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Status Replies posted by Aeternum

  1. I need a take a break from playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon.

  2. Sao Rpg: where terrible puns are born.

  3. Hmph. Writing a fan fix seams easy, until you start. I need to develop my character a bit more, that watch is actions make sense.

  4. Hmph. Writing a fan fix seams easy, until you start. I need to develop my character a bit more, that watch is actions make sense.

  5. Hmph. Writing a fan fix seams easy, until you start. I need to develop my character a bit more, that watch is actions make sense.

  6. "I hope you step on a lego!"

  7. Call me Princess. *bows and checks stuffed bra*

  8. Call me Princess. *bows and checks stuffed bra*

  9. Call me Princess. *bows and checks stuffed bra*

  10. I knew I had wanted to take my Unbroken topic somewhere, but when I first made it, I forgot where I had wanted to take it. Now, after a little editing, I have fixed my problem. Achievement.

  11. How about a Hoot for the Blood Buccaneer?

  12. I had a post 90% written up last night for the Hydra before falling asleep, woke up today assuming the Hydra would have been dead.d Was wrong. Boy was I wrong.

  13. How 'bout we all use the mighty pig smiter pellet and just kill the Hydra?!

  14. How 'bout we all use the mighty pig smiter pellet and just kill the Hydra?!

  15. That Hydra battle is nuts. I am glad it will die soon, though I wish it could have die sooner.

  16. That Hydra battle is nuts. I am glad it will die soon, though I wish it could have die sooner.

  17. That Hydra battle is nuts. I am glad it will die soon, though I wish it could have die sooner.

  18. When I do get a familiar, what should it's name be?

  19. if only I was smart enough to know who the real slim shady is T_T

  20. gotta get that furry friend soon

  21. gotta get that furry friend soon

  22. if only I was smart enough to know who the real slim shady is T_T

  23. Who's diggin the eye patch? *raises hand*

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