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Posts posted by Alucard66

  1. Alucard swipe his hand down and opens up the map, finds the area that Ssendom was talking bout. "shouldn't I attempt to kill something along the way to the objective?" Alucard remembers that he has not gone into combat since he got here. Alucards turn in the direction of the forest and starts walking. "Were you part of the beta?" Alucard asked Ssendom as he walked through town eyeballing the shops and places of interest along the way.

  2. Alucard Darkborn troy.jpg

    » Username: Alucard66
    » Real name:Alexander 
    » Age:22
    » Gender: male
    » Height: 6'0"

    » About: History/personality
    Alexander is a single male, lives on his own. he is friends with dillon and kiyoko in the real world. he enjoys playing rpgs, his friends told him to play SAO. Once he saved enough money and dillon covered what he couldn't pay for, he started playing and enjoyed every minute of it. well once he had his fill for the day. he went and tried to log out and he discovered he couldnt. So starts his adventures. 


    Determined: Alex may as well have horse blinds on half the time. When ever he's given a goal(Or sets one himself) he sees to it. He rarely leaves a job half done, and you can bet your bottom dollar that he'll get a job done. Or in this world, die trying.  


    Loyal: There is rarely a thing Alex wouldn't do for a friend. Whenever Alex makes a close friend, he's with them until the end. 'To Hell and back' he would sometimes say. Alex will take blows, or drop what he's doing for a close friend.


    Adaptable: There is little that can sway Alex. Alex doesn't complain about an unfair battle. Instead he studies the field, and adapts to it. From changing his weapon or fighting style all together, Alex adapts to change instead of being consumed by it.

    » Flaws:

    Impatient: Alex taps his foot at inconvenience. Living in the modern world, he's expected service as fast as possible. This can lead to some situations where Alex will rush in, or try to cut corners to get to his goal.

    Stubborn: Alex, once focused on a task, and has a plan to complete said task, is nearly impossible to make him change his mind. As Alex is goal oriented , he's also very stubborn and hard to make him change his mind about something.


    Quick to Anger: Alex has a short fuse. It doesn't take much to make him flip his proverbial lid. Alex's anger is mostly for stupid reasons. This is because he doesn't let little things faze him, until one thing sends him over the edge. Alex directs his anger at everything and everyone, mostly spouting nonsense. Alex has been known to stay in this for hours at a time



    »+1 LD Seach and Detect Rank 1
    » Heavy Armor skill (Rank 1)

    »+1 Battle Healing Rank 1

    Weapon skills:
    »Two handed assault spear rank 1


    9 bread, 13 water, 3 Mat

    Neptune's Chestplate (+2 Damage mitigation) 

    cloth clothing

    1,865 Col

    » two handed spear 1 dmg
      Poseidon's Trident 1 dmg (+1 dmg and +1 Bleed on Crit.)


    Poseidon's Trident \ 750 Col \ Gurando Foji

    Neptune's Chestplate II\ 3 Mat \ Gurando Foji

    Emerald Chain \ 450 Col \ Amethyst Boutique, Gave item to Black Sweetheart

    Striking Viper \ 1300 Col\ Gurando Foli


    S&Z Bets 450 Col. 




    Crafts of Heaven transactions 

    +2600 from Ssendom for two Perfect custom items







    Relationships (optional)

    friends: XplosivesRUs



    Story Thus Far (optional)

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