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Posts posted by Miriko

  1. Miriko spotted Vasth quickly, He stood out of the crowd, tall, blond hair tied up, emerald eyes. He waved at her, with his usual smile. Miriko waved back and started to walk towards Vasth. When she finally made it to him, she wrapped him in a hug.

    "I missed you Vasth." She spoke softly. Miriko let go and smiled, a broad grin on her face "Today, I decided to try and finally become a cook." She was unusually hyper today and could barely hold her excitement in.

  2. Miriko decided that today was the day! Today was the day that she would become a cook. Well at least try to. Miriko had been walking around floor 1, slightly bored when the thought hit her. She also remembered that her boyfriend, Vasth, had promised to help her complete the quest. Miriko quickly found a nearby park and sat down on one of the multiple wooden benches spread out around the green park. It was a nice warm day, the sun was shining and a few clouds dotted the bright blue sky. Miriko opened her menu and sent Vasth a message.

    Hey Vasth, Are you free today? I want to finally complete the earning a living quest. Meet me on floor 1 in the park on the north side. :)

    Miriko clicked the send button awaited Vasth's arrival. She quickly ran her fingers through her long brunette hair, relising she hadn't fixed it up this morning.


  3. Miriko laughed as Vasth spun her around. He put her down and Miriko continued to giggle. She was always happy when she was with Vasth, no matter what.

    "This is the best date I have ever been on." She told Vasth. The sky was cloudy and snow started to fall down. Miriko opened her inventory and equipped her jumper, sensing that it was probably going to get cold. She turned to Vasth, stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him softly.  His lips tasted like mint, like usual.

    She pulled away and smiled, a broad grin on her face. She wanted to stay with Vasth forever and hopefully they did.


  4. "Ooohhhhh I forgot." Miriko laughed. "Well the game makes the best coffee ever. A profession you say? Well I am planning to get the cook profession." Miriko answered. "My boyfriend and I promised to help each other with the quest." Miriko took another sip of her coffee. She had always wanted to become a chef when she was young. Miriko would always help and the kitchen and even got a job at a small cafe down the street. So getting the cook profession was obviously the best choice for her.

  5. Miriko giggled as Vasth wiped the drool from his mouth. He hugged her tight. Miriko hugged him back and continued to smile.

    "Hey Miriko do you want a familiar?" Miriko pulled away from Vasth and looked into his emerald eyes, thinking about the question.

    "A familiar.......I would love to get one. I do love animals." Miriko answered. She got a stretched a bit more. The view was truly magnificent in the morning, The early sun set a warm glow on the land. Miriko quickly tied her brunette hair up in a messy bun. She turned, put her hands on her hips and looked at Vasth with a glint in her amber eyes.

    "What about you Vasth? Do you want a familiar?"

  6. "Well you could say that I came to SAO to escape reality." Miriko answered, not wanting to share to much. Miriko picked up her own cup and took a sip. This coffee is amazing! How did he make this? Miriko smiled and took another sip. It was just perfect, not too strong, not too weak, just perfect. "How did you make this? or Is that a secret?"  Miriko crossed her legs and sat back into her chair.

  7. "Im sorry, i shoudnt have said anything." Miriko whispered, a bit emotional from Vasths words. She laid her head on Vasths chest. She felt tears in her eyes and tried to hide them from Vasth. Stop crying Miriko rubbed her eyes and kept quiet. Did he notice? She looked at the now dim fire to keep her distracted. You could barely call it a fire, it was just burnt wood now, with a few sparks here and there. Vasth body was warm on comparison to the cold night air.

  8. Miriko rubbed the deer's side and smiled. So gentle.The deer watched Miriko with its big brown eyes. "If I die in this game, dont be sad. Ok?" Miriko suddenly whispered. "I want you to live your life to the best that it can be. I coudnt bare it if you threw your life away because of me" She slowly kissed Vasth and continued to pet the deer, keeping silent. Thoughts swam around her head. The deer nosed her hand.

  9. As Golden went to go get coffee, Miriko looked around the small cafe like shop. It was cozy and had multiple tables and seats. Golden came back with two cups of steaming coffee. It was very hot so she put it down on the table to cool. While she waited she decided to ask Golden a question. "So why did you come to SAO?" Miriko asked a bit awkwardly, that was always the question that she asked when she meets someone new.

    As Golden went to go get coffee, Miriko looked around the small cafe like shop. It was cozy and had multiple tables and seats. Golden came back with two cups of steaming coffee. It was very hot so she put it down on the table to cool. While she waited she decided to ask Golden a question. "So why did you come to SAO?" Miriko asked a bit awkwardly, that was always the question that she asked when she meets someone new.

  10. "You are the legendary marshmallow man." Miriko admitted. She giggled and kissed Vasth. "My marshmallow dragon." Miriko yawned and crawled onto Vasth's lap. The flames danced with air, bending and spitting. "How did they design this game to look so realistic? Mabey its not even a game but another reality." Miriko whispered. "Like even small things like the wind or how fire acts, the whole game has been designed perfectly. Its amazing." Miriko spoke to Vasth. She leant back onto his chest, brown hair almost red from the fires glow.

  11. "Again, I love marshmallows and if marshmallows was a person, I would marry it." Miriko said as she put another marshmallow on the end of her stick and placed it over the fire. It started to taost and go brown but it got too goey and fell off into the fire. "Nooooo. My marshmallow." Miriko cried. Then she remembered that they had more in the bag and pulled out another. She koved closer to Vasth and snuggled into his side. 

  12. "What a nice place you have here." Miriko said to Golden as she looked around the room. It looked a bit like the cafe she used to work at in the real world. It was very organized and clean, not a speck of dirt in sight. "Do you get many customers?" Miriko asked as she sat down at one of the multiple seats in the cafe. The place was empty. No one in the room other than herself and Golden.

  13. Miriko watched Koumori search the walls however suddenly a secret door opened, causing Koumori to fall flat on his face. A figure emerged from the darkness. The owner of the book! "Wait this makes no sense. What was the point of this wild goose trace???" Miriko confronted the NPC.

    "Well you see, I never lost the book in the first place. I set up this minor quest to check the intelligence levels of the Players." Miriko looked at Koumori, a bit annoyed. The NPC continued. "I go up to some random players and say that I have lost a book, I give them some information if they are looking for it, and let them see if they can find my book. You two players are the first to successfully past this test." The NPC clapped its hands.

    Miriko, still unsatisfied, asked another question. "But why are you checking the intelligence levels of players?" She crossed her arms and lightly tapped her foot.

  14. Miriko loved fire. The way it dances and crackles everywhere. She sat down next to the fire, looking at the deep oranges, bright yellows, and beautiful reds. Vasth sat next to Miriko. Vasth looked very handsome tonight with his blond hair tinted golden from the light of the fire, his emerald eyes holding sparks  "Here Miriko." Miriko felt warm lips and her cheek as Vasth handed her a marshmallow on a stick. "This brings back childhood memories. You will not believe how much I love marshmallows. Especially when they are toasted by a campfire." Miriko put the stick over the fire, turning it to get the whole marshmallow brown and gooey. She lifted the marshmallow end of the stick up to Vasth so he could eat it. "Here, you can have the first one." She smiled

  15. As the girl walked in Miriko smiled and instantly knew who this was by the look on Golden's face. So this is Goldens significant other. How interesting.

    "Ah,you must be Thorrissia, Golden has told me about you.Nice to meet in person." Vasth introduced himself. Miriko decided to introduce herself too. Being the odd shy type she kind of whispered. "Hi, Im Miriko, Golden has also told me a bit about you." She waved, smiling. Miriko sat in silence a bit awkwardly and stared at her shoes. She wasn't the communicative type. "Sooooo how is everyone?"  Miriko suddenly blurted out.

  16. Vasth asked Miriko to collect firewood. "Yep, sure I can do that. I will be back in a few minutes, give or take." She started to climb down the crystal tree, to the ground. The sun was fully down and the darkness seemed to be taking over the light. I need to look for firewood. Miriko told herself to not get distracted by the sky and its colours. She made it to the ground and looked for bits of wood. After miriko was satisfied with the amount of firewood, she put it in her items and climbed back up the crystal tree

  17. Miriko sat there a bit awkwardly for a while as Golden seemed to faze out. Suddenly, he snapped and stood, asking if she wanted a cup of coffee. "Hmmmm a cup on coffee on an early morning like this would be perfect." Miriko agreed, She stood up and faced Golden. "And where are we going to have this cup of coffee? Not many Inns or shops around this part of floor 1 are open this early in the morning." Miriko told Golden


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