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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. I am so vehemently against blacksmiths making light armor, it's almost ridiculous.


    There's no way to make 'light metal armor' unless you're doing chainmaille. It's freakin' metal. I'm glad we're getting some differentiation, otherwise, nobody would need/be a tailor. There was no distinct 'reasoning' to go with a particular trade due to the fact they can all make the same thing. Now, people will have to go to (    ) shop for Mitigation, and (    ) shop for their evasion. I don't think it makes any sense to add light to blacksmith. There's still no separation between them that way, and nothing changes except stifling the tailor trade. 


    Hell, i'm one of the top blacksmiths in the trade and I don't want us to be able to make light armor, even though my shop wouldn't hurt at all from it. I've laughed my butt off about it since i've seen people doing it. I refuse, and will still refuse to make 'anything' light, as you can't just wear metal like you could anything else. Chainmaille is freaking heavy, trust me. 

  2. Tyger prepared her forges once more for another day of crafting. She made sure to send a PM to ??? who would be ready to pick up his shield and sword soon. She hated seeing her old armor leave, but if it could help protect another player, she was all for it. Besides, she got to make so many new pieces of armor a day that she couldn't get too stuck on the ones she'd forged before, or the ones she'd worn. She was pumping out items for players, and that was all that mattered. 


    "Icarus, want a crunchy bit?"


    She offered, and tossed a piece of charcoal across the room. Icarus sat on his back legs, mouth open, and gulped down the piece with a satisfied burp and wag of his tail. Tyger set all the items down on the table that she'd made. Lots of random custom pieces, for sure. What was she going to do with all these? Her hands were heavy from her protective gauntlets, and her special hammer was beginning to feel heavier. Time to call it a day.


    ID 12203, CD 4+1=5 (Good Item, +3)

    ID 12204, CD 9+1=10 (Rare Item, +6)

    ID 12205, CD 1 (Fail, +2)

    ID 12206, CD 1 (Fail, +2)

    ID 12207. CD 8 (Uncommon Item, +4)

    ID 12208, CD 9+1=10 (Rare Item, +6)

    ID 12209, CD 9+1=10 (Rare Item, +6)




    2 Fails

    1 Good Item

    3 Rare Items

    1 Uncommon Item

    29 EXP

    -7 Mats

  3. (This quest is now being player run. I'm taking a few liberties to get us there quicker so we can go ahead and get this finished up.)


    Tyger ran one more quick look at the quest menu before nodding.


    "Yeah, I think we've got it. Let's go ahead and make our way there."


    The ginger gave Sir Five a reassuring look, before heading out with the team. Something must've taken Valentine, but they couldn't have gotten far. It seemed kind of cruel that a quest of this magnitude would come up so close to Valentine's Day, considering that there were plenty of people that had already lost their loved ones to this game. To be fair, a good portion of those were fickle.


    "Quest info says there should be a mob somewhere around here..."




    A shrill scream pierced the air, and Tyger unsheathed her sword and fitted her shield. Without another word, she charged into the foilage of the bordering forest, until there was a large clearing where a Cyclops held a woman who was continuously beating the fist that wrapped around her. 


    Put me down! I must go back! Put me down!


    She continued to hammer her fists against his hand, until she saw the party coming to rescue her. 


    Oh please! Please! This Cyclops, he won't let me go back to my Dear Five! You must help me!


    Capable of understanding speech, the Cyclops chuckled and threw her into a makeshift pit she couldn't climb out of while the Cyclops blinked a single eye and stood, towering over the group. Without more than a cruel laugh, the Cyclops swung a massive club at the first player he'd seen, Tyger. However, Tyger jumped back to avoid the blow, and proceeded to charge forward, slicing her sword across the ankles of the large creature.


    "Let's go guys!"


    ID 12201, MD 5 (Cyclops Misses)

    ID 12202, MD 10 (Tyger Hits for 6+1+2=9 DMG)


    <Lonely Cyclops . 91/100


    H2<Tyger> 37/37





  4. Baldur seemed to really enjoy the gear, which warmed her heart. As long as she could keep him safe, and kick some ass in the meantime, she'd be fine.


    "Something like... that."


    She smirked, pointing her sword at a creature off in the distance. From it's sillouette, it looked like something akin to one of the hellhounds running around. In the Ceberus cavern they stayed in packs, but out here, they were all lone wolves. Taking up a stance, Tyger smirked at her boyfriend before charging with Icarus in tow. 


    "Beat you thereeeeeee~"


    She chided, slamming her sword into the creature. It let out a surprised 'yip' given that Tyger was no where near aggro zone. The attack had come off as such a shock, the hound missed it's attack all together.


    ID 12200 BD: 7, CD 12, MD 4


    -Tyger deals 6+1 Damage


    <Tyger> 37/37

    <Hellhound> 13/20


  5. "Awww, C'mon!"


    Tyger whined, pointing her sword at the ridiculously small sliver of HP that the plant monster had. She mugged at Baldur for a moment, practically dumbfounded that had truly happened. 


    "Guess i'll just have to clean up this mess..."


    She grumbled, dashing forward to slam her sword into the stalk of the plant like a baseball bat. With a resounding crack the hit broke the stalk and the creature immediately crumpled into a pile of leaves and vine. It's body shortly disappeared after, leaving a material and a strange vial. Upon inspection, it was the Secret Medicine of their quest!


    "Hey, this is useful!"


    Tyger held it up for Baldur to see. She passed a glance at Lessa's Nepent, which was disappearing at this point as well.


    [iD: 12199 BD: 10]


    <Baldur>> 10/11 HP - Hits for 5 DMG

    <<Tyger>> 9/11 HP 

    <<Lessa>> 46/46 HP 


    <<Little Nephent #1>> 0/11 HP - Drops 1 Mat - Drops Secret Medicine

    <<Little Nephent #2>> 0/11 HP

  6. When Baldur kissed her, she snickered and watched him as he charged away, hitting the hound like a freight train on steroids. Tyger whistled through her teeth and smiled, following suit. Atlthough she didn't hit him as hard as Baldur did, there was still a noticeable amount of damage on the hound. Tyger flashed him her own cocky smile and then looked over to Oikawa and Ariel, curious who would hit the hound next. Ariel had been on a roll recently, but that didn't mean Oikawa was just going to let her get all these hits. Whoever hit next got the last hit, but with their turn order that'd become rather commonplace. 


    "How many more of these?"


    Tyger expected a large, angry three headed dog any minute.


    [iD: 12103 BD: 5+3=8 CD: 6]
    H1<<Alyss>> 31/33
    H2<<Baldur>> 31/33 
    H1<<Tyger>> 35/37 Hits for 7 Damage, -1 Environmental Damage
    H0<<Oikawa>> 25/26
    H0<<Ariel>> 33/38
    <<Hell Hound #7>> 4/30 HP

  7. Tyger nodded to Atticus, and transferred the items over to him.


    "That'll certainly work! Two rare items will equal out to... 1,200 Col."


    She traded over the items to Atticus, and gained the amount of money from him.


    "Enjoy them!"


    -2 Rare Items

    +1,200 Col




    Another fellow had entered the Forge just as Tyger was about to disappear into the back of the store. However, she smiled at him, and took his request, reading over it.


    "Nah, this sounds easy enough! I'll do my best to get it to you as quickly as possible."


    When she read the end part, she giggled and hollared over to Baldur. 


    "Reu says hello!"


    She chuckled, before ducking her head back into the forge to start crafting.




    ID 12088, CD 3 (Fail, +2)

    ID 12089, CD 11+1=12 (Perfect Item, +9)



    Name of Item: Arondight

    Type: One-Handed Sword

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +3 Damage

    Description: Sir Lance-a-lot's sword in Arthurian Legend.


    ID 12090, CD 3 (Fail, +2)

    ID 12091, CD 5 (Good Item of Choice, +3)

    ID 12092, CD 9+1=10 (Rare Item, +6)

    ID 12093, CD 10 (Rare Item, +6)

    ID 12094, CD 8 (Uncommon Item, +4)

  8. "Ariel!"


    Tyger called out, watching the player soar past the mob without so much as a scratch. Kimba was with her, while Icarus stayed off at the edge of the bridge where Tyger wanted him safe. The farther away he was from the mob, the better. She didn't want him getting hurt. Who knew how much the familiar could take? She watched Baldur slice at the golem before dodging behind her, where she intercepted another hit. She gritted her teeth and smirked at Baldur before leaning over a bit - while still holding the rock's sturdy arm against her shield - and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'll always protect you." She whispered to him, before snarling and beating the rocky arm aside to slice at it with her sword. She got a good, clean hit, and even applied her bleed. The creature still made no noise, but Tyger smirked. "I know you feel this.."


    [iD: 12080 BD: 8 CD: 4]


    H4<<Tyger>> 28/31 HP - Hits for 6 Damage

    H0<<Crozeph>> 27/28 HP

    H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H1<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP

    H1<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP 

    <<Stone Sentinel #2>> 37/60 HP - (Bleed, -1 0/2)

  9. Tyger smiled at Atticus when he came in, and pulled his items up on the counter.


    "Here you go! Hope you enjoy them!"


    She pulled out a notepad and stretched.


    "So how are you paying today?"




    Name of Item: World Breaker
    Type: Two-Handed spear
    Rarity: Rare
    Modifier: +2 damage
    Description: A heavy but incredibly balanced war spear. At one end is a sharp pointed tip, on the other is a counter balance which could be used to bludgeon an enemy.

    Name of item: Thunder Forged Gauntlets 
    Type: Gauntlets
    Rarity: Rare
    Modifier: +2 Mitigation 
    Description: Gaunlets crafted for use by a heavy spear user with a lightning bolt engraved on the top of each hand. 
  10. Hound number 6.


    Baldur rocketed forward, slaming his attack into the flaming dog with pinpoint accuracy. Tyger followed and did the same, taking off a decent chunk from the creature. However, it always eluded her. That last hit. Oh well! Tanks gave up that luxury, and she needed to be focused on what was to come. She'd need to focus all her energy on keeping the heads of Cerberus (in mythology he had 3, Tyger assumed this would carry into the game) engaged with her instead of the team. It'd be good practice for the floor boss, whether it's the 10th or 11th. 


    [iD: 112040 BD: 8 CD: 1] - Hits for 7 Damage, Bleed Applied

    H0<<Ariel>> 34/38

    H1<<Alyss>> 32/33

    H0<<Baldur>> 32/33 

    H0<<Tyger>> 35/37 

    H0<<Oikawa>> 25/26

    <<Hell Hound #6>> 7/30 HP (BLD, -1 0/2)

  11. The thorn whipped at Tyger's HP, and she let out a gasp. She still wasn't used to this whole 'not much pain' thing despite her life force in the game being drained. It was merely uncomfortable, at most. "Well that wasn't very nice..." She murmured, eyeing the plant angrily. Instead of balking though, she charged forward to meet the plant once more with her blade. The HP fell until there was barely a sliver left. Baldur should be able to finish it. Looking over her shoulder, she checked on Lessa, who was doing just fine against the plant creature.


    [iD: 12038 BD: 5+1=6]


    <<Baldur>> 10/11 HP

    <<Tyger>> 9/11 HP - Hits for 3 DMG

    <<Lessa>> 46/46 HP


    <<Little Nephent #1>> 4/11 HP - Hits Tyger for 2 DMG

    <<Little Nephent #2>> 11/11 HP

  12. As the first stoney Golem fell to Baldur's blade, Tyger turned her attention to the remaining hulking behemoth. His body grated against itself with each movement, creating the sound similar to using flint stones to create a spark, but on a larger, muuuuch slowwweeerrrrr scale. However, the attacks themselves weren't slow. Thankfully, she'd dodged most of the attacks, so nothing of consequence could truly happen (unless someone fell) before the last sentinel had fallen. Taking that into consideration, Tyger switched arms to slice at the sentinel.


    Unfortunately, it'd spent alot of it's time studying Tyger, and learning her movements. What should've been a surprise, even being that close up with the stone creature, ended up being a miserably easy hit to deflect with a stony finger. Tyger narrowed her eyes. At least the rock wasn't capable of laughter. She wouldn't underestimate his attention a second time.


    [iD: 11868 BD: 2 CD: 5]


    H3<<Tyger>> 28/31 HP

    H0<<Crozeph>> 27/28 HP

    H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H1<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP

    H0<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP 


    <<Stone Sentinel #1>> 0/60 HP - drops 1 mat & 300 Col

    <<Stone Sentinel #2>> 53/60 HP

  13. "How many of these freaking dogs do we have to skewer?"


    Tyger cried out, watching as the fifth plague on their raid entered. They seemed to be coming in a never-ending stream, and always when Tyger wasn't capable of finishing them off. Just her luck. My kingdom for a last hit, man, i'm telling you! She growled in her mind, charging up her attack. Rocketing forward in a straight charge after Baldur, she pierced the hound's flesh with her blade. She wondered if they'd make a name for themselves darting back and forth through the caverns, back to back, skewering these hellish hounds.


    "One more hit! You've got this!"


    She called out, breathlessly.


    [iD: 11867 BD: 4+3=7 CD: 12] Hits for 7 Damage (6+1 Charge)

    H1<<Ariel>> 35/38

    H0<<Alyss>> 33/33

    H0<<Baldur>> 31/33 

    H1<<Tyger>> 35/37 

    H0<<Oikawa>> 24/26 

    <<Hell Hound #5>> 5/30 HP

  14. Tyger stooped down to scratch Icarus a few times behind his earridges before nodding.


    "Yeah, i'd lucked out the other day when I went hunting, but i'm getting close to that time, ya know? Need to come out and kill a few things."


    The female chuckled, knowing that both of them had spent quite a few days combined time on this floor grinding for mats and gear. 


    "Besides, Icarus loves this place."


    Sometimes that was the only excuse she could come up with to stay here for long periods of time. Under all this armor it was just so freakin' hot.


    "You don't have to stay if you don't wanna, I just wanted to give you your armor before I started. But,  you're welcome to come along~"

  15. ID 11689, CD 8 


    Uncommon Item!


    ID 11690, CD 7+1=8


    Uncommon Item!


    ID 11691, CD 2+1=3, (LD 13, Material lost) 

    ID 11692, CD 12 



    Name of Item: Priwen

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Heavy Armor Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Accuracy, +1 Evasion

    Description: In Arthurian Legend, Priwen was King Arthur's shield. 


    ID 11693, CD 3 (LD 19, Material salvaged)

    ID 11694, CD 10


    Rare Item!


    ID 11695, CD 7+1=8 


    Uncommon Item!


    Total: 31 XP

    3 Uncommon Items

    1 Perfect Item

    1 Rare Item

    -6 Materials




    Tyger struck her hammer to the materials one by one, slowly pumping out a few items for the shop. Priority rested with the shield and sword order she'd gotten, as she'd already crafted Atticus's items. All she had to do was wait for them to be accepted through the system, and then she'd be golden. Icarus nibbled on a few pieces of coal while Tyger wiped her forehead, setting aside the items for evaluation. She'd probably go and sell a few excess. However, today's crafting was done. The Forge was turned off and cooled off. Tyger had some things to sort.

  16. Tyger sheathed her sword when she was assured it was safe, and put her shield over her back. She liked to keep it there, because all she'd have to do was reach back and pull her arm towards her to protect herself should a surprise attack come along. Well, if she needed the sword? Ah, just outta luck. Oske had a plan for where they'd head, so Tyger dutifully followed, listening out for any other mobs. Oh, and watching for those stupid nests.


    Icarus? "Yeah, he's from Floor 9. Such a cutie, I just had to bring him home with me. The whole shedding coal dust thing annoys Baldur, but once you get used to it, it's super cute. Aren't you just the cutest little thing...~


    At this point, Tyger was holding Icarus out in front of her, rubbing her nose against his until he planted a few slobbery licks on her face. She closed her mouth quickly to avoid any spit.

  17. Tyger watched, grinning from ear to ear as Baldur tried on his newest armor in record speed. She had to admit, he did look rather fetching. As he turned around and examined the newest sets, she examined him and smirked. 


    "Looking good there, Tex."


    She purred, brushing off a few pieces of ash that'd settled on his shoulders. By the active Volcano, it was a common sight.


    "You look super badass. I have to admit though, i'm kinda sad. You're totally stronger than I am now."


    She stuck her tongue out at him, but was picked up and spun around before she could continue to tease him. Once she had movement in her arms, she wrapped her arms around Baldur's neck and grinned.


    "Just keeping us safe til we get back home. I've got a lot more planned in my life, and I want you there with me."

  18. The heavy arms of the sentinels pounded at her shield, threatening to dent the metal and break through. However, Tyger trusted her own craftsmanship, and managed to dodge the next two, damaging pounds, resulting in no damage. Smirking to herself, Tyger considered that a tanking win. As the group slowly widdled down the two sentinels, Tyger closed her eyes. She couldn't afford to miss this attack. The aura of concentration swirled around her, and she opened her eyes, ready to dash forward.


    Her sword cut against the leg of the sentinel, and despite the HP falling, it emitted no sound of pain, just like when Baldur sliced an arm. Dang sentinels, you spooky.


    ID: 11623, BD 2+3+1 Concentration = 6, CD 7


    H5 H3<<Tyger>> 28/31 HP (Deals 6 Damage)

    H1 H0<<Crozeph>> 27/28 HP

    H1 H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H1 H0<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP 

    H1 H0<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP 


    <<Stone Sentinel #1>> 20/60 HP

    <<Stone Sentinel #2>> 60/60 HP 

  19. Hellhounds galore, apparently.

    When one fell, another took it's place, and swiftly too. Holding her sword out in front of her, Tyger watched as the third hound fell and a fourth took it's place. She gritted her teeth, feeling the burn from the cavern. How many dogs did they have to kill for this stupid Cerberus to show itself? Her contributions could only help serve this goal, so Tyger charged forward, following Baldur, until she sliced a decent chunk out of the fourth hound.


    My Kingdom for a last hit... She groaned inwardly, watching the HP fall until almost 0. Oh well, whoever managed to hit next would finish this particular dog. The tank's curse, no doubt.


    [iD: 11622 BD: 3+3=6 CD: 5]


    H1<<Ariel>> 36/38 

    H1<<Baldur>> 32/33

    H1<<Tyger>> 34/37 (Hits for 7 Damage, -1 HP)

    H0<<Oikawa>> 24/26

    H0<<Alyss>> 33/33 

    <<Hell Hound #4>> 5/30 HP

  20. Tyger smiled warmly, watching the two familiars play. Icarus didn't have to worry about the same things she did, but she didn't mind. She was glad that one of them could live as fun-loving as he did. 


    "Nah, that'd be a shame. We'll stick around. I can take you back up the path I took."


    Tyger suggested, before crossing her arms while Baldur 'whispered' to Keith. All of it was true though, so she wouldn't have to worry about correcting any silly fact about Tyger. 


    "Yup, I figured i'd give tanking a try this game. I always focused on DPS but the game where my life matters, and i end up tanking. Not a bad deal though."


    She chuckled, turning on her heel to head back up the path she'd just descended from.


    "Shall we, boys? C'mon, Icarus."

  21. ID 11316, CD 10

    Name of Item: World Breaker

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge
    Type: Two-Handed spear
    Rarity: Rare
    Modifier: +2 damage
    Description: A heavy but incredibly balanced war spear. At one end is a sharp pointed tip, on the other is a counter balance which could be used to bludgeon an enemy.


    ID 11130, CD 10+1=11 (+5)

    Name of item: Thunder Forged Gauntlets 

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Gauntlets
    Rarity: Rare
    Modifier: +2 Mitigation 
    Description: Gaunlets crafted for use by a heavy spear user with a lightning bolt engraved on the top of each hand. 


    ID 11692, CD 12

    Name of Item: Priwen

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Heavy Armor Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Accuracy, +1 Evasion

    Description: In Arthurian Legend, Priwen was King Arthur's shield. 

  22. Tyger smiled at the newcomer, and rested against the desk.


    "Howdy! Haven't seen you around here! Lemme go ahead and take those and get on it. Check back tomorrow, and i'll send you a PM if I get 'em done sooner."


    Icarus bounded to her side, and then peered up at the newest player. She took his orders and looked them over, before nodded. 


    "Yeah, these'll be easy peasy. I'll have it done in a flash. If ya need anything though, be sure to give me a hollar."

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