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Status Updates posted by Klick

  1. Can i give mobs (and bosses) any extra stats i want like... (5 acc)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Klick


      Are you sure about the loot thing, because the tutorial said

       For any mob to drop loot; it's HP must be at least half that of the highest level player's HP in the party. (under the battle post)

      Every Mob that is defeated has the possibility of dropping Loot, provided they meet two simple requirements. In order to qualify for dropped loot, a Mob must have at the very least, (Floor Level x 4 Health, Floor Level x 3 Damage) and at least half the health of the highest player in the thread. There are 2 different methods for obtaining loot: (under the loot post)

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Right and so long as those rules are kept, you can add extra if you want.

    4. Klick
  2. Just hit 13, Have my one hand weapon (though it is not a spear T-T) I am thinking it is time to go take on some stronger party quest. Anyone game?

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Klick


      I never mind bringing along an extra blade for a quest. I was thinking about doing the bat quest personally if you would like to join in.

    3. Ace9


      Let there be light????

    4. Klick
  3. So much has changed...
    Is there anyone who can help me covert my character to the new changes?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ssendom


      Yeah, they are still somewhat broke. It takes a try or two if you relink to the page they go to. But it will work.

    3. Klick


      Given i cannot manually reset every single link on this site... i will just keep a hard copy of most of the links my self then.

    4. Ssendom
  4. Tried to change my cover photo... ended up changing my profile photo by mistake... *sigh*

    1. Ace9



  5. What happened to the Calming the soul quest?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      is currently under rework due to the release of sword arts awhile ago. Or the staff has just forgotten about it... 1 of those.

    2. Ssendom


      Temporary Rework. By Temporary we mean like... Maybe a few months to a year, whenever Zero remembers to work on it.

    3. Klick


      since i started it... can i finished it under the new monster rules?

  6. Blue Core Is back baby

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Klick


      Ohh... what is everything... Is the world going to end?

    3. Zelrius
    4. Klick


      well... then... i will just have to shield everyone from the horror. "Throws self at the ending world"

  7. Cant wait for these approves to come in... so i can get more skills

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Klick


      no kidding... i think i been waiting over 4-5 days for my items to get approved

    3. Klick


      I would not be bother much... but i want my pet and i cant get my pet without having more luck... which i cant get without having rank 2 search and detect.. which i cant get unless my rp gets approved... it sucks so much lol

  8. Completed my quest yay

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reusririasuir


      Personal Message one of them with a link to it. Oske or Mari are the more active of the GM's, I recommend them.

    3. Calrex


      Also Clarence too. He's awesome at that XD

    4. Klick


      thank you, i hope they approve it soon so i can be super strong and craft stuff

  9. Daenar YOU ALMOST TOOK MY ROLE>.> grrr

    1. Daenar


      What role? What did I miss?

    2. Klick


      sry i meant roll

  10. Didnt know it took forever for guilds to get approved >.> i think it has been 2 days so ... time to pm someone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Klick


      I seen other people do it, zero has approved a few. and i know Oske can approve just about anything.

    3. Calrex


      I don't think Erroneous and Shark have public online status, since I've never seen their names in the online users list. If you want though go ahead and PM Zero or one of the mods and they might be able to help speed it along

    4. Klick


      That is a new one. thanks for the heads up. I send a message up PST so hopefully it will get answered soon

  11. Feel the rise of Blue Core

  12. GM's Where you bee... i have enough SP S&D 2... approve my stuff and and all is coo, Oh where oh where is my gm b too

  13. good job on managing to friend me twice lol

  14. Hey everyone, I would like to apologize for my disappearance. I recently join the navy (as everyone one may or may not know and they flew me to my ship) I could not get on the internet for the longest time but now i AM back and ready for whatever XD. Also that means that blue core is back and being REVAMPED. Remember everyone, BONDS POWER PROGRESSION

    1. Calrex


      Welcome back once again dude! XD

    2. Klick


      Thank you again

  15. Hi everyone. Im Klick and i hope to have many cool rps with everyone

  16. I freaking rolled a 10 on crafting... but i forgot to put my name on the roll... life sucks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Klick


      maybe another time thank you though

    3. Vashtor


      A thing to keep in mind is that they can check your IP, so if it is in line with your other rolls you should be good I'd think

    4. Klick


      that ip thing only works if you use the same computer. I use a different computer every... 10-20 minutes so yea...

  17. I had to disband Blue Core. Because of my absence. But it is ok I learned a lot from it and will be sure to bring it back up in the future

    1. Lessa


      It happens! Guardians has been disbanded twice. It will come back stronger than ever!

    2. Golden


      Why not just appoint a second-in-command that could lead your guild when you're unavailable? Seems better than to disband the whole thing.

    3. Klick


      because none of the old members are active, I am pretty much a guild of 1.

  18. I just hit level 4... go me yay... >.> (just saw mari level...) T-T

  19. i wish people would respond in these OP threads..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Klick


      But i have no friends to do pp :P

    3. Arya


      I'll try to be active possibly...Still on vaca soo...

    4. Arya


      I'll try to be active possibly...Still on vaca soo...

  20. Im level 2, so im too cool for schoo

    1. Rusty


      You'll level up quickly for the first few levels then it gets harder.

    2. Klick


      Oh noooo... How much longer

  21. Just got my shop open... first made item was perfect... Go me XD

    1. Calrex


      Congrats! *builds dice god worship pyres for Klick*

    2. Torunn


      Your FIrst and last Perfect crafting in 3 weeks :P the Rng gods will now hate you forever

    3. Klick



      im what you call..

      loot jesus

  22. Just made the application to create Blue Core

  23. Level 3 yay

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Klick



      i want to be a cook and make foods...

    3. Rusty


      you can.. I'm a blacksmith so i make mhetal stuffffffffff

    4. Klick


      i already did my earn a living quest... i just gotta post it T-T

  24. Made my first RP... its solo.. but i plan to write a really good story if people want to read it and stuff...

  25. omg... everyone uses a rapier... i feel so not different...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Calrex


      Torunn, I'm kinda the same. I use my sword only when necessary. Other than that I use my gauntlets XD

    3. Klick


      Noo... i was about to be different and use Gauntlets >.>

    4. Klick


      I had this perfect battle plan... and i would be unbeatable

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