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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. Zeke's dart had hit dead near the bulls eye in the center, his face lit up with the success. "You get a prize if you do what I just did!" The joy in his explanation could not be for fault, he knew something was coming his way but hoped it was something good like he imagined. When Snow's fell short of winning anything, he still liked to see her try. "Go once more, we have a few tries to win us something. I know you must have more luck than me somewhere inside of you." Zeke gave a small laugh and handed her one of her two darts left. "Calm yourself before throwing but don't think too much on what you're doing."

  2. On the rebound of a marathon long grind, Zeke slouched his shoulders forward in walk that captured the serenity of a drunk person. It was physically impossible for him to understand the process at which other players would go through in order to put themselves ahead in level and actually achieve it. A strenuous thought it was becoming and this he did not need piling with the rest of problems in his noodle. For the first time since becoming trapped, Zeke had given up on making it to one of the highest leveled players and just wanted to enjoy what was given to him in this world. It was with this plan that he wanted to carry out, that he had overheard a resident NPC as he tread and unfamiliar avenue of the town of beginnings.

  3. "It's all luck, so let's just find one and take a whack at it." He laughed shortly and finished his food in a hurry for the chance that he might get something really cool to equip. He needed all of the help he could get after all. Throwing away the trash from the meals they had, Zeke walked with Snow over to the games with a happy spirit that was hidden beneath his facade of self control. The closest game being Dart throwing, that was the first he would attempt considering it wasn't completely reliant on his bad luck. His first of three darts was lined up and thrown with his eyes looking for the prize at the end of the toss. Once he had his first one thrown, he offered to give Snow a chance with one of her three darts.

  4. At the sound of her pleasure in the idea, Zeke's actions became more random and loopy because of his brain leaving his head at the emotion he was feeling. With her hand finding its way back to his, he took the advice with joy and lead exactly as she said. Although unnecessary, Zeke had lead her around a little longer than it should have took, just wanting to see some new sites with her to make the moments last. (This is my first date, I can't believe it. Everything about her is awesome, I really can't imagine how my luck could turn around to this in a game. Even if it is just for the game, it feels special anyway.) Speech to himself like this, ran constantly like a water wheel of thoughts until they had arrived. His conversations hard to catch up on between talking to himself and the girl causing these strange phenomena in him.

    "I hope you didn't sneak a peak through the windows on the way over. I can't wait to see what you think." The smile still had never left him while he ran to the door ahead and opened it for her in eagerness. Looking through the hall leading into the restaurant, Zeke could see all the same layout he remembered. Tan colored stone walls arching across pathways over the dark brown and slight reddish carpet laid completely over every floor surface. At night, the place was kept lit by mainly candles except for the lights in kitchen behind the counter. Chandeliers hung over the tables with red rose colored cushions in the chairs to make things extra comfortable for those who sit. Among the decor were vastly different species of plants that grew in gardens along the walls and dividers.

  5. Well, I would say, "that's too bad", but yeah, I suppose you need to beat it before you can tell.

    It is an RPG though, so I suppose it will inherently have some replay-ability. Is there branching story at all? OR quests only available to certain classes?

    Not that I have been able to notice. Just a straightforward story with some side quests scattered.

  6. It's already out? Damn, I really need to keep up on release dates. xD

    Glad its fun thought. You think there is much replay-ability there? That's a bit factor for me with a lot of games.

    I understand perfectly and I agree. Although I don't think there will be any replay value unfortunately. Who knows though. I've had games surprise me at the end. XD

  7. I'm assuming you would just treat it like a new quest. Probably have to clear any special crafting with a GM first thought. Good luck!

    If you know anyone looking for Heavy Metal Armour, let me know. I need to start working on getting some made for others. xD

    I will eventually but not just yet. I promise that when I do, I will come to you. XD

    This is Zeke by the way.

  8. I'm looking forward to it for sure. I'm not sure I'll be able to get it, but I'll probably watch a lets-play.

    All I know is that "Jew" is obviously the best class in the game. No joke.

    Also, Jesus flying in with M-16's to kill your foes is just too awesome.

    I've been playing it a good amount since it released and it is definitely worth it. XD

  9. If a character becomes a certain type of profession (Let's use weaponsmithing as an example) and is in need of an upgrade in equipment for that specific category, can they work on it for themselves? This is probably a stupid question now that I read it out loud.

  10. Sadly, I wasn't there at this point, I wish I could have been, but even after the beta, it's still fun no matter what.

    It still says you can get the title from the little quest still marked in Erroneous's post. Or maybe you needed the five posts before this was actually up, to be considered for it now.

  11. Zeke's face changed color as well but hardly as noticeable for him. Smiling at the eye to eye contact they were making, he could sense at the very least that they would have a great friendship. A tray consisting of their food came to the counter and Zeke would carry it to a booth for the two of them. A small four panel window leading out to the frozen lake helped give something else to look at besides all of the red. It was near the end of the meal that Zeke had noticed many players were taking the challenge of the mini games available. "How about after this, we try and win ourselves a souvenir? I hear that some really great prizes are given away randomly."

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