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Posts posted by Miriko

  1. Miriko walked around floor 1 with a blank look on her face as always. This was one of the main reasons why she didn't have many friends in SAO and in real life alike. The brunette didn't mind though, she enjoyed being by herself. Hmmm what to do, What to do. Mabey shopping? Nah, I'm saving up my col. She continued to walk, stopping once in a while to look through the clear windows of multiple shops. As Miriko turned a corner, She wasn't concentrating, and she ran into another player, causing her to fall backwards onto the paved ground.

    "Ouch, that hurt." Miriko rubbed her head. The short girl slowly got up, continuing to rub her head. The player who she ran into was also on the ground. Whoooops I really need to stop daydreaming and focus. "I'm sorry mister, I wasn't watching where I was going." Miriko held a slender out to the gingered haired player, to help him up. "I was daydreaming and I wasn't focused. Sorry again" The brunette grinned, causing dimples to form in her cheeks. Her head throbbed with pain from where her head it the ground. But her thoughts were on the player still on the dusty ground. I hope he is okay.  

  2. As the short brunette bounced around portal plaza, looking for Mack, she saw a familiar face. There is Vasth so we just have to find Mack. "Oi Vasth, over here." She called out across the crowd, causing players to look at her. Miriko didn't mind the lingering eyes. She pushed her way through the crowd towards Vasth. Once she made her way over to him, Miriko stopped in front of him. Somethings different. Just what is it. Her Amber eyes looked Vasth up and down. Looking for a difference. Miriko finally figured it out. "Ahhhh so you got a haircut." Miriko grinned, causing dimples to form in her cheeks. She reached up to touch his now short blonde hair. "I like it. I have found you so know we are just waiting for Mack." Miriko said while looking through the crowd for the guildmaster.

  3. Miriko quickly swallowed her food, kind of chocked but coughed it off, so she could greet Shirosu. "Hi Shirosu, my name is Miriko. Nice to meet you." Miriko spoke lightly.She turned to Vasth "You have introduced me to so many people. I barely know anyone here so I cant really introduce you to anyone. I wish Aika was here." Out of the corner of her eye she saw two men that she hadnt seen before, fighting over something. "That doesn't look too good." Miriko whispered. The fight broke and the two men went in different directions, both emotionally unstable. "Well you can't have a part without some drama I guess." She turned back to the buffet. Her appetite had vanished. "I don't feel hungry anymore which is a big surprise." Miriko grinned, causing dimples to form in her cheeks. This party was fun. Lots of food and she got to meet new people. What a night. 

  4. Miriko giggled. Lee is one funny guy "Well lets go on this boar hunt shall we? There is a certain place where you can find heaps of boars. I think its this way" She motioned her hand to follow and started to walk out towards where boars usually spawned. She stopped and held one hand to the top of her head to block out the sun. "Usually there are heaps of boars around here. I wonder where they are." The brunette continued to walk in another direction on the green fields when she suddenly stopped. "Bingo" A few meters ahead of them was a boar. "Oi Lee, I found one." She called out. Her slender hand gripped her sword. I haven't fought anything in ages. I cant wait. 

  5. "Don't worry about it, I have bad days too" Miriko softly smiled. "Ahhh Freddy is it? I like that name, My name is Miriko, Nice to meet you." Miriko looked freddy up and down. She could tell by his stance that he was agitated. "You alright Freddy? You seem a bit agitated and don't think It was because of my icecream." She scratched her head in a thoughtful way. "If you don't want to tell me, I understand. I'm a stranger to you." Miriko barely had any friends in S.A.O because of her lack of confidence. Although today, she felt really brave, talking to someone she didn't know. 

  6. OOC: I dont know where to put the shield and sword form thing so im just going to put it here:

    Name: Fallen Dawn

    Item-Type: One Handed Straight Sword

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 Damage, +1 Accuracy

    Description: A light straight sword with a strong yellow blade. The handle is a dark navy blue with leather wrapped around the hilt. 


     Name: Ivy Flame

    Item-Type: Round Shield

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +1 Damage Mitigation, +1 Thorns

    Description: A strong round shield, made out of light steel. The shield is tinted with a flame colour. 


     "Yes Mack, Meet you down on floor 1 in 30 mins. Got it. I like your familiar by the way. Its so cute." Miriko giggled, waved her goodbye and turned to exit the warm tent. She was hit with a blow of cold air. I can't wait to get down to floor 1. I don't mind the snow but sometimes it can get annoying. She pulled her red scarf up so her mouth and nose were covered, and again trudged through the snow.

    After Miriko teleported down to floor 1, she changed her clothes to suit the weather. The weather on floor 1 was a complete opposite to floor 4, with the sun warming the land, not a touch of snow insight. Miriko loved this type of weather. She found a cozy inn to sit at and opened her menu to message Vasth:

    Hey, Mack wants you to tag along on my recruitment training. Meet us on floor 1, at the portal plaza, in 30 mins. 

    To waste some time, Miriko walked around some of the streets surrounding portal plaza. The city was alive, with players looking around the stores and Inns. I have been in SAO in how long? and I havn't brought anything yet other than food and clothes. Oh well, I will get through with what I have until I need to buy new stuff. After 20mins of walking around, the short brunette bounced to the portal plaza, excited to start her recruitment.


  7. Miriko had been eating a icecream on floor 1, just outside the town. A wooden bench could be seen so she walked over to it and sat down. Her amber eyes watched the players in thought, wondering how exciting their lives were, fighting extreme monsters. The brunette laughed. There weren't many players here that could take down a higher leveled monster. With icecream in one hand, she opened her menu. I need to get my stats up. I will never be a frontliner if I stay lounging around doing nothing on floor 1. In frustration, she threw the rest of her icecream, out towards the fields. She heard an angry boys voice. Oh no, Did that hit player? Miriko quickly got up from her seat to see a male player, around her age and height walking away, cursing. Miriko ran after the player. The short girl finally caught up with him, she stopped the player in his path, standing in front of him. "I'm so sorry for throwing that icecream cone. I didnt know you were there. Seriously. Forgive me please."

  8. Yay, He said yes! Miriko opened her menu and pressed accept on Lee's friend invite. "Well Lee, nice to meet you too. I like the name lee, I dont think I have ever met someone with that name in the real world." Miriko shut her mouth. She could ramble on for ages but she didn't want to bore Lee to death. "Oh well, I better stop talking, Are you ready to go on a bear hunt Lee?" Miriko grinned like she usually did and pulled out her sword. "I haven't fought anything in ages and I was drawn to the feeling of killing something. Wow I feel like a murderer." She giggled. There was no way that Miriko could kill anything other than a mob in SAO. No way at all.

  9. Miriko wanted to fight some boars. No one knows why this thought ran through her head. Miriko was always thinking of something. Always. Her brain was like a busy city. With sword equip, The short brunette walked off towards the green fields of floor 1. Hmmm maybe I should find someone to fight with, It will make things easier. I might even make a new friend. Miriko looked up to see that the sun was bright and not a cloud was to be seen on this splendid day.What a nice day to hunt. The girl wandered around like a lost puppy, looking for a player who was interested in slaying some boars. She was however declined many times There has to be someone that will hunt with me. Miriko came up to a tall player. "Excuse me sir but would you like to companion me on a boar hunt? Im sure it will be fun." Miriko grinned, causing dimples to form on her cheeks. "My name is Miriko by the way" Miriko held out her slender hand for the player to shake. She again looked up at the player. This player had dark hair and green eyes. Miriko was praying on the inside. Please say yes, I just want to fight some boars. 

  10. Miriko giggled as Vasth got ready to dance. "I never knew that dragons could dance." She teased , as she placed her slender hand on Vasth's arm. Vasth took the lead and they started to slowly dance, keeping with the slow beat of music in the background. After a while of dancing, Miriko reached up and kissed Vasth. His lips tasted like mint icecream she used to eat as a child. She whispered just so only Vasth could here it "I love you Vasth." Her amber eyes met Vasth's Emerald eyes. She quickly adverted her gaze, relising she was staring. Her cheeks were dusted with a rosey pink colour. 

    Her eyes landed on a table of food and her stomach grumbled. "Can we go eat something? Im really hungry, I have barely eaten today." Miriko barely ate until she was really hungry. Somedays she would even go without eating at all. Miriko took Vasth's hand and dragged him towards the the tables piled with food. Wow this food looks delicious. Her amber eyes seemed to sparkle.

  11. ID:32634

    LD: 9 

    "Wow what a beautiful flower." Miriko bent down and put her hand around the plant and tugged at it. To her dismay, the pretty flower burst into pixels. "Oh well. We will have to try again on something different." She sighed. Vasth's voice quietly spoke. She turned around and sure enough there was a boar standing there, looking pretty angry. "That boar doesnt look too happy." Miriko pulled out her sword and looked at Vasth to see if he was ready. 

  12. The winter wonderland of floor 4 was snowing today, very heavily, on this particular day. A short brunette trudged through the snow. Miriko let out a breath. She was nervous. It was usual that Miriko was nervous. It was in her nature. But her anxiety had shot up today, but it wasnt just nervousness Miriko was feeling, She could also feel the excitement. A few weeks ago, While talking to Vasth, He had mentioned the guild 'The Crimson Blades', were accepting new members. Miriko was very interested and decided to approach this guild to see if she could join. That is why Miriko is here now, on floor 4, To see the infamous guild master, Mack. I wonder if I'm good enough. Miriko thought as she walked in the direction of Mack's shop and Crimson Blades HQ. She pulled her coat closer to her body and continued her journey

    After a couple of more minutes of snow, Miriko reached what seemed to be a tent fixated on the edge of town. She stopped and hesitated before entering. Is this a good idea? Mabey I should leave while I can. Miriko shook her head and wiped her head of those thoughts. Anxiety was not going to get the better of her today. Miriko slowly entered the tent to find large masculine red haired man. Ahhh so this must be Mack. She walked up to the man. "Uhhhh Hello. Are you the Crimsom Blade Leader Mack? I was wondering if you are still accepting members, I would love to join your guild." While she said this, Miriko fiddled around with the red scarf that was hanging loosely around the girls neck. "Oh by the way, My name is Miriko" Miriko smiled and held out her hand for the man to shake. 

  13. Miriko took another sip of her coffee. The cup was almost empty. "Vasth promised that he would help me get my profession. I helped him with his profession, he decided to become an artisan. That was a fun day." Miriko glanced at Golden. "If you dont mind me asking but do you have anyone special in your life?" Caution could be sensed in her tone of voice, also a hint of curiosity. Miriko didn't want to invade Golden's privacy, that just wasn't her character. She wanted to know more about him. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I can get a bit pushy without even noticing, so tell me if I get too personal." Miriko grinned. 

  14. Miriko hadnt had the chance to properly look at Vasth until now. His blond hair was tied back, Emerald eyes bright, dressed in a black blazer, vest and jeans. Simple but made him look good, handsome. "You look handsome Vasth." She grinned. Vasth suddenly pointed and waved at a nearby couple. Miriko and Vasth made their way over to the couple. Vasth introduced the couple to Miriko as Opal and Lawfer. "Nice to meet you, Im Miriko, Vasth's girlfriend." The short brunette smiled. Well Im certainly more social than normal tonight. 


  15. As Miriko waited for Vasth, She spotted a brown bunny coming towards her from the grass. "Well hello there bunny." The small creature jumped in fright from Miriko's voice and started to bounce away. "Wait, Dont be scared. Im actually a nice person, I wont hurt you." She softened her voice and bent down, reaching her hand out.The bunny cautiously came towards the girl. It nuzzled Miriko's hand, well that was until Vasth's voice called out. The bunny quickly bounced away. Miriko got up off the ground and made her way towards Vasth's voice. "Where is the plant?"

  16. Miriko wasn't surprised by Zelrius's words. No one at this party knew her. I do really need to try socialize more. "My name is Miriko, You invited me to your party. Im surprised that you did. No one really knows me here in SAO." Miriko quietly said. She looked around the room at the many players that had arrived. Her eyes caught a familiar face. It was her boyfriend Vasth, who was looking very handsome indeed . Miriko slowly walked up to him. "Vasth you finally came." She planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

  17. Miriko was surprised by the invitation to Zelrius's 18th Birthday Party. She was surprised to get even get a birthday invite. Not many people knew Miriko in the world of the SAO. She was the complete opposite of a social butterfly. Zelrius? Miriko had heard a bit about Zelrius here and there. Vasth had mentioned the name before somewhere. Miriko was hesitant at first, she didnt know Zelrius. Thoughts bounced around her head like usual. Her slender finger hovered over the menu. You never know, It could be fun. Miriko's finger touched 'going'. Her wide brown eyes scanned over the invite. A formal party? I havn't been to one in a while. I hope my dancing skills are up to date. Miriko got up from the park bench she was sitting on on floor one. Shopping was a must, Lets just say that her wardrobe was not up to date. I need a new dress. And probably some suitable shoes. The first shop Miriko stumbled on was ironically a dress shop. After looking at a couple of dresses, she picked out a black dress which was flowy but accented her curves. Miriko also picked out matching shoes. Walking to the nearest inn, She got changed and then headed to the warp gate.

    I dont think I have ever been to this part of floor 2. Miriko smoothed down her black dress. her brunette hair was in its usual fashion, hanging down and curly on the edges. She walked into the area where the party was seemed to be held. There were a few people standing around this boy in a wooden rocking chair who she guessed was Zelrius. Nervous was an understatement as she Miriko approached the group. "Ummm Happy Birthday Zelrius" Miriko spoke, her voice slightly shaking. 

  18. Miriko walked around in the tall grass, looking for any type of harvestable plant. After a few minutes of looking for a plant, Miriko decided to look somewhere else. She walked up to Vasth and stopped, gazing out where Vasth was looking. "Have you found any boars yet?" Miriko asked and planted on hand on her hip. It was a nice and sunny day on floor 1, With an exeption of a cloud or two. She looked up at the sky, feeling the sun warming her skin.

  19. The NPC looked at Vasth and replied "Well all she has to do is kill 2 boars and harvest a plant of any sort." The NPC clapped its hands as if in delight. Miriko nodded her head in agreement. "I will like to take on this quest" Miriko spoke. The NPC again clapped its hands and Miriko opened her menu to find a quest confirmation. She pressed yes and the NPC automatically chirped. "Hope you have fun on your quest"

  20. Miriko opened the wooden door to a big kitchen. "Wow this is magnificent." Miriko's eyes sparkled. There was a desk to the side where a NPC stood with an exclamation mark on its head. '"How can I help you?" The NPC Spoke. Miriko bounced over to the desk. "Well, I want to become a cook and i heard that this was the right place to go." Miriko spoke seriously, containing her excitement. I cant wait.

  21. Miriko giggled as Vasth stopped to kiss her. "Once You become a cook,I will eat all you food you cook." 

    "Even if its horrible?" Miriko laughed. "I was a pretty good cook in the real world but who knows what i will be like here." She looked around and her eyes landed on the building they were looking for. "Thats the place." Miriko almost squealed in excitement, pointing at a brick building with a huge sign reading: The ways of a cook. Miriko walked towards the door, put her hand on the doorknob and opened the dooor

  22. Miriko frowned and grumbled. "I was waiting for the right day. And today is the right day." She pulled Vasths hand in the direction of where you had to go to become a cook. "I cant wait." Her amber eyes glinted like a child on christmas day, waiting to open presents. Miriko slowed down her pace, so that she was aligned with Vasth. She looked around the city, it was alive today with busy players and even NPC's. "Today is busy." Miriko slightly laughed. They walked a while until they reached their destination.

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