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Status Replies posted by Reusririasuir

  1. Any other sword like anime? Ie Claymore, SAO You know anime with a shonen style and more action orientated? I need some inspiration....

    1. Reusririasuir


      Not really sword style at all...but try Gundam Build Fighters Try. It was fun.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. So, is there a report players button?

  3. New to this. Hey guys! If anyone has any tips for this id appreciate it!

  4. I have one slot left for a skill...never though I'd have such a dilemma with which one to take. XD

  5. Wrote myself into a corner. Too weak to carry on, but I don't want to head back to town and have start my farming quest all over again >.<

  6. Wrote myself into a corner. Too weak to carry on, but I don't want to head back to town and have start my farming quest all over again >.<

  7. Two rare drops in one night, and I'm not even done farming ice elementals for my avalanche quest. Maybe getting my butt kicked in the beginning was worth it.

  8. Two rare drops in one night, and I'm not even done farming ice elementals for my avalanche quest. Maybe getting my butt kicked in the beginning was worth it.

  9. Two rare drops in one night, and I'm not even done farming ice elementals for my avalanche quest. Maybe getting my butt kicked in the beginning was worth it.

  10. Walked in my little one having fallen asleep face-first in her library book lol!

  11. How much health do you regenerate per post outside of combat?

  12. Man today was awesome, played some baseball some football. Even drove to Chicago with some friends. im leaving for the party in about two hours so il get some posts in.

  13. Another Draconian Guardian down. one to go, then onto the ACTUAL boss. gosh darn reviving mobs

    1. Reusririasuir


      You should give it a shot Mari. I really doubt you'd die.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. I'm going to end up with more incomplete RP's then I will finished at the rate people keep quitting...

  15. I'm going to end up with more incomplete RP's then I will finished at the rate people keep quitting...

  16. Someone died in my RP I feel so bad

    1. Reusririasuir


      Better he died early. It'd be very hard to come back if it happened later on.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Well I have killed someone. Pretty somber feeling.

    1. Reusririasuir


      To be honest, if I was a top player, I would go on a PK-spree against any and all takers. Guess you should all count yourselves lucky I'm not that strong >.<.

    2. (See 66 other replies to this status update)

  18. Well I have killed someone. Pretty somber feeling.

  19. Well I have killed someone. Pretty somber feeling.

    1. Reusririasuir


      Well...Zeri just died, and you're now a marked playah-killah X. There's some splain'in to do round here! I imagine your guild mates will want to know the details behind your new orange status...

    2. (See 66 other replies to this status update)

  20. Well I have killed someone. Pretty somber feeling.

    1. Reusririasuir


      IC Reu has yet to meet X. So I suppose no, I'm not bothered Kotori. And let's face it, if X doesn't go around plastering it on the message boards, NONE of us would know how Zeri died. We'd have to take X's word for it...if he says anything at all...

    2. (See 66 other replies to this status update)

  21. Well I have killed someone. Pretty somber feeling.

    1. Reusririasuir


      Well, this is going to make our quest in the desert MUCH more interesting..

      As for Zeri...Crossed out though it may now be, he earned his names' right to be listed on the Monument of Swordsmen. May he rest in peace...

    2. (See 66 other replies to this status update)

  22. Well I have killed someone. Pretty somber feeling.

  23. Does Concentration boost a roll into a critical?

  24. Why does the perma roller roll when you refresh?

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