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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. About to answer, Zeke kept himself silent as he watched Ferrah huddle herself for warmth in the cold air that he could feel himself. "Hey, Ferrah.. listen, take these." A bit of a minute and Zeke had his jacket and scarf transferred to his friend's inventory. He himself still had a long sleeve black shirt on underneath. "Put these on, they won't cover you in all spots, but they can help for the walk there at least." Zeke looked down at the cobblestone ground and felt his heart warm a little bit in response to his actions. His face emotionless during the change, yet he felt better than the times he would keep to himself and numb his mind from the world.

    "So tell me! How long did it take you to wipe the floor in your match?" Showing a smile, he lead the way down one of the many avenues in the city, easily marked on the sides by the building that provided as a small window for shopping the many different places available to players. "I bet you didn't go past seven health." His hands reached into his pockets as he walked beside her, his eyes looking for the wooden sign with the three letters they needed, painted on.

  2. A gulp went down his throat without hesitation, it may have been a game but everything scared him the same as it would in the real world. Freezing up came first and sense came last when looking your fears in the face. "Don't attack please, I'm just going to get this Snake off of me." Slowly but surely, he slid his Katana out and placed it between his neck and the creature before taking a quick cut at it and making it fall to the ground in two halves. Item icons glowed above it's corpse with highlighted menu's showing what was dropped. (A strong anti venom ingredient and the venom itself.) Zeke thought and placed his sword back as promised to the girl. "I just need to know of any place with the basic shops like weaponry and what not? Do you know which direction I can find a place like this? I can give you the Col I have but it's not much."

  3. *Sigh* "Oh my.. I'm never going to find a civilization in this place. There better not be any aggro's around here, I can picture how the players who reached this level first, felt when they entered this maze." This time, the day was too hot for him to wear his jacket and scarf closed, his unzipped jacket lined the sides of the dark blue scarf that hung loosely down his torso. Hearing something or someone, Zeke went up through some bushes to follow the noise. If it was a person, he had found his ticket to getting a base set up before grinding against the jungle dwellers. "Hell-ughh!" Someone was standing where he didn't expect, he bounced back in surprise and hit his head against the tree behind him. A species of snake had fallen from the branches and landed around him like the scarf had been. "Ah!" A hand stretched out for the Katana to kill the creature normally used for antidotes.

  4. Zeke was looking around at the night sky that was given to players in this realm. It still showed every star despite all of the town lights that would block them out normally. When the sound of a new message appearing in his inbox played, he was about to groan in protest that maybe the tournament had something else planned. "Ferrah? This is from her? I never saw her come back yet." Opening it, he spoke the words quietly to himself without thinking about others around him. "Dear Zeke.." His cheeks darkened unnoticeable, his mind lingered on the two first words sent to him. (Have I really endeared myself to her?) He went on to think it was just her following normal message rules and structure.

    (I'm over here at the event stand where you found me before the event. I was waiting to congratulate you but didn't see anyone that looked like you, come back. If you want, come by before you head off and you can tell me about how your battle went.) He assumed the conclusion of her win with proof in the message he had just sent to Ferrah. His hand lifted off of the stand and folded near his chest as he waited for her to walk up from a surprising angle and scare him. (It sure is cold tonight, they sure put some work into this nerve gear.) Zeke wrapped his nose and mouth with the scarf like he had before bumping into Ferrah, his hands clasped together and rubbed for heat.

  5. "You fought well, you can be a great fighter if you focus your anger on strategy instead of swinging the Axe around like you aren't even trying." Zeke calmly stated to Itsumo before the NPC judge announced the winner. "Congratulations to the player Zeke! You have won your first round battle. Meet at the event stand eight o' clock sharp, tomorrow. The same time as you did today. You will face the one of the second round players at that time and see who has what it takes to go on to the third round. Good night to you both!" The NPC then put away their sword and disappeared into the blue stream of lights accustomed to teleporting players. "Prove them wrong Itsumo, but don't do it like this." Zeke nodded to him, the blue lights starting to form around the two of them. The torch lights that lit the forest, went out in a second and the last that was seen of Zeke's opponent was a emotionless glare that faded.

    (I bet she finished before I did.) Trying to find Ferrah around the area where they left each other, it was stuck in his mind that she would have been done before him by at least three minutes ahead. Something about her demeanor, made her appear valiant and wise in battles. "Ferrah!" Zeke called for his friend, trying to keep a calm and only slightly elevated volume in his yells for her. Other participants appeared behind him, but none were Ferrah. Beginning to assume she may have went looking for an Inn already, it was nearly foolish to look in all of the Inn's that filled the city. With gentle placement, his Katana's blade slid back into it's sheathe and his hands were free to help him lean against the empty event booth that they had been previously occupied.

  6. "Thank you for having me as your date." Her manners were returned before they headed to the cabin. Romantic music was playing in the diner, everything but the walls and floor were some associated color to Valentine's day. The reds and pinks and decorations really nailed it home for anyone here that wasn't with someone else. It made Zeke remember how lucky he was to be with someone, it was only days before the event that he was planning the activities for himself until he met Snow.

    Up to the counter, he let her order her food first before adding his in with it. "I'll have a chicken salad with some water." He and the person taking the orders went back and forth on the options he had with his salad before everything was complete and he found himself waiting for the food to be set out to grab. "Happy Valentine's day Snow." Even though it was out of his element to do so, he nervously went to grab for her hand as he smiled. His other hand traced the familiar pattern in his HUD menu until he added her as a friend in game.

  7. No hoping about it. You'll be making friends here in no time. haha

    The biggest teacher that will help you to learning how to roleplay better is yourself. Trust me. And also, nothing wrong with the sitting in back drawing. Those are the kinds of people I think are really awesome. Best wishes Alivia! *Nods*

  8. Itsumo grabbed Zeke's Katana as soon as it went through his body, letting the force of a different part slow the weapon going through another object already. "It doesn't add up as long as it stay's in." His strategy was given away before he turned and struck two times through the head of Zeke. Leaving his weapon where it was, Zeke backed as far away as he could until he had the time to reconfigure what he was planning on doing. Itsumo walked slowly over with a smile while the Katana Zeke was using, laid behind him far away. "We're even and you're without a weapon. Looks like I win."

    Getting a last moment idea, Zeke stood and turned his back towards his opponent. "Fine, I won't die anyway. Just get this over with so I can go back to training." He stated calmly and could hear Itsumo begin to pick up speed. With each sound, his footsteps were carefully listened to as the became louder. Opening his HUD quietly in front of him, Zeke got down on one knee and waited until the opposing Axe was being aimed with. *Sighs* He released his anxiety from the situation and quickly unequipped then reequipped his Katana, making it reassemble back onto his side in it's sheathe. Like before, he released the blade from it's home and spun around to get the preemptive in again and lower Itsumo's health at the last second.

    Zeke's health: 2/11 Vs. Itsumo's health: 1/11

  9. I only play with visual enhancements and things that aren't too big to make it possible to mess up too bad for the actual game. I mainly use a quality world map with the other visuals I like. If I ever find a game play adder that I feel doesn't take away too much, then I will keep it.

  10. Zeke rested his Katana sideways across his knee, taking a breather while keeping and eye on Itsumo who now stood quietly as he took himself away from the beating he had just taken. His figure that would otherwise tell someone else he is meek, would deceptively trick anyone expecting his drive to be lowered in player versus player competition. Turning around towards Zeke now, his giant grin made itself known once more before he reached to adjust his glasses at the middle bridge above his nose. "I won't let you beat me so easy like this. I promised myself I wouldn't be a push over here.." Turning his hand to flip the Axe back onto it's deadly side, Itsumo walked quickly towards his opponent but got slower the closer he made it.

    "Motivation is good to keep yourself in a winning position, that calmness you presented will help you just as much besides wildly martyring yourself for a hit." During his sentence, Zeke used more of his own tricks to try and make it even more in his interest. In the style of iaijutsu that used to mesmerize Zeke as a child on television, he drew his sword with a relaxing breath that then became aggressive as it slid from the sheath and right through Itsumo again as a preemptive surprise, then followed by another from behind without drawing the sword again.

    Zeke's health: 6/11 Vs. Itsumo's health: 2/11

  11. Ewww. Chocolate! :P

    And whoaa.. I realized a little late that I had put 'century' and not 'decade'. Man. I'd have had you all beat! :P *shakes fist* Haha but yeah, it's been fun so far. And I'm sure it'll stay as such. You guys are all the right kind of wacko? Or something. I swear it's a compliment! <3

    Thank you all again for the warm welcome.

    So you're around three years of age!?

  12. With his Katana still planted inside of Itsumo, Zeke used an advantage he knew from the collision system in combat. Since in this game, avatars of players were nothing but digital information and weapons had priority when it came to how collisions worked; He used the pass through feature to slide under Itsumo and drag the blade of his own Katana with him. (I didn't think that would do any damage since I haven't pulled it out yet, but it gave me a chance to do.. this.) Zeke used his new vantage point quickly, releasing his sword from the opponents body and then coming up for a swift attack that would even the battle between their health's.

    Itsumo gritted his teeth together when his Axe failed to return the favor in a swift quick counter attack, that used his own health as a sacrifice to deal more than a fair amount of damage back to Zeke. A smile came upon Itsumo's face when he calmed himself, his eyes looking through the lenses of his glasses at the health gauges. "They're still even. You'll have to get a good share of sneak attacks like that to even take the lead. Hahaha!" Despite the efforts Zeke was putting into the battle, Itsumo just kept the same tactic over and over in confidence as he charged forward like a raging bull, slashing his Axe around like a maniac.

    (I hope Ferrah is doing alright with her battle. I've already been set up with a soon to be player killer.) For just virtual reality, he could already feel himself getting tired and pumping air into his chest harshly. However, cleverness was nothing of a requirement here due to the simple minded strategy Itsumo used. Catching the side of Itsumo's Axe during a horizontal slash, Zeke slid his Katana off of the blade and jumped over the opposing weapon during the catch. Another quick aim towards Itsumo's closest body part and his arm was already cut through, dealing damage to his character as Zeke backed away in short bursts of energy to retreat.

    Zeke's health: 6/11 Vs. Itsumo's health: 5/11

  13. Zeke had backed himself all the way into a corner against the invisible barrier that was keeping him in the battle area. It only became apparent when his body touched it and the light shade of purple lit up a small area around him. The benefit of this knowledge would help him out. Itsumo kept charging, his long black hair holding decent view from him yet he acted unobstructed. At the view of his face in the instance of his charge, very thick framed black glasses encased his glow of conquering lust. Zeke sidestepped and moved himself around Itsumo as he ran himself into a corner. With his Katana protecting his open areas, Zeke moved himself into an opportunity to attack Itsumo while he was trapped... or at least that was the plan until Itsumo immediately turned around and awaited for the weapon to enter his avatar. "Easy bait!" His smile grew to crooked lengths for someone so uncomfortably odd. The axe of his swung down through Zeke to even the score and then surpass into advantage territory with the extra strength he possessed.

    Falling back and running across to the other side of the field now, Zeke made himself a running target for most of the match. There was no other choice for him with this player crazily swinging. "My health is already looking bad." He said to himself without care of what his opponent might think of the comment, Itsumo had taken a critical hit so it wasn't too concerning. The same crazed face introduced itself in front of his Katana and swung to mimic the same situation of double hits from the other corner, reducing more of Zeke's health again than his own had gone down. "Won't be long for this matchup. Be glad this isn't to the death, idiot!" His face screamed justification for himself while the Katana slid through his avatar's chest.

    Zeke's health: 6/11 Itsumo's health: 8/11

  14. Zeke laughed at her stomach's interruption in the middle of her sentence. "There is no confusing that sound now, you must be hungry. Want to go get some food now? My treat." He held his hand out for her to grab, skating to the side of the rink with her. "The closest thing is a cabin restaurant that is themed for the Valentine's day event today. I'm not sure what they serve, but your tummy won't complain will it?" *Chuckles* Taking the time to replace his skates in the inventory back to his boots, he placed a hand on Snow's shoulder and gave a slight smile as he waited for her to take off her skates as well.

  15. Zeke practiced a bit of skating on his own, trying to improve himself on the ice for the sake of saving Snow her share of his falls. In a short repetitive circle, he rotated his blades around a figure while talking with Snow. His eyes watched his skates while he spoke to her. "Met me before? I don't know, I don't remember you from anywhere. We might have bumped past each other in the game somewhere else before and never really said anything to each other. It's not likely we met before this game though, of all of places back in the real world, that would be one big coincidence." He had gotten the rhythm of his skating down and looked to see Snow's eyes wide open. "What is it?"

  16. Zeke could feel the intensity from the girl's hand, it felt held back when he helped her up. Her eagerness to do good was contrasted by her question to ask if she should do so at the first sign of trouble. "Let's just go help.. He spoke unsure of what else to say or do besides retreat his hand to himself before she could rip it off. He nodded and ran off towards the sound, only stopping until he saw a Woman being eaten by a creature. "How is that even possible?" (The actual pain and graphical gore would have to be programmed in, I don't know why that lady is feeling pain... especially if it's an NPC.)

  17. Searching through a small cozy wooden weapons shop, the player Zeke looked at everything he couldn't afford until the options were left to equipment not even worth the level he was on, but could be bought. Forty four col in his inventory, yet he was never bothered by his ill luck towards gathering beneficial items in the game. Always the idea of surviving until the end of the game never once intrigued him. He wanted his death to be in the game in fact. Dying the way he felt he should be, in a sideways effort to fulfill his fantasy.

    "I think I'll be going now, sorry I never really have the col for your items. Healing crystals are too much but I can't go without them." Leaning over the counter towards the NPC, his dark hair hung in front of his face while the HUD was opened in front of him. "If I hit it big on a quest, I'll come to you first." Zeke's finger selected to transfer a small sum of col to the NPC. On his way out, the character looked to the door and smiled before saying one of it's selected inputs. "Sorry we could be of no service for you today, please come again soon!" Then the store door shut together with a slow creak and left the store in silence.

    Too caught up on where to go next, Zeke hung his head down in thought before bumping into someone near the end of the dirt path that led through Tolbana town. "Sorry, e-excuse me." Looking to see who he had hit; his brain could understand his mouth's problem with communication. In the awkward pause, he waited to see how she would take the accident.

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