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Posts posted by Shanok

  1. After thinking about the changes you just mentionned. I have a feeling that it would make the thing too hard. Then again, we'd need to actually test this to see if it should be changed in any way. I don't want to make change that I may have to remove later because of balance issues.

  2. Shanok received a message from his guildmate Zelrius. "Zelrius? What does he want? Been a while since I saw him, I wonder what he's up to?" he asks himself as he reads his message. Zelrius wanted to meed the council's members on floor two, "I wonder what he wants?" he said out loud as he headed for the teleportation panel. He teleported to floor two and headed for the plaza. Once he got there, he saw Zelrius and went up to him. "Hello, long time no see" he said to his friend.

  3. Shanok put another material on the anvil and started to hammer it. This time, he had made an uncommon item, that sort of quality, he knew it wouldn't sell well because greedy players only want perfects. They didn't understand that making perfect items can take alot of time, and they wanted them made quickly, which bothered Shanok. He took the item and put it in his inventory, keeping it to salvage it later.

  4. Shanok put another star steel ingot on the anvil and started to hammer it. The result was as good as the last time he had used star steel. Shanok took the gauntlets and looked at them. "They look amazing" he said as he opened the item's stat window.

    Item: Heavy Armor Gauntlets

    Name: Celestial Gauntlets

    Description: These gauntlets give the wearer more precision when swinging their sword around. The gauntlets have a blue-ish color to them.

    Ability: +2 Accuracy

  5. Shanok took out a star steel ingot and put it on his anvil. "This metal again, from what I remember, I got pretty good results with it last time, let's see if I still get good results now" he said as he hammered the material. The ingot's shape changed into a pair of gauntlets. Shanok looked at their stats. "Nothing good, I guess I'll try again" he said as he put the gauntlets in his inventory.

  6. As the golem fell to the ground and disappeared, another one broke through the wall and came in the big path that they were on. The golem kept smashing walls around them until it noticed the two players, the unusually big golem then charged at the players. Shanok saw it coming and ran towards it, hoping he could land a hit. Shanok's attack hit the Golem's legs, making it fall to the ground. "Go for it!" he told Seldentar as he turned around to face the golem that was having a bit of difficulty to get back up.


    Shanok : 27/27

    Seldentar : 43/43


    Crystal Golem : 13/21

  7. Shanok quickly charged at the golem again, the Golem didn't see him coming as it was busy dealing with Seldentar. Shanok jumped at the golem from behind and slashed as its neck, dealing a good amount of damage. He then quickly jumped away from the monster, as he knew the golem would try to retaliate.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : 40/41


    Crystal Golem : 2/14

  8. Shanok once again comes out of the other room to go back to the counter. "You want this one? Oh, seems like you already know the prices around here, that's good" he said as he opened the display case and took out the sword that she wanted. "Here you go, it's yours now" he said as he handed the sword to her and took the bag of col. "Nice doing business with you, come again if you have anything you need" he added as he went back into the other room.

  9. Shanok went back to his counter after he heard another player come in. "Oh, hey Ryu" he said. He then listened to what he wanted, "Sure I can make that" he said as he took the materials and headed went into the other room.

    He went up to his anvil and placed a material on it, hoping that he would get better luck than he did before. After hitting the material a few times, it changed into a sword. Shanok took the sword in his hands and checked its stats.

    Item: One Handed Straight Sword

    Name: Hellion

    Description: This sword is red and black, its blade itself is all red. Some say that the blade was once black too, until the man who had it covered it with his victim's blood.

    Ability: +3 Damage

  10. Shanok put another material on the anvil. Expecting something good he started to hammer it, though, in his bad luck streak, he once again, made something that no one would use. "Why is my luck so terrible?!" he asked himself, furious about his the fact that he kept failing his crafts over and over.

  11. Shanok put another material on the anvil, hoping to get something usable this time. After a few strikes on said material, it changed into a sword. "Now, the question is, is it good?" he asked himself as he picked up the weapon and looked at its stats.

    Item: One Handed Straight Sword

    Name: Sword of the Unknown Knight

    Description: This sword was dropped by someone who no one knew, hency why it's named like it is.

    Ability: +2 Damage

  12. "Eleven materials? I can make something good out of that" he simply answered taking the materials. "So, one handed sword, with stats focused on damage and accuracy, okay, I'm going to try to make it as fast as I can" he added while he put the mats in his inventory. He then headed for his anvil, which was in another room. He stopped and turned around, "Also, I keep the extra materials" he added as he entered the other room and closed the door behind him.

  13. Shanok was at his forge when he heard a player walking around in his shop. He went to the counter to meet his potential customer. The player still had beginner gear, but didn't look like one. He had most likely spent alot of time farming to go order the best gear that could possibly be made right now. "Does anything interest you?" he asked, looking the other played in the eyes. "Or might you be here to place an order?" he quickly added after his first question, not letting the player answer his first question.

  14. Shanok charged towards the second golem as he saw Seldentar get punched by it. He slashed at the golem, leaving it with an unpleasing wound. "Go for it!" he told Seldentar as he jumped backwards to dodge the golem's attack.


    Shanok : 21/21

    Seldentar : 40/41


    Crystal Golem : 9/14

  15. After the boss was defeated, Shanok took a moments to let his health go back up, he wasn't in danger anymore, but he still didn't like his HP being in the red zone, it just didn't feel right to him. Because of that, he didn't see or hear the drama that went on between Zelrius and Nikki. All he saw was a bunch of player staring at the stairs, where Nikki had gone to and went up to the next floor. Shanok didn't see anything of interest in the room worth staying for, until he realized that somebody had gotten that last attack bonus item. He looks for the player who he had seen kill the boss. When he finally found him, he went up to him. "Hello, my name's Shanok, you were great out there. I was curious about what you got from killing the boss. I was wondering if you were willing to sell it to me, if you don't need it of course, I won't ask again if you say no." he said awkwardly as he had never talked to this man before. He then realized that he was the leader of the Ebon Vanguard. "Sorry didn't recognize you, again, I'm Shanok, from the Azure Brigade, nice to meet you" he said while reaching out his hand for a handshake.

  16. Shanok stopped for a bit and looked back at Elyth, "Do I know where we're going? Oh... uhm... I do... At least I think I do" he said as he kept walking towards what he thought was the right way.

    Shanok looked at the archway that was way larger than the one at Nimbus' exit he didn't have much time to look at it as a flying reptile thing dived right at them and went back up afterwards. Shanok only managed to get a quick glance at the beast, from what he saw, it looked like a sort of flying snake.

    Elyth then said that she wanted to fly one of those things. "Ely-" he said as Elyth cut him off, "Elyth! I don't want to burst your bubble, but, I don't think there are any flying devices in SAO and I also don't think that there'd be a quest where you can fly those things, seeing as you could fall down" he said apologizing for no real purpose.

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