



  9. Turning her head Teayre glared at the two younger players. “Shut it.” She mutters just as Baldur and herself both finished with their mobs. “Bravado?” The red head let out a laugh at the man in blue. “You really think this is a bravado? I’ve seen more than you could imagine.” The girl paused running a hand through her hair. Twirling it down to one side of her she smiles, “My pride? I don’t have pride. Anyone could die in a moment within this game. Myself. Calrex. Takao. Oikawa. Ssendom. Tristan.” Shaking her head she looks at the blue samurai. “No Baldur. You’ve got it wrong. Allies in this game? There’s very few of them. The beta players were all out for themselves and where did that get most of them?”

    She paused. “Dead, killed at the hands of this game. Death if just a part of this game. My first instinct is to attack an ally?” The red head laughed. “You think I wanted to attack you? There would be no fun within that. Nothing for me to gain from it. At least not before the quest is complete.” Slowly stepping around Baldur, Teayre shrugged. “I can see what those two were saying. Though…” She adds quietly.

    Opening her menu Teayre flicks through and selects a small badge. The pin on the back glistened in the flickering torch light as the silver contrasted the azure surface. “You deserve this.” The girl says tossing the item to the brunette before she says a few more words. “They spoke highly of you. Those two.” Turning she begins to walk away stopping before turning around the corner. “Welcome Baldur the Azure Chevalier.”

  10. Teayre stood still grinning as the phalanxes surrounded her, their spears striking into her. The flame aura of her coat activating wrapping around her deflecting the brunt of their attacks. Her katana whirled as she parried some more blows before the members of the phalanx sunk their weapons into her again. Taking a deep breath Teayre held her blade to one side as the npcs around her fell back before surging forwards again. All of their weapons cutting into her. She began to dance with the sea of mobs, flowing through them great plumes of fire spilling out around her as she laughed. The thrill of battle. Her face was twisted into a crooked smile as she waltzed through the meaningless hordes of Leonidas. Hearing the call from the Spartans that their beloved leader had died. “So what will you do now?” She said as her sword art Sinonome radiated through the fourth phalanx whittling their number down to just above half.




    ID:65438 BD: 16 (7 + 7 + 2 EVA) CD: 4 LD: 14 (12 +2 LD) MD: 9

    Sinonome Used (- 9 Energy)

    Damage: 45 (15 Base + 4 Charge + 6 DMG Potion + 3 Potion of Fallen Strength + 6 Vodka + 1 Banner of Command + 10 Amulet)

    -38/1500 HP
    100 Mitigation
    -1 Evasion
    +1 Accuracy

    60 Monsters per Phalanx Group
    300 HP
    70 Mitigation
    -2 Evasion
    +2 Accuracy

    (Edit in your own stats as your turn passes, and tag the next person in line with the "@" symbol.)

    [H: 3(P5)] Calrex: 348/353 - (47/67 EN)
    [H: 3(P1)] Takao: 460/463 - (108/201 EN) (+1/-24)
    [H: 2 (P3), H: 2 (P4)] Teayre: 326/339 - (113/138 EN) [1 Regen]
    [H: 0] @Macradon 306/323 - (105/129 EN) 

    (Phalanx 1: 12 Remaining) Spartans: 300/300
    (Phalanx 2: 0 Remaining) Spartans: -0/300 
    (Phalanx 3: 36 Remaining) Spartans: 140/300
    (Phalanx 4: 36 Remaining) Spartans: 140/300 (13-24)
    0/300 (405 DMG – 70 MIT = -335 HP)

    (Phalanx 5: 24 Remaining) Spartans: 208/300* 
    (*Phalanx 5: Spartans 21-24: 128/300)

    [H: 5(P5)] Mack 418/420 - (111/144 EN) [-1 DMG, P5]
    [H: 0] Lawfer 290/292 - (77/129 EN) 
    [H: 2(P5)] Baldur 156/156 - (15/29 EN) (+1/+9 EN)
    [H: 0] Opal 204/204 - (39/51 EN) <<Safeguard>>
    [H: 0] Zandra: 241/241 (49/49 EN)

    Phalanx 1
    Phalanx 3
    Phalanx 4
    Phalanx 5

    [H: 0] Oikawa: 210/213 - (26/53 EN)
    [H: 0] Ariel - The Crowned Lion: 243/245 - (32/50 EN)
    [H: 0] Xion : 141/153 - (22/27 EN) (+1 EN turn regen, -2 miss) 
    [H: 0] Lowenthal: 127/156 - (24/39 EN)
    [H: 0] Seul: 153/153 - (25/32 EN) 

    Phalanx 1
    Phalanx 3
    Phalanx 4
    Phalanx 5



  11. Teayre’s reply was swift as Calrex addressed her first point, “Who said I was asking anyone Calrex? Who said I wasn’t meaning it for myself, besides…” The girl paused for a short while as a smile, “I personally couldn’t care what colour crystal I have anymore, to me the crystal’s floating above our heads.” She laughs as she meets her husband’s eyes “The crystals show that this is our new life. At least for now. Although you do have a point… Most floor battle plans ARE held within settlements, then however I’ve never got any real benefit from them. The few ones I have attended more or less said the same thing.” Teayre pauses for a moment as she composes herself, her voice exceedingly sarcastic, “Kill adds. Kill Boss. Don’t Die.”

    Dropping the accent, she grins at Calrex not an impish grin as she normally does but it is instead a grin of a devil. “Huh? You think I did it because they annoyed me? You think that’s the reason, if that was I’d have killed a great deal more Mr Hevrex.” Shaking her head at the man in front of her, Teayre throws her back against a tree before sliding down it almost in hysterical fits of laughter. “No. No Calrex. I did because I wanted to, I’ve finally had enough of fighting who I am.” The girl pauses for a moment licking her lips. “I’ve finally accepted the demon inside of me. A God? The power of the god? No I don’t bring life, you are right.”

    Teayre’s fingers drummed on the hilt of the muramasa, flicking it over pointing the weapon at Calrex’s throat before grinning and sheathing it. “The power to kill people, I guess I just enjoy toying with people my beloved. As I always have. One thing I can say for certain my feelings for you still reign true.” Pausing a moment her hand reaching up, pointing towards her husband but out of reach she cupped his cheek in the air. Rubbing with where his jaw bone would be if they were making contact with her finger. “My dear, dear husband. I love you, because of that I’ll let you in on a secret. Ssendom and Zelrius. They didn’t have the guts to continue through with something, they didn’t even try to acknowledge anyone’s strength outside of their little guild. Look where it got them.” Again the red haired maiden paused, “Dead. They were arrogant, they thought they were the strongest. I know I am strong. The strongest though?” Teayre couldn’t contain herself this time and laughter ensued. “Not by a long short, let me think…” the girl began reeling names off as she counted on her fingers. “There’s you, Takao, Ariel, Oikawa, Mack, Macradon, Lawfer, Opal, Zandra, Xion, Lowenthal, Seul and Baldur. Each player mentioned and then some are stronger than me.”

    She paused for a while, leaving silence hanging between the couple. The sound of the swamp water lapping at its shores, a deluge of rain starting to downpour. “Callie-kun,” Teayre began before shaking her head, “Help is relative. Although… I’ve decided, I want to show you something. I want you to understand the real me.” Her hand tightened around the Muramasa, “I’ll pass my unique skill along, to a katana user of course. Along with the blade.” Relaxing her grip on the blade she smiled, “Perhaps I’ll do it tournament style… We’ll see.”

    Chuckling the red head addressed Calrex’s next point, “You’re right it is much more fun, however who’s to say it truly is lethal. Who knows it could just be a hoax, and the Nerve Gear just doesn’t release you from being ‘asleep’.” Gripping her knee, her ear began to twitch as voices reached her ear. “I’ll be honest, there’s no point speculating. Whilst this isn’t the reality, you forget just what it is. A VRMMORPG, or a virtual reality massive multiplayer online roleplay game. So this is -our- reality for now.” She took another breath chuckling some more at her husband, “Life is a game so no one has ever won? Because games aren’t meant to be won. They people who are successful the people who push on through life and enjoy themselves. They’re the ‘winners’ if you like.” Her hands forming quotation marks.

     “Arbitrary or not. At the end of the day. Numbers is what strength is Calrex. I’m not arguing that with you!” Teayre’s voice raised for a moment as she shouted at her husband. Taking a few breaths she calms down, closing her eyes and turning her head away. The next words that reached her ears sent a shudder down her spine.

    “Cut their sibiling up and server their remains to them to break their spirit?”

    Teayre laughed, “I’m sorry, Callie. You don’t seem to realise, the purpose of my father’s strength was to be in complete control of his life. Mine?” She paused yet again twirling a piece of hair around her finger, “I’ve not quite decided yet. So far I use what little strength I have to enjoy myself.” Her eyes came open as she met Calrex’s gaze as he asked her the question. “Because I’ve accepted who I am. I’ve accepted that I am a demon inside… You say I wish to be happy with you? What you don’t understand is that I am happy with you my sweet”

    Teayre falls silent as she watches Calrex deal with another Zambie that had encroached upon their meeting. “What shall I do?” She muses quietly to herself as her husband slowly walks back. As he showed her his stats Teayre smirks, “Traits and Skills that give you an advantage? Yet you DO take the advantage they give you. Strength is in the mind it’s never physical. Cunning is a true strength.”

    Slowly the red head stood back up holding the Muramasa, covered by its saya in her left hand she looked up through the branches of the mangroves around them. “I guess it’s time… There never was much of it left.” Turning her head Teayre’s eyes wash over her husband as he drones on. Letting out a sigh. “You can be stubborn and foolish. It’s one of the very reasons why I love you dearly.”

    Walking towards her husband the red headed girl presses her forehead to his. “Calnus Hevrex, you are my love and my life. I don’t want to be happy alone… I need you with me. I trust you. You really do mean everything to me. That is why, the Oikawa Kanashiki will always be the weapon that breaks any barriers between us.” Taking the bluenette’s hand Teayre leads him through the swamp. “Remember my husband you mean every-“

    Her sentence was cut short as a player clad in heavy armour stepped out in front of them. A girl had  appeared behind the duo. Raising an eyebrow Teayre looked around. The one in front had a shield and a lance his armour completely black. The girl however was twirling a dagger in her hands. Both of the players had green crystals. Rolling her eyes Teayre pushed her thumb onto the tsuba of her weapon showing the blade slightly. The one in the heavy armour spoke.

    “Calrex. Leave Teayre and walk away we have no business with you.”

    Letting out a heavy sigh Teayre shook her head leaning in to her husband, standing on her tiptoes she kisses his neck and then whispers into his ear. “Help me, please.” Stepping back from her husband the red head moves towards the man at the front.

    Gritting her teeth Teayre sighs making the first move. Without hesitating the red head steps towards the man who had spoken before vanishing appearing next to the girl holding the dagger. Her blade was being drawn in a smooth motion as her sword art Iai took hold. The charge skill moving the red head quickly into the fray. Her sword art ripping through the green player’s body. The girl’s mouth dropping wide as she gazes at Teayre her mouth uttering her final words. “Thruk… It’s just a game.”

    “Calia!” The man in the blackened steel armour shouted as Teayre cut her down. “Damnit. Rargh!” He charged towards Teayre, past Calrex the girl side stepped his attack catching her breath for a moment. Before continually parrying the rabid man’s assault. “CALREX!” Teayre screams, “HELP ME, I’m Out of Energy!”


    Thruk Stats:



    HP: 165 / DMG: 7 / MIT: 79 / Thorns: (14 DMG) / +2 Acc / Regen: +36 HP CD6+ / Para: 1 Slot

    Blackened Chestguard : +2 Damage Mitigation (+36 MIT), + 1 Thorns (14 DMG)
    Blackened Shield : + 1 paralyze (Paralyzed on a 9-10 roll of BD) +2 Regen (+36 HP on CD 6+ After being hit by opponent)
    Dark Heart Lance: +2 Accuracy, + 1 Damage (+2)


    One-Handed Assault Spear – Rank 3
    Heavy Armour – Rank 4 - +20 MIT
    Battle Healing – Rank 3
    Block – Rank 3 - + 23 MIT
    Fighting Spirit
    Charge – Rank 1

    Athletics (+1 DMG, +5 HP)


    Calia Stats:



    HP: 140 / DMG: 12 (13 With Rank 5 SAs) / ACC: + 2 / MIT: 30 / + 1 Eva / +2 LM

    Blackened Dagger: +3 (+6)
    Blackened Amulet: +2 ACC, + 1 EVA
    Blackened Leather Armour: +1 MIT (+18), +2 Light Momentum (On a miss adds +2 to next BD roll)

    Dagger – Rank 5
    Light Armour – Rank 3
    Charge – Rank 4

    Dagger Finesse – Rank 5 - +1 to Rank 5 SAs with Dagger


    ID: 64641 BD: 7 (4 + 4 ACC – 1 EVA) CD: 11 (Battle Healing Activated) LD: 17 (15 + 2 LD) MD: 1
    Teayre: 189/189 7 Health Regen from Battle Healing
    EN: 11/46 Iai Used (15 + 4 *10) = 190 DMG

    ID: 64611 BD: 1 (Nat) CD: 1 LD: 20 MD: 9
    Thruk: 165/165
    EN: 38/40 Missed (2 Used)

    ID: 64612 BD: 10 (8 + 2 BD) CD: 12 LD: 6 MD: 3
    Calia: -30/140 190 – 30 MIT = 160 DMG -DEAD-
    EN: 35/35 (Stunned)

    Calrex: 273/273
    EN: 52/63

  12. The boy finally joined them on the ground, her eyes flicking over to him Teayre nods.  As her hand was taken and she was embrace Teayre’s lips twitch slightly. “Boy, this is Syn, one of my associates.” Teayre glanced between the two, “I’ll leave you two to talk for a bit, you said about wanting materials Syn. I’ll get them for you. Just don’t be an idiot again got it?” The red head’s voice cracked like a whip as she spoke to the girl. Shaking her head she walks out of the clearing. “Now which way do I go?” she mutters to herself before turning to the left and walking through the brush.

  13. Teayre shook her head at Calrex, “No… You misunderstand me Cal. This orange crystal.” Teayre points towards her the object floating above her head, smiling. “This crystal to me is both a badge of honour and a mark of shame. It shows what I have done within this world…” She pauses, “So I feel as if I deserve to keep it, however it still is something to be decided later on.”

    She nodded to the rest of her husband’s words going along with what he said, locking her eyes with him. “Cal.” She says simply as he pauses for breath. Her lips sealing again as he continues to speak. Swallowing she places a hand on his chest. Tears starting to stream down her cheeks. “How are you so strong? How do you keep going?” She rested her head on his chest sobbing, all the while a smile creeped over her face. When she looked back up the wicked grin had vanished. “That was… That was who I was in the past, I have taken innocent lives now. I can’t promise that it won’t happen again.”

    The red head paused for a moment wiping the dampness from her cheek she takes a step back, “I’ll tell you this now. Only once, there’s a part of me. It calls out for blood, it calls out for me to kill. I would have struck you down earlier because of it… I could have, Achilles or not.” She turns around walking towards the edge of a small lake within the swap pressing her hand to the tree next to her. “Regardless this part of me, the ‘sane’ part if you will.” Again another pause, this one filled with a dark chuckle, “I enjoyed the thrill. The excitement from it. The feeling of being a god. You know perhaps that’s what Kayaba wanted? He created this world, he showed us that life is just a game. Do you remember his words? Do you remember what he said?” Closing her eyes, Teayre repeats what was said within the opening speech, “I ask of you all to understand that «Sword Art Online» is no longer a simple game. It is a second reality.... From now on, any form of revival in the game will no longer work. The moment your HP reaches zero, your avatar will be gone forever. And at the same time... Your brain will be destroyed by the Nerve Gear.” Opening her eyes again the red head grins, “I killed my father, the reality is that he’s gone out of my life. He no longer has power over me. I learnt from him that power… Power is glorious.”

    Voices could be heard in the distance, “I ask you Callie… No Calrex. How would you consider helping me to master this skill, helping me invest skill points into it. Let’s see if I can control the power I have. Let’s see if I can decide when it’ll strike, not let it choose when like it did with Manta and Ebony.” A deep, dark glimmer shone in Teayre’s eyes for a moment, “Let me choose when I kill, not let the system decide for me.” Her thumb pushed the tsuba forwards slightly, “I’m sorry.”

    As her words finished the sentence Teayre Muramasa the Crimson Maiden disappeared, her charge skill taking her past her husband, the gust of wind from her movement catching her husband. The way the red head was like that of a snake, she coiled herself to strike and then her sword art took hold. She cut the first mob quickly before moving on to the next one. Spinning she unleashed all the tension that was built up inside of her. As the deer like zombie’s kicked her Akuma’s  Vein took hold wreaths of flame wrapping around the red head before spiralling outwards along the hooves and legs of the creatures burning them. Incinerating them.

    Teayre stood there her blade help in her right hand pointing down to the ground to the right hand side of her, the left hand was firmly gripped around the saya. “The flames from this coat, they protect me. They reduce the damage that strikes me. They consume those who survive my attacks. You say about controlling our future. You say about escaping the game. Calrex I have a news flash for you it has been Three Years, Five Months and Six Days.” Shaking her head at her husband Teayre turns around, “How far have we come? We’ve only just got to the point of unlocking the eighteenth floor. We’re almost certainly on life support in hospitals by new, being treated as if we are in comas.” She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them again, “How long till they turn off the life support for us? How long till we get out of this game? At the rate we’re going at least another fifteen to twenty years.” She laughs, resting the blunt edge of the Muramasa on her right shoulder, the blade passing behind her head. “I’m sorry but this is our world now Calrex. Anyone could die at any moment. That’s just fact. It’s fact in both this world and the world out there!” She turns her head, looking down to the floor to her left. “It’s the point he wanted to make, Life is a game. Lives? What are they? Death? It’s another stage in life.”

    Again another pause she waits for her husband to start replying, only to hold the saya up to silence him and continue her speech. “The strong, that’s always who rules. In nineteen forty five, we had bombs dropped on two of our cities by the Americans. They were stronger than us, so we bowed our heads to them. In the Yakuza clans, the stronger the people the higher up they go. The strong decide what happens. It’s the same here, Azure Brigade, Square One, The Knights of the Blood Oath. They reigned, why? Because they made the rules, why? Because they were strong. Ideals they are all well and good my husband, but solo players like us? We’ll never have the strength to do what we want alone. Unless… Drastic measures are taken.”

    She turns away letting out a long breath, before inhaling again. “Listen, this place. Aincrad, it’s just another battlefield Cal. The strong survive, the weak they perish. It’s just the way it is. You’re right level is just a number. Strength isn’t just about your level. There’s more to it than that. You need contacts, you need to be ready to get your hands dirty. You need to show you can’t be afraid.”



    ID: 64591 BD: 8 (4 + 1 ACC) CD: 8 LD: 15 (13 + 2 LD) MD: 8 (Flame Aura activated)

    Teayre: 184/189 (36DMG -12MIT – 36 Flame Aura Proc = 1 DMG) x 4 = 4 Damage Taken
    EN: 23/46 Amatsu No Homura (20 Energy Used, 1 Regen) (15 + 4)*10 = 190

    Zambie: 0/164 (190 – 41 MIT = 149 DMG) + 32 DMG from Flame Aura = 181 DMG x4

    4 x Materials
    4 x Bonus Materials
    (164*5)*4 Col = 3280 Col

    Total Loot:
    24 Materials
    12,400 Col


  14. Artisan Rank 8


    ID: 64580 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A necklace made up for glass beads.

    ID: 64581 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Emerald Earing
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A single silver earring with an emerald held in by a simple clasp.

    ID: 64582 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Emerald Necklace
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Accuracy
    Description: A golden necklace with an emerald set into it.

    ID: 64583 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Emerald Necklace
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Accuracy
    Description: A golden necklace with an emerald set into it.

    ID: 64584 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Sapphire Necklace
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Evasion
    Description: A silver necklace with an emerald set into it.

    ID: 64586 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Emerald Earing
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A single silver earring with an emerald held in by a simple clasp.

    ID: 64589 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Sapphire Necklace
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Evasion
    Description: A silver necklace with an emerald set into it.

  15. Sighing Teayre walks away from the wheel shaking her head, picking up her sketch pad and taking the pencil from behind her ear she lies down on the couch and begins sketching out a face, first drawing a circle and adding the eyes and nose carefully she draws in the mouth. Smiling as Calrex's face appears before her Teayre starts to draw in his hair. Flipping her pencil around her thumb constantly between lead and rubber Teayre starts to cuss as she struggles to get the final details to her husband's face perfect. Finally the picture was completed, letting out a sigh Teayre tears it out of the pad, pinning it up onto a board set up behind her armchair.




    ID: 64580 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A necklace made up for glass beads.

    ID: 64581 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Sapphire Earing
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A single silver earring with an sapphire held in by a simple clasp.

    ID: 64582 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Emerald Necklace
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Accuracy
    Description: A golden necklace with an emerald set into it.

    ID: 64583 CD: 10 (9 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Emerald Necklace
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Accuracy
    Description: A golden necklace with an emerald set into it.

    ID: 64584 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item:  Emerald Ring
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Evasion
    Description: A silver ring with an emerald set into it.

    ID: 64585 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 64586 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Sapphire Earing
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A single silver earring with an sapphire held in by a simple clasp.

    ID: 64587 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 64588 CD: 5 (4 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 64589 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Emerald Ring
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +2 Evasion
    Description: A silver ring with an emerald set into it.

    10 Materials Used, 45 EXP gained



  16. The Spartans around her constantly attacked her, the red head ducked dodged and parried her way through the fight. A wicked smile was on her face, “Finally. Something fun.” Blades caught the red head occasionally causing Akuma’s Vein to flare up and engulf the mobs in fire. Following up Teayre charged into the other phalanx her blade singing as she scores a single hit against twelves of the members in a single blow. “LEONIDAS!” Teayre bellows in amidst the plumes of flame surrounding her, “Is this all you’ve got!?” She challenged the so called man. “You really want to follow someone who’s as weak as him? Damn Kayaba your planning for these NPCs… It’s really something.”




    ID: 64541 BD: 13 (6+7) [Batto Activated] CD: 4 LD: 12 (10 + 2) No Mats found MD: 7

    Sinonome Used (- 9 Energy)

    Damage: 45 (15 Base + 4 Charge + 6 DMG Potion + 3 Potion of Fallen Strength + 6 Vodka + 1 Banner of Command + 10 Amulet)

    100 Mitigation
    -1 Evasion
    +1 Accuracy

    60 Monsters per Phalanx Group
    70 Mitigation
    -2 Evasion
    +2 Accuracy

    (Edit in your own stats as your turn passes, and tag the next person in line with the "@" symbol.)

    [H: 4] Calrex: 350/353 - (46/67 EN) 
    [H: 3(P1)] Takao: 460/463 - (131/201 EN) +1/-24
    [H: 2(P3), H: 1 (P4)] Teayre: 332/339 - (121/138 EN)
    [H: 2(P2)] @Macradon 307/323 - (129/129 EN)

    (Phalanx 1: 24 Remaining) Spartans: 300/300 
    (Phalanx 2: 24 Remaining) Spartans: 200/300
    (Phalanx 3: 36 Remaining) Spartans: 236/300 
    (13-24) 0/300 (405 DMG – 70 MIT = -335 HP)
    (Phalanx 4: 48 Remaining) Spartans: 236/300
    (Phalanx 5: 36 Remaining) Spartans: 208/300*
    (*Phalanx 5: Spartans 32-36: 128/300)

    [H: 4(P5)] Mack 419/420 - (111/144 EN)
    [H: 2(P2)]
     Lawfer 290/292 - (94/129 EN) [-1 DMG]
    [H: 2(P5) H: 1 Leon]
     Baldur 156/156 - (5/29 EN) 
    [H: 0]
     Opal ???/??? - (??/?? EN)
    [H: 0]
     Zandra: 241/241 (49/49 EN)

    Phalanx 1
    Phalanx 2
    Phalanx 3
    Phalanx 4
    Phalanx 5

    [H: 2] Oikawa: 212/213 - (39/53 EN)
    [H: 2] Ariel: 245/245 - (34/50 EN)
    [H: 1(P2)] Xion: 141/153 - (23/27 EN)
    [H: 0] Lowenthal: 96/156 - (24/39 EN) [-10 DMG, Skipped]
    [H: 1] Seul: 153/153 - (24/32 EN) 

    Phalanx 1
    Phalanx 2
    Phalanx 3
    Phalanx 4
    Phalanx 5







  17. Teayre heard some yelling from behind her, she glanced up at her HUD. The bar next to Vyrtew began to steadily deplete. Laughter, deep dark laughter began as the red haired girl turned. “Baldur, someone didn’t follow the rules.” The katana at her hip the red haired maiden flicked the tsuba so that part of the blade was exposed. “Do I need to teach you a lesson?” She said cocking her head to one side. “I wonder…” Suddenly the red head moved forwards her right hand drawing her blade. Her motion her path, it seemed to be taking her straight towards Baldur. A wild grin on her face as she flickered past him making a single strike along an aged human’s chest that had been sneaking up on them, but not before it managed to land a strike on her. “Next time Baldur, it’ll be you that dies. Now for the boss.”

    ID: 64504 BD: 6 (2 + 4 ACC) CD: 6 LD: 7 MD: 6

    Teayre: 188/189 (39 DMG - 12 MIT = 27 - 36 from Flame Aura = 1 DMG) x 4 EN: 9/46

    Zekkai (7 Energy Used, 1 Regen) (15+4)*7 = 133 DMG

    Aged Human: 0/100 25 MIT

    1 x Material
    Total Loot:
    17 x Materials
    6000 Col

    9/10 Floor Strength monsters killed


  18. Artisan: Rank 8


    ID: 64494 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item

    Item: Cygnus's Lucky Coin
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 Accuracy
    Description: The item is a simple golden coin, about 2 millimeters thick. On one side is a raised image of a star, and on the other is a raised image of a shield with a crucifix depicted on it.

    ID: 64496 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Winged Topaz Sword
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A small silver sword on a silver chain, along the blade of the sword sits a topaz gem.

    ID: 64498 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item

    Item: Ring of Accuracy
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 Accuracy
    Description: A simple silver ring.

    ID: 64499 CD: 1 – Crit Fail

    ID: 64500 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Elude Epitaph
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy / + 1 Evasion
    Description: Twin Golden Armbands that imbue the wearer with peranatural strength and agility.

    ID: 64501 CD: 7 (6 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Emerald Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Evasion
    Description: A plain silver necklace with an emerald set in the center of it.

    ID: 64502 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item

    Item: Pendant of Evasion
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 Evasion
    Description: A twisted silver pendant.

    ID: 64503 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Eye of Evasion
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement:  +1 Evasion
    Description: A small oval of glass in a silver frame with a silver chain to attach it to one’s coat or jacket.

  19. The bell chimed again. “Tch.” Teayre glanced up her eyes flaring, couldn’t they just leave her alone. “So much for hiding out on this floor… I’ve got a feeling I’ll need to move again.” Taking a sip from her mug of hot chocolate Teayre takes the order. A small clattering in front of her causes the red head to look up. “So you have payment. Well I guess I can make this for you then.” With that she set to work taking the materials melting them down as she creates a mould from clay. Pouring the melted metal into the mould she waits for it to set.



    ID: 64494 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item

    Item: Cygnus's Lucky Coin
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 Accuracy
    Description: The item is a simple golden coin, about 2 millimeters thick. On one side is a raised image of a star, and on the other is a raised image of a shield with a crucifix depicted on it.

    ID: 64495 CD: 3 (2 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 64496 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Winged Topaz Sword
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy
    Description: A small silver sword on a silver chain, along the blade of the sword sits a topaz gem.

    ID: 64497 CD: 5 (4 + 1 CD) – Good Item

    ID: 64498 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item

    Item: Ring of Accuracy
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 Accuracy
    Description: A simple silver ring.

    ID: 64499 CD: 1 – Crit Fail

    ID: 64500 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Elude Epitaph
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +1 Accuracy / + 1 Evasion
    Description: Twin Golden Armbands that imbue the wearer with peranatural strength and agility.

    ID: 64501 CD: 7 (6 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Emerald Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +1 Evasion
    Description: A plain silver necklace with an emerald set in the center of it.

    ID: 64502 CD: 12 (11 + 1 CD) – Perfect Item

    Item: Pendant of Evasion
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +3 Evasion
    Description: A twisted silver pendant.

    ID: 64503 CD: 9 (8 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item

    Item: Eye of Evasion
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement:  +1 Evasion
    Description: A small oval of glass in a silver frame with a silver chain to attach it to one’s coat or jacket.

    10 Materials used, 52 EXP gained



  20. Teayre looked at the blonde boy who had greeted the other player her head cocking for a moment. Leaning back from her position of being sat on the ground the girl gazed into the lower branches of the tree. Not able to see anything she shrugged. “You like her. That much is obvious.” Her words where as hard as steel.

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