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About Piera

  • Title
    The Jade Medic
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reading, playing video games, writing, role playing, watching youtube/hulu/netflix/crunchyroll and photoshopping.

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  1. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

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    2. Piera


      Pffff xD Don't do this to me guys lol. Definitely sounds like drama filled character development. Hope someone makes a character like that >3<

    3. Zelrius


      For what Carambit said, Yes it would be possible to still use lost Limbs. Because your brain still likes to think there is a Limb there, which is what creates the Phantom Limb affect. So all the Dive system needs to do is give you a fake Limb and you should still be pretty fine.

    4. Takao


      Since the Dive system works on brain signals, it would depend on whatever the cause of their disability is. If they were just missing a limb from amputation they'd probably be able to have an avatar with all their limbs, though it'd likely be very difficult to adapt to if the amputation wasn't recent. If it was from a condition like Cerebral Palsy where the disability comes from something like brain damage, I don't think it'd be very likely, because the brain wouldn't be capable of sending the necessary signals.

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