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Status Replies posted by Zandra

  1. Anyone or anyones interested in doing one of the following quest with me:

    The traveler

    Lord of the sea

    Butcher of the sand

    On the two last maybe its best to someone high-level

  2. Anyone or anyones interested in doing one of the following quest with me:

    The traveler

    Lord of the sea

    Butcher of the sand

    On the two last maybe its best to someone high-level

  3. That moment when you find out that the face claim for your character is an actual character in a anime. 

  4. Anyone here thats playing Guild Wars 2?

  5. Anyone here thats playing Guild Wars 2?

  6. Breaking The Unbreakable = Finding out how many different ways you can say you punch a rock.

  7. Presenting the Many Faces of Opal! Left: Miriel, Right: Opal, Middle: Black Panther Opal [tba story arc]



  8. Breaking The Unbreakable = Finding out how many different ways you can say you punch a rock.

  9. Thanks everyone for the get well wishes! I am feeling much better and will be getting posts up today! 

  10. not back, just a ghost

  11. My apologies for not posting recently. I seem to have caught a flu or something of that nature and have been taking some time to rest. I'm going to try and sleep it off at least one more day before post. 

  12. *slams head into desk*

  13. *slams head into desk*

  14. I need help from anyone that listen to nightcore.

    None that I knew irl does listen to nightcore(anymore), they all think it s**k and says its only speeded up covers with changed voice. I know that many are, but those I listen to, they mostly not, or that what I think. They are steadily killing my nightcore-soul. What shall I do? T.T

  15. I need help from anyone that listen to nightcore.

    None that I knew irl does listen to nightcore(anymore), they all think it s**k and says its only speeded up covers with changed voice. I know that many are, but those I listen to, they mostly not, or that what I think. They are steadily killing my nightcore-soul. What shall I do? T.T

  16. What's the point in living when Enemy at the GAtes has been removed from Netflix. Bye Joseph Fiennes :'(

  17. Me tired. Me go to bed. Me watch Anime. Me post more tomorrow. Me say good night to you all.

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