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Posts posted by Shanok

  1. Shanok watched Elyth sit down, then get up again to grab a bundle of straw and sit on it. He then sat down on the wooden boards, This really is uncomfortable... he thought as he felt the hardness of wooden planks on his behind and his back. He then looked at Elyth who had started talking. "Well, then, Shanok-senpai, I guess we're just going to tour for a bit, so tell me a little about yourself!" she said while leaning back on the cart's walls. "Senpai?" he said, confused, he then added "About myself..." and paused for a few seconds, thinking of what to tell her. "Well, as you already know, my name's Shanok and it's not my real name. Hum... what else... I like playing video games... and hum... I'm currently..." he paused for a second, realizing that he wasn't in anything other than the game right now, "I was in high school in the other world and that's about it... I don't really know what to say other than that, sorry" he apologized. "What about you? Tell me about yourself too" he asked Elyth, looking at to the side as he felt embarassed for not having a lot to say about him.

  2. Shanok was waiting for his friend Miaki in the village called Vulcan Village on the ninth floor. He had recently heard about a quest near that village and sought help from his friend knowing that he'd definitely help him out. While he waited for Miaki to arrive, Shanok checked his equipment to make sure everything was right and that nothing needed repairs done. He had also packed food since he heard that to get to the mighty Cerberus' lair it would take two days. He didn't particularly enjoy the idea of sleeping in heat but it was something he was ready to do if it meant getting some good loot.

  3. Seeing that Shanok had missed his attack, the Beast didn't consider him as a threat and went for Zelrius instead. The gorilla-like creature jumped in the air over Zelrius, attempting to buttslam him, but Zelrius was too quick for the Beast and easily dodged the attack. After realizing that his attack had missed, the monster roared furiously and glared at the player who had just dodged his attack. He was mad.

    After seeing the Beast fail miserably at attacking Zelrius, Shanok knew he had a chance to hit it and went for it. He charged towards the Beast as fast as he could, which seemed to be too much for the monster as it didn't have time to get up and try to dodge. Shanok's sword slashed the Beast across it's huge chest, leaving a red mark on it, making the beast roar loudly again.

    Roll : 10291
    BD : 7 - 8 DMG
    MOB : 3 - Miss

    Shanok 34/34
    Zelrius 81/81


    Snow Beast : 81/100 2 BD/ 1 Turn

  4. So me and my buddy Zelrius are doing the "Essence of Steel" quest. Which, in the post in the quest section, says that we need a GM to act as the Snow Beast. 

    With the dice system we have now, I really don't see the need for a GM to post for the boss. We have all the info about the boss, the damage it does per hit, mitigation, etc.

    My question is : Can we drop the "You need a GM to post for the boss" aspect of the quest? There isn't even a boss account for the Snow Beast.

    I started my quest on February 2nd, since then I've put the link in the skype chat, asking for a GM to check and post as the boss and here we are, more than 2 weeks later, still no reply.

    This is somewhat frustrating as it makes completing the quest "harder", but not in a good way.

  5. Shanok tried to attack the boss again, this time, he wouldn't miss, or so he thought. Cupid easily dodged Shanok's attacks. After missing his attack and not being too happy about it, Shanok backed off from the boss so he wouldn't get hit. "Ugh, I can't seem to hit this guy, he just dodges all my attacks" he said while looking around and realizing that Kosan had been paralyzed. We need someone to deal with him... Anyone BUT me he thought.

    ID : 9511
    Roll : 5 - Miss!

    Group 1:
    Zelrius 81/81
    Miaki 71/71
    Nikki 44/44 Has Boss Agro.
    Kosan 37/37
    Shanok 34/34


    Cupid 75/175 (2 BD/t 2 Turns)

  6. Shanok kept on walking forward as Elyth kept on rambling about flying. She then mentionned getting out alive and finding a game in which you could fly. Shanok stopped for moment and looked at the beautiful valley to his left, "It would be great wouldn't it? To make it out alive" he said after a brief pause. He kept staring down at the valley until Elyth, asking if he thought they could hitch a ride on one of those NPC carts, snapped him out of his trance like state. "You do have a point, walking there would take us a long time and I don't see why the NPCs wouldn't agree to letting us on their cart" he replied to her as he turned around and headed towards an NPC cart.

    As he walked towards the cart the NPC next to it asked him if there was anything that he needed. "As a matter of fact, there is. My friend and I, he points to Elyth who's behind him, are planning on going deeper in these mountains, but it would take too long on foot, we want to get there before night time. So we were wondering if we could ride on your cart, if you don't mind that is" he answered the bald men who seemed to be the cart's owner. "Of course you can! We're always willing to help anyone that needs help. Come on, get on!" he told the two players.

    Shanok nodded, went to the back of the cart and climbed in. Once he was in, he turned around, extended his arm towards Elyth and opened his hand, "Come on, get in" he said, waiting for her to grab his hand so he could help her in.

  7. "Ready to go? Good. Let's get started" he answered Zelrius as he went up to the skull and whacked it with his sword, making the boss spawn right next to them in a loud roar. "This is the second time I've done this, but I still can't get used to how this thing attacks..." he sighed as he charged the massive beast. He drew his sword and slashed at the beast who quickly dodged his attack. "Damn it, Zelrius, go for it!" he said as the boss was still dodging and would have a hard time dodging a second attack.

    ID 8265
    BD : 1 MISS


    Shanok 34/34
    Zelrius 81/81

    Snow Beast : 100/100

  8. Shanok's group rushed towards the boss and so he followed them, watching them attack it in quick successions. As Kosan tried to attack it but missed, Shanok charged towards the boss and drew his sword. He looked at Nikki and saw that she had gotten the boss' attention and that it'd be focused on her for a while. As he got closer to Cupid, Shanok prepared to strike, but he was TOO focused, resulting in him tripping on a rock and falling face first to the ground.

    ID : 8252
    BD : 5 MISS

    Group 1:
    Zelrius 81/81
    Miaki 71/71
    Nikki 44/44 Has Boss Agro.
    Kosan 37/37
    Shanok 34/34

    Cupid 156/175 (2 BD/t 2 Turns)

  9. Shanok and Zelrius had recently decided to take on the Essence of Steel quest together. Having already cleared this repeatable quest once, Shanok knew where to go and therefore was waiting for Zelrius at the point which the boss was to be made to appear. "Zelrius sure is taking his time" he said out loud to himself as he kept waiting for Zelrius. Shanok had arrived 10 minutes ago and no signs of Zelrius since then. "I know he hates the fourth floor, but still, it shouldn't take that long to get here..." he sighed as he sat on the snow covered ground.

  10. Link to shop can be found by checking the roll ID on the perma roller.


    And as for the CD of 10. Two things : I happen to have an item which gives me +1 CD, though that only makes it 11, and I make Rare Items on a 10-11 roll. BUT, I am in possession of an item called "The Essence of Steel" which upgrades an item's quality by one, in this case, upgrading from rare to perfect. I will edit and link to my shop.

  11. Roll ID : 8211
    CD : 12
    Perfect Item!
    Name: Light Cuirass of the Azure.
    Description: This light cuirass is made of really sturdy metal and can take a lot of hits. It's colored blue with gold trims. This model is mass produced by Shanok.
    Ability: +3DMG mitigation.

    Roll ID : 8212
    CD : 9+1=10
    Rare Item! -1 Essence of Steel = Perfect Item!

    Name: Light Cuirass of the Azure
    Description: This light cuirass is made of really sturdy metal and can take a lot of hits. It's colored blue with gold trims. This model is mass produced by Shanok.
    Ability: On enemy 6-8BD they take 2 damage. +1 Evasion. 

    Shop : 

  12. [8195] CD 10+1=11

    Rare Item. -1 mat.


    [8196] CD 6+1=7
    Salvaged Item above. +1 mat.


    [8197] CD 10+1=11

    Rare Item. -1 mat.


    [8198] CD 8+1=9
    Salvaged Item above. +1 mat.


    [8210] CD 6+1=7
    Salvaged Item. +1 mat.


    [8211] CD 12
    Perfect Item! -1 mat.
    Name: Light Cuirass of the Azure.
    Description: This light cuirass is made of really sturdy metal and can take a lot of hits. It's colored blue with gold trims. This model is mass produced by Shanok.
    Ability: +3DMG mitigation.


    [8212] CD 9+1=10

    Rare Item. -1 mat. -1 Essence of Steel = Perfect Item!
    Name: Light Cuirass of the Azure
    Description: This light cuirass is made of really sturdy metal and can take a lot of hits. It's colored blue with gold trims. This model is mass produced by Shanok.
    Ability: On enemy 6-8BD they take 2 damage. +1 Evasion. 


    [8213] CD 3+1=4
    Salvage Failed.


    [8214] CD 2+1=3

    Crafting failed. -1 mat


    [8215] CD 1+1=2
    Crafting failed. -1 mat.


  13. "The Brigade's doing fine" he answered to Miaki's question, "Also, there's always a place for you in it, I'm sure everyone on the council would agree with me on that" he added as another player appeared and started talking to Zelrius without really caring about the other players around him. "Zelrius, who is he?" he asked pointing as Kosan and as he did, he realized that he could see the player's name and that he had the Brigade's icon next to his name, indicating that he was part of the guild.

  14. Shanok entered the inn in which the players that were participating in the boss raid were supposed to meet. He realized that a lot of players were already here, he had come in a bit late. Looking through the small crowd, he managed to locate his friend Miaki who seemed to be with his wife. I'll leave them alone for now, better check if there's any info on the boss he thought as he saw a scroll on the wall and walked up to it. This is going to be a tough one he thought as he read the scroll. "At least I'm well prepared" he said to himself as he walked away from the scroll to make space for other players who would want to read it.


    Items :

    HP potion (Insta-Heal 15hp) x2

    Equipment : 
    Katana of the Azure. +3DMG
    Thorn Gauntlets. On enemy 6-9 roll, enemy takes 2 damage.
    Light Cuirass of the Azure : +2DMG mitigation.

    PS : Sorry for the late post, it had somehow gotten saved but didn't post and I just realized when Miaki told me that I hadn't posted.

  15. "You seem to be looking well too" Shanok answered to Miaki's comment. Shanok had just got up and gotten out of his shop so he had rushed outside without equiping his gear, he only had regular clothes on, clothes that were made especially for the cold of the fourth floor. He put his right hand in front of him and slid it downwards, making the menu appear. He then selected the tab called "Equipment" and equipped his sword, gloves and armor all at once. His equipment appeared on him in a flash of light blue light.


    Shanok turned around to face Zelrius, "So, any idea of where we're headed?" he asked as Zelrius had seemed to be the one who came up with the idea of going hunting. "I've been to a lot of places on this floor, if it's someplace I know, I can get you there" he added as he opened up his map and waited for Zelrius' answer.

  16. Pokemon... which gen do I like the most... None. Why none you ask? BECAUSE I LOVE THEM ALL :D. I've played at least 1 game of every gen, never really played the mystery dungeon games.


    Gen 3 for me, playing through omega ruby as we speak, mega swampert is a babe and so is mega sceptile

    It's all about Mega Swampert on a rain team. Gotta love my 'lil shiny mudkip. SO CUTE.

    PS: Breeding for shinies is a pain, do it at your own risk.

  17. Shanok had just come out of his shop which was located on Aincrad's fourth floor when he saw three familiar faces hanging out next to the teleportation gate. He got a closer look as he was walking towards them and recognized his friends Zelrius and Miaki, next to them was Nikki Styx, also known as "The River", Shanok had met her a few times during scouting parties and boss fights and heard from his friend Miaki that they had recently got engaged.

    As he got closer to them he overheard them talking about going on a hunt. "Hey guys" he said as he walked towards them while waving at them. "I overheard you talking about hunting some monster, I may or may not have info on it. I hear a lot of things from the players that come to my shop, sometimes more than I want to hear, but that's part of the job I guess" he said. He then looked at Nikki, "Oh, sorry, I'm sure that we both know each other, but I don't think I've ever properly introduced myself" he told her, "I'm Shanok, nice to meet you" he added as he extended his hand towards Nikki.

  18. As Clarence and him were walking towards the teleportation plaza Shanok heard him mention the name Daeron. "Wait, did you really think I'd invite that guy? Last time I saw him was on a recording crystal... You know... when he was killing someone?" he said. "But, back to the topic on hand, yes, I was thinking of inviting Keith and Zelrius" he added as he pulled up his menu and went in the message tab. "There you go, sent a message to Zelrius and Keith" he said as he closed his menu. "Let's wait for them at the teleportation plaza" he said to Clarence.

  19. Shanok heard the door open and so he walked to his shop's main room, in which he had items for sale on display. As he comes into the room, he sees his friend, waiting for him while sitting on one of the only chairs in the shop. "Hey Clarence, long time no see! Sorry for the room being so cold... Well, I guess you're used to it, your shop is also on this floor." he says as he walks up to his friend. "So, I had in mind for us to go hunting, and maybe meet up with other guys, if you know who I'm talking about" he said as he opened the door that led outside. "Come on, we're heading out!" he added as he left the Feather Forge.

  20. Shanok woke up in the backroom of his shop after what seemed like months of sleep. He tried to get up but fell to the floor instead. Ugh, this is annoying... he thought as he tried to get up again, succeeding in doing so this time. He stretched and yawned as he looked around the room. He then quickly opened up his friends list and messaged his good friend Clarence.

    Hey, are you up yet? If you are, come join me at my shop on the fourth floor



    After sending the message, he opened his inventory and equipped his gear, he was now battle-ready.

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