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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Tyger gritted her teeth, feeling the sting of the heat seeping through her armor. At least she didn't have to worry about Icarus. At least she didn't have to worry about Icarus. As long as she kept repeating that, she felt a bit better. However, watching the team's HP drop a bit each turn made her stomach flop. Add this to the constant threat of 3 angry Cerberus heads... She hoped she was the only one that would really need to worry about the health potions. Tyger watched as Ariel nibbled on a Field Ration. Smart. Tyger prided herself in remembering that she'd technically done it first. 


    "Hold on!"


    She warned Icarus, who latched on as she prepped herself to charge. The red-headed woman streaked across the field, slamming her sword into the hide of the newest hell hound. Baldur had already hurt it, and despite being a higher level, still did more damage than him. I'm a tank, i'm a tank... don't take it personal. She reminded herself, taking pride in the fact she'd done a bit of damage herself. 


    [iD: 11443 BD:7 CD: 4]


    H1<<Baldur>> 31/33 

    H1<<Tyger>> 35/37 Hits for 7 Damage, -1 Hp

    H0<<Oikawa>> 25/26

    H0<<Alyss>> 33/33

    H0<<Ariel>> 36/38


    <<Hell Hound #3>> 13/30 HP

  2. Icarus saw Baldur before Tyger did, so when the familiar bounded towards her partner, she turned around to see the man walking towards her. Her gaze softened, and she smiled when he greeted her. 


    "Hello handsome."


    She answered back, returning his wave. He apologized for being late, and Tyger smirked. 


    "Guess i'll just have to keep these two super awesome pieces of gear to myself then, eh?"


    She pulled up the inventory and traded over Baldur's newest pieces of armor. The Bracers and Armor he'd requested had only taken a few days to make, and thankfully he'd placed his order before ??? or they'd still be waiting. She'd get to this stuff soon enough. 


    "What better way to test it out than on this floor, hmm?"


    Besides, Icarus really really liked this floor.



    Name of ItemAmateru ("Shining in Heaven")

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Heavy Armor

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Lifesteal, +1 Accuracy

    Description: A perfect set of armor to protect a loved one.


    Name of Item: Knight's Guard

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Bracers

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Bleed, +1 Accuracy

    Description: Black and Gold Gauntlets with the power to do some massive damage, accurately at that.


    Tyger trades over these two items~

  3. "Umph!"


    Tyger was knocked back by the force of the Stone behemoth's attack and into one of the poles at the edge of the bridge. One look over the side made Tyger dizzy as she scrambled back into the fight, staring down both of the stone golems. Angrily, she gritted her teeth and slashed at the first one, who'd hit her, and raked her sword down his side. Thankfully, it hadn't made such an awful noise compared to Baldurs. Perhaps that was the punishment for missing or rolling low? 




    She exclaimed, rather breathlessly as she continued taking the attacks for the team. The strider's weren't so bad, but these things were so large, and carried so much weight... a simple back hand had sent her a few feet back. Stupid rocks.


    [iD: 11442 BD: 5+3=8 CD: 8]


    H4 H3<<Tyger>> 28/31 HP - Hits for 6 Damage

    H1 H0<<Crozeph>> 27/28 HP

    H0 H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H1 H0<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP

    H0 H0<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP 


    <<Stone Sentinel #1>> 41/60 HP 

    <<Stone Sentinel #2>> 60/60 HP 

  4. "Alright Icarus. Time to get started."


    Tyger whistled for her familiar, who bounded down the stairs with fervor. His favorite part of the day, from what Tyger could tell, was forging. Perhaps it was because the familiar liked setting the fire on fire, or maybe it had to do with the burnt pieces of coal that remained for the dragon to chew on. Or, maybe it was him sneaking a material for a snack occasionally. Whatever it was, Tyger was glad he enjoyed it. She held open the door for the familar to walk inside, before letting Baldur know she'd be gone for a while forging, before eventually closing the door. Her crafting hammer sat next to the Forge as she prepared herself for the toils and whatnot for crafting. Her newest gauntlets, steel, silver, shiny and smooth, were ready for the crafting process as well.


    "Ain't nothing to it but to do it!"


    Tyger snickered, beginning her work on the forge Icarus had lit for her. The first item of business was for Baldur, as he'd come in earlier to request his armor. She'd already finished his gauntlets, but giving him the final perfect piece of his armor seemed like the nice thing to do. She still had ??? to craft for, but his orders had come in after Baldurs, so true to her word, she'd work on them in the order recieved. Besides, Baldur knew where she slept.


    The rest of the crafting experience was rather uneventful. She'd crafted a few Uncommon items, and a few good items as well. Aside from the perfect armor Baldur had requested, there was the Rare item she'd made... Hopefully that'd make someone happy. Lighting the forge was much quicker than cooling it off, and Tyger almost wished Icarus could just suck the heat back in and make the process quicker. But no, she had to send all of the items for evaluation, and make sure that they passed the gaming code. Then, of course, she'd need to clean up. Dust was everywhere, and only partially from Icarus. Then, she'd need to change out the coals (which Icarus was fine assisting with) and then finally putting everything she'd crafted where it belonged. Her material bucket looked sad as it got closer and closer to empty, but there wasn't much she could do about it tonight. Hopefully she'd bring some more in. She had a mysterious benefactor, yes, but she didn't want to become totally dependant on the outside help. 


    "All the coals are yours bud."


    Tyger smiled. Give the dragon a treat, eh? Icarus's eyes widened and he looked at all the coals as if it were a steak dinner. To him, it was. Immediately he began gobbling up piece after piece, so Tyger left him to his scarfing while she settled the shop out front.




    ID 11312, CD 12 (8+1=+9)



    Name of Item: Amateru ("Shining in Heaven")

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Heavy Armor

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Lifesteal, +1 Accuracy

    Description: A perfect set of armor to protect a loved one.


    ID 11313, CD 7+1=8, (3+1=+4)


    Uncommon Item of Choice!


    ID 11314, CD 3+1=4, (2+1=+3)


    Good Item of Choice!


    ID 11315, CD 8 (3+1=+4)


    Uncommon Item of Choice!


    ID 11316, CD 10 (5+1=+6)


    Name of Item: World Breaker

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge
    Type: Two-Handed spear
    Rarity: Rare
    Modifier: +2 damage
    Description: A heavy but incredibly balanced war spear. At one end is a sharp pointed tip, on the other is a counter balance which could be used to bludgeon an enemy.



    ID 11317, CD 6 (2+1=3)


    Good Item of Choice!


    ID 11318, CD 7+1=8, (3+1=+4)


    Uncommon Item of Choice!

  5. While the bee was preoccupied with Oske's spinning maneuver, Tyger crouched and readied herself to attack the bee. Oske had already done quite the number on it's chest, so Tyger decided to follow up with a slash to the side. Her sword ripped down the body of the bee, and when it turned to retaliate, feeling the most pain from Tyger, it struck her shield and exploded. 


    "Huh. Well that was rather prompt.."


    She murmured, grinning over at Oske.


    ID: 11289

    BD: 5+3=8, MD 7-2=5, LD 3


    Oske: 42/45

    Tyger: 27/31 *6 damage, +2 thorns =8 Damage

    Buzzen Bee: 0/25 (Misses, Drops 1 mat)

  6. Tyger saw the young girl walk in, so she grabbed the hammer and shield she'd requested and handed it over to her, taking the 2000 col.


    "There ya go, fresh off the fires. I hope you enjoy them! They'll keep you safer than nothing, ya know?"


    Tyger smiled, glad she could help the girl out.



    Name of ItemMjolnir

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Weapon (Mace)

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +2 Lifesteal +1 Damage

    DescriptionMjolnir is typically depicted as a large, square-headed gray lump hammer. It has a short, round handle wrapped in brown leather, culminating in a looped lanyard. 

    It got lightnings covering it's hammer head, and glows a faint bluish color that looks like that of a Lightning.




    Name of ItemSvalinn

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 Accuracy +2 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A black and golden shield, depicting a story of demons and a young woman. Symbolic, no?



    +2000 Col, -2 Items to Torunn

  7. Tyger watched when Ariel landed the last hit, and smiled at the woman as they dispatched the last of the terrible bog creatures.


    "Phew! I'm glad that's over!"


    Tyger snickered, dipping her sword into the water to clean the greenish ooze that had collected on it. Her shield needed a scrub as well, but with all the thorny damage, ooze was caked inside the lion's mouth, so that'd need to be taken care of later. Gross. Baldur congratulated the group, and Tyger passed a round of fistbumps. When she got to Raeyliff, he bumped but then mentioned he had to go back. Tyger looked at Baldur. Maybe something happened? She couldn't remember if he owned a shop or not, but maybe something happened there. That, or maybe a PM that a friend was in trouble? Tyger wasn't about to call him out for it; this was an optional trip, after all. 


    "Alright bud, be safe. We're gonna keep going in."


    When Baldur spoke about wet clothes, Tyger snorted.


    "Might have to have you take off those soaking clothes at the door so you don't track water everywhere. I just mopped up after Icarus."


    There was no sexual undertones or joking, she'd probably make him do that. She took her clean shop seriously. However, it was the last she'd mention of it as they continued through the floor. A long bridge led to an Immortal Object (which happened to be a tree) guarded by two large stone sentinels. Baldur let her know it was her turn, and she put a hand on her hip.


    "Fun fun, making friends every day."


    She pulled her sword from it's sheath and put on her shield. Time to go make friends. As the stone sentinels approached, Tyger slammed her shield against one of the long posts on the side of the bridge. 


    "Time to rock and roll!"


    The Sentinels didn't appreciate her joke.


    H3 H3<<Tyger>> 30/31 HP Howls

    H0<<Crozeph>> 27/28 HP

    H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H0<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP

    H0<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP


    <<Stone Sentinel #1>> 60/60 HP

    <<Stone Sentinel #2>> 60/60 HP

  8. (Sorry, feeling sick so this will be rather lackluster for the moment)


    The first Hound they'd charged had already fallen, but that didn't change anything. When one had fallen, another took it's place with precision. Ariel and Baldur managed to thwack it, and when Tyger run forward to slice it with her sword, it had just barely missed, using it's whiplike tail to batter her in the stomach, knocking her to the side. It wasn't an attack, and was probably unintentional, but it threw Tyger off balance and she missed her attack. Icarus scrambled onto Tyger's side to avoid being squished before Tyger stood up once more and shot Baldur a glance, letting him know she was okay. I only get limited hits... She thought to herself. Why am I not making them count? She thought, angrily.


    [iD: 11281 BD: 6 CD: 9]


    --Turn Order--

    H1<<Baldur>> 32/33 HP

    H0<<Tyger>> 36/37 - Misses

    H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 

    H0<<Alyss>> 33/33

    H1<<Ariel>> 35/36


    <<Hell Hound #2>> 12/30HP

  9. "Vulcan Town."


    At least, she thought that was the right name. Even if it wasn't, the portal got her where she needed to go. The heat pressed up against her face like an awkward conversation, leaving her breathless for a few seconds before she acclimated. Icarus on the other hand was totally fine. After all, this was the floor she'd met him. The occasional mat hunting or mob slashing trip was in order, so she had agreed to meet Baldur here. She'd completed his item, so she held it in the safety of her inventory until she could trade it over to him. What better way to test it out than in combat?


    "C'mon, let's go wait for Baldur away from the portal."


    People were porting in at a steady rate. With the 10th floor unlocked, last minute training and prep for the 10th floor boss fight tended to happen on the 9th floor. Not that she minded. Though, she wanted to go see the 10th floor soon...

  10. Wait, wait wait. So you're saying to get to Rank 10, Ultimately we need 10,220 EXP points? It was my (and I assume) everyone elses assumption that the points were cumulative; as in, once you hit rank 2, you only need 20 more points, then 40, then 80... to keep leveling up. AND we need to write a post for each craft? If that's the case, I don't think i'm going to be trying to level as much anymore, as that is borderline unobtainable. 


    The way it's shown is misleading then. It needs to state the reset. Do we all need to go back and recalculate our EXP to find out our 'true' levels? If we need to, then i'm going to do every craft individully as a cheeky way to get extra posts in if I need to really write all of that. Which, is fine. I don't mind the writing, i'm more surprised about the level resetting. Because in some RPG's, you keep the EXP. 


    Levelling crafts in WoW is a step by step. You can do this at X, and then when you get to Y, you can do this new cool thing.


    ^ was how I thought crafting was here.

  11. (Sorry, the shield is actually a custom order. But, I can make something for you if you're cool waiting for my craft attempts tomorrow! <3)


    Tyger smiled as ??? stepped in. She thought she had gotten a request from him, but it was deleted soon after, so it had probably been a glitch.


    "Howdy! Yeah, you can have the pauldrons. I really enjoy them, but i'll take 4 mats for them."


    The blacksmith pulled down the gear and placed it on the desk before handing it over to ??? and recieving 4 materials in exchange.


    "The shield is a custom order someone had asked for, but I do have The Silent Hunter for sale. You're more than welcome to purchase it for 6 mats, and then go and request a perfect voucher from Baldur over there."


    Tyger waved to her boyfriend.


    "Then you could get whatever stats you wanted on it."


    -Tyger sells Dragon's Wings for 4 mats


    NameThe Silent Hunter

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge
    Armor Type: Metal, Shield
    Rarity: Perfect
    Description: A blackened, steel shield with chips sliced out for dramatic effect. A tiger has been painted on the front, the animal of choice for the wielder. They are strong, powerful hunters with a knack for camouflage. She who emulates it may just find the same talents.
    Effect: +2 Lifesteal, +1 Evasion


    *You could go to Baldur's shop and request a perfect voucher to change the stats if you wanted to buy the shield. 

  12. Given the situation, Tyger figured it'd be best to just go ahead and dispatch the creature post-haste. There were no more reasons for Tyger to howl, unless another add showed up. And, of course, she prayed that didn't happen. If enemies could just wait their turn patiently, people wouldn't be dying in this game. Ariel landed with a splash when she missed her attack, and Tyger gritted her teeth. Taking us forever to beat these... I wonder if they're just too overlevelled... She wondered, holding her own with the strider. Baldur came in and landed a successful attack, and Tyger grinned warmly. At least he was getting somewhere! She was glad he wasn't missing as much, because he'd get home all frustrated about it. But, it gave him something to work on. And sometimes he just couldn't control it. The game wasn't easy that's for sure.


    She knew it was her turn to sneak in an attack after the Bog Strider raked it's claws down her once more. Her shield gave it something to chew on though, and she figured an extra helping of dessert was in order. Swinging her sword, she slammed the blade into the side of the creature before jumping back, bringing the blade with her. The streak glew bright against the dark creature's side, and it brought a smirk to Tyger's face. Now she was getting somewhere.


    [iD: 11159 BD: 9 CD: 2]


    H8<<Tyger>> 30/31 HP - Deals 7 Damage

    H0<<Crozeph>> 27/28 HP

    H0<<Raeyliff>> 22/22 HP

    H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H0<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP

    H2<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP -


    <<Bog Strider #3>> 15/36 HP (Bleed Applied, -1, 0/2)

  13. The heat bit at Tyger like a rabid dog, instantly dropping her HP one point. If the entire shindig was going to be like this, she was glad she had her field rations and the rest of the team here with her. There was no way she would've survived coming here and killing things on her own. She would've made it a good ways in before the heat or Cerberus itself dispatched her quickly. 


    "Hey, be careful."


    As they began their descent, Tyger bumped Baldur with her hip, as if reassuring him she was still there. In reality, it was her reaching out nervously. She was already sweating under her heavy armor. This wasn't going to do. Icarus held onto the back of her armor as they walked, and Tyger fell into the habit of smearing some of the coal dust under her eyes, as if it would help with anything. The quest wasn't too entirely specific. From what she gathered, they needed to kill a few hounds, and then summon Cerberus. After that, she'd be a bit more useful and would need to tank. Right now they just took things one step at a time in the abyss. 


    With the arrival of the first hellhound, Baldur charged. When she was sure he'd hit, Tyger fell back into her charge, closing her eyes as the aura of concentration whirled around her. Icarus's tongue flopped out of his mouth as they dashed forward. At least he was enjoying this. Tyger slammed her sword into the side of the hound, hoping they'd dispatch of it quickly before anything else could come down and mess with them as well. 


    "Oikawa, you're up!"


    [iD: 11149 BD: 2+3+1 Concentration = 6 CD: 12]

    --Turn Order--

    H2<<Baldur>> 33/33 HP 

    H1<<Tyger>> 36/37 Hits HH for 7 Damage (-1 HP CD 2)

    <<Oikawa>> 26/26

    <<Ariel>> 30/30

    <<Alyss>> 33/33


    <<Hell Hound #1>> 11/30HP

  14. The weight of the Strider's claws as they hammered against her leonine shield made her arms sore. But, she had others counting on her. At least, that's what Tyger told herself. She knew that each and every one of her friends in the party had mitigation of their own, or armor of their own, but she wanted to put herself between them and the monsters, and let them get their attacks out. After all, every game needed tanks, or there wasn't much battle structure. Tyger had played DPS before, but never a tank. And, of course, in the game that her life depended on, she wanted to play a type that could help protect others. So, even as the claws raked against her side, causing her HP to drop (even if only by one point) she knew she'd made the right decision. Every HP that was taken from her team was a stab at her heart, and that wasn't anything Kayaba could target. That was just the way she was. 


    The second stalker that attempted to attack her was hung up on her shield. The jutting lion head scratched the arm as it approached, and Tyger did her best to push it forward, as if to add insult to injury. This Stalker was healthier than the other stalker though, and the quicker they just had one mob to deal with, the better. So, with a snarl, Tyger jumped from the bridge and onto the roots next to the second Stalker as it sat and nursed it's wounds. Her sword held high, she drove it into the back of the Stalker with a growl. It let out a shrill sound before shaking itself free of Tyger's pin. The Stalker dashed to the side, away from the combat, until it was it's turn once more. It shied away from Tyger, but it still had to deal with everyone else. Hopefully the team would take out the other stalker, and then focus on the healthier one. Jumping back to the bridge, Tyger regained her composure and balance before her sword and shield were up once more, her eyes glaring intently at the Stalkers as they slowly approached.


    ID 11136

    BD: 4+3=7, CD 3

    *No Battle Healing


    H6, H6<<Tyger>> 30/31 HP - Deals 6 Damage to Strider #2

    H0, H0<<Crozeph>> 26/28 HP

    H0, H0<<Raeyliff>> 22/22 HP

    H2, H0<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP

    H2, H0<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP

    H0, H0<<Baldur>> 28/29 HP 


    <<Bog Strider #2>> 13/36 HP [2/2 Bleed] *applied on Ariel's turns

    <<Bog Strider #3>> 34/36 HP 

  15. ID 11128, CD 1 (+1)

    ID 11129, CD 5 (+2)


    Good Item of Choice!


    ID 11130, CD 10+1=11 (+5)


    -Using a custom voucher for a rare item-


    Tyger didn't want to let the new customer down. Besides, making a good impression was key! Tyger took his orders and went into the back to prepare. Icarus lit the forge, and she used her special gloves and hammer to pound out the gauntlets that Atticus wanted. When she was finished, she cooled them and took a look at them, before etching in a few details. When she was finished with her masterpiece, she sighed and leaned against the forge after she turned it off, exhausted. "All in a days work!"




    Name of item: Thunder Forged Gauntlets 

    Crafted By: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Gauntlets
    Rarity: Rare
    Modifier: +2 Mitigation 

  16. ID 11126, CD 2 (+1)

    ID 11127, CD 12 (+8)


    Name of ItemSvalinn

    Crafted by: Tyger, Catfish Forge

    Type: Shield

    Rarity: Perfect

    Modifier: +1 Accuracy +2 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A black and golden shield, depicting a story of demons and a young woman. Symbolic, no?





    Tyger emerged from her forge, halfway finished with work as she heard Baldur at the desk. She poked her head out and smiled at him, before walking to the counter to collect his gifted materials. She put them in her inventory, and smiled warmly.


    "Thank you baby!"


    She watched him return to his side of the shop, which had become quite the busy place, before dipping back into her Forge. Before she forgot, she sent a PM to Oske to let her know that all of her gear was ready and evaluated.

  17. Tyger gave a little head nod to Keith and to Ruby as well. She crouched down while the two familiars played, and attempted to give Ruby a few pets before directing her attention back to the boy. To be honest, she liked familiars more than people, but hey, she could bear to be social for at least one day.


    "Yeah! I'm glad they get along."


    She giggled, before listening to Baldur. 


    "Yeah, not one of my main areas, but I like it. The scenery is fantastic. And yeah? That's impawsable. You're un-bear-able. One more bear pun and i'll beat you with my bare hands..."


    Tyger loved her some puns, that's for sure.


    "Where are ya'll heading? Just looking around? I might've exhausted the mats for a few hours, so you might not find much luck if you go digging... sorry..."


    The red-head scratched behind her neck sheepishly. She didn't mind if people she didn't know where inconvenienced. But if they were up here hunting, well... She'd feel bad, at that point.

  18. Tyger nodded, but hopped over the desk so she wasn't speaking to the girl's rabbit ears poking over the counter.


    "Yeah, but it's not metal. I can't make a coat out of metal, unfortunately. If you wanted steel, I could make it. But, unfortunately, I can't make anything out of metal that will fit this description, unless it's an actual breastplate. Tailors can make jackets, and if you're wanting to tank with the stats on your equipment, you don't have to have heavy armor with this system. You can have a jacket made without much trouble, and still be able to carry the shield and sword as well. I mean, i'm a tank, and i'm a heavy armor type, but you don't have to be. What it really comes down to is I can't make clothing, and your jacket would need to be made by a tailor."


    Tyger wished she could help with all of the items, as she liked the kid and wanted to make sure she was protected, but the game rules were rules. Even if she wanted to sew her up a jacket, it just wasn't her profession.

  19. The sound of voices startled Tyger, so she rubbed her eyes and peered down the path as best she could. A blue haired boy was waving to her, accompanied by someone with an incredibly odd fashion sense. As she grew closer, Tyger recognized Baldur and her face immediately reddened. When he called out her name, Tyger wiped at her face with the fur cape draped over her shoulder, doing her best to look somewhat presentable. 


    "Oh, uh,  Hi honey!"


    Tyger smiled, waving slightly. Icarus wagged his tail and bounded down the trail, practically building up as much speed as possible to barrel into Baldur, despite his companion. Tyger chased after Icarus, and eventually met up with the two fellas. She didn't know the boy Baldur was with, but figured he was a friend as they weren't at eachother's throats. Tyger gave him a little nod, and then wrapped her arms around Baldur's neck to give him a kiss on the cheek. He got kinda weird about PDA in front of his friends, so she didn't plant the kiss on his lips. Icarus rubbed against his legs, before sniffing at Keith with interest. 


    "What're you doing here? Never expected to find you while out on a mat hunt."


    Tyger chuckled, straightening out her cape. The chain clinked against her metal armor. She then looked at Keith.


    "Oh, sorry. Howdy! I'm Tyger, and this is Icarus, my familiar. Careful, he stains. Nice to meet ya."

  20. When the team is ready, do we need to send a PM to staff when we're prepared to start fighting a Cyclops, or at least for the next leg of the quest? Not sure what to do with the thread, if we need to say 'yeah we get to the Cyclops' or if we wait for a mass PM explaining what we're looking for or what step to take is. Or, if we just find the one eyed monster and duke it out. :3


    Just been sitting a while, and my group is ready for some action.~

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