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About Raun

  • Birthday 02/26/1992

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  1. Nice PK rules! :D Designed perfectly to protect previous offenders.

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    2. Takao


      Would you happen to have any ideas on how to improve them?

    3. Takao


      I'm not sure where you'd get the idea that I'd say "the past is in the past", but death reimbursement doesn't have much to do with solving the issue of PvP. In fact, death reimbursement would probably only perpetuate the cycle once people know that their actions against somebody aren't the end all-be all of their activity on the site.

      Even with death reimbursement, you lose so much more than you would get back. You lose every interaction with other characters, character development, and just a lot of drive to be on the site itself. The only thing that I could foresee staff refunding is a portion of skill points, and even then that's barely a way to soften the blow. I don't think it's fair to say staff doesn't care for the time people invest in their characters when the rules currently in place are the ultimate protection for players, both good and bad, at the moment. An entire aspect of the universe is more or less deadlocked in favour of preserving player's work. It's still present, sure, but I don't foresee anybody being killed in the same way that Zel/Dom or Manta/Ebony were.

      So, all that being said, there's still the glaring issue of how we prevent the Zel/Dom/Manta/Ebony situation, and death reimbursement is probably not gonna be the solution.

    4. Hunie


      I think I see what Raun means, what we're lacking is stringent IC consequences. Since IC we couldn't make an example of Opal, Oink or Teayre, despite the three being well known faces and crucial to the plot of SAO-RPG and having murdered well known faces too, there seems to be a general dismissal of what happened, plot wise.

      Such murders, since they've unfortunately happened already and they happened because of loopholes in our system, should be used to create some site wide story arc. It could be used as an interesting turning point for the site, to have more justice oriented characters be able to do something about what happened and the current PK rules would prevent that. It'd be good to find a way to circumvent them for causes like these and other past offences. 

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