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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. "Are you doing alright Kai?" Kai laid on his back against a giant stalagmite in red health. "Let's just get this over with don't worry about me, we won't lose each other this early on!" This setup described a lot of their floor encounters but the one things they did best better than any other pairing out there in Aincrad, it was preparing in both level and equipment. Sometimes grinding a month before a planned boss battle.

  2. Quest after quest, Kai changed in personality as well. Zeke had taught him a little bit about fighting and in exchange Kai gave some knowledge on what he learned from others so far. Even going so far as to trade their weapons, Zeke undertook the straight sword as Kai did the Katana.

  3. Zeke shot himself up from level two to seven in only a matter of days with the help of his trusted new pal. Kai was getting better and better at bringing the absolute best of Zeke and it started to show heavily to anyone who might have noticed his gloominess before. Away from his starting attire of civilian clothes, Zeke now had a new look about him also. The normal tunic and such that most players wore, were still part of his new appearance but the silver armor plating that lined most parts of his torso, arms and legs stuck out. Dark blue covered the striped top as his favorite color and a brown almost as dark as his hair, gave life to the bottoms.

  4. Nice to meet you! And for English as you're second language, you're not bad at all :)

    People say I have the same problem...with elipsis...so much elipsis...

    Seems almost everyone has some version of the same problem. It makes things more interesting in the least. haha

  5. Quests were the highlight of any players journey for experience and well usable rewards. This knowledge was always the easiest to put to mind when deciding on what to do when making the most of your time as a battler in the SAO world. "Thanks for joining my party, you're the first friend I've made on this game that actually spends time with me." Giving his regards towards the matter that it was the same for him almost, time passed quicker in comfort that resulted in a strong relationship between the two.

  6. Respectively Zeke stayed quiet during the meal, his first one with someone else and it was that someone he had just met. Banthus talked throughout the entirety his time there and soon Kai and Zeke saw themselves off from the diner and now traveling together.

  7. I will try my best but please excuse some mistakes especially commas.

    Same problem here. I love me some commas for some reason. I try to cut back but it's not easy. XD

    Welcome to the site and hopefully we shall conquer with our comma brethren soon!

  8. I CANNOT and WILL NOT stand for the fact that I have not said anything to you yet, here. Welcome to the site and I hope all of your fantasies are fulfilled within this website. *Pulls my head off and throws it into the air, letting it explode at a high altitude to say I love you.*

  9. A small heartwarming laugh for himself, went for seconds in disbelief at Ferrah's response. The question she asked him was almost spoken upon deafened ears. "I do! I mean, I do. It has a great selection of anything you could want, and the place is huge for those who don't want to be bothered by others. Every table is off away from others to keep things between parties, so I thought it'd be perfect. What do you think!?" His smile had never stayed this long on him before, truly nothing felt like the first time he would attract such a wonderful girl.

    At any given second he found himself to take the time when Ferrah wouldn't notice, Zeke examined everything about her and the memory they were making there. His thumbs rubbed lightly on the back of her hands as they were held, enjoying the feeling he didn't get to express before she had been taken away to fight. If he could think of a way, the scarf hiding her reactions to all of these firsts, would try to be lowered with stealth. It was killing him to not truly see what she expressed since he had his normally gloomy face remodeled in the thought.

  10. "Man, what era has he been living in? Haha" It didn't take any sort of genius for Zeke to realize a good tension between the two had been building over the past days they had been together. It was butterflies in the stomach that kept provoking Zeke to take that next step and see if Ferrah's body movement meant what he had presumed. Though now the inconvenient chit chat about the odd battle he just faced, had his mouth at a dead end to tell her the idea behind Mirra's strategy. "It was the other girl who was hanging out here with the others this morning. Her name was Mirra and her tactics were.. suggestive I guess I could put it as. It's likely that what the word suggestive brings up in your mind, is exactly what she tried to use to keep me from trying to win. But don't worry about that! I won and there is something I wanted to ask you anyway.."

    Without the scarf around his own neck, Zeke had to show whatever shade of color appeared on his face, if any. Baring his true form of awkward manner, he stepped forward slowly to her as she leaned back on the stand. Grabbing both of Ferrah's hands, he then proceeded to take in a huge breath and release it off to the side. His gaze back into her own, his facial expression went from gloomy and distant to a happy smile for her to see. "Would you l-like to go somewhere to celebrate? Y-you know, with me, on a date?" His mind opposed the the confidence he had written on his face. (It's too soon isn't it? Please don't say it's too soon. Please don't say it's too soon.)

  11. Anyone else excited for this game? I pre-ordered after I saw some gameplay, originally I didn't know what to think of an RPG for it. Now it's almost out on the fourth of march and I'm really excited. Just the idea of an RPG with something completely different than the serious fantasy you see in most others.

    By the way, don't look it up if you're not a fan of the crude humor given by the show. Don't want to be responsible for some wary souls to be scarred.

  12. Just as had happened to Ferrah, Zeke was materialized in the same spot where he had left. With a sigh, he raised his head to see where he was brought after the fight. Looking straight ahead, his view was shielded with Ferrah's face in its entirety. Wide eyes and frozen lips made him seem petrified in fear but was actually just shocked to be so close to a girl he met. "H-hi Ferrah." His words were quiet at close range and a stutter opened his sentence. A step or two back and he looked to the ground shyly. "Soo... how did it go? You beat me back here twice I think." A nervous chuckle opposed his regular one as he examined how she looked in his jacket and scarf. Heart beats were now more audible and the cold had him feeling like a corpse that was being jump started back to life.

    (I wonder how she responded to that. These teleportations are so random with where they send you.) For an awkward amount of time he kept his eyes down at the cobblestone they stood on. A slight view of the sleeve belonging to his jacket that he used to wear, had made it easier to recall how she looked in his clothes. A unique feeling took over his chest and head. (That's what a girlfriend looks like after a night out with her boyfriend.) Finding the curiosity to see her face again after the incident, his eyes peeked lightly up above through the strands of hair in his view.

  13. Names, Claire, both in the Forum and Real life, I prefer to be called swift, it just sounds better. I hate my last name.

    Interests: Any Music, Gaming, Reading, Drawing, Singing, Writing

    Skype? Sorry no, I don't Skype with people. How will you contact me? Well there is a thing called a Private Message. Rules don't say those need to be IC.

    How old am I in actuality? Well you creepy old perv, my real age is actually 16 so If you want me, be prepared for a fist to the face, kick to the balls, and then the official title of Pedophile.

    What animes do I watch? Well I watched Death Note, Highschool of the Dead, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, Attack On Titan, Bleach, Naruto, Darker than BLACK. I'm however open to suggestions.

    Am I cute? Well I see no reason to reveal that, so it's either you like me for who I am or GTFO ya weirdo.

    Both my character and myself are bisexual meaning for all those people who don't know what that is, we enjoy both sexes, male and female.

    Where do I live? Well now I see we're getting to personal stuff... I however live in a small town named Harrisville, New York. Don't bother pulling it up on a general map, you won't find it, that's how small it is.

    WOAH NELLY! You are confrontational, but welcome to the site. ^^'

  14. Zeke and Mirra, both stared each other down and circled in familiar fashion to something else that couldn't quite have a finger put on it. During the time they stalked each others movement, things grew heavier and heavier until Zeke couldn't take it anymore. The time had passed into minutes before anything was done and he was about to crack. Seconds before he was about to make his move, a comment couldn't slip by him without attention. "This must be why they call you Mirra.. you're mirroring everything I do." Mirra moved close when Zeke moved closer, they weren't too far away from each other before Mirra started laughing deeply.

    "Oh wow! You are a loser! I never thought someone could be so dimwitted as to use such an idiotic joke like that!" She bent over to laugh more, holding her side as Zeke was apparently performing a side show for her in the midst of the sudden death for victory. Once again, his not so dim wits had proven a benefit to him in battle. Running forward while she preoccupied herself with pompousness, Zeke dropped his sword and used one of her dropped lances to get a ranged final attack on her. "That is pretty funny." Zeke spoke in agreement as she fell to her knees in awe at the stupid strategy she had fallen for. A minute to put all of her weapons back into the inventory and for the NPC judge to declare the winner and Mirra smirked with devious intention in her expression. "Not so bad after all, Cutie." She disappeared before Zeke like most people seemed to be doing nowadays. A field of darkness once again covered him, leaving his silent thought at her comment open wide for anyone to see, if they could..

    Zeke's health: 2/11 Vs. Mirra's health: 1/11

  15. "I never said I would let you have me!" Zeke kicked her thigh forward before she could turn around to meet him face to face. Taking a point of health from her and then receiving it right back from a throw of her lance, he went immediately for the weapon she had left lying on the ground. Reaching a hand for it, his avatar had glitched out for a minute in a slight sensation of surprise. Ignoring the lance and just turning to face her again, another lance was sticking him right in the face. "As long as I'm using one weapon at a time, it's not against the rules. I wouldn't have a throwing weapon without a backup." During her explanation, one of her stab rotations were clasped into his hand tightly, the long shaft of her weapon being a downfall in close-quarters combat like this.

    "If you would shut yer yap, maybe you wouldn't be taking so many hits!" A bit of Zeke's advice was given to her. Her face red with anger and embarrassment as she let go of her backup and brought another out of her inventory. Without any warning or notice, she had followed his words perfectly. Leaving no more room for counters or thinking, Mirra had Zeke in a battler of quickness. Block versus blocks until each of them were dangerously low on health and had to retreat for a last ditch effort.

    Zeke's health: 2/11 Vs. Mirra's health: 2/11

  16. Running straight at Mirra, Zeke's Katana rested in the wind's sway as he headed towards the opposition. At a foot's distance away, Mirra turned around and stretched before sticking her back side out towards him. Giving a slight yawn, she added to her position with a little dialogue. "I'm feeling a bit sleepy, aren't you? This tournament is so boring to do after a hard days of killing monsters. Don't cha think?" Stopping nearby at the view of her rump area, Zeke took one glance and mumbled under his breath with a slight embarrassment. Stepping away from her derriere to the side, Zeke got three good hits in on her before she backed off of him. "Then let me get this over with and you can rest all you want.." With a smirk Zeke stood confident in his ability refrain from such asinine tactics.

    Watching the health bar above her hit almost halfway down, she grew furious and readied her lance to fight back. "Such a shame for you, you could have had all of this for yourself if you would have just let me win. Should have known you would be such a loser from the look of your dopey self." Mirra took the initiative this time and ran to his side before dashing backward and sweeping Zeke from the opposite direction of her dash. The awkward and unpredictable style she had grasped, left Zeke flat on his back as she took no time before repeatedly getting her marks in to even things out. "Where you going mister self control? I'm not done with you yet!" She yelled at the first contact made upon his block, using the time frame he had to throw the lance to the side and make it around her.

    Zeke's health: 9/11 Vs. Mirra's health: 9/11

  17. "My my my! You sure are quick to things started, aren't you? Your caution is wasted on someone like me. I have no idea as to why anyone would attack before the duel actually started. It's not like we are just two players roaming the fields outside of a tournament." A female player stepped out in front of Zeke's view, her hair a dark tint of orange and her skin teasingly soft from the looks of it. It looked to be she was a Katana user as well. The motions she used for the smallest actions were quite distracting. "Trust me, I don't need a head start." She declared and readied her weapon slowly.

    Caught in the moment between the two of them, Zeke stood silent in the exchange with his weapon readied and mind racing at the other. "I know what you're trying to do. You were set up against the worst possible opponent for this battle" This girl didn't look too shocked at the sound of his accusation but didn't acknowledge the idea either. "Second rounds match Mirra Vs. Zeke... is ready to commence, begin!" Sounded off the NPC judge for the tournament. This full suited NPC lifted his sword high in the air and held it while the match was under way.

    Zeke's health: 11/11 Vs. Mirra's health: 11/11

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