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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Nothing poked it's head out to play, so Tyger continued her little walk, squinting as best she could to see anything. With Icarus being black, it was a difficult feat to even keep up with him. At least the magma veins in his body gave out a little bit of light. 


    "Yeah, that's probably my saving grace there." 


    She murmured to Icarus, who grinned widely, showing all his teeth. Being useful was good, but being unintentionally useful was even better. However, something broke his happiness as they walked. He stilled immediately, and straightened, eyes focusing on something Tyger couldn't see. A little gust of wind passed by Tyger before she realized it was wings. Uh... what was there? Red, bright eyes peered back at her as the creature's eyes opened. 

    "Uh oh..."

  2. When Oske reaffirmed her own safety, Tyger nodded and chastised herself. She couldn't go around treating people like they weren't capable of anything. Instead, she needed to just trust Oske. It just frustrated her that the damage could've been avoided, but it was no matter now. What was done was done. Instead, Tyger needed to focus on the now. If Tyger hit, she'd bring the bee down even more, which was what they needed. 


    "Alright. Sorry, force of habit."


    Tyger took up her sword and shield and ran forward, slicing at the giant insect with her sword. It connected, and the creature buzzed angrily and shot at Oske. Tyger bit back a yelp, and let Oske deal with it. The bee missed, thankfully, so Tyger wouldn't sweat it.


    ID: 10862

    BD: 6, MD 2, CD 3

    *No Battle Healing


    Oske: 42/45

    Tyger: 27/31 (Deals 6 Damage)

    Buzzen Bee #1: 11/25

  3. ID 10842, CD 11+1=12

    Name of Item: Butterfly Guard

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Evasion, +1 Thorns

    Description: A spikey silver shield with gold and black accents.


    ID 10844, CD 12

    Name of Item: Silver Winged Justice

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Weapon (Curved Sword)

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 Accuracy, +2 Damage

    Description: A silver sword with a black hilt and golden accents.


    ID 10847, CD 12

    Name of Item: Tiger's Luck

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Crafting Item

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 EXP

    Description: The matching gloves for perfect, efficient crafting!


    ID 10849, CD 11+1=12

    Name of Item: Knight's Guard

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Bracers

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Bleed, +1 Accuracy

    Description: Black and Gold Gauntlets with the power to do some massive damage, accurately at that.


    ID 11011 - CD 12

    Name of ItemMjolnir

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Weapon (Mace)

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Lifesteal +1 Damage

    DescriptionMjolnir is typically depicted as a large, square-headed gray lump hammer. It has a short, round handle wrapped in brown leather, culminating in a looped lanyard. 

  4. Crafting~ 2/23


    ID 10842, CD 11+1=12



    Name of Item: Butterfly Guard

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Evasion, +1 Thorns

    Description: A spikey silver shield with gold and black accents.


    ID 10843, CD 7 (+2 XP)


    Good Item of Choice!


    ID 10844, CD 12 (+8 XP)



    Name of Item: Silver Winged Justice

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Weapon (Curved Sword)

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 Accuracy, +2 Damage

    Description: A silver sword with a black hilt and golden accents.


    ID 10846, CD 6 (+2 XP)


    Good Item of Choice!


    ID 10847, CD 12 (+8 XP)



    Name of Item: Tiger's Luck

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Crafting Item

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 EXP

    Description: The matching gloves for perfect, efficient crafting!


    ID 10848, CD 10+1=11 (+5 XP)


    Rare item of choice! 


    ID 10849, CD 11+1=12 (+8 XP)



    Name of Item: Knight's Guard

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Bracers

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Bleed, +1 Accuracy

    Description: Black and Gold Gauntlets with the power to do some massive damage, accurately at that.

  5. "Wait, don't!"


    Tyger gasped out, watching as Oske attacked the lone bee. Tyger gritted her teeth and faced the bee she currently faced, charging up an attack to unleash on the creature. She jumped at the wasp and slammed both her sword, refreshing the bleed effect. The bee crumpled in on itself before exploding into shards. However, before she could turn and attack the second one, Oske was being attacked. Tyger wished she hadn't attacked the lone one, because now Oske held aggro. And by the look of it, the bee had gotten a critical. Ouch.


    ID: 10824

    BD: 10, MD 10, CD 11, LD 20

    *1 HP Battle Healing


    ID: 10825

    Bee #2- MD 1


    Oske: 42/45

    Tyger: 27/31 (Deals 8 damage, +2 Thorns)

    Buzzen Bee (1): 21/25 (Deals 6 damage, 3 Mitigated by Oske)

    Buzzen Bee (2): 0/25 (Bleed Applied, -1 0/2) (Drops 2 mats, 125 Col)

  6. "Icarus, don't have kids."


    She murmured, although, on second thought, she took it back.


    "Oh wait, nevermind. Baby dragons would be freaking adorable."


    She chuckled, imagining a bunch of baby dragons jumping around on a tired Icarus. THAT'D be something to see. Speaking of see, she still couldn't.


    "Uh, hello? Kid? You in here?"


    Tyger cupped her hands around her mouth and hollared into the depths of the cave, but the only response she got was her own echo. Creepy...

  7. "I can't believe i'm doing this."


    Tyger growled to herself, trudging deeper into the cave. It was dark, so there wasn't much to look at, grab, hold on to, or even growl at as she walked. She was a sucker for tears, and the NPC woman had practically begged her. That, and Icarus was angry and wouldn't let Tyger go without helping the woman. Tyger didn't like children, but she'd get experience at least, as well as a few skill points if she managed to find the girl, so it would be worth it in the end. 


    Icarus didn't seem to have any issues walking and seeing, so she tried to judge when and where to move based on his movement patterns. 

  8. "So lemme get this straight. You let your kid run around without you?"


    Tyger wasn't about to argue parenting with an NPC, considering she had no kids, but still. Who let their kid run around on their own? There were boars the size of mastiffs here!


    "And you need me to go in that cave-"


    Tyger pointed over her shoulder at the gaping maw of the cave. It was dark in there, man. 


    "And find your kid?"


    The NPC woman nodded, and Tyger sighed, rubbing her temples. She needed to go and Forge things. Yeah, forge things. Cave wouldn't do. Couldn't do it. Stars weren't in alignment. Stars. Can't do it.

  9. Tyger pushed open the door to the Forge, and Icarus darted inside to greet Baldur. She waved to him, and smiled.


    "Honey, i'm hoooome~ And I got a TON. of mats."


    She smiled, showing him her inventory numbers. Now that he was working, she actually had to go do work, so the fruits of her spoils made her feel good about the excursion today.


    "Let's see what I can make today, shall we?"

  10. Sounds could be heard behind the rock, towards the heart of the forest. Perhaps more Kobolds? Tyger whistled and Icarus ceased his happy wagging and jumped onto Tyger's back before she started running. She could hear a Kobold panting in the brush behind her, but all she had to do was outrun it before the mob would leash. While she ran, she couldn't help but laugh. Maybe that was a private Kobold reserve? 




    She probably looked like an idiot as she ran, eventually slowing down. She was out of breath from running and laughing, but with no Kobold behind her now, she could catch her breath. Wiping a few tears from her face, she giggled a few more seconds before walking back into the safe zone.


    "Dang we got quite the haul today."


    She mused, petting Icarus before heading back to the Forge.

  11. "One last try."


    Tyger murmured, circling completely around the jutting rock. She'd commit this place to memory. Even if she didn't find a 4th material, 3 in a row was a steal. Icarus hadn't said anything yet. There was no gasp, no angry growl, no roar, so no Kobold's had noticed the disappearance of their scout. However, after this attempt, they'd need to head back home for sure.


    "Icarus, let's finish this up and skedaddle." 


    Her hands pushed into the dirt and when she grasped hold of the material at the bottom of the hole, her heart fluttered.


    "This has been the BEST hunting trip ever. Hands down. We usually have shitty luck with these."


    Tyger mused, dropping the material into her inventory. Icarus wagged his tail happily. When Tyger got in these moods, he got spoiled back at the forge. He'd get ALL THE COALS.


    ID 10806

    LD: 18 (holy [censored] man)


    +1 Mat


    Total: 12 Mats, 245 Col

  12. Tyger would pay the iron price for the materials she'd collected. There was always some repercussion considering the material hunting. Multiple times, she'd be crouched down (as she was now) digging dutifully before a mob came up from behind her and landed a critical hit. Thankfully, this was not one of those times as far as she could tell. 


    "Keep a lookout, buddy?"


    Tyger suggested, and Icarus sat up on his hind legs like a meerkat, using his tail to sturdy himself as he kept sentry watch. Tyger dug down beside the rock, mentally making a note to come back to this place next time. Hopefully she'd hit 3 in a row and get lucky. Her shovel pinged against something, so when she started digging with her hands, the third material in a row smiled at her. She could almost see her own reflection, had she wiped off all the dirt. Instead, she popped it in her inventory happily.


    ID 10803

    LD: 18


    +1 Material


    Total: 11 mats, 245 Col

  13. "Let's try again, shall we?"


    Tyger mused, digging at another spot under the rock. Perhaps this was part of an eroded mountain? Nah, too small. Besides, it was just a normal rock, but Tyger could dream, no? Icarus dug away, before getting distracted by a butterfly and chasing it in a circle. Tyger finished the hole and peered down, hoping to find another treasure buried inside. A shiny material peeked back at her, and Tyger gathered it up greedily.




    ID 10801

    LD: 15


    + 1 Material


    Total: 10 mats, 245 Col

  14. The forest wasn't near as thick as the forest on the jungle floor, but it was close enough to what she was looking for. Besides, the entire point of the day was looking for materials, be it in the ground or from a mob. She wiggled her shoulders, and Icarus jumped down playfully, pouncing on a bush with malice and ferocity. The bush refused to retaliate, and was soon squished completely by the magma dragon. While Icarus played, Tyger inspected a large rock. It had dirt at the base where the rock seemed to jut out from the ground, so Tyger took her chances and dug at the base. 


    Icarus came to join in, and pretty soon, they'd dug up a nice, golden material for the bucket back at the forge.


    ID 10799

    LD: 16


    +1 Material


    Total: 9 mats, 245 Col

  15. The Kobold growled at her, angrily, hefting it's large sword onto it's back as it stared Tyger down. It didn't have enough time to warn the sentry, as Tyger was already charging towards it. Instead, it would have to fight and hope that it won. Icarus held on tight, and benchmarked a thought to make sure Tyger had something for him to hold onto after they forged their crafts later today.


    "Eat this!"


    Tyger smirked, bringing her sword down on the beast before it could attack. The Kobold slashed at her, but was met with Tyger's shield. The damage from the shield once again had finished off an enemy. Tyger laughed and looked at the metal hunk on her arm. 


    "You're gathering up quite the kill count."


    She chuckled, picking up the material the mob had dropped.



    ID 10797

    BD: 8, CD: 9, MD: 7-2=5, LD: 5

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6 Damage, Thorns Activated, Bleed Activated)

    <Kobold Scout> (Misses)


    <Tyger> 32/33

    <Kobold Scout> 0/17 (Drops 1 mat)


    Total: 8 mats, 245 Col

  16. With the newest material found, Tyger began walking towards the forest. When she and Baldur had been exploring, they'd found Kobolds that were slighly higher level in the forest. Why not try there? If she was lucky, they'd drop a few mats and some Col for the forge. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the Kobold patrolling. 


    "Hang on!"


    Tyger snickered, charging forward to deal damage to the little dog creature. It barked in surprise, feeling the stinging pain of Tyger's well placed slice. The sword it had missed Tyger by a mile, thankfully. And, she'd managed to hit it with the shield as well. Not a bad first pass.


    ID 10796

    BD: 4+3=7, CD: 12, MD: 6-2=4

    *1 HP Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+1=7 Damage, Thorns Activated)

    <Kobold Scout> (Misses)


    <Tyger> 32/33

    <Kobold Scout> 8/17 

  17. Tyger sheathed her sword and placed her shield on her back, forcing Icarus back onto the ground. She'd managed to fight a few mobs, and gotten a good amount of mats and col, but she wanted to make sure to spread out the search. 


    "Hey Icarus, how does this spot look?"


    Tyger put her foot on a little earthy patch among the grassy lands of the first floor. Icarus sniffed at it for a few second before he began to dig. Tyger pulled out her shovel and helped, hoping that there'd be a material at the bottom of their metaphorical pot of gold here.


    Much to her excitement, she found one. Icarus pulled it out of the hole carefully, in hopes of more treats later on, to which Tyger would probably end up doing. She was a pushover when it came to things like that. Rubbing his coaly head, Tyger smiled and pocketed the material.


    "Nice job! Though, I picked it out. Maybe i've got a magic sense of these things too!"


    Icarus snorted playfully and rolled his eyes.


    ID 10761

    LD: 19


    +1 Material


    Total: 7 mats, 245 Col

  18. Toothy boar was angry.


    No, it was angry


    Tyger readied herself, concentrating and focusing hard on the spot she planned to attack. The boar was predictable, as in, Toothy always seemed to run in a straight line. Their little joust proved that. It didn't know how to deal with something running alongside it. So, Tyger prepared to do just that again. She approached the raging boar and sliced down it's side before it could even nip at her. It exploded into the thousands of bright shards, dropping the motherload of loot. Tyger whistled through her teeth and collected them all before Icarus managed to nibble. 




    She practically purred.


    ID 10760

    BD: 5+3=8, CD: 3, MD: 8, LD: 19

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6 Damage)

    <Toothy Boar> (No Chance to Attack)


    <Tyger> 31/33

    <Toothy Boar> 0/17 (Drops 2 mats, 85 Col)


    Total: 6 mats, 245 Col

  19. Toothy boar, well on it's way to toothless, snorted angrily. It's eyes lolled with rage and it's tongue stuck out as it panted in the heat. In the real world, this probably would have been mistaken for rabies. Well, probably accurately diagnosed with rabies. She didn't want to get bit by it, that's for sure. 


    "Yeah not sure I like this one."


    She groaned, readying herself for another pass. The boar began to charge, so she ran forward once more in a joust-like fashion. She held out her sword in front of her, and passed the boar. The poor thing missed it's attack as it winced from Tyger's painful attack. It squealed and clicked it's teeth once more. Tyger winced. That sound was just awful.


    ID 10759

    BD: 2+3+1 Concentration =6, CD: 6, MD: 1

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6 Damage)

    <Toothy Boar> (Misses)


    <Tyger> 31/33

    <Toothy Boar> 4/17

  20. Luckily for Tyger, the next angry mob that attacked her was another boar. No wasp, no worm, no giant bug. Give her a slobbering, angry, tusked furry boar versus a bug any day.


    "Heads up!"


    She warned Icarus as she charged forward to meet the angry boar mid-way. Her sword sliced against it with ace accuracy. She couldn't say the same for the boar. It's toothy bite missed, and instead, it's teeth clicked together in a fashion that sounded relatively painful. To make it even worse, the creature rubbed against her shield as it passed, causing even more pain. Just wasn't this boar's day, man.


    ID 10758

    BD: 7, CD: 2, MD: 6-2=4

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+1=7 Damage, Thorns Activated)

    <Toothy Boar> (Misses)


    <Tyger> 31/33

    <Toothy Boar> 10/17

  21. Tyger munched on a field ration while she listened to her boyfriend go over the plan. Granted, it meant that if (heaven forbid) something happened, she'd be able to take control with the same plan as she'd heard it enough to commit it to memory. But, on the flip side, that's what made Baldur such a good leader. He was prepared and ready to make sure that everyone in the group knew their role, and what the plan was. The Rat had told them about the quest, and as intimidating as it seemed, it would be a good experience as well as good experience for the group. As the team's tank, Tyger did her best to prepare herself as well.


    "I'm ready when you are. I've got my potions stocked, but i'm hoping I won't need them. Field ration is uh, dry, slightly bitter, but i'll down it here in a second. And I made sure to buff out the scratches on my equipment, so maybe Cerbs'll be distracted by my nice, shiny armor."


    Well, sort of. She'd left her fur cape at home, as she didn't want it to get burned. Well, that, and this floor was hot. H-O-T Hot. Her gaze wandered over Oikawa, Ariel, Baldur, and their newest companion Alyss. She owned the sweets shop that she prayed Baldur would bring a gift home from, but she'd eventually wander her way over there to see the wares for herself. What girl didn't want chocolate? 


    "If you guys have any questions, or feel threatened, feel free to ask and get behind me. I'll tank the entire time. My priority is keeping hate. Doing damage is second, but i'll do what I can. Ya'll just worry about taking it down. Watch your HP, and don't feel bad about downing a potion."


    Icarus sat at her feet, obediently controlling his urges to rub soot on everyone in the group. When Tyger seemed ready, the dragon crawled up her back armor to rest at her shoulders. Eventually she'd have to build a little harness, or something on her back (maybe metal wings?) Just so the dragon would have something to rest against when he sat on her back. Or hold onto, at least. Tyger seemed in well enough spirits, much better when Baldur wasn't getting speared by a swamp stalker. 


    "I dunno about ya'll, but i'm pretty excited."


    She snickered.

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