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Status Updates posted by Sozen

  1. Bleh work. Keep getting called in, way behind on my posts here.

  2. Yeowch. Gemini was one tough opponent.

    1. Azide


      Well done, Sozen!

    2. Baldur


      Yes, but just imagine trying to take him on at a higher level!

    3. Sozen


      Yeah, <<Calming the Soul>> is gonna be fun. Healing Potions ho!

  3. Great, Gemini's kicking my butt.

  4. Back from foraging Mats / hunting. Ow.

  5. The Steel Skillet is... not yet open. Sorry, need an actual inventory first.

  6. Uh, what? Apparently the Dice Gods are being nice to me now.

  7. Woo! Finally stopped burning toast and made a Perfect dish!

  8. Yay, Sozen gets to live a while longer.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Kiru


      *facepalm Kiru!*

    3. Azide


      Somebody make a Sozen's Comet joke.

    4. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      *attempts to make a joke* What did the planet say to Sozen?

      Comet me bro!!! *awaits feedback*

  9. Still waiting on duel result...

    1. Baldur


      PM Mari about it

  10. The Dice Gods are mocking me, I can't even slice Apples without burning them.

    1. Azide


      Looks like both you and the apples are getting burned here.

    2. Kiru


      *whispers* Shinigami love apples.

  11. Woo, Level 2!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. XWuZHeAR


      Sorry about killing you... *realizes I did not post yet* oh well hey heads up... Probably a good idea to start on a new charecter journal.

    3. Sozen


      Yikes. Well, good thing we're dueling in a safe zone.

  12. Probably not a good sign when my new character's first roll is a nat 1.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Olympia


      Does your name have any relation to Avatar: The Last Airbender?

    3. Sozen


      It does, actually. Wrote up a D&D cleric character a while back, idea was an imperialistic cleric espousing the benefits of order and control ala Fire Lord Sozin.

    4. Olympia


      Interesting. I've played D&D, but have never got to design my own character. Always came in too late.

  13. Approved! Now, to begin my adventure! (Again - RIP Davven)

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