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Posts posted by Alucard66

  1. ID:18285

    LD: 16 (+1) 




    "that was a great kill!" Alucard shouts as he gets up and rubs his hide end. "I'm just lucky that isn't any fall damage" he says laughing, I'm just lucky that I didn't impale my self. Alucard walks up beside Lowenthal and pats him on the shoulder and says "Yeah I'm ready if you guys are." Alucard looks at Blacksweetheart and studies her to see if she is up to the challange.



    Loot: 12 x 5= 60 Col

  2. ID: 18221

    BD: 4 (Miss)


    Alucard nods at Ssendom and rushes forward and thrusts his spear at the creature. The Variant spins like it was dancing, out of the way of Alucard's attack. Alucard never took his eyes of the monster as he leaps back to prepare for it's next attack. 


    MD: 5(Miss)


    The Variant pulls back back three vines and lauches them at Alucard, but he was ready for it, as the vines fly through the air. Alucard dodge roll through the three vines with one vine over his head and the two others barely missing his mid section. 




    Alucard: 14/15 (Hate: 1)

    Ssendom: 19/19 (Hate: 0)




    Variant: 10/12

  3. "Girls? Na man i don't get much attention from girls, due the fact I can be too forward sometimes" Alucard says while laughing. "So I get the odd impression that you guys want to kill something, no?" Alucard says with one eyebrow raised. Alucard motion his hand to open his menu and sends everybody a party invite. Alucard looks around at the group and gives them all a slight smile. Man this why I can't get a girlfriend... always around guys... Oh well i will just kill stuff. ALucard waits for everyone to accept the party invite 

  4. ID: 18173

    BD: 7 (Hit)


    Alucard knew he got himself in way over his head and hoped that Azazel would come to his aid but as of now he is on his own. So he steeled his nerves and rushes the bear and lashes his spear forward at the Bear and clips it's shoulder. Alucard knowing that hit did next to nothing to the Bear.


    MD: 9 (+1) (Hit)


    As Alucard landed his blow, the Bear did not waste a second to attack as Alucard was lost in thought. The Bear swiped him with it's right paw, claws dug in deep as Alucard was thrown backwards into a tree. Alucard wasted no time as he jumped to his feet and mentally prepares himself for his next assault on the Bear.




    Alucard 12/15 (Hate: 1)



    Bear 21/22 

  5. As Alucard gets closer to the cave, he slows his approach he crouches low and turns to look at Azazel but to his surprise she wasn't nowhere to be seen. Alucard curses to himself softly and continues towards the cave cautiously, as he nears the cave entrance, A large animal lets out a loud roar and when Alucard turns to the direction of the howl. A large Bear comes rushing out of the trees.


    ID: 17830

    MD: 8 (Hit)


    As the Bear came barreling out the tree line, and crashes into Alucard throwing him the side, Alucard rolls for a few feet and slowly somes to a stop. Alucard jumps to his feet and readies himself for his attack. "Crap! I really got myself into trouble this time!" Alucard cries out as he hopes his companion comes along sooner than later.



    Alucard: 14/15



    Bear 22/22

  6. "Go right ahead" Alucard says with a slight smile. Alucard looks up to see another player heading his way, instinctive he stands up, not that is made a difference, he know PKing in safe zones is impossible. Alucard angled himself between two players to address them both when he notices another player off in the distance watching the new found group. Alucard naturally waves him over, and turns his focus to the two other players and gives both of them a slight bow "I'm Alucard, please to meet both of you." straightening back up, Alucard hopes that these players don't look to gain anything from him. If so, lets hope they make it worth my while, Alucard thinks to himself

  7. ID: 17826
    BD: 8 (HIT)



    Alucard running at full speed towards the naive player and young boar, he grabs his spear and launches himself in the air. As Alucard comes down and slams the head of spear in downward vertical slash, striking the baby boar in the right flank getting its attention.




    Alucard 15/15 (Hate 1)

    Ixyt 11/11 (Hate: 1)



    Baby Boar 4/6 

  8. Alucard turns his attention towards the Variant. He looks at Ssendom and signals to move forward the target, once the two were close enough. Alucard leaps forward to strike the target. 


    ID: 17825

    BD: 7 (Hit)

    MD: 7 (Hit)


    Alucard hits the Variant in the front as he leaps out of the brush, Alucard smirked thinking this is going to easy. The Variant quickly recovered from the attack as sweeps at Alucard's feet, as he spins out of control till he lands on his back. 



    Alucard 14/15 (Hate: 1)

    Ssendom 19/19 (hate: 0)



    Variant Nepent: 10/12

  9. ID: 17804

    BD: 1

    MD: 1


    Alucard positions him self wietween the Boar and Blacksweetheart as he runs towards the boar, but Alucard fails to keep him spear up and it catches on the ground as Alucard was polevaulted over the boar and lands on his back,


    as Alucard looks up at the Boar and see as it attempts to charge Blacksweetheart. "Roll to the side!" yells Alucard.   



    Alucard: 13/13 [/////////////]

    Blacksweetheart: 11/11 [///////////] ++++

    Lowenthal: 23/23 [///////////////////////] +



    Boar: 1/12 [/           ]

  10. Alucard sat down down at empty bench in Town of Beginnings, stretching out across the bench and looking up at the sky. he wonder how long will I be stuck in this game? while sitting there. Alucard closes his eye and ponders how everything in the real world is going. He slowly getting use to being here in Aincrad, but he does miss his family and friends back home. Yeah he has a few friends here but Alucard is always worrying if they will be dead sooner or later. To get his mind off the threat of this game being the death of him, Alucard looks around hoping someone may want to engage in conversation.  




    ((Side note: Players have a 24 hours to post or their turn will be skipped. This is to ensure that the RPing keeps moving along.))

  11. Alucard is strolling through the fields of beginnings, just minding his own. when he looks over to see a player being attacked by young boar. Not willing to lose any more people to this sick, twisted game. Against his better judgement, Alucard rushes to the aid of the naive player that was bout to get mauled by the baby boar. 

  12. ID: 17437

    BD: 6 (Hit)


    Alucard takes advantage of the creature bewilderment, rushing past Ssendom, and delivering a horizontal swipe at the Nepent lower extremities. Alucard crouching low, left leg extended, right leg bent, right hand planted flat on ground, spear in his left hand parallel with his leg, Alucard's prey never left his sight. Alucard smiles, as the creature stumbles backwards to escape it's attackers.



    Ssendom: 19/19 Hate:2   

    Alucard: 13/13 Hate:1



    Nepant: 5/9 - 1DMG +1Skill= 3/9

  13. ID: 17431

    BD: 5(Miss)

    MD: 5 (Miss)


    trying to not let his friends down, Alucard goes in for a downward swing and hits nothing but the ground as the Boar starts to charge Blacksweetheart, Alucard yell at her "GET OUT OF THE WAY KIYOKO!" 


    Alucard: 13/13 [/////////////]

    Blacksweetheart: 11/11 [///////////] ++

    Lowenthal: 23/23 [///////////////////////] +



    Boar: 5/12 [/////       ]

  14. ID: 17431

    LD: 9 (1 Mat)


    Alucard chuckled "No sweat im guessing the other one is yours huh?" Alucard spins his spear in his right hand before resting it on his shoulder. "one more to go and then lets hit our objective!" Alucard says with determination. Alucard slowly approaches the next enemy so his HP returns before the next battle, Alucard makes eye contact with Ssendom, waiting for his signal to attack. 

  15. Alucard looks at the sibling duo and says "Darling this isn't your brother's fault, I and I alone accept full responsibility for being here." Alucard turns around and scans to fields for their next target, he readies his spear and start walking towards a group of Mobs boars. "You two ready?" Alucard looks back at Lowenthal and Blacksweetheart.

    ((Combat order: Alucard, Boar, Blacksweetheart, Lowenthal))



    ID: 17428

    BD: 4 (Miss)

    MD: 1 (Crit. Fail.)


    Alucard thrust his spear forward at a Boar and miss completely as the boar turns around and starts to charge Alucard, but trips over its own hooves.



    Alucard: 13/13 

    Blacksweetheart: 11/11

    Lowenthal: 23/23



    Boar: 12/12

  16. Alucard feels bad because he did not notice that Xplosvise didn't engage in combat, but before Alucard could give X his share of the loot. X starts towards town, "Did he lock up before in engaging?" Alucard says puzzling, as he sits down and rests for a minute. Alucard looks at Blacksweetheart and asks "So what was wrong before your brother showed up?" hoping to get an answer from her this time around.

  17. ID: 17426

    BD: 3 (Miss) ((My first miss in this battle..... D.d))



    Alucard shrugs off the Nepent attack, and goes to attack the creature. But he fails to notice a vine was wrapped around his right arm and forces him to stay in place. "Why are these things so damn hard to kill?!" Alucard yells, struggling against the vise grip vine. 



    Ssendom: 19/19 Hate: 0

    Alucard 12/13 Hate: 4



    Nepent 1/9

  18. ID:17423

    BD: 8 (Hit)

    LD: (16+1) = 17 



    Alucard spins out of the way of the charging Boar, when he came to a stop. Alucard swings his spear in a horizontal swipe, and tags the Boar on its back side. Alucard stands up and looks at Blacksweetheart, he gives her a graceful bow and lends a helping hand to Lowenthal while forcing back a laugh. Alucard collects his loot. afterwards splitting it into thirds and handing 30 Col to Blacksweetheart and Lowenthal 


    loot= 12 x 5 = 60 Col

  19. ID: 17414

    BD: 8 (Hit)


    Alucard couldn't hold back a laugh as He bout watch Blacksweetheart kiss the rear end of the Boar, but with him watching her. Alucard was not paying attention to the Boar, as the Boar collide with Alucard, He staggered backwards. Once Alucard regain his footing, He leaped into the air and brought his spear downward slash, forcing his blade to collide with the Boar's muzzle. It roar in agonizing pain. Alucard jumps backwards creating a gap between him and Boar.


    Lowenthal: 23/23 [///////////////////////] +

    Alucard: 11/13  [///////////  ] +++

    BlackSweetHeart: 11/11   [///////////] +

    Xplosion: 7/7  [/////////] (Skipped for being at work, and unable to reply)



    Boar: 1/12 [/         ]

  20. ID: 17410

    BD: 2 (Miss)



    Alucard grips his hilt tightly and lunges forward to skewer the Boar, but the Boar side step the attack as Alucard glides right past it. 

    Alucard tries to place his footing, but he trips over himself and slides across the ground, as Alucard gets up, laughing and readies himself for his next attack. 



    Lowenthal: 23/23 [///////////////////////]

    Alucard: 12/13  [//////////// ] ++

    BlackSweetHeart: 11/11   [///////////] +

    Xplosion: 7/7  [/////////]



    Boar: 6/12 [//////    ]

  21. ID: 17408

    BD: 10 (+2) (Hit



    Alucard danced out of the way the Nepent's vine, He rushes the creature, Alucard forced his spear into it's weak spot and twists it. The Nepent cries as it tries to get away but Alucard holds the creature in place since he leaves his spear lodge into the monster. Alucard yells to Ssendom "Now is your chance!



    Ssendom: 19/19 (Hate: 0)

    Alucard: 13/13 (Hate: 4)



    Nepent: 1/9

  22. ID:17403

    BD: 10 (+2) (HIT)


    Alucard rushes past Lowenthal and strikes the Boar with his spear as the hit connects Alucard spins around the Boar forcing to look the opposing direction of Alucard's party. When Alucard comes to a stop, He looks at Lowenthal smirks and winks.


    Lowenthal: 23/23 [///////////////////////]

    Alucard: 13/13  [/////////////] ++

    BlackSweetHeart: 11/11   [///////////]

    Xplosion: 7/7  [///////]



    Boar: 8/12 [////////    ]

  23. Alucard looks at skylar in wonder and wide eyed. "That was amazing! There isn't a thing i need done, thanks a lot for bringing me along on this very annoying boss fight." laughs Alucard. Alucard take the Col and Mat, and dissolves the party, but before Alucard starts to walk away. He sends Skylar a friend request. Alucard turns and looks at Skylar "We should keep in touch, we may run into each other later on." Alucard smiles and waves and heads to turn in the quest. 

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