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Everything posted by Oske

  1. Quote Approved. Quote Approved. Quote Approved.
  2. *pukes* So much to do....

  3. I have returned from my shift at work... man, my feet hurt.

    1. Teayre


      Nooo, get a foot rub from someone :D

    2. Skylar


      Welcome home! ^_^

  4. New: Quote Quote Quote Approved.
  5. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved. Approved.
  6. Accepted. However this is not a blacksmith item, this is a glove which is a clothing article by item type. Approved. The item type is "Lucky Charm", not ring. Approved.
  7. Denied. Once again Kosan, please fill out the entire form.
  8. Quote Quote Quote Approved.
  9. Denied. Please use the correct format and read the enhancement guide to find out what else you can add to armor.
  10. Approved. Quote Approved.
  11. CLICK THE LINK in the Re-Evaluation Announcement. The thread for re-eval is NOT the same as grandfather items.

  12. Please post your old items' evaluation, then use the new format to re-create it. This is the only chance you may change equipment type without a VIP voucher. Please note: -ONLY submit equipment that needs to be changed; equipment that still falls under the system will be denied. -If you do not wish to resubmit equipment you may turn them into materials for your store
  13. Got enhancement ideas? Let me know! <3

  14. If you have questions about the enhancement guide, PM me rather than asking in status updates. Thank you <3

  15. The new enhancement guide is up, along with a crafting evaluation form. Be sure to follow it.

    1. Raeyliff


      Wait wait wait...I have a battle-axe with life steal..does that enhancement go away or is it still with me then?

    2. Baldur


      It goes away

    3. Reusririasuir


      Ouch so the only way for an evasion bonus is either being a shield-user...or an alcoholic. My poor cape. So what happens if we have an item that doesn't meet the requirements, can we change the enhancement spread to be in-requirements or is it now just disenchanted entirely?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. Why am I sick again!? *outrage*

    1. Calrex


      Again? Dang hope you feel better!

    2. Elyth


      I just recovered, and it was horrible! I hope you feel a lot better soon, Oske! <3

    3. Kiru


      Blame Lessa

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  17. Num! Made some trail mix in my shop :)

  18. Denied. Please follow the format of the journal. Please elaborate on flaws and virtues.
  19. Aha! I crafted an item that wasn't bad/a fail finally, so now my little shop is open <3 It's just a vanity item, but it's still fun. Fried Wheat Noodles!

  20. I undercooked my pie crust and now I'm sick :(

    1. Grougaloragran


      Just like Cookie Dough, never eat it raw. Unless its Cookie Dough ice cream. Then eat the mess out of it. Sorry to hear that Oske.

    2. Teayre


      Awwwww no Oske D: *gives burnt pie to compensate* :D

    3. Calrex


      Uh oh, hope you feel better

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