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Posts posted by Alucard66

  1. ID: 18713

    BD: 6 (Hit)

    MD: 2 (Miss)


    Alucard watches Ssendom miss his attack, as he runs forward and thrust his spear at the creature and lands his strike. The creature attempts lash out at Alucard, Alcuard dances through each attack. The Variant cries out and starts to back away from his attacker, "SWITCH!" Alucard yells to Ssendom.




    Alucard: 13/15 (Hate: 3)

    Ssendom: 19/19 (Hate: 0)




    Variant: 2/ 12

  2. ID: 18584

    BD: 3 (Miss) ((Dice roller doesnt want to do anything, So carry this team bud))

    MD: 7 (Hit) 


    Alucard goes in for another strike, but he has not used this trident before the weight is off to him. and Alucard end up missing his mark again. "I would if i could get this trident to cooperate!" Alucard yells, as he starting to get mad. The bear Charges Lowenthal and slams into him like Lowenthal is a pin and the bear is bowling ball 



    Alucard: 17/19 (Hate: 0) 

    Lowenthal: 36/36 (Hate: 3)



    Bear: 13/22

  3. ID: 18578

    BD: 4 (Miss) 

    MD: 6 (Hit)



    Alucard lunges forward with his trident, as the bear stands on it's hind legs and swats Alucard attack away like a fly. The bear raises it's front paws and strikes downward at Alucard., luckily only one of it's paws connects and send Alucard spinning away from the bear. The bear roars loudly at the two. "You know, I blame you for this Dillon" Alucard says jokingly  



    Alucard: 17/19 

    Lowenthal: 36/36



    Bear: 22/22

  4. Alucard looks at Lowenthal in bewilderment "Dude it wasn't inside of the cave!" As soon as Alucard finishes his sentence, a loud roar came from the east. "See! Now get out here and quit fooling around!" Alucard yells. Alucard draws his trident and prepares for attack that could come from anywhere at this point. 


    ID: 18575

    MD: 8 (Hit) ((Ain't my luck today!!))


    The Bear comes rushing through a few trees east of Alucard and the cave and plows right into him and throws him back a few feet, Alucard manages to catch himself in the air and land upright on his feet. "Damn thing gets me every time!" Alucard growls at the bear. 



    Alucard: 18/19 

    Lowenthal: 36/36



    Bear: 22/22

  5. "That's a shame man" Alucard says to Lowenthal. As they come up on the cave, Alucard crouches low and raise his fist in the air for the Hold signal. Alucard says in a low voice "The bear is around here, how do you want to approach?" Alucard keeps his head on a swivel, eyes bouncing back and forth looking for signs of the bear, cause he did not want to get caught off guard again.    

  6. Alucard laughs when Lowenthal marked his map. Alucard takes off running towards town. Since Alucard was a track runner in the real world, running long distances was no problem for him. finally Alucard arrives at the shop quickly went in and pays for his gear and heads back to his waiting friend. Alucard slows his approach when he gets close to Lowenthal and equips his new spear and new deep sea blue chestplate. Alucard now looking like the God of the seas as he approaches Lowenthal. "So what do you think?" Alucard says with his left arm bent and hand balled into a fist that rests on his hip and his other hand holds the trident.

  7. Alucard looks at Lowenthal and grunts "Well I'm trying to earn my profession and Azazel was helping me but I guess i lost her somewhere along the way. I spotted a cave and rushed in without thinking and was ambushed by a bear." Alucard looking ashamed, then he hears a ping and opens his menu. Alucard read the new message and look at Lowenthal. "Wanna come with me to town to pick up a few items that i ordered and then we can destroy this bear?"

  8. Alucard heard a ping and open his messages and seen the message is from Lowenthal. "Jeez I did forget to give him a location." Alucard huffs loudly, so Alucard sends him another messages




    To: Lowenthal

    From: Alucard 




    I'm located in the northwest part of the fields, and I lost my party member Azazel. i don't know if you know who that is, but if you see her drag her butt this way. thanks man for taking some time to help.





    Alucard knows he got himself in way over his head and is smart enough to run away, as Alucard is running away, He heard the Bear roars loudly. Thankfully the Bear did not pursue him. Once far enough away, Alucard looks around for Azazel but she was nowhere to be found. So Alucard sits down and thinks oh crap what am I goin to do? So Alucard swipes his hand downwards to open the menu to look through his friends list, he find Lowenthal name and messages him to see if he could help Alucard.



    To: Lowenthal

    From: Alucard


    Hey I got myself into a tight spot. Could you spare some time to help me?


  10. Alucard looks at the quest board and notices a quest that he already done and figures he would take a few of his low level friends on the quest so they can level up. So Alucard sends them a message.





    To: Blacksweetheart


    From: Alucard


    Meet me in the first town on the second floor, I'm taking you on a quest. I will be at a bench in the northwest part of town. See you soon. 



    Alucard sends the message and heads to the meeting spot on the second floor. "I hope they don't take to long to show up" He says to himself.

  11. ID: 18558

    BD: 9 (+1) (Hit)

    MD: 7 (Hit)


    Alucard listens to Ssendom advice and thrusts his spear at the creature and hits it's weak spot. The Variant howls in pain, Alucard pulls his spear out and leaps away from the creature. As the Variant flails it's vine wildly, it lashes a vine out a strikes Alucard in the chest and throws him back a few feet. "That hurts!" says Alucard as he hold his chest.




    Alucard: 13/15 (Hate: 2)

    Ssendom: 19/19 (Hate: 0)




    Variant: 7/12 1dmg + Crit +1 + Skill +1 = 4/ 12

  12. Alucard catches wind of a forge that has some great weapons, looking at his spear "its bout time i got a better weapon" Alucard says aloud. so he heads to this forge. Alucard finally arrives and enters the shop and starts looking around till he spies a spear that he knew that was made for him. Alucard picks up the weapon and upon inspection "Poseidon's trident? I love it" says Alucard. Alucard walks up to shop keep and put the spear and 750 Col on the counter and says "I would like to buy this item, I believe this is enough for this weapon." as Alucard slightly cocks his head sideways, he notices a deep blue chest plate, "I will trade you three Mat for that chest plate as well, since it goes prefectly with this spear, Would that okay with you blacksmith?"




    Name: (Poseidon's Trident)

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (5)

    ID: (11197)

    Roll: (10)

    Item Type: (Two-Handed Assault Spear)

    Quality: (Rare)

    Enhancements: (+1 Damage and +1 Bleed)

    Description: (An assault spear with one main spear, and an additional prong on each side. Resembles a trident. The spear is aquamarine in color and tends to cause great damage.)


    Name: (Neptune's Chestplate II)

    Profession: (Blacksmith)

    Rank: (5)

    ID: (11723)

    Roll: (11)

    Item Type: (Chestplate)

    Quality: (Rare)

    Enhancements: (+2 Damage Mitigation)

    Description: (A deep sea blue colored chest plate. It covers the users shoulders down to their waist and all the way around to their back. This armor has been enchanted to with stand large amounts of pressure and as such provides a nice boost in defense.)

  13. ID: 18419

    BD: 3 (Miss)


    Alucard is beyond the point of being sane as he lashes out at the boar wildly, missing every strike as the boar just hops out of the way of each blow. Alucard still enraged and worn out "huff huff, why can't we kill this F'ing thing!



    Lowenthal:  24/27 [////////////////////////   ] (Hate: 2)

    Alucard: 15/15 [///////////////] (Hate: 0)

    BlackSweetHeart: 12/13 [//////////// ] (Hate: 1)


    Boar: 4/14 [////          ]

  14. ID: 18414

    BD: 4 (Miss)



    Alucard fully launches himself at the boar and tries to slam into to it, but the boar was to fast as Alucard flies through the air and lands on his side and he finally slides to a stop a few feet away from Blacksweetheart. Alucard punches the ground as his rage continues to be fume, he stands up and points his spear at the spear and looks at Blacksweetheart and says "Hit this thing!" Alucard didn't noticed he yelled at Blacksweetheart. 




    Lowenthal:  24/27 [////////////////////////   ] (Hate: 2)

    Alucard: 15/15 [///////////////] (Hate: 0)

    BlackSweetHeart: 12/13 [//////////// ] (Hate: 1)


    Boar: 7/14 [///////       ]

  15. ID: 18407

    BD: 3 (Miss)


    Alucard runs past Lowenthal and yells "I got this!" as he swipes at the boar horizontally, But Alucard misjudge his attack and swings right over the boar. "GODS WHY!?" Alucard cries out as he leaps backwards. Alucard is fully enrage now as he begins to stomp his feet into the ground and prepares for his next assault.



    Lowenthal:  27/27 [///////////////////////////] (Hate: 2)

    Alucard: 15/15 [///////////////] (Hate: 0)

    BlackSweetHeart: 12/13 [//////////// ] (Hate: 1)


    Boar: 7/14 [///////       ]

  16. ID: 18299

    BD: 4 (Miss)


    Alucard leaps into the air and drives his spear downward to strike the boar, but the boar dodges to the side and Alucard spear tip hits nothing but the ground. "Crap! Someone hit this thing already!" Alucard shouts as he starts to frustrated. As he starts to fume, he leaps back and readies himself for his next attack




    Lowenthal:  27/27 [///////////////////////////] (Hate: 0)

    Alucard: 15/15 [///////////////] (Hate: 0)

    BlackSweetHeart: 13/13 [/////////////] (Hate: 1)


    Boar: 12/14 [////////////  ]

  17. ID: 18291

    BD: 1 (Crit Fail)


    Alucard laughs at his friends as he draws his spear and steadies it for his attack. Alucard rushes the boar, as he thrusts forwards, the boar sidestep the spear. "Well I'm not doing much better!" Alucard yells as he loses his footing and face plants on the ground behind the boar. 


     Black Sweetheart 13/13   

     Lowenthal 27/27

     Alucard 15/15



    Boar 12/14

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