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Posts posted by Shanok

  1. Shanok took out his last Star Steel Ingot from his inventory and put it on the anvil. Shanok calmly and slowly inhaled and exhaled, "Let's make something good" he calmly said as he started to hammer the material at a medium pace. As his hammer kept striking the material, he knew that the item he was making, was going to be one of the best items he had ever made. The material released an intense white light which faded away really quickly, revealing a completely silver colored katana. Shanok dropped his hammer on the ground and took the katana in his hands and looked at the item's stats.

    Item: Assault Spear

    Name: ShiverSpine

    Description: This spear is cold to the touch and casts a cold air to all around it. Legend says that it was once carried by an Ice Giant, which Exlplains its exceptional length.

    Ability: +3 Damage

  2. Shanok took out another ingot from his inventory and put it on his anvil. He started to hammer it, he didn't know what he was going to make, so he just hammered without thinking about it. The ingot started to change shape, it was changing into a battleaxe. I guess I'll keep it and sell it later he thought as he took the finished item and looked at its stats.

    Item: Two Handed Battleaxe

    Name: Celestial Guardian's Battle Axe

    Description: The handle of this battle axe is white, with the end of it being gold colored. The blade itself is dark red and purple colored, while still having a white parts on it.

    Ability: +3 damage.

  3. Shanok took out another material from his inventory and put it on the anvil, he then started to hammer it, trying to make armor for his customer. The ingot's shape started to change into that of a cuirass. His work was done, he had made the armor his customer wanted, he put his hammer down and took the hammer, looking at its tag.

    Item: Heavy Armor Chestplate

    Name: Stellar Samurai Armor

    Description: Galactic blue/green swirled colors the armor as the constellation of the dragon lays dormant on the very center of the samurai chestplate.

    Ability: +1 HP.

  4. Shanok looked at the man who had placed an order a few days ago, "An armor? Sure, I can make that, I still have the materials that you gave me" he told Ryu. "Come back for it later, I'll get right to it" he added as he headed for his anvil. He put a material on the anvil and started to hammer it. He was using his new <> which increased his chances at getting better items while crafting, even though he was using it, he made a bad item.

  5. Shanok was already looking at the arch when Elyth made her remarks about it. "You're right, this arch is so big, I can hardly believe that it was dwarvish people that lived in there, perhaps they built this to make them look bigger or something like that?" he said as he was looking at the arch in awe.

    Shanok kept walking towards the road that led out of the town of Nimbus, he then realized that his new friend, Elyth, wasn't beside him, he turned around and looked at her, stopped in the middle of the road, drawing in a notebook. It seemed like she was drawing the arch and what was around it, or that's what he guessed from what she was looking at. "Elyth" he called out while waving at her, "I'll leave without you if you don't come!" he added as he turned around and started to walk toward the exit again.

    After passing through the gate, they saw the sun rise, it was the first time Shanok had seen a sunrise in a while, since in the real world, he was the type who'd wake up in the afternoon and go to bed early in the morning. He wasn't used to having the sun in his eyes so he raised his left arm and put it above his eyes, to prevent the sun from getting in his eyes. Shanok looked at Elyth, she was on the side of the road, looking down, she had just realized that this was a bridge, Shanok was surprised when he realized that. Shanok went up to the handrail and leaned on it, looking down at the water. Shanok wasn't know for his fear of heights, but he was a little uncomfortable looking down at the deep valley.

    Elyth then looked up, and so did Shanok, both realizing that they were near the top of the mountain, and not at the depth one would think of when talking about an underground city. "Wow, this is amazing..." he said. "I've never seen anything like this..." he added while looking at the mountains around him, it was bootiful.

  6. "Let's keep going, I'm sure we both need more materials than what we collected" he told Seldentar. "I just remembered that I had some new gear I've been willing to try" he added as he looked through his inventory and equipped his new sword and armor. "There, let's see if it's good in battle" he said, ready to fight.

  7. Shanok took another ingot from his inventory and put it on the anvil. "So... for Miaki's wedding, I need to make smelting wire" he said as he started to hammer the metal. Not too long later, he had succeeded in making the smelting wire. "Well, now that's done, I think this amount will be enough" he said as he put the wire in his inventory.

  8. Shanok took out another ingot his customer had given him. "It'd be great if I were to finish his order soon" he said as he started to hammer the ingot. The ingot's shape changed into a katana, probably one of the best weapon he had ever made. "This one's really good, I really did a great job!" Shanok said out loud as he took the item and looked at its tag.

    Item: Katana

    Name: Celestial Blade

    Description: Its blade is black like the midnight sky and has a line of galactic green like the aurora borealis going down the broad side of the blade.

    Ability: +3 Damage

  9. Shanok took the materials that the player had just handed to him and went to his anvil. "You can come back later, your stuff will most likely be done by the time you come back" he said as he started to hammer the first ingot. The ingot's shaped started to change into that of a shield. All of a sudden, the shield was glowing a bright blue light, and then it faded, revealing a shield good enough to be given to his customer.

    Item: Shield

    Name: Galactic Defender

    Description: It looks like a shield the roman legionaries used to use but its colored a midnight blue and has white dots to symbolize stars, in the very center is the dragon constellation.

    Ability: On a 8-10 BD, negate 1 damage dealt to you on the next turn, crits always do 1 damage.

    ((+1 CD From "Lucky Hammer" makes this an 11CD - Rare))

  10. Shanok charged at the Snow Beast, hoping to land a hit on it. As he was charging towards the beast, he didn't notice that there was a rock in front of him and he tripped on it. He quickly got back up and dodged the beast's incoming attack. That was too close

    Seldentar: 35/35

    Saix: 19/19

    Shanok: 21/21

    Ruri: ??/??

    Snow Beast: 67/75

  11. Shanok looked at the customer who had just entered his shop and heard him talking. "Yes I can make anything you want, you just need to give me the materials to do so" he asnwered. Another customer came in, asking for the price of an item on display. "That sword is 400 Col, interested in buying it?" he asked the player.

  12. "Let's see your "friend" trying to attack you now... He won't be able to do anything against the four of us" he said while picking up his katana that was on the ground and putting it away. "So, come sit with us, and let's wait I guess, it's not like there's anything else to do is it?" he asked as he returned to where he was sitting a couple of minutes ago.

  13. Shanok was leaving his shop on floor four when he received Garou's message. A message? Who's it from... What!? Garou!? He's still alive... I thought he was dead, haven't heard from him in a long time... I'll go see him he thought. He went to the teleportation pad on floor four and teleported to floor six and went to the place mentionned in Garou's message. Once he was near the jungle where Garou was, he activated his <> skill, quickly finding his friend's location. He walked towards where Garou was. He was almost there, he pushed some leaves aside and saw Garou, he ran up to him. "Hey Garou, didn't think I'd ever see you again! You don't look too well though, something happened?" he asked.

  14. Shanok saw a group of three players looking at a NPC lady. I remember this woman... she's from that quest I did with Miaki and Clarence.... Shanok went up to the players and he overheard them talking about if the lady was sick. "The lady's not sick, she's just exhausted from searching her lost cargo in the desert, you have to help her find it" he said as he approached the players.

  15. Shanok took the pouch full of Col and clicked on it, the window showed that it contained exactly 800 Col. He went up to where the sword that Sotarou wanted and took it with him, bringing it back to the counter. "Here, it's yours now! Take care of it, if you need anything else, just let me know!" he said as he handed to sword to the other player.

  16. Shanok wrote down Lisbeth's order, "For orders, I take materials, not col" he told her as he heard another player come in his shop. The other player didn't seem to pay attention to him, he was looking at a curved sword that was in display and then said that he wanted to buy it. "Sure thing, if you've got the col, it's yours! That sword is 800 col" he told the new customer.

  17. "The one who confused you for a violet haired man? For Garou? Oh right! I did confuse him with a girl a few months ago..." he said in embarassment while scratching the back of his head. "Oh... So you came to find a good blacksmith at a good price, that sounds just like me!" he told Lisbeth. "Just tell me what you need, bring me the materials and I'll make it for you, in fact, it could be anything, as long as you can afford it" said Shanok, he then went to his counter and waited for his customer to tell him her order.

  18. Shanok charged at one of the wolves, intending to destroy it, just like he had done to the last one. He got to where the wolf was really quickly, the wolf didn't have enough time to dodge Shanok's sword as it sliced through him.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Eléssar : 17/17

    Nova : 12/12

    Sakuri : 17/17

    Clarence : 31/31


    Wolf#1 : 0/2 - dead -

    Wolf#2 : 0/2 - dead -

    Wolf#3 : 0/2 - dead -

    Wolf#4 : 0/2 - dead -

    Wolf#5 : 2/2

    Wolf#6 : 2/2

  19. Shanok listened to what Iskandar was saying, he was paying attention to it, he wanted to know what were Iskandar's goals in this game, and it seemed like he wanted to be a front liner, to help clear this game and to become strong. A goal worthy of the man who calls himself "King of Conquerors". Shanok looked at Iskandar, "So, what do we do now?" he asked the other player.

  20. So that's the skull? Doesn't seem like it spawns a boss to me... he thought while he went up to the skull. He tried clicking on the skull like he would on an item. "It doesn't seem to do anything, no menu's appearing or anything..." he said as he was looking at the skull. "Well, I really don't know how to make this thing work... Anyone here has an idea?" he asked the party.

  21. The wind was blowing and removed Akumu's hood, which she immediately put back on. Shanok saw her face for a brief moment, he noticed a scar and purple eyes. Nothing special about the scar, but the purple eyes, it was the second time in his life he had seen eyes of that color, first his friend Clarence, and then this girl. Shanok wasn't really surprised at the sight of Akumu's purple eyes though, since his friend had eyes of the same color. "Want to join us? Your "friend" will probably not try to do anything if he sees you with three other players" he said after a brief silence.

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