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Status Replies posted by Zandra

  1. Me tired. Me go to bed. Me watch Anime. Me post more tomorrow. Me say good night to you all.

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My life is ruined... well, just for an hour or two thou.

  3. Do you roll for dungeons on last post on page one or first one on page two?

  4. Do you roll for dungeons on last post on page one or first one on page two?

  5. Just got an idea. What if all "frontliners" choose a low level and help him/her to be able to complete war of the Ancient with the other 'low-leveled'?

  6. What about adding pistols to SAO*? Not the modern ones, more like pirate pistols. At least Cal and Mac understand that wish ;)

    *Half ironic

  7. My journal is horribly outdated (By atleast a year). Please god have mercy on my Journal.

  8. What about adding pistols to SAO*? Not the modern ones, more like pirate pistols. At least Cal and Mac understand that wish ;)

    *Half ironic

  9. What about adding pistols to SAO*? Not the modern ones, more like pirate pistols. At least Cal and Mac understand that wish ;)

    *Half ironic

  10. What about adding pistols to SAO*? Not the modern ones, more like pirate pistols. At least Cal and Mac understand that wish ;)

    *Half ironic

  11. Noob question can you do a dungeon in a quest thread?

  12. Got my journal finished, now to wait for the review. Can't wait to get started again! 

  13. Got my journal finished, now to wait for the review. Can't wait to get started again! 

  14. Got my journal finished, now to wait for the review. Can't wait to get started again! 

  15. Just found out that my profile pic is from an actual manga/anime. Time for a break from rp and watch a new anime, hopefully its good :)

  16. Yay, Sweden defeated denmark with 5-0 in Ice-hockey. This is going awesome :D

  17. Yay, Sweden defeated denmark with 5-0 in Ice-hockey. This is going awesome :D

  18. I want to write. All of the things. 

  19. Just found out that my profile pic is from an actual manga/anime. Time for a break from rp and watch a new anime, hopefully its good :)

  20. Zandra have eaten many gingerbreads during christmas, and everyone know you gets nice by eating it. So now she have lowered her prices in her shop Zandras Pharmacy. Drop by if you need any potion or crystal.

  21. Zandra have eaten many gingerbreads during christmas, and everyone know you gets nice by eating it. So now she have lowered her prices in her shop Zandras Pharmacy. Drop by if you need any potion or crystal.

  22. Out of materials!  Ishida (Lv. 3) is looking for a party to beat up some boarpigs.  I should be ready to tank once my shield gets approved!

  23. Out of materials!  Ishida (Lv. 3) is looking for a party to beat up some boarpigs.  I should be ready to tank once my shield gets approved!

  24. Out of materials!  Ishida (Lv. 3) is looking for a party to beat up some boarpigs.  I should be ready to tank once my shield gets approved!

  25. Just spent almost two hours in a store. Left because needed to get to the train. I could easily spend another hour there, since thete they sell: Manga, anime, fantasy, sci-fi, table top games, miniature war games(like warhammer), card games, role-play games and alot of other stuffs. A paradise for every Swedish geek :)

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