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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. (Fishing is a profession in this game? Professions exist? I always wondered how so many players were opening shops of their own. Come to think of it, I've seen plenty of blacksmiths along the way here.) Nodding to himself, Zeke headed back to the stand in front of the NPC and let the quest window pop up in front of him. It wasn't even two seconds later that the window chimed and vanished, letting it's newest participant take his toll on the ole' pole. "I was half expecting you to yell in my ear.." Zeke spoke up to the giant man who stood silently behind the stall.

    Getting enough bad vibes from the creepy smile of the NPC, Zeke walked off and began to open his quest log in search of what he had to fish up. Three steps away from the stall and Zeke jumped a bit in his own shoes as the NPC resumed it's routine recruitment shout to all nearby players. "You have to be quick as something I don't even know, to get away fast enough." He rubbed his ears and leaned against a nearby stone wall to read his task.

  2. "What are you doing!? There's an enemy right behind you!" Zeke yelled to Oske as clearly as he could but it still wouldn't be enough now that there was little time for her to react appropriately. Switching his sword arm back to the right, Zeke ran up behind the enemy while it's focus was on his friend. *Groan* The level seven was fallen back onto his butt with his health one point lower than the maximum already. His attack had dealt no damage but he had managed to shield Oske for the time being until she could compose herself. (I hope she is as good a fighter as she looks.) He noted her advanced attire for the level she was on, while he himself was still stuck in a dark blue version of the beginners attire with the only notable difference being that he had a scarf as well.

    Zeke's health: 16/17

  3. Holding one of his last two darts in position now, he felt horrible about his constant bad luck looming over him. Yet he still had two more mini games after this one, to win anything. Of course, he believed his terrible luck would just hand him something stupid anyway, no matter how many wins he collected. Before he decided to let go of his dart, Zeke looked over into Snow's eyes and smiled. As he threw the dart, he kept his focus on Snow's eyes to see if she was his good luck charm. Once it was all finished, he scratched the side of his head irritated but still had one more to go. "I'm not giving up just yet, one more dart left. Your go Snow."

  4. Once Oske had caught up to him, he slowed down before they reached the entry point and checked his footsteps to match her's so they would all enter at the same exact moment.

    Once inside. the lighting in this dungeon had him taking a second glance at Oske. His new friend was almost completely covered in dark except for the front of her body. (The change in this place will make things difficult for us to stay together and not be distracted.) Zeke thought and placed his hand near Pinkie in an attempt to stop Oske from going any further into the trees. "Make sure you don't lose concentration in here. If we get split up, we might not see each other again.."

  5. Zeke regained himself with a smile at the words of encouragement from Snow. She was such a lovely girl to have beside. Taking the advice, he had three left and something good was likely to come from one of them.. right? Throwing the dart straight away, he was ecstatic to find that Snow was right. Laughing it off, he walked over to Snow to trade places. "Thanks, I think you helped me do it. "

  6. "Seems like you are better at this than me. You're going to be loaded in prizes!" Zeke chuckled and lined up his shot the same way Snow had done previously. If she was going to take home all of the prizes, he could try and get more than one himself. It was nice for him to know she wouldn't walk away with nothing from this date also. "Crap.. I missed again." Zeke said shamefully as his dart barely dangled from the two point area.

  7. "She's absolutely the cutest. Being a Beast Tamer has some awesome benefits." Zeke admitted in a slightly more forced macho tone, trying to behave like he wasn't so drawn to the familiar. "I couldn't imagine living in a pocket. That would cramp a lot of small creatures. It's cramping me up by just thinking about it." He held his right hand out after switching the sword arm and clenched all of his fingers together in memory of how he used to have so many cramps from drawing.

    When the stars started to pop out, the level of danger on the path they walked had grown intensely. Player killers were much more dangerous than any monster based on how their intelligence stretches beyond the game. "Pick up pace a little please." Zeke looked back at Oske and Pinkie as they followed behind. "The entrance isn't too far away now! I can see inside a little bit!" The wind of the night played tricks on his ears. The volume at which he spoke was being thrown off by the sound of breezes in his ear.

    OOC: No problem. Let me know if I'm not doing anything interesting in the topic.

  8. At the sudden appearance of a pink creature on Oske's shoulder, Zeke couldn't contain himself by much before he wanted to squeeze it in hugs. (Awwwwww! It's so adorable. It looks a little like my favorite animal too.) A small laugh emitted from his mouth before he could pull his scarf up over his nose and mouth to muffle any noise Oske might hear.

    "I don't know why, but I had the feeling the Forest looked something like a bunch of glowing trees. I'm excited to see it myself. Also... what is the little one's name?" If he had any knowledge whatsoever that he showed signs of blushing, he would know that right now would be the time that his cheeks turned red.

  9. Walking out of the Inn and out of the Village, Zeke explained his reasoning for coming along with his new friend. "I've held my own for now and I won't die easily. I want to see this place that has you so interested in it. I like beautiful places as well. Sword Art Online has a lot of beauty to it. That's one of the reasons I was so hooked on playing it before it came out. You'd rather have someone help you as well I'm sure and I would rather be there with you instead of finding you passed out again. I value myself as a Martyr you could say.."

    The confession was left by him to linger as he searched his inventory for his basic weapon and equipped it. The time of day, judging by the sky, it was nearing night time and the Sunset had the atmosphere eerily serene before they would make it to the Forest and it would be complete darkness when they would arrive. (Come to think of it, I should have rested as well. I had no idea I would be doing something like this.)

  10. Zeke stood a few feet away from Oske as she explained the situation. His hands struggling to find something to occupy themselves with since he was in such a nervous bind just looking towards this person he didn't know at all. The tensions in his body eased up a bit when she mentioned looking for the Butterfly Forest. A small smile grew on his lips but he tried to hide it before she would notice.

    "Let's go together then." A friend request was sent to her in the blink of an eye and he had already been making his way to the room door. "If it's out there, we will find it." The door was being held open by his foot wedging the bottom of it. His face looking away from the room and out to the lobby so he wouldn't be able to see her walking closer to himself.

  11. Zeke cringed at the sound of being called mister. It didn't sound right because of how he thought he wasn't mature or old enough to be considered anything but a stranger or his real name, Zeke. "Hi Oske, I'm Zeke. I'd like to ask you to please just call me Zeke from now on whenever you address me. I prefer it." His eyes widened at the difference in height between the two of them, it was the first time he ever felt like a giant considering he didn't know this girl's actual age.

    "I don't know what happened to you before I found you laying in the fields, but the only thing I did since then was bring you to this Inn. You've been sleeping ever since. If it's okay with you and if you recall, I'd like to know what made you pass out like that myself. I've never seen another player outside of the normal circumstances of either dying or staying alive with their wits about them." The entire time he spoke, he moved the chair back closer to the bed and changed the small details about the room he had customized during his wait. Light now shone all throughout the room with both curtains drawn all the way back.

  12. Seeing the tip of a blade at his chest cavity, the thumping suddenly grew louder at the surprise of how stealthily this girl had sneaked up on him. It wasn't long before the sword was lowered and he could then give all of his thanks to whatever gave this other player the reason to calm down.

    "Excuse me." Zeke lifted himself up out of the chair and headed past the girl to a small wooden table in the corner and retrieved a pair of eye glasses. "Here you are, these weren't going to be useful to you in your sleep, so I placed them to the side." He waited beside her for her palm(s) to be held out for the return of her personal item.

  13. Zeke had been circling a village for hours with his beginner's sword still equipped in his right hand. He had been grinding near the village In search of a freshly re-spawned enemy, using the convenient location as a means to stock himself whenever he needed it. On another trip around the grassy hills, a girl was barely noticeable to him through the shaking blades of grass that covered her on the windy day. In shock to find this player only just now, he ran over hoping it wasn't too late to help this girl. (I've been here all day, how did I not see her before?) Zeke thought and pulled out a healing crystal from his inventory immediately. (I don't understand how someone could let themselves collapse right here. There isn't much that can do this to you nearby.) Once her health had been restored back to green on her health bar, he picked her up in his arms and ran her to the Inn.

    "I wonder what she will think when she wakes up and I am just sitting here. I'd probably freak out myself but be relieved that another cared enough to take me here." Zeke relaxed into a rocking chair he had moved across the Inn room floor to keep from waking this sleeping stranger. The chair rocked slowly back and forth near the window he looked out of. The curtains were drawn slightly so he could enjoy the view but also keep the light away from the bed. It was a waiting game now until she would wake up. Whatever her response to the change of location would be, it had his heart thumping louder than the squeaking the rocking chair made.

  14. Welcome to the site Haru. You're here just in time to see how crazy things can get. My real name is Rondel Griffith but no one I know in physical life calls me by that name since it sounds awkward once you get to know me more. Just call me Wolfy because that is my nickname or Zeke is fine because that is my internet persona.

  15. That's the thing I am used to do from other boards. There usually every RP is planned and the endig is clear and set before the RP even stared. For example you know to characters will become rivals before they even meet (inplay).

    I understand that it is done differently here . Didn't know that before. I want to apologize to everyone who may feel offended.

    Hope there are players still willing to play with me and will take everything as it comes.

    If there is any problem left. (I was asked if this Topic is isn't against the rules) Please tell me. I am playing RPGs for a long time now, I was game-master on some and so I know that there are users who, maybe unintentionally, get the whole board upset and against them and then kill the mood. I love RPGs and I definitely don't want to kill the mood here. So if it is necessary I will leave the board, but it would make me sad, because it is the only good SAO board and I would really love to play here. (I say this because one player already told me to leave)

    This... This right here, Man. *Claps* I respect what you said here. Don't worry about the one's who are bothered and just enjoy yourself. ^^

  16. "Are you tired of slaving your days away fighting enemies that could end your life at any moment, only to get what seems to be a small amount of experience and Col? Do you want to enrich your Sword Art Online life with something more fulfilling and rewarding for those who put hard work and effort towards it? Well then you're in luck! I happen to be a representative of the fisherman's guild here in the big ole' town of beginnings and I am looking for some new faces to undertake the under appreciated and often overlooked profession of all. Don't let that description fool you and scare you running back to the fields for safer bets, I promise.. NO! I guarantee! That if you decide to join me and my pals at the waters, you will be rewarded with the likes you never imagined. Not to mention it is a really relaxing past time." The huge NPC exclaimed to passerby's with a hearty laugh and stood their with his chest puffed out in a way that commanded attention.

  17. "Awesome! Now we both win a prize! Let's see if we can win more now." His fist clenched near his chest in response to seeing Snow win herself something. Hopefully this was enough to make her enjoy the small games he really wanted to keep trying at. Preparing himself as close to the stand as he could with the dart in hand, he fired off his second like he had been looking down a scope above his thumb and index finger. To his surprise, he didn't get a second prize but he wasn't disappointed yet since so many tries remained for him to get another. "Alright, your turn. We have four more darts to win another prize. Good luck."

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