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Posts posted by Alucard66

  1. Alucard races after Ssendom as he charged towards the two Mobs. His spear at the ready and pose for a strike



    BD: 6 (hit)


    Alucard leaped around Ssendom as he deflected the enemy vine, Alucard brought down his spear in a downward slash and struck the Nepent in the front. Nepent howls in bewilderment.



    Ssendom: 19/19 (Hate: 0)

    Alucard: 13/13 (Hate: 1)



    Nepent 7/9 

  2. Alucard laughs whole heartily to lowenthal comment bout RPG magic. Then he ponders bout his spear and attempts to look at his back by spinning around in circle. "Oh I think Shawn is busy with another quest, So he may or may not show up." Alucard says while twirling around in place. Alucard noticed Lowenthal's shiny new dagger. "Is that a new dagger DIllon?" Alucard asks as he stopped spinning after making himself sick. After he regain his balance, he started after Lowenthal. 

  3. Alucard gives a small bow and laughs out loud, resuming standing back up, Alucard asks "You okay? You took a few nasty hits in that battle." Alucard is concerned with the real death in this game. "Would you accept a friend request from me?" Alucard just worried bout losing allies and friends in this game. He sends Ssendom a friend request. Alucard spins around slowly to look for their objective. "I think i see the Variant over there" as Alucard points deeper into the forest, just past two more Nepent. "Well we can fight our way through or we can go around, but i say we take the two out first and then hit the objective. More Col and Mat for us." says Alucard

  4. Alucard watched Kiyoko carefully and noticed that she started to get a sad look on her face. "What's wrong Kiyoko?"

    After He ask the question, Lowenthal came into sight and looked ecstatic bout something. I wonder why he is so happy? Alucard thought to himself. "Yo Dillon! what's new with you?" Alucard hollered to Lowenthal. Alucard put his hand on Kiyoko shoulder to reassure her that everything will be okay, as He smiled at her.  

  5. ID: 17390

    DB:4 (miss)


    Alucard thrust himself towards the Queen, unfortunately the Queen moved quicker than Alucard. It around him in a semi circle, Alucard getting more annoyed with the giant bug than anything in his life. "Why must this insect be so aggravating!" He yelled as he ready himself for his next attack.



    Skylar: 30/38 (Hate: 5)

    Alucard: 11/11 (Hate : 1)



    Wasp Queen: 3/30

  6. ID: 17384

    BD: 10 (+2 Crit)hit

    LD:11 (9x5=45 col)


    After Alucard was whipped back. he leaped into the air and with a downward strike, He impaled the Nepent as he landed on top of it. shortly after it dissolved into bits and Alucard landed on his feet as his spear stabbed into ground, feeling triumphed. Alucard looks at Ssendom "How was that for my first time in combat?" 



    Ssendom: 14/17 (Hate:1)

    Alucard: 11/11 (Hate:1) 



    Nepent: -2/9 

  7. ID:17374

    BD: 3 (miss)


    Alucard leaped into the air to strike the Queen again, but the Queen was ready for the attack and quickly dodge to side, as Alucard came down, rolled to avoid falling flat on his face. He quickly shook the impact off, and looked to Skylar "This is more of a pain in the butt than you let on!" Alucard fully enraged now. 



    Skylar: 34/38 (Hate:2)

    Alucard 11/11 (Hate:1)





    Wasp Queen: 20/30

  8. After watching Ssendom get thrown into a tree. Alucard barely heard the words of advice that Ssendom gave him, because His focus was now on the creature one hundred percent. Alucard planted his feet and raised his spear level with the Nepent.


    ID: 17372

    BD: 8 (hit)


    Alucard steels his nerves and charges the creature at full speed, minding the Nepent's vine everywhere, moving to and fro. Alucard leaped into the air and came down on the creature for a vertical strike as he came down. upon landing the creature roared in pain as Alucard hopped backwards to ready himself for the next attack.



    Ssendom 14/17 (Hate:1)

    Alucard 11/11 (Hate:2)



    Nepent 5/9 

  9. ID: 17364

    BD: 7 (hit)


    Alucard lunges forward at the Queen and aims for the stinger hoping to eliminate it from the battle, but manages to make contact with thorax just by scraping it. When Alucard lands, He turns to look at the Queen and to him it seemed that the Queen was laughing his attack off. Slowly getting frustrated, Alucard ready himself for another attack.




    Skylar 34/38 (Hate:2)

    Alucard 11/11 (Hate:1)




    Wasp Queen: 20/30

  10. ID:17358

    MD: 3 (miss)


    Alucard dived out of the way as a giant wasp comes flying to close for comfort. "WHAT IS THAT?!" After Alucard manages roll over and stands up. "You know when i thought you said bug, I thought you meant a horde of them! NOT A HUGE ONE!!" Alucard exclaims. Alucard is now determined to fight this battle even though it may kill him.  



    Skylar 38/38 (HATE:0)

    Alucard 11/11 (HATE:0)




    Wasp Queen 30/30

  11. Alucard watched Ssendom's first attack failed, He couldn't help but laugh. "Note taken" Alucard yelled. Alucard drew his spear and rush the Nepent. Alucard gave a forward thrust.


    ID: 17355

    BD: 6 (hit)


    As Alucard thrusted his spear forward he struck the Nepent in the core, driving within the tree line. The nepent cried out in pain as the blow connected. Alucard looked back at Ssendom and gave him a smirk. 




           1 Ssendom 17/17 HP

           1 Alucard  11/11 HP

              Nepent  7/9 HP

  12. Alucard took the drink and drank it slowly. "I'm Alucard and thank you for the drink, still have yet to make enough cash and somehow ended up here." Alucard turned in his seat to eye ball the bar. "So lets cut to the chase, What is the quest?" as Alucard slightly leans towards Skylar, raising one eyebrow and giving him a smirk. Alucard leaned back and says "I'm ready for some real action, killing small Mobs is bit distasteful for me. I want to good loot!"

  13. Alucard check his HUD and look at the map, and sure enough His objective showed up. Alucard told Azazel where they needed to go. After checking his equipment, Alucard start towards the quest objective. "All set and ready to go?" He asked Azazel. No longer willing to wait, Alucard unstealth his assault spear and begun to twirl it in his hands, he is still getting used to feeling of the long weapon. Alucard starts heading to the Fields of beginning, eager to finish this quest, Because He is in dire need of better armor.


    After a while Alucard and his companion reaches the edge of the Fields of Beginning, Alucard scans to the Fields and spots a few Mobs that would give him the Material that he needed but its the cave that got his attention, so he continues looking till he makes out a cave like structure, north west of his current position. Alucard giddy wit excitement, takes off nothing saying anything to Azazel.  

  14. As Alucard approached the larger blacksmith. the large man turned around to look at Alucard. Before Alucard could say anything a quest log popped up on his HUD. "Becoming a Blacksmith Quset!" read the quote box. Alucard hit accept, then he read the quest objective. Alucard returned to Azazel and read his quest out loud, "It says I need to hunt boar to gather leather and head to a cave to mine an ore". "Sounds easy enough to me." Said Alucard trying to reassure himself that he could do this.All he had to do was gather a few items




    0/1 Leather

    0/2 Unrefiend Ore

  15. Alucard was beginning to think that Ssendom was more impatiant than he was as Alucard watched hop up and down. "Well if you say i will be fine, lets head to the forest!" Alucard starts to head out of the safe zone and then stops to think for a minute. "Maybe you should lead the way that way since you a higher level if you should Aggro anything you can engage first" Said Alucard to Ssendom extended his hand towards the end of safe zone and slightly bowing. 

  16. Alucard replied "honestly I want to make better armor and weapons so I think a blacksmith may be my best option." Alucard slowly started to smile as he stood up and offered her his hand. "By the way my name is Alucard please to meet you" said Alucard as he give his new female friend a slight bow. Alucard always had a easy time making new friends. "So what do I need to do?" asked Alucard as he starts to pace around his female companion. 

  17. Alucard is somewhat startle when a small female approaches him, due to the fact that he didn't see her come up on him. "honestly I'm a little puzzled by this quest, it says i need to choose a profession and I have the slightest idea to even begin." Alucard pulls up his map and studies it for a few minutes but ends up giving up. Since He does not know where to look, He plops on the ground like a young child and sits there. "a simple lead would help a lot, and I apogizes for my behavior, my temper tends to get the best of me at times." as Alucard begins to get flustered.    

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