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Kat Yukki

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Everything posted by Kat Yukki

  1. ã“ã‚“ã«ã¡ã¯è¾²æ°‘♥

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      but...but...I'm not a farmer:(

    2. Kat Yukki

      Kat Yukki

      I'm just typing random stuff atm

  2. Am I kawaii yet? â€â—• ‿ â—•â€

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lowenthal


      FMA didn't finish, FMA brotherhood did. FMA the manga of course finished

    3. Kotori


      FMA finished, it ended. The manga, the 2001 anime and the 2008 remake all finished.

    4. XWuZHeAR


      Yeh dude what the hell are you talking about?

  3. I fixed meh journal, please approve it someone!~

    1. XWuZHeAR


      It's actually very hard to read. *squints*

    2. Skylar


      It will be approved when a GM logs on. It's pretty easy for me to read XWuZHeAR

    3. Zelrius


      Message a GM, Statuses like this are Frowned upon

  4. Hai I'm the new kawaii girl here~

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. XWuZHeAR


      So when is the "welcome RP" starting up

    3. Kotori


      There was no sugar. *smiles deviously*

    4. Life


      And i am everything not nice

  5. ♥✿Kat Yukki ✿♥ ♥ Profile ♥ ✿ Username: Kat Yukki ✿ ✿Real name: Kat Yukki ✿ ✿ Age: 18 ✿ ✿ Gender: Female✿ ✿ Height: 5 ft 3✿ ✿Faceclaim: Shiro from NGNL✿ About: History/personality Before the game, Kat lived a nice life. She lived in a mansion, had servants, and the perfect boyfriend. As a child and still to the day before the game she was forced to attend balls or parties that she had no intention of every actually going to. Of course her parents were always the guests of honor or the hostesses, meaning she had to be on her best behavior at all times
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