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Posts posted by Shanok

  1. "It pleases me to hear that Miaki's telling people about my shop, business has been pretty slow lately" he said to the customer that was in front of him. "Oh, what am I doing, I guess you already know my name but, my name's Shanok, nice to meet you" he said as reach for Hikari's hand and shook it. "Oh, I forgot the sword at the counter, let me go get it" he said as he went to the counter and picked up the sword. "Here you go" he said as he handed the sword to the girl and took the bag of Col. "If you ever need anything else, just bring me materials and I'll make it" he said as he the Col was added to his inventory.

  2. "It's actually been a really long time since we've last seen you, couple of months" he told Garou. "It's really good to see you again after such a long time" he added he helped Garou up with Lisbeth while the others were asking questions as well. "I'm sure you've missed a lot of things, how about we go somewhere else, all of us, and put you up to date on everything you need to know, sounds good?" he asked his old friend.

  3. You have two skill points to begin with, I recommend that you level a skill instead of spreading the points around. As the tutorial says you can have up to 9 skills, but they're going to be level 0 for a while, until you invest skill points in them.

    As for items, you start out with basic gear, no bonus. Basic gear meaning any armor type (Light/Heavy/Leather) any weapon except Katanas, which are unlocked by reaching Curved Sword Skill Rank 4.

    And Terrence, it's not just the loot rules that are important, following the rules in general is important, if you don't follow them, you get in trouble.

  4. Shanok got back to his shop the next day and noticed a paper on his counter. He picked it up and read what was written on it. "Rage, huh?" he said as he looked for the sword, "Ah, there it is!" he said as he removed the sword from display and looked at its stats, trying to put a price on it. When he finally reached a verdict, he opened up his menu and started to compose a message.

    I saw your note, the sword is 400 Col, you can come get it whenever you want

    He pressed "Send" and put the sword behind the counter. He went up to the only table in his shop, pulled a chair out and sat down on it while waiting for the player to arrive.

  5. Shanok saw the boss' health drop alot from the last player's attack. As he was told, he charged toward the boss after that player had been done with her attack. He swung his katana from left to right, hitting the boss and making it lose a decent amount of its remaining HP. After hitting the boss, Shanok quickly backed up seeing that his HP was really low. "Can anybody spare me an HP potion? I'm running low here" he said while watching the boss so he could defend against a potential attack.

    Battle Dice : 9

    Damage : 1+1+2+2 = 6

    Keith: 56/67

    9Lives: 04/17

    Shark: 29/41

    Nikki: 25/32

    Miaki: 47/59

    Yunah: 6/15

    Haine: 48/61

    Ruri: 41/53

    Saix: 7/19

    Zero: 9/17

    Seldentar: 18/29

    Daeron: 26/37

    Lightfiyr: 15/27

    Vandal: 15/15

    Grim: 25/37

    Clarence: 16/29

    Ayane: 11/17

    Shanok: 5/17

    <> 30/128 [bleeding 3 turns]

    <> 0/16

    <> 0/16

    <> 0/16

    <> 0/16

  6. As it was said by Saix in the suggestion topic for Claw weapons, it would be one hand only. Also, I don't think weapons that weren't in the game will be added. Whips and Claws were suggested because they actually were in SAO.

  7. Shanok rolled to the side after the golem's partially failed pummeling and stabbed to rocky monster through what he guessed was supposed to be its chest and made the monster explode into blue crystal shards. A window appeared in front of Shanok, telling him he had just looted two more Crystal Ingots. "Awesome, we got two ingots from this one!" he told Seldentar.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : 40/41


    Crystal Golem : 0/14 -dead- +2 Crystal Ingots

  8. Shanok ran towards the golem to attack it to prevent Seldentar from getting hit, but he also tripped, leaving him vulnerable to the golem's pummeling. The golem hit both players multiple times dealing a bit of damage to Seldentar, but none to Shanok.

    (Golem does 2 damage)


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : 40/41


    Crystal Golem : 14/14

  9. Shanok charged at the golem, intending to kill it. His sword pierced the golem's head, making it fall to the ground and explode into blue shards. Shanok put his sword away, "Well, that's one more Crystal Ingot" he said as he turned around to look at Seldentar. "Let's keep going, we only have like, 6 ingots?" he said as he started to walk towards another path.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : 39/39


    Crystal Golem : 0/14 -Dead- +1 Crystal Ingot

  10. As the beast exploded into crystal, 0s and 1s, Shanok checked his reward window and saw that he got a weird item but didn't say anything about it. "Well, that certainly was easier than I expected" he said as he put away his sword. Shanok looked at the other players, expecting them to say something, but they didn't. A short silence fell in. Shanok decided to end the silence, "So, any of you want to go somewhere to celebrate our victory of some sort?" he asked while rubbing the back of his head.

  11. Shanok looked at Lisbeth, "That's a really bad pun..." was the only thing he could say at that moment. "But, yes, long time no see indeed" he added while looking at the players around him. He recognized a player that had ordered items from his shop before, Ryu. Behind him was standing a girl whom he had never met before. Shanok went up to said girl, "Hello, my name is Shanok, I've known Lisbeth for a while and Ryu ordered stuff from me before, who might you be?" he asked to the player named Rosalia.


    Shanok looked at the tall mountain that was the exterior of Nimbus, how awesome would it be to climb that? Awesomely dangerous though... he thought as he turned around to continue walking towards the other side of the bridge. He really wanted to try climbing the mountain.

    Shanok was brought back to reality by Elyth tugging at his shirt, I won't risk my life to do that though, it seems way too dangerous he thought as he kept walking down the road. The bridge led to another mountain top, which had a road that went down a bit, and then there was another bridge. Shanok looked around when he got to the bridge and noticed that the area was just huge mountains, all connected to each other by similar bridges, though some of them were made of wood compared to the one they were on, which was made out of stone like the first one.

    "This place is amazing" he said while still looking around. At the top of one of the mountains, Shanok saw flying creatures, "Elyth, look at this, some sort of bird things" he said, pointing towards the flying monsters, "We should go there!" he suggested. Without even waiting for an answer, he walked to the other side of the bridge and took the route that he thought would lead to where the bird things were.

  13. Here's a hello from one of the "Player Support" team members, I wish you a good time on here, if you need any questions answered, you can PM us (player support) (Keith, Zauis, Miaki, and myself), we'll be happy to answer them and help you in any way we can. Once again, I hope you have on here.

  14. Shanok was checking his weapons that were on display when he heard someone enter his shop. He turned around to see that it was his friend and guild leader Miaki. Shanok walked up to his friend gave him a handshake, "It's good to see you" he said, "Here's the man that I talked about" he said while pointing towards Iskandar who was still sitting on a chair. Shanok watched him get up and give a handshake to Miaki.

    After a bit of talking, Miaki said that he was already impressed by how confident Iskandar looked. "I'm telling you, he is more than worthy to be part of our guild, if you had seen how he fought those wolves, you could only say the same" he told his guild leader, vouching for Iskandar's strength.

  15. Shanok saw that the beast was strugling to get up and thought that it was the best moment to attack. He charged at the beast, hoping to end its life. His sword went through the beast's chest, but didn't kill it. Shanok quickly removed his sword by putting his right foot on the beast's chest and pulling the sword out, he then backed away from the beast.

    Battle Dice : 5+1 = 6

    Damage : 1+2+2 = 5

    Seldentar: 32/35

    Saix: 16/19

    Shanok: 18/21

    Ruri: 63/69

    Snow Beast: 2/75

  16. As Seldentar's sword was piercing the golem, Shanok went in for an attack. He aimed for the golem's legs with his sword, when he got close to it, he swung his sword, hitting both legs, leaving red gashes behind. He then jumped backwards, pulling Seldentar with him, as the golem was about to crush both of them.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : 39/39


    Crystal Golem : 7/14

  17. Shanok watched as Ruri got butt-stomped by the beast. He was bothered by the fact that the monster butt-stomped her,

    What is this? Butt-stomping? He could at least punch us or something he thought as he charged towards the beast, sword in hand. This time he attacked the beast's chest, landing a critical hit.

    Battle Dice : 9 = 2+2+2 = 6 damage

    Seldentar: 32/35

    Saix: 16/19

    Shanok: 18/21

    Ruri: 63/69

    Snow Beast: 29/75

  18. Shanok walked through the cave, looking for golems to slay. After a few minutes he arrived at a fork in the road. "Should we go left, or should we go right?" he asked himself, wondering which way they should go. He then decided to go left, why, simply because he was left handed. They went down the left path, and immediately stumble upon a golem. Shanok quickly drew his sword and charged at the golem, striking it in the chest, dealing a good amount of damage to it. He then jumped away from the golem, barely dodging one of its attacks.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : stuff


    Crystal Golem : 12/14

  19. Shanok looked at Nikki who took the boss' attack head on, losing 0 hp from it, he was surprised that she didn't take any damage from it, he had never seen a player negate a strong attack like that. He then turned back to face the pod that was in front of him, they had to take down the pods so the boss could be taken down faster. He drew his katana and charged at the pod, he swung his sword from right to left, leaving a red gash in the pod. After hitting the pod, he jumped backwards to where his squad was.

    Battle Dice : 5+1 = 6 = 1+2+2 = 5 Damage

    Keith: 63/67

    9Lives: 12/17

    Shark: 36/41

    Nikki: 21/32

    Miaki: 54/59

    Yunah: 8/15

    Haine: 56/61

    Ruri: 48/53

    Saix: 14/19

    Zero: 11/17

    Seldentar: 24/29

    Daeron: 31/37

    Lightfiyr: 22/27

    Vandal: 12/15

    Grim: 32/37

    Clarence: 23/29

    Ayane: 12/17

    Shanok: 10/17

    <> 85/128 2 Turns of Bleeding

    <> 6/16

    <> 8/16

    <> 0/16

    <> 13/16

  20. Shanok looked at the player that wanted to buy a sword. Shanok went to where said sword was displayed and took it with him, bringing it back to the counter, he then put the sword on the counter. "Here it is, it's now yours" he said as he gave the player his new sword and took the col. The player Ryu then came in, asking if what he had ordered was ready. "It sure is, gimme a moment" he said as he went in another room and came back with Ryu's orders. "Here you go, the sword, the armor and the shield" he said as he put the items on the table so Ryu could take them.

  21. After seeing his party land hits on the boss, Shanok knew what he had to do, not miss. He charged towards the beast, aiming for its legs. As he ran towards the beast, he drew his katana, he swung the blue colored blade at the beast's legs, leaving a red gash on both of them. Shanok immediately jumped backwards towards his party, to be safer.

    Battle Dice 7 : 1+2+2 = 5 damage.

    Seldentar: 32/35

    Saix: 16/19

    Shanok: 18/21

    Ruri: 66/69

    Snow Beast: 47/75

  22. Here it is... the picture you've all been waiting for....



    finger gun, cause I can

    If you're reading this, I hope you realize that this is a useless line of text, I had nothing to say here, so stop wasting your time and stop reading, I mean really, stop.

  23. Shanok was happy to hear Iskandar's positive response. "Well, since I'm part of the "council" of the guild, I get to invite people that I find worthy, and you seem more than worthy to me" he answered Iskandar. They then started to walk back toward the city, "You know what? Come with me, we're going to see the guild leader, right now" he said as he opened up his menu and sent a message to his friend Miaki, telling him that he would be coming to see him with a new recruit. He told him to meet at his shop, on floor four.

    Shanok and Iskandar then went to the teleportation pad on the first floor and teleported up to the fourth floor. When they arrived, they headed to Shanok's shop, which looked as run down as ever. "Now, we have to wait for him" he said as he went up to the only table his shop had, pulled a chair and sat on it.

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