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Status Replies posted by Aeternum

  1. Okay! I completed a topic without dying! Now, what to do?

  2. Okay, I'll do the final thing: What animal do you recommend for me?

  3. What is this about a new site? So confused.

  4. Before I go and get myself killed, is it safe for me to acquire a familiar?

  5. I think I've scared everyone off. Lovely

    1. Aeternum


      Nemesis, I would love to RP with you. Your character seems like quite the type.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  6. What's 1000-7?

  7. #Things are getting heated in a bar

  8. Kiru wants to know why there is a bad vibe? D-did she not know? *sadface* I guess I wasn't important enough.

  9. They say history repeats itself. So far it has...

  10. They say history repeats itself. So far it has...

  11. X just gave me feels. A cup of coffee has never meant more.

  12. Life needs friends.

  13. Life needs friends.

  14. Not a single PST or GM online. Oh boy

  15. Not a single PST or GM online. Oh boy

  16. Guess who? Zarryn's reincarnate!

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