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Status Updates posted by Zandra

  1. Sersously, dont hire me if you want a good alchemist, I snitt 1,6 EXP/Material :(

    1. Lowenthal


      We all start somewhere. Don't worry about it, and just keep trying ^-^

  2. Im done for today, gnight to you all :)

  3. Good morning all, time for answering RP:s

    1. Lowenthal


      Good morning o3o

  4. Morning everyone, at school, 50% listen tot eacher 50% RP:ing :)

  5. Have been busy with stuffs, but now Im back :D Also congratulations Azazel :D

  6. So, now Im one of those that have seen the latest star wars movie :D

    1. Macradon


      Welcome to the cool kidz club!

  7. Zandra wish everyone on the site a very merry christmas. Hope you all gonna have a wonderful day with family and friends :)

    1. Macradon


      Merry Christmas!!!

  8. Can I sell any items in my shop? I mean like not related the players current proffession. 

    1. Calrex


      I don't believe so. I think only merchants can do that, but double check with a mod as well XD

  9. If I do iron guardian several times, do I get several banners or just more charges?

    1. Carambit


      Assuming you could do it multiple times, one would think that you'd be given more charges... But I may be totally wrong there... Best to have an mod help you out with this one :P

  10. A question, why is a 'light novel' called a 'light novel'? Instead of just 'novel'?

    1. Hirru


      Because Japan.

      I looked up the meaning myself, and the term was popularized for these little novels that sparked most of our current anime and manga, in Japan.

  11. Can I add the extra skill rank artisan anchantment to a skill I dont have? Making it Novice/rank 1.

  12. Our dog should be a writer. Realy interesting story and unexpected, quick turns in the timeline ;)

    ¨´ååååååhggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg-_________ v

    1. Macradon


      Ååååååååååååh no!

  13. So Erroneus is the creator of this site right? Does he/she pays each month to keep this site up and running?

    1. Shark


      Yes, he is the creator. Depending on the plan he has (monthly, yearly, etc...), he pays for the domain name (sao-rpg.com) and the hosting fee (to keep it on the internet and accessible to all of us)

  14. Do I have to make a thread 20-21 posts or can I make it shorter? Of course losing the rewards thou.

    1. Takao


      20 posts are required for the col/SP rewards. You can close a thread before that yeah, but you'll lose out on the rewards.

  15. Who is next in boss fight? @Zelrius or @Rohk

    1. Takao


      Rohk will be.

  16. HUGE ANNOUNCEMEMT! Big sale at Zandras Pharmacy. New price(any tier):
    Perfect=2 mats
    Rare=1 material
    Uncommon=2 items for 1 material
    Good=Free but needs description(25x t2 good potions wont do)

    Thou only in stock since everything shall out(no orders). Last as long as stock last.

    1. Takao
    2. Ratatosk


      Gangster about to rob your place ^^^

      Gangster about to rob your place ^^^

  17. EVERYTHING in stock at Zandras pharmacy is now free EVERYONE.

    To give everyone a chance to get something from the offer, maximum 5 potions/crystals per person each day.

    Thou donations are welcome :)

    1. Cilla


      You are the bestest~

  18. Any norwegian here?

    1. Opal



      Just us Black Metal Wizards! KVLT MTL! 

  19. YAY! We defeated our littlebroth... ehm... I mean norway, in the hockey world championship :D

  20. Anyone up for monkey king or case of wurms?

    1. Avilon


      Into the woods, which mission did you want it to be? XD

  21. Wont post anything at all tomorrow. Gonna participate in a lotr SBG tournament. So good night and see you all lovely people on monday again.

  22. Again Zandra opens up a both at floor one with free potions for everyone!


    1. Emblem


      snap free potions! 

  23. Does @Leonidas get skipped in the boss fight?

  24. YAAY!!! Finally Pokemon GO have come to Sweden. Im sorry but gonna be slower to reply by now. But at least you know why now.

    Gotta catch 'em all!!!

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