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Posts posted by Oske

  1. Oske snuck out through the snow fields to a surprisingly warm patch of grass. Little bonfires surrounded the farm, and there was a tent with spots to let sunlight through but not snow. Inside, she could see fields upon crops. Not wanting to make her pillaging too blatantly obvious, she snuck inside and only picked a leaf off a single cabbage. She then searched for another ripe, beautiful green one.


    ID: 9674

    LD: 15 (1 material)


    0/4 Wheat

    0/2 Ice Boar Meat

    1/2 Lettuce 

    0/1 Egg

  2. The chef snorted. “Well, at least I get some work to do. I’ll assign you a recipe of… hmm, let’s see… Cheese and crackers.â€


    “Cheese and crackers?†Oske stuttered. “That’s… that’s really stupid. There’s got to be something else I can make…â€


    “As a beginner, you can only make snacks,†the chef replied. “If you have any idea of a snack besides cheese and crackers, let me know. Otherwise, go out and collect cooking materials that you may trade with me for the cheese and crackers.†Oske puffed up her cheeks, then left the empty store. She had a perfect plan. If she couldn’t make a real meal, she’d simply make little snack sandwiches for a picnic. She quickly made herself a list…


    0/4 Wheat

    0/2 Ice Boar Meat

    0/2 Lettuce

    0/1 Egg 

  3. Oske leaned back a little, putting her hand on her chest in shock. However, she quickly adjusted herself. This NPC was just programmed to be tough, of course. She opened her mouth, pausing a moment before speaking. “I’d like to be a chef. I am currently a blacksmith.â€


    “Ah, limited time event taker,†the chef snorted. “What, being a blacksmith didn’t pay quite enough for you?â€


    “That’s not it!†Oske snapped. “I don’t enjoy being a blacksmith. At ALL.â€

  4. Oske had finally done it. She sold all her tools related to her blacksmith profession, and she had long ago given up her duty to be a blacksmith. Regardless of all her progress, she knew that it was time for her to make a change. She wanted to be something she was better at, and something she enjoyed. She approached the snowy mountain, where a small, empty shop stood. She entered the shop and swallowed, noticing the quest box. Pressing "YES", an NPC spawned. He was a tall man with a mustache and a chef hat. 


    "Looks like you took my quest," he grunted. He eyed Oske up and down, then scoffed. "You hardly look like a chef."

  5. Oske entered the shop she had bought an uncommon item from before. This time, she had good news for the merchant possibly, bad news for herself. She opened up her inventory after checking the prices sign, then placed down her Crystal Crafting Hammer. "This is a perfect item... It gives me a better chance to craft good items. I no longer have use for it. You'll pay 200 col for it, right?" She seemed a little sad to see it go. She had many memories with that hammer.


    Item: Crystal Crafting Hammer
    Quality: Perfect
    Shop: ???? (Crafted before shop)
    Description: +1 Crafting Die, a silvery hammer that is very durable.


  6. Oske stepped into the Catfish Forge to see her friend, Tyger. Oske didn't exactly have time to chit chat, so she quickly made an order and said her goodbyes to Tyger. 



    Name of Item: Silver Winged Justice

    Type: Weapon (Curved Sword)

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 Accuracy, +2 Damage

    Description: A silver sword with a black hilt and golden accents.



    Name of Item: Butterfly Guard

    Type: Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Evasion, +1 Thorns

    Description: A spikey silver shield with gold and black accents.

  7. Oske smirked slightly when Tyger flinched. It was clear that she did not enjoy fighting this wasp, and neither did Oske. The bug went to attack Tyger again, ready to launch its stinger out and stab her, however, Oske quickly cut through it's back again. It already had the bleed effect on it, so it was on its last legs (or wings, rather). Oske jumped back, glancing at Tyger. "One more hit!" she exclaimed. "You got this."


    ID: 9462

    BD: 8+1 (1dmg+3swordskill = 4 dmg)

    Mob: 2 (fail)


    Oske: 45/45

    Tyger: 29/31

    Buzzen Bee: 2/25 (-1 Bleed, 2/2)

  8. When Mari asked if Pepper had grown up with Oske, Oske felt her heart burst. Crap. She thinks that Pepper is my real daughter. She smiled in response, unsure of what to say. She was sure that if Mari knew that Oske was just caring for her like a daughter and was not actually related to her, she'd burst into rage or something. Oske felt like this woman was a ticking time bomb. When Mari asked if Oske was going to go find her, she replied, "Oh, yes, of course. Last time I let her wander outside of Starting City alone, we were almost killed by an Imp."


    Oske checked her map. Pepper was just outside Starting City, which was a little bit of a walk away. She then noticed a little flashing red dot over her icon. Oske's face lit up with panic. "She's... she's in combat. I have to go right now. I'll figure out what to say on the way... I just hope it's not a player she's fighting." With that, Oske quickly checked her map one more time before running in the direction she needed to go. She was terrified, honestly. If another player was fighting Pepper... Oske didn't know if she could save her anymore.


    Turn Order: Oske, Mari, Pepper, Mari

  9. Oske watched as Ranpu's health neared the yellow zone. Once it hit that, she'd step in. Oske heard Ranpu say something dumb again. "Are you sure it thinks that? Because I know it--it's evident," she teased. Keeping a close eye on the wolf, Oske unsheathed her sword just in case the wolf landed another hit on Ranpu. She really had missed him... Blood rushed to her cheeks, and she averted her eyes.

  10. Hello, players of SAO-RPG. Unfortunately, due to a recent website update, a total of twelve unverified accounts have been removed. This was unintended and we deeply apologize for this incident. You are welcome to recreate your accounts. Please remember to verify your account through email to prove that you are not a spam-bot. Thank you!

  11. Oske smiled slightly, a little winded from her attack. She barely knew this person, but Tyger already seemed to care about her. Having new friends always made Oske happy, as cheesy as it sounded. "I'm great," Oske said. The wasp, now furious at Tyger for hitting it so hard, spun around and shot its stinger directly at her to promptly draw it back after it either hit or missed. Oske took this opportunity to slash through the bug's back, cutting off a few points of health but not nearly as much as Tyger did.


    ID: 9327

    BD: 6+1 (1dmg+3swordskill = 4 dmg)

    Mob: 10 (4dmg + 2crit = 6 dmg - 4dmg mitigation = 2 dmg)


    Oske: 45/45

    Tyger: 29/31

    Buzzen Bee: 7/25 (-1 Bleed, 1/2)

  12. As the two continued to make their way to the waterfall cave, Oske observed the scenery. In the distance, she could see quite a few bug mobs that were minding their own business. Oske was momentarily distracted. Her foot suddenly felt like it had stomped into mud or a decaying log. She looked down to see a strange pattern in the dirt with holes and mushed grossness. As she lifted her foot to see what the heck it was, a large wasp-looking bug shot out of the hole. Oske, immediately startled, cut out a large chunk of the bug's face. 


    The stinger of the bug gleamed, and Oske quickly said, "Careful, it looks dangerous...!"


    ID: 9323

    BD: 7+1 (1 dmg + 3swordskill = 4 dmg)

    Mob: 3 (fail)


    Oske: 45/45

    Tyger: 31/31

    Buzzen Bee: 21/25

  13. "I suppose you're right. I usually just don't know what to say, because usually the people I deal with are adults--" As she spoke, a message appeared in the corner of her vision. She opened up her menu to read it.


    To: Oske

    From: Pepper


    I'm calling you Ma from now on. Also, I have a surprise for you. Where are you? I'm just outside of Starting City. I'm coming to find you.





    Oske froze. She let out a long sigh. "I should've known... she's left Starting City. She never listens to me... I have no idea what I'm going to say, because... I'm new at this whole 'comforting a child' thing." Oske glanced at the woman. She paused, then held out her hand, forcing a smile onto her face. "I forgot. My name is Oske. It's nice to meet you."

  14. "In all honesty, neither of us wanted to kill him," Oske confessed. She remembered the light in that players eyes fading out with each cut, until he shattered and disappeared forever. "I got him down to one health point, and then we tried to get away, assuming his will to live would stop him from following us. Well, he followed us, and Pepper killed him." The sound of Pepper's horrified cry echoed through her head yet again.

    Her mind then panned into uncharted territory--things that Oske had to live with for the rest of her life. She could hear haunting voices calling her name--"Olivia... Oliviaaaaa~" Oske shook her head. "I haven't gotten the chance to talk to her about it. She's been brushing me off."

  15. Knowing that she had struck a nerve, Oske quickly put her hands up. "No, no... You've got it wrong. He attacked us first, and because it was self defense she did not become a PKer. She's currently in Starting City and has a quest status. She said she needed a break from everyone." Oske paused again. "If she leaves starting city, I told her to message me. I wouldn't leave her alone and defensless like that."

    Despite what Oske knew--the fact that Pepper wasn't her real daughter--she added, "I love her, after all."

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