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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. "Can we just kill it with fire?"


    Tyger whined to Icarus, who burped up a smoke cloud in response. 


    "Fair enough. Sword it is."


    Tyger closed her eyes and willed herself forward, hoping the sword would kill the wasp before her insecurities and fears killed herself. The bee zipped around, but was clipped by Tyger's sword in the end. It exploded into the thousands of shards, and dropped a material that Tyger had to beat Icarus to in order to pocket safely. She'd have to be careful; Icarus was really developing a taste for the useful ores.


    ID 10755

    BD: 9, CD: 8, MD: 4, LD: 6-2=4

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+2=8 Damage)

    <Wasp> (Misses)


    <Tyger> 29/31


    <Wasp> 0/16 (Drops 1 mat)


    Total: 4 mats, 160 Col

  2. Icarus growled at the wasp, angry that it was making Tyger so uncomfortable. It was something she'd have to get used to. At least it wasn't a spider. She'd cry. Just curl up and cry. Probably puke a little bit, too, but that was besides the point. She knew she could deal with this. This was merely a stepping stone.


    "Hold on, bud!"


    Tyger held her sword on point, and lept forward in an attempt to skewer the bee. She was on point, but apparently predictable. The bee turned around and stung her arm, almost hissing with amusement at Tyger's sickening shade of skin color. She was almost green. The pain didn't hurt at all, but being around the wasp bee thing was awful.


    ID 10754

    BD: 4+3=7, CD: 4, MD: 10

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6 Damage)

    <Wasp> (Hits for 5 Damage, 4 Mitigated)


    <Tyger> 29/31

    <Wasp> 3/16

  3. "Materials are found with cold, hard steel. Think about it, Icarus. If you want to dig for one, you need a shovel. What are shovels? Metal. If you wanna defeat mobs for them, you need a weapon. What are weapons? Metal."


    Tyger's explanation fell on deaf ears as Icarus pounced through the grass, attacking poor innocent bugs. However, when he stumbled upon what looked like a wasps nest, it only looked like a toy for the familiar. Icarus bit into it, and a wasp flew out of it, angrily buzzing it's wings. Tyger flinched and felt her stomach drop. Ugh. Bugs. Big bad, strong tank was cowering in her knickers at the sight of a bug. Mustering up her courage, and reminding herself that it could be worse and she could technically be up high AND fighting a bug, Tyger charged it to save her little familiar friend before dodging the wasp's retaliation with a jump.


    "Careful buddy, don't wanna kick the hornet's nest. Hop on."


    Icarus climbed up onto her back while she circled the wasp.



    ID 10752

    BD: 5+3=8, CD: 5, MD: 4 

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+1=7 Damage)

    <Wasp> (Misses)


    <Tyger> 30/31

    <Wasp> 9/16

  4. With the demise of the One Tusked Boar, Icarus scurried down Tyger's back and onto the ground. Feeling the weight of the little critter off her back, Tyger turned to investigate what he was doing. Icarus dug at the ground, practically salivating as he did so. Tyger picked up on his antics; perhaps he'd smelt a material buried in the ground? If so, that'd be quite the useful talent he'd aquired. Hopefully it turned out useful. 


    "If you find something, i'll make sure to give you the burnt coal bits for dessert tonight..."


    Tyger proposed, and Icarus dug even faster, until his head disappeared into the hole he'd created. When he returned, a shining material sat between his teeth. Careful not to swallow and eat it, Icarus spat it out for Tyger, who rubbed him behind his ears and nuzzled his nose. 


    "Great find, buddy! Somebody gets extra dessert tonight!~"


    Icarus's butt wiggled in excitement as he followed Tyger when she started walking.


    ID 10751

    LD: 16


    +1 Material


    Total: 3 mats, 160 Col

  5. Angrily, the boar drug it's hoof across the ground like a bull ready to charge. The only difference being that it was a one tusked boar, and not a bull. However, hell hath no fury like a boar scorned. Tyger held her sword at the ready, hoping to defeat the boar before it managed to nick her like the other had. Her sword charged with energy and she let the sword guide her as she lurched forward to meet the angry boar head on. The searing sound of the boar slicing apart was drowned out by the breaking glass sound as it exploded on contact. 


    "Oh. Uh.. well then. Awesome."


    Two boars down in two passes each? Tyger wasn't complaining, especially as she picked up her loot.


    ID 10742

    BD: 10, CD: 7, MD: 8 LD: 14

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+2=8 Damage, Thorns Activated)

    <One Tusk> (No chance to hit)


    <Tyger> 30/31

    <One Tusk> 0/16 (Drops 1 mat, 80 Col)


    Total: 2 mats, 160 Col

  6. The Speckled Boar disappeared without so much as another squeal before another boar caught Tyger's attention. Adrenaline pumping, Tyger charged forward, slamming her body into the boar before following up with her sword. However, it sliced the upper shoulder and proceeded to slice one of it's tusks right off. Tyger paused, hand over her mouth. Icarus did the same. 


    "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry!"


    Would the other boars laugh at him now? Tyger raised up her shield quickly, almost taking the attack full on. However, she mitigated the damage and managed to angle enough for the shield to hurt the angry, raging boar as well. Oops.


    ID 10741

    BD: 2+3+1 Concentration=6, CD: 5, MD: 8

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+1=7 Damage, Thorns Activated)

    <One Tusk> (Hits for 3 Damage, 2 Mitigated)


    <Tyger> 30/31

    <One Tusk> 7/16 

  7. Icarus caught up to Tyger after her charge and scrambled up onto her calf before climbing up the back of her armor to hold onto her back with his claws. He preferred to perch here, instead of on the ground where he could get targetted. Besides, what place was safer than behind the tank, eh? Sword and shield were poised at the ready as the boar prepared it's next move. However, Tyger was quicker. She lurched forward once more, slicing a thin line down the side of the creature. It squealed in pain, and managed to cut her with a tusk. Tyger didn't even wince, and watched with satisfaction as the boar took damage from her shield, as well as her bleed. In two turns, the speckled boar had been laid to rest. 


    "Not bad, eh?"


    Tyger grinned, smearing a bit of Icarus's coal on her face like warpaint.


    ID 10739

    BD: 3+3=6, CD: 2, MD: 8, LD: 12

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6 Damage, Thorns Activated)

    <Speckled Boar> (Deals 3 Damage, 2 Mitigated)


    <Tyger> 30/31

    <Speckled Boar> 0/16 (Bleed, -1 1/2) (Drops 1 mat, 80 Col)


    Total Tally: 1 mat, 80 Col

  8. The NPC she dealt with, the older woman who suggested swinging a sword was a lot like a hammer, knew the drill. Tyger was crafting so much of late that visiting the old lady was a once a month or every other week sort of deal. She always had Tyger do the same thing. Mix between fighting boar and digging for materials. Not all problems could be solved with a sword, she'd always say. 


    "No, but all problems are solved with metal in some way!"


    Tyger would always joke back, which was the NPC's favorite answer. So, she bid the woman farewell before walking past the lower leveled mobs and up into the deeper parts of the first floor, where she could get lucky with a few interesting picks. Icarus scrambled behind her, glancing curiously at the teleport portal, almost as if questioning why they weren't going to higher floors. However, he followed obediently, biting at taller blades of grass occasionally. Their first target, a large speckled boar, snorted before glaring in Tyger's direction as she entered it's aggro zone. Without hesitation, Tyger charged and struck. The boar attempted to skewer her, and missed horridly.


    ID 10738

    BD: 8, CD: 3, MD: 4

    *No Battle Healing


    <Tyger> (Hits for 6+1=7 Damage, Bleed applied)

    <Speckled Boar> Misses


    <Tyger> 31/31

    <Speckled Boar> 9/16 (Bleed, -1 0/2)

  9. "What do you mean, zero mats?!"


    Tyger gasped at the bucket where she kept most of her materials after defeating monsters or digging the things up out of the earth. Zero mats only meant one thing... She'd have to go hunting for them, and ASAP. She had a forge to run, for heaven's sake! She couldn't let Kosan continue to keep his arrogant lead; she needed to diligently train as much as she could in order to get on his level. Who knows? Perhaps she could be the first rank 10 Blacksmith! As far as she knew, there weren't any others. 


    But, in order to do that, she needed to craft. And, in order to do that, she needed mats. So, she gave Baldur a kiss on the cheek as she left the forge in order to slay some boar, take some names, and get some mats.

  10. Crafting Attempts today:


    10713 - CD 7+1=8 (Uncommon Item of Choice) +3

    10714 - CD 6 (Good Item of Choice) +2

    10715 - CD 2 (Fail) +1

    10716 - CD 9+1=10 (Rare Item of Choice) +5

    10717 - CD 3+1=4 (Good Item of Choice) +2

    10718 - CD 7+1=8 (Uncommon Item of Choice) +3

    10719 - CD 5 (Good Item of Choice) +2


    Total: 18 EXP

    2x Uncommon Items of Choice

    1x Rare Item of Choice

    3x Good Items of Choice


    -7 Mats

  11. Icarus had emerged from under the bed, and sniffed at both before gumming at the rock with the same playful spark she'd seen when they first met. After a few moments, his attention dwindled and he approached the crystals with curiosity. He sniffed at them, and then looked up with realization and clarity at Tyger. Even though the human didn't know what they were for, and probably wouldn't ever know, Icarus loved them all the same. How did she know? Icarus had picked them up gingerly, and placed them on the chair where Icarus's 'bed' was before Icarus had made his bed THEIR bed. 


    "So... I'm sorry that you felt under appreciated, and I hope I never make you feel the same way in the future. I love you, little guy."


    Tyger apologized fully, and after Icarus had spent so much time placing the crystals down gently, he lumbered over to Tyger and jumped into her lap, licking sloppily at her face and getting coal and smudges everywhere.


    And you know what? 


    Tyger didn't mind a bit.

  12. "What i'm trying to say is, I don't care if you get coal smudges everywhere. I don't care if you totally smudged up Baldur's jacket, or our covers on the bed. It's you! It's part of you, and it's part of why I love you. I mean, I don't see how I got so lucky when it came to finding a friend here. Odds were totally against me finding something that if I touched it, my hand would burn off. A little coal? Pfft."


    When Tyger looked down, half of Icarus's body had emerged from the bed. But, when Tyger looked, the familiar stopped moving. So, Tyger leaned her head back onto the wall and closed her eyes, smiling slightly as Icarus didn't want to be seen.


    "Nothing out  there was like you. You're playful, and you played with this rock. Yeah, this one. I even went back and found it. And you were sweet! The way you nibbled on that bread was just way too adorable. And, you even snuggled with me at the end of the day. It was a pretty fantastic moment."


    Tyger pulled up her inventory and took out the rock, laying it on the floor next to her. She also took out the crystals and placed them by the rock as well.

  13. "I went back to the floor I met you on. Floor 9. Do you remember?"


    She could picture it pretty well, considering she was just there. Icarus merely blinked and listened, so Tyger continued.


    "I saw Fire Elementals, and hell hounds, and some weird cat just completely covered in fire. And, do you know what?"


    Tyger paused, checking to see if Icarus was paying enough attention to really care what she said. Thankfully, he was. His eyes sparked slightly, almost like they were coming back to their full luster. 


    "None of them were you. None of them could ever be you. They were mindless, and angry, and totally uncuddleable."

  14. "Icarus, I..."


    Tyger sighed and leaned her head up against the wall, closing her eyes. Frustration swept over her. She shouldn't be even having this conversation. What kind of friend was she? Was she this bad in real life?


    "I'm sorry.. I may have been taking advantage of you and your power, and I wanted to say that i'm sorry. I don't ever want you to feel underappreciated. In fact, I want you to be annoyed with how often I tell you how awesome and fantastic and loved you are. And, I just haven't been a good friend lately."


    Tyger waited for a reaction before continuing. When she opened her eyes and looked down, Icarus's head was poking out from under the bed. Well, progress.

  15. Icarus wasn't in his usual place in the bedroom. Usually, he was on the bed wrapped up in as many covers as he could tangle around himself. Creating the mini-dragon cocoon warmed him up, and the warmth from his body helped keep him that way. Instead, after searching the entire room, Tyger let herself lean against the wall and slide down it until she was sitting on the floor. A small sound, like a startled dragon, resounded from under the bed. So that's where you're hiding... 


    "Icarus, c'mere a second, please."


    Silence. But, after a few moments of consideration, the dragon slowly crept out until his nose was visible from under the bed. When Tyger moved the covers, she could see his eyes peeking out from the darkness, fixed intently on Tyger. She could tell her familiar was sad, but hopefully she'd mend their bond here and now. After all, her experience had been a bit more than eye opening.

  16. With the newest loot in hand, Tyger picked up the winnings and walked over to the large footprint, picking up the silly rock Icarus had been playing with the first day she'd met him. Backtracking wasn't too hard, considering she hadn't wandered too far from Vulcan to begin with. "First Floor." The only words she'd muttered after fighting the Magma dragon.


    The first floor was cheery as ever, but Tyger made her way back to her shop without much emotion. Opening the door to the shop, she greeted Baldur before stripping off her armor and hanging it up in the Forge. Icarus wasn't there, so she'd have to check upstairs. Her initial thought was to make something to cover the spines and ridges on the side of his face, limiting the amount of coal he could rub on everything, but she decided against it. She needed to talk to the familiar. So, with that, she headed upstairs.

  17. Finished with this battle already, Tyger lifted her sword and shield. 


    "I can't change the way you think, dragon, but that doesn't mean i'm going to fall into the same pit that you have. Maybe Icarus left because he felt unappreciated by you? Who knows. But, you lashing out at him like that won't change a thing."


    Tyger reminded herself that the dragon was coding, and sighed. Charging forward with a few hefty steps, Tyger drug her sword down the side of the dragon's hide, turning and jumping to avoid another magma pool the creature had spat. But, she wouldn't have to worry about it again, as it was over now. But, before disappearing, the creature raked off a bit of crystallized charcoal on it's side, dropping it as an item instead of having it disappear with the rest of her. Their eyes met before the dragon exploded. The material and loot box came up, and Tyger accepted before looking at the strange item. Perhaps Icarus would like them?


    ID 10711, BD 5+2=7, MD 4, CD 1, LD 17

    *No Battle Healing


    Tyger - 30/31 (Deals 6 Damage)

    Mother Magma - 0/30 (Drops 150 Col, 1 material)

  18. Tyger's frustrated plea seemed to hit somewhat of a soft note with the dragon. Despite it's feelings toward the player, Tyger could see the gears practically turning in the dragon's head. However, when Tyger let down her guard, the dragon's tail lashed out once more at the girl, causing her to jump back in pure fear. The reaction seemed to give the dragon more amusement than anger at missing once more. Tyger attempted to stomp on the tail of the dragon, but Mother Magma moved it at the last moment. Typical... 


    "Look. I don't have to kill you, ya know."


    Tyger shrugged, and took a few steps back to show she didn't feel the need or want for the material the Mother would drop. However, Tyger's feelings wouldn't change the fact that the Mother Magma was a mob, and was going to defeat or be defeated.


    ID 10711, BD 1, MD 2, CD 8

    *No Battle Healing


    Tyger - 30/31 (Deals 6 Damage)

    Mother Magma - 3/30 

  19. The appearance of so many bees and bugs was starting to become somewhat of a natural thing now. Tyger was able to slice and dice at the insects without grimacing as much, if that was an accomplishment. "Yeah, this is getting easier as time passes." Tyger flashed a smile before turning her attention back to the bees. The first bee buzzed furiously towards Tyger, but was dodged rather effectively. However, the second bee read Tyger's movements and shoved it's stinger straight into her side, causing the ginger to gasp, surprised. The damage was mitigated, but the intent was there. Narrowing her eyes, Tyger sliced at the second bee once more, taking off a few more hit points of damage, and applying her bleed.


    ID: 10709

    BD: 9, MD 2, CD 9

    *No Battle Healing


    ID: 10710

    Bee #2- MD 10


    Oske: 45/45

    Tyger: 27/31 (Deals 6+1=7 Damage, Mitigates 4 Damage)

    Buzzen Bee (1): 25/25 (Misses)

    Buzzen Bee (2): 10/25 (Deals 4+2=6 Damage) (Bleed Applied, -1 0/2)

  20. Tyger gritted her teeth and watched as one by one the team around her attempted to hit the stalker. Most were misses, and Tyger only hoped that she was doing her job well enough. If she wasn't, would the stalker be even harder to hit? At least it was stationary, and relatively preoccupied at the moment with Tyger yelling and banging her shield on everything she could get her hands on. Still, that wouldn't help them get closer to their goal of defeating the monster, and the game itself.


    "I'm going to back it up towards the bridge more, so we'll have more room!"


    Tyger shouted, holding her curved sword above her head as she charged up an attack. She pushed the shield into the belly of the stalker and pushed him back slowly, heaving her body forward with each step. The stalker fought back, but when it readied itself to strike at Tyger, the blow missed, and Tyger slammed her sword into the stalker's side. It let out no noise of pain, which was surprising and eerie. However, Tyger watched with satisfaction as the HP bar drifted that much closer to the red. The hate she'd produced increased, and the team was still safe. And, she got to hit things with the sharp end of her sword. Today was a good day.


    [iD: 10629 BD: 7]


    H7<<Tyger>> 31/31 HP
    H1<<Crozeph>> 28/28 HP
    H0<<Raeyliff>> 22/22 HP
    H2<<Oikawa>> 26/26 HP
    H2<<Ariel>> 30/30 HP
    H0<<Baldur>> 27/29 HP - misses

    <<Swamp Stalker #1>> 29/66 HP (-6 from Tyger attack)

  21. With the duo facing eachother once more, Tyger growled in frustration.


    "Why won't you just help me?" 


    Her eyes would've burned holes into the Magma Dragon if it weren't already made up of fire and charcoal. The dragon merely snorted more smoke and fire before lashing out at Tyger once more in the same fashion. Having to use her shield this time, Tyger managed to block the attack and get the tail of the angry mother away from her, giving it a good hack before sending it back. The dragon sat there momentarily, before ceasing to create the magma in her body. Was she giving up?


    ID 10478, BD 7, MD 5, CD 7


    *No Battle Healing


    Tyger - 30/31 (Deals 6 Damage)

    Mother Magma - 3/30 

  22. The Magma dragon seemed to consider Tyger's words, although the smoke drifting out of it's nostrils, and the offensive pose it retained made Tyger think twice about trusting the creature. The head of the dragon faked to the left, while it's tail swept from the right to catch Tyger off guard. A quick jump left Tyger in the clear, and the back of the dragon facing Tyger. Taking her chance, Tyger closed her eyes and concentrated as she jumped forward to scrape her sword down the stony, hard body of the dragon. It hissed angrily, and turned it's body back to facing Tyger. It wouldn't make a silly mistake such as that again.



    ID 10477, BD 3+2+1 Concentration = 6, MD 1, CD 9


    *No Battle Healing


    Tyger - 30/31 (Deals 6 Damage)

    Mother Magma - 9/30 (Bleed Damage, -1 2/2)

  23. The Magma dragon studied Tyger with angry eyes as it studied the player. It almost looked scorned, as if Tyger had stolen it's baby. Which, in truth, she had.


    "Look. I know you're mad, but I need help. Icarus, uh, your coded dragon baby thing, is upset with  me, and i've gotta make him feel better somehow."


    Mother Magma paid no heed, or at least it appeared that way as she tried to strike out at Tyger. Instead, she was met with a painful shield. The dragon hissed in anger, and retreated back a few steps, narrowly missing Tyger's strike. The bleed damage seemed to be taking it's toll as well.


    ID 10410, BD 1, MD 7-2=5, CD 12


    *Battle Healing +1 HP

    *Both miss


    Tyger - 30/31 (Thorns Damage, +2)

    Mother Magma - 16/30 (Bleed Damage, -1 1/2)

  24. Giant Footprint crater, aptly nicknamed by Tyger, was where she'd found Icarus, yes? She'd kicked the little molten rock, and she'd managed to attract the familiar that way. So, she stood in the massive footprint and thought. The little rock Icarus had been playing with was still there, so she shoved it into her inventory. It had no value, but it could help her think of something sweet for the familiar. 


    A hideous growl echoed from the magma pits beside her, as the Mother Magma she'd fought before emerged, boiling hot and hissing. It spat Magma at her, which seared through her armor and bit at her skin with intense heat. 


    "Yowch! Not you again!"


    She growled, unsheathing her sword and readying her shield. She gave a quick slice to the Magma as she charged, dealing a good bit of damage back at it, while giving it something to bleed about.


    ID 10409, BD 10, MD 10


    Tyger - 29/31 (Deals 9 Damage, 6 base +1 Charge +2 Crit)

    Mother Magma - 19/30 (Deals 6 Damage, 4 Mitigated) (Bleed Damage, -1 0/2)

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