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Status Updates posted by Zadkiel

  1. ahahaha, I love it when level 3 people act so 'tough' you are level 3 you can't do anything! I can't even do anything! Act your strength else you WILL get burnt. Oh my!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      at level 3..hmm..I guess Ariel was doing the <<Blades of dreams>> quest then. good times!

    3. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      I forgot what I did at that level...

    4. Mari


      I think he is referring to a RP he is in

  2. I am back, you can all rest well now.

  3. I need to finish my quest so I can start another RP; yes yes!

  4. I return! no one cares! Mwahaha

  5. Journal is approved; I would like to RP with someone ;) PLease someone who can do like 5 lines or more. I'm not used to one lining :(

  6. My journal is now finished

  7. My presence will bring great things....great things indeed

    1. Clarence


      Well. Still waiting for the great things.

    2. Clarence


      Well. Still waiting for the great things.

    3. Helios


      Welcome back bro

  8. This will be fun.

  9. What an interesting first day on the site

    1. Kiru


      Hm? How so?

    2. Calrex


      Look at Mari's profile feed XD

    3. Hikoru


      Yeah. It was very.... interesting....

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