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Posts posted by Miriko

  1. Miriko had butterflys in her stomach as she looked at her menus clock again. She was early for once in her life. This was only because she was going on a date with Vasth. Miriko had met Vasth a couple of weeks ago and they connected straight away. Miriko looked down at what she was wearing: Light blue jeans and am oversized gray/white jumper. Is it nice enough? They had decided  to meet on floor 4. Floor 4 was known for its concept being a winter wonderland. Miriko sat on a bench and lent her head on her hand. Her brunette hair was down in its usual style. She wore a white beanie on her head. Miriko watched small kids nearby play in the snow, snowflakes slowly fell down. No wonder they call this a winter wonderland. She again looked at her menu clock and awaited Vasths arrival.

  2. Miriko watched from a distance as Vasth and Golem dodged, blocked and attacked eachother. Miriko waited for the right timing to hit the golem however there were no clear hots, where she could get in without being hit. She cut in a swung her sword. Her aim was off and she missed. "Oh shoot." Miriko whispered. This battle wasn't going very good for her. She backed away from the golems path.

    ID 26828

    BD 2 ~Miss~

    Vasth 24/27 (Hate - 4)

    Miriko 25/25 (Hate - 2)

    Golem 3/20

  3. Miriko leapt over Vasth and onto the golem. She stabbed the golems shoulder, doing a bit of damage. Miriko jumped down, she reached the ground and ran away from the golems swing arm. The golem swung its white rock arm, trying to hit Vasth. Vasth dodged like usual.

    ID 26823

    BD 9 ~Crit Hit~ Dmg 2+1=3

    Vasth 24/27 (Hate - 3)

    Miriko 25/25 (Hate - 2)

    Golem 5/20 -3

  4. (Whoops I must have read something wrong XD)

    Miriko answered "Yes, yes I am." She got up and quickly brushed displaced pixels off her body. She gipped her sword. Ready to attack. The Golem was in full rage now and was swinging attacks at Vasth. Vasth easily dodged the attacks. He was used to fighting to blocking and dodging attacks were easy. Miriko ran at the golem. She swiped her sword however the golem moved at the last second and she missed.

    ID 26821

    BD 4 ~Missed~

    MD 1 ~Missed~

    Vasth 24/27 (Hate - 2)

    Miriko 25/25 (Hate - 1)

    Golem 11/20 


  5. Miriko and Koumori traced after the man in the hat. They caught the man and Koumori threw him onto the ground. A crowd started to surround them and the shadowed man suggested that they go more private. Before they entered a deserted allyway, Koumori reassured the crowd. Koumori pushed the man againts the wall and demanded the location of the book. The man told them that he knew the books location but he would only speak to the lady. Miriko moved forward and whispered to Koumori. "Let me talk to him. I wont let him go anywhere and he cant hurt me, we are in a safe spot." Miriko grabbed the front of the mans shirt, "Tell me where the book is." Miriko growled. She put on a dont mess with me face. "The book is.... I sold the book back in a inn back north a bit." The man smirked. Miriko put an even more deadly look on her face. "If you are lying to us...." She pointed to herself and Koumori."We will hunt you down....again."

  6. Miriko watched the Golem smash Vasth into the wall. This angered Miriko. Before the beast could do anything else to Vasth, Miriko lunged at it, she stabbed the golem with her sword, Making it stumble a bit. Miriko pulled her sword out of the Golems back and dropped onto the ground. The golem swatted its hand at Miriko, She easily dodged it. She turned towards Vasth. "Are you alright?" Miriko called out with concern in her voice.


    ID 26811

    BD 7+1 ~Hit~ damage 1+1

    MD 4 ~Miss~

    Vasth 24/27 [HATE = 2]

    Miriko 25/25 [HATE = 2]

    Golem 11/20 -2

  7. Miriko switched out with Vasth. Miriko's eyes glinted with excitement. She ran towards the golem, jumped, and quickly swung her straight sword. The sword easily cut through the stone golems side doing little damage. The golem, who was getting angry, swung the only arm it had left, towards Vasth.

    "Vasth, Watch out." Miriko yelled. Vasth dodged the attack, jumping over the golems hand.

    "That was a close one." He grinned.  Vasth gripped his spear, ready to attack next.



    ID 26801

    BD 5+1 ~hit~ 1 damage

    MD 3 ~miss~

    Vasth 27/27 [HATE = 1]

    Miriko 25/25 [HATE = 1]

    Golem 17/20 -1

  8. Miriko again fell down. She landed on Vasth's chest. Snow went everywhere. Even in her hair. She giggled. "We are so clumsy." She laid on Vasths chest for a while. She didnt want to get up but there was work to do. Miriko got off Vasth and carefully got up without falling down. She held out a hand to Vasth to pull him up. "This time lets not fall down." She grinned

  9. The NPC answered Miriko's question. Miriko followed Vasth out the door. They were hit with coldness. It had snowed for a bit when they were inside, so the ground was covered in fresh snow.

    "The golem of the white cave. I dont think i have ever heard of it before. Have you?" Miriko looked up at Vasth, with a smile on her face. "Sounds pretty dangerous, Where is it on your map?" Miriko asked. suddenly she slipped and fell on the ground. "I hate ice." Miriko grumbled

  10. We took off towards town. Miriko and Koumori searched high and low for the mysterious man. The wind had started to pick up, giving a gentle blow. They passed a couple of inns and even asked a few players. Suddenly Miriko saw a tall figure in a hat, similar too the NPC description, walking through the crowd.

    "Koumouri, over there, that could be who we are looking for." Miriko whispered to Koumori. She picked up her pase and followed the figure, detirmined to not loos the man in the hat.

  11. ID: 26778
    BD: 2

    Miriko drew her sword and focused on the boar, the boar charged at her, she swiftly dogded the attack and quickly swong her sword. However, she missed by a split second. "Oh shoot i guess i am a rusty" Miriko grinned, still keeping her eyes on the boar. The boar had gotten very angry, it tossed its head around in the air. The boar turned around, charging another attack. "Your turn Xion." She smiled, enjoying the fight.

    Xion (36/38) [HATE: 3] 

    Miriko (24/24) 

    Boar (10/10) 

  12. Miriko walked along with Xion and answered his question. "Barely any, I want to get stronger though." She spoke. After a few minutes, they reached the rolling fields. Xion commented on how the fields stay being pretty. "I could look at it for hours. But hunting needs to be done." She stated whistling an old toon and walked on. She turned around to Xion "Lets get going"

  13. "I havnt been hunting in ages. Im a bit rusty you could say. We could try to hunt in this wind. You never know it could be fun." Miriko spoke, as she looked out the window, the wind had died down a bit but it was a problem. "lets do it." Miriko had a spark in her eyes as she said it.

  14. Miriko followed The NPC and Koumori to the big tree. After walking around the tree, looking for clues, Koumori found a piece of leather or black material. Miriko listened to Koumori. "So this guy has a big hat, and was wearing black leather......" Miriko turned to the NPC.

    "Is there anything that you remember about the person in the hat?"

    "The guy was tall. very tall and im sure it was a man."

    "Which direction was he heading?"

    "Towards town i think. Its a bit hard to remember." The NPC scratched its head, trying to remember.

  15. Miriko Also looked down at the jewellery case. There were necklaces, bracelets, rings and more. Some were enchanted with spells, some where normal. Many artisans made jewellery to help players in battle for extra stats.

    "So you want to make jewellery. How interesting." Miriko commented. She looked up at Vasth. "I bet you are good at making it"  she giggled. Her eyes landed on a necklace With an amber stone.

    "Wow isnt that one pretty Vasth." Miriko pointed at the necklace. She looked up at the NPC "What does Vasth here need to do to become a artisan?" Miriko was very interested.

  16. Miriko and Vasth walked into a stone shop named: artisan training. Miriko looked around the room. It held a many tools: hammers, paintbrushes and much more. The room also held a few desks. There was a big desk where a NPC sat behind, Behind the NPC was a wall, covered in paintings that must have been created by artisans before.

    "Can I help you sir?" The NPC spoke.

  17. Miriko hugged Vasths arm as they entered the town. Miriko had never been up to floor 7 before. It was smaller than starting city, the buildings were made out of stone. There were many players walking around in the snow, despite the cold.

    "Have you ever been up to level 7 before?" Miriko asked as she looked up at Vasth.

  18. Vasth softly kissed Miriko after saying that he missed her. Miriko laughed.

    "I missed you too Vasth" She kissed him also. His body was warm despite the snow surrounding them. Miriko wanted to stay in his arms forever but jobs had to be done. She stood up, almost slipping over and held a hand out to Vasth to pull him up. "Where do we have to go to get you your artisan job?" Miriko asked. 

  19. Miriko decided to creep up on Vasth, He was making shapes in the snow, His blond hair was distinctive, tied up in its usual way. Miriko finally made it up to Vasth, without him noticing. She sneakly covered his green eyes with her hands.

    "Guess who it is..." She giggled, slightly teasing Vasth.

  20. Miriko hadnt seen Vasth in a week. and she was missing him. They had agreed to meet on floor 7 and she was late. Miriko had dressed in jeans and a jumper as it was snowing. Small snow flakes fell down on her nose as she hurried to meet him. Vasth was planning to get a job as a artisan and had heard that floor 7 was the right place to get it. As she turned around the bend she saw a figure sitting in the snow. It was Vasth......

  21. "Hmmmmmm A stolen book then." Miriko spoke, thinking. "We should ask some questions." Miriko turned towards the NPC.

    "What did this book look like?" Miriko asked. The NPC replied, "It had a blue cover with a gold spine."

    "Did you notice anyone suspicious hanging around?", The NPC again replied "There was one guy, with a big hat...."

    "That is enough questions for us to get started, we will come back if we need any more." Miriko smiled. She then turned back to Koumori, "Lets get started."

  22. "Yeah hunting boars gets annoying after a while." Miriko agreed. Miriko put her hands on top of her head and leant back into her chair. Then Xion offered to make her a custom sword. She almost jumped. "No, No I dont have that much col. But thanks for offering." She waved her hands while she said this. "I actually dont even remember how much col I have but its not much." She opended her menu and looked at her col amount. It was very low. "I would love a new sword but I dont have enough col."

  23. Miriko smiled as they walked out of the inn, hand in hand. He promised that he will find her in the real world, and fall in love with her again.

    "I would love that, I would love that alot." She looked up at Vasth, he smiled and bent his head down a bit so he could kiss her. His lips again tasted like mint, fresh mint. They walked down the street, hand in hand.

    "I love you Vasth." She whispered.

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