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Posts posted by Miriko

  1. Miriko walked through the door after Koumori reluctantly opened it. The room was very dark, with one light hanging from the ceiling above a table. On the table was the exact book they were looking for. This is too easy. something feels not right.  "Wait Koumori, this could be a trap." Miriko called, Koumori turned around. "This is way to obvious and easy. and this room is making me uneasy." She whispered. Miriko looked around the room, for something obvious, something out of place. There was nothing. Can you see anything Koumori?" Miriko asked. She placed her hands on her hips and squinted through the darkness of the room.

  2. Miriko walked through the door after Koumori reluctantly opened it. The room was very dark, with one light hanging from the ceiling above a table. On the table was the exact book they were looking for. This is too easy. something feels not right.  "Wait Koumori, this could be a trap." Miriko called, Koumori turned around. "This is way to obvious and easy. and this room is making me uneasy." She whispered. Miriko looked around the room, for something obvious, something out of place. There was nothing. Can you see anything Koumori?" Miriko asked. She placed her hands on her hips and squinted through the darkness of the room.

  3. Miriko Whispered back "I never knew you could say something like that. What do you think is down here, mabey a blackmarket. Did they even program a black market into the system???" Miriko asked. The hallway of stairs was very dark and she could barely see where she was going. "They seriously need to put a light here. I know they are trying to make it all secret but this is common sense." Miriko muttured as she continued to struggle with the darkness. They finally made it to the bottom of the steps which led to another door. "You open it Koumori." She gestured for him to open it.

  4. Miriko Nodded her head in agreement. "This world can get boring but i guess you will always find something to do. Its not that hard." Miriko looked at golden and smiled. She leant back on the chair. Putting her hands behind her head. "What are you doing so early in the morning on a park bench?" Miriko asked, hopeing to start a conversation.

  5. Miriko waited for Vasth to answer. He answered. "Yeah pretty lucky that its not a dungeon." Miriko agreed. After a bit more of climbing, they reached the top and found a place to sit down, Miriko sat on Vasths lap and he held her closely. "It's wonderful." She whispered, looking out at the view. She looked up at Vasth and kissed his neck. "I wish there were places like this in the real world. If there was, I would be there everyday." She whispered. Miriko smiled and continued to look at the view.

  6. Miriko gasped as she saw what the deer had to show them. "Its beautiful" she breathed. "Its amazing what is hidden here. Is this what you wanted to show us?" Miriko asked the raindeer. The raindeer shook its head as in a yes. "Well its so beautiful. Thank you." Miriko rubbed the deers head and looked up at Vasth. She stood up on her tippy-toes and softly kissed him.

    (i probably wont be posting my earn a living quest thread until tomorrow because im on my phone DX)

  7. Miriko watched as a small rain deer and a few small cute birds came near them. Miriko smiled. Where did they come from.  Miriko watched Vasth pat the rain deers head. Miriko lifted one of the birds up with her finger. The bird tweeted and flew away. I love animals. "They are so gentle, I have a dog back in the real world. She is a pug. I got her when I was given to my foster parents." Miriko told Vasth. "My foster father told me I had a way with animals." Miriko slowly got up and rubbed the rain deers side.

  8. "The first thing we have beaten together. Wow." Miriko whispered as Vasth grabbed her hand. They both started to walk out of the cave and back down to the town. After a few minutes, they found the shop again and walked in. The NPC was standing in the same spot as last time. "We found the ore." Miriko said cheerfully. She opened her menu swiped it so the NPC could look at it.

  9. Koumori threw the man on the ground, and moved quickly down the ally onto a main street. Miriko followed, The sun and gone down and night was apon them. Koumori told Miriko that they would have to move quickly. He suggested that they search every inn in the northen section. Miriko nodded her head. "Good plan." They started to search inns. They had probably searched around 10 inns without luck. "Lets keep going. We cant give up now." She kept walking and went into another inn.

  10. Miriko hugged Vasth as he looked  at her menu. "Yeah I got the ore." She swiped her menu left to her items. The White Core Ore was in there. Vasth must have scanned the rest of her items because he then said that she needed some good equipment "I guess so. I never really considered amour until now. I was planning to get a better sword but I needed more col." Miriko admitted. She let go of Vasth and looked towards the town. "Didn't the NPC say to go back to him when we killed the Golem?" Miriko asked.

  11. Miriko heard Vasth yell "It's your turn Miriko,make the finally blow."  She nodded and gripped her sword tightly. I can do this. She swiftly ran up to the golem a pushed her sword into his head, ending its life for good. She pulled her sword out and the golem burst into pixels. She grinned and turned to Vasth. "Well that was fun." She opened her menu to see that she had recieved 100 col.

    ID 26945

    BD 7

    LD 18

    Vasth 24/27

    Miriko 25/25

    Golem 0/20

  12. Miriko watched the player slap himself. He looked up at Miriko in confusion and then said "hey" He introduced himself as Golden and said "Arent you suppose to be asleep?" Miriko giggled. "I coudnt go to sleep so I decided to take a walk around the place, explore I guess." Miriko sat down on the bench next to Golden. "Im Miriko by the way." She smiled and held out a hand for him to shake it.

  13. Miriko had been lounging around. It was early morning and most people were asleep but not for miriko. She coudnt get to sleep so she decided to take a walk. She strolled around, stopping at a few shops and inns. Miriko soon came to a park. The sky was a soft blue/grey, streaked with clouds. Miriko spotted a figure sitting on a bench. Fed up with boredness, she decided to confront the player. She made her way over. "Hello" Miriko spoke

  14. ID: 26898

    BD: 1 (Miss)

    Miriko got ready to attack again. She gripped her sword, and started to run. Again, Miriko went too hit the boar, however she was too slow. "Yep, Im really rusty." Miriko slightly grinned.She backed away from the boar and awaited Xion's move. "Go Xion." The boar was very angry now. However with half health, it was a bit slower and its attacks would be less accurate.

    Xion (36/38) [HATE: 4] 

    Miriko (24/24) 

    Boar (5/10)

  15. Miriko ran into Vasths arms and gave him a kiss. He lips had the faint tast of fresh mint like always. "I missed you." She giggled. Miriko let go of Vasth. Miriko looked up at Vasth's green eyes. "What should we do first?" She asked as she gently held his gloved hand. The snowflakes continued to fall down, making the snow glitter. "I know, lets go and have a look at the town, I havnt been on this floor before."

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