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Posts posted by Alucard66

  1. ID: 20126

    BD: 1 (Crit Fail)



    Alucard stands backs to watch Sen and Lowenthal. After awhile of studying the battle tactics of the creature. Alucard rushes past Sen and Lowenthal to strike the gorilla, but manages to hit nothing but air as the gorilla jumps back and beat on its chest as it was laughing at Alucard. "Gah, not this again! Last time it was boars and now primates!" Alucard says angrily.

  2. Alucard wanderer around Snowfrost town till he came across a shop "Amethyst Boutique? Sounds interesting." So Alucard enters the shop "Well met ma'am I'm Alucard" says Alucard to the small, red haired shop keep. Alucard starts to browse her stock, a few items catch his eyes but one really stood out to him.





    Item: Emerald Chain

    Item Type: Trinket

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancement: +1 ACC

                                              Description: A golden chain that has been intertwined with various pieces of emeralds.




    "Please tell me you still have this item in stock" Alucard says with a smile. 

  3. "I didn't come to hit on NPC Dillon. I came here to explore this floor." Alucard gives Lowenthal a set of piercing eyes. "Okay I could party up, less chance we would be killed." Alucard says blankly. "Speaking of girls, have you two found that special someone to help ease to tenseness of this VR based hellhole?" says Alucard with the sense of loneliness. After a few minutes, Alucard laughs as he draws his trident "by the way Sen how do you like the upgrades since we last seen each other?" Alucard is beaming with pride. 

  4. Alucard walks into a this shop once again. Since he got his chestplate and trident for this shop, so he trust the blacksmith with a request and hopes he can deliver. "Well met good sir! May I put in a request for an item?" Alucard knew what he wanted to complete his armor set. "I need a helm that matches my chest piece, any style will do and the quality be as low as uncommon" Alucard says with hope.




                                                                                                Name: (Neptune's helm)

    Profession: (Blacksmith)
    Rank: (6)
    Item Type: 
    Quality: (Uncommon)
    Enhancements: (+1 Acc)
    Description: A Dark sea blue helm fabled to forged by the God of sea himself
  5. ID: 19654

    BD: 5 (Miss)

    MD: 9 (Hit) 2 - 3 = 1 dmg 



    Alucard attemps to flank the boar but that did not work out in his favor as the boar quickly turns, and body checks him throwing him to the ground. "Oh now I'm pissed!" Alucard slams his fist into the ground and stands up as quickly as possible. 



    Lowenthal: 41/42

    Alucard: 18/21



    Boar(Alu): 21/21

    Boar(Low): 5/21

  6. ID: 19649

    BD: 3 (Miss)

    MD: 7 (Hit)


    Alucard goes in for another strike on his boar, Alucard's trident goes wide and completely misses. "GAH! F this Fing boar! I'm goin to make coats out of you and your family!" Alucard yells at the top of his lungs. The boar steadies itself for a charge as Alucard is ranting, just as Alucard was done with his rant. The boar rams straight into Alucard, throwing him back a couple of feet. "Man I hope you enjoy MY prefect item!" Alucard growls at Lowenthal. 




    Lowenthal: 41/42

    Alucard: 19/21



    Boar(Alu): 21/21

    Boar(Low): 11/21

  7. ID: 19647

    BD: 5 (Miss)

    MD: 4 (Miss)



    Alucard thrust his trident at the boar, but the boar skillfully dodges to the right. "Gods dang it!!" Alucard yells at the boar, as Alucard's temper is getting the best of him. The boar rushes Alucard, just before slams into him. Alucard easily avoids the boar's tusks by rolling to the right. "At least I'm not the only one that cant hit his mark today." Alucard says mocking the boar. 




    Lowenthal: 41/42

    Alucard: 20/21



    Boar(Alu): 21/21

    Boar(Low): 11/21

  8. ID: 19645

    BD: 3 (Miss)

    MD: 7 (Hit)


    Alucard swipes at the boar, but his trident swings just above it. "At this rate you will win!" Alucard says angrily. The boar gets close and headbutts him, Alucard stumbles back a little. "Hey, that didn't hurt as bad, now if i was a few levels lower that is a different story." says Alucard as he rubs the place under his chestplate where the boar made contact. 



    Lowenthal: 42/42

    Alucard: 20/21



    Boar(Alu): 21/21

    Boar(Low): 17/21

  9. ID: 19643

    BD: 2 (Miss)

    MD: 2 (Miss)


    Alucard runs to catch up to Lowenthal. "Okay here is the deal, you take on a boar, and so will I. Lets play who's a better killer." Alucard quotes his favorite movie with a devilish grin. Alucard launches himself to the air and attempts a downward strike on a boar but somehow the boar moves just slightly out of the way as Alucard's trident connects with the ground. The boar hops back and charges Alucard, But Alucard was ready for a counterattack and leap off the left to avoid the angered boar.

  10. Alucard has not been past floor five and so he decides to head to floor six but not before stopping at a information broker and learning what he could, which floor six is jungle based region mainly filled with female warrior Npc. Once Alucard reaches the teleporter, he takes a deep breath and shouts





    As Alucard steps forward out the teleporter, He sees Lownethal and Ssendom. "Hey strangers! Its been awhile gentlemen" Alucard says with a toothy grin. Alucard is clad in a deep blue chest plate and and trident to start his armor set. "What brings you two to this floor?

  11. "Yeah just a little farther" Alucard says as he continues to climb the hill. When the two friends reach the top, Alucard looks out over the landscape on floor one. "Isn't this amazing? I mean beside the fact the game master is a satanist." Alucard says as his face goes blank as if he was lost in thought or the fact he was racing to his death at record speed. After a few moments Alucard comes back to planet Aincrad. "Sorry bout that man, but hey look over there!" Alucard points to the right at a small group of boars that were 100 meters out from their position. "lets go!" Alucard draws his spear and runs down the other side of the hill to the Mobs. 

  12. ((I don't know if our third party member is still playing, so we will be skipping him till I hear otherwise))

    ID: 19642

    LD: 20 




    "Hmm Sweets should be here by now." Alucard says aloud. Alucard senses that he was being watched. So Alucard turns to investigate his surroundings, as he does, he turns to see Black Sweetheart trying to sneak up behind him. "hey there little girl! Trying to scare me huh?" Alucard says while laughing loudly. "So where is this weapon that you picked up before meeting up with me?"

  13. Alucard travels through to the small patch of trees that surrounds the cave. Alucard walks at steady pace as he comes up on the edge of the treeline and looks around for a cluster of boars. "Hmm I guess we have wander around till we see a boar spawn or we could travel to the location where we all trained together." Alucard says to Lowenthal. Alucard looks around and sees a hill with a single tree on top of it, Alucard knew that was the tree thats where Sweets and Xplosives meet him on that day of the training. So he heads straight from it. "Hey I know where we are! Come on!" Alucard motions to Lowenthal to follow him. 

  14. Alucard didn't notice Sweets sneak up besides him with everything that was going on. When he looks to see what bumped into him, Alucard sees Blacksweetheart standing right next to him. "Oh, hey Ki, when did you get here? I see you've meet my new party companions." Alucard says to Sweets with a smile. "Well everyone except Zan here is in my party." Alucard turns his attention to Zandra "Would you like to join us? I hope you don't mind me calling you 'Zan'." Alucard sends a party invite to Blacksweetheart and Zandra. Alucard thinks to himself. Hopefully Sweets and Zandra stick around, this will be more entertaining. Alucard has a sly grin upon his face.  

  15. Alucard receives the ore and adds it to his inventory. "Yeah I know man, and thanks for the ore. I was beginning to think I was going to look for awhile or at least till the bear respawned." Alucard says to Lowenthal. "Next item on my agenda is two leathers, ready to go boar hunting?" Alucard says as he gives Lowenthal a toothy grin. Alucard heads out of the cave, being weary of the re-spawning bear. Alucard looks back at the cave and hollers at Lowenthal. "You coming?"

  16. ID: 19530

    LD: 12+1=13


    Alucard laughs at Lowenthal comment. "You know regardless if its out of my system or not, I'm going to hole up in my house with enough food for a few months and enough trees to smoke out every stoner within ten block radius." Alucard hollers at Lowenthal as he sees his friend venture farther into the cave. Alucard stands up and start heading in the direction of Lowenthal. "Do you see any ore back here?" Alucard cups his hand around his mouth to project his voice. 

  17. ID: 19514 

    LD: 4 (+1) = 5 (nothing)


    Alucard stands there, scratching his head. "Dude I don't have any idea where to begin to look for this ore." Alucard says loud enough for Lowenthal to hear. Alucard begins to shuffle around the cave inspecting anything that may be an ore but he had very little luck. "The things I would do for a blunt right now." Alucard says under his breath as he leans up against a wall in the cave and slides down till he was sitting down on the cave floor. 

  18. Alucard studies the group as it starts to grow larger. As a female walks up to the party and introduces herself "Pleasure to meet to you Zandra, I am Alucard." Alucard gave her a bow instead of shaking her hand. "So what bring you to this.... Well I guess you could call it a raiding party?" Alucard hopes Zandra would join them, if she didn't that wouldn't bother Alucard at all. But then again a female around may stir something up. Alucard thought with a devilish grin.

  19. Alucard wakes to Xplosives kicking him. Alucard sits up and looks at his friend "Why do you insist on bothering me? Wait where is Sweets?" as the words left his mouth, Alucard hears the familiar chime of a received message. Alucard opens and reads the message. "that was from Kiyoto, she had a weapon made and is going to get it. Sweets will be here soon." Says Alucard.

  20. ID: 18826

    BD: 7 (Hit)

    LD: 9


    Alucard notices the Lowenthal was, well what he thought, trying to feed the bear. "You want to take it out to dinner?" Alucard says as he leaps into the air and bring his trident down on the bear's head, before it bursts into data bits, Alucard does a backflip and lands behind the bear. Alucard smiling "Ready to look for some ore now the beast is put down?"  

  21. ID: 18753

    BD: 2 (Miss)

    MD: 4 (Miss)



    Alucard lunges at the bear with his trident, but his footing is off and Alucard stumbles over his self. "Dang it!" Alucard proclaims as he struggles to regain his bearings. The bear growls at Lowenthal as it swings at him but fails to connects.



    Alucard: 17/19 (Hate: 1) 

    Lowenthal: 34/36 (Hate: 5)



    Bear: 6/22

  22. ID:

    BD: 9 (Hit) (+1)

    LD: 15 


    Alucard rushes past Ssendom, "no need brotha." Alucard says as he spun in the air and strikes the Variant straight in it's core. The Variant flails just before it turns into data bits. Alucard standing there looking at Ssendom triumphantly "Thanks for your help man. No telling how long I would have been out here if I done this by myself." Alucard stretches his arm above his head. "I'm beat, I heading to town, I owe you a drink my friend.


    loot 12 x 5 = 60 Col

  23. ID: 18748

    BD: 7(Hit)

    MD: 7(Hit)



    "AAHH!" yells Alucard as he leaps forwards, drawing his trident back and strikes the bear in the left flank. "There we go! I'm finally getting used to this weapon!" Alucard says to Lowenthal as the bear roars at him, the bear swipes it's paw at Lowenthal striking him in the mid section. 




    Alucard: 17/19 (Hate: 1) 

    Lowenthal: 34/36 (Hate: 3)



    Bear: 10/22

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