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Posts posted by Piera

  1. Piera's head tilted in curiosity as Lee mentioned that the quest or perhaps SAO in general reminded him of another game they both used to play. She was about to question which game when the NPC spoke to her, answering her question about where her daughter was. Nodding, the brunette looked at the pop up that told her that the quest had been updated and saw that it was on the same floor. That was good, at least they were a safe level for it. Smiling at Lee's heroic reassurance to the mother, she simply followed after him when he began to walk off...in the wrong direction for the quest. "What game does this remind you of though?" She finally asked, walking along side him.

    The alchemist was a little bit surprised at the seriousness in which Lee wanted to complete this quest, but shrugged it off as his want to play hero. "I bet if it was her son, you wouldn't be so eager, hm?" She asked pointedly before continuing, "Eh I don't recall a time where it's been a fake kid-monster. Usually the kid has just been turned into a monster against their will. That doesn't make them fake. Or they're just dead by the time you get there. That would suck..." Piera frowned at the thought and then finally agreed, "Maybe we should hurry it up, I'd hate for this quest to be timed or something."

    Smirking as he finally looked at his map to check where the quest marker was and looped around to head toward it she thought about his last question. "My opinion? The mom said that the daughter was playing with a friend but didn't mention that the friend needed saving. Which makes me think that in the end one of them is going to be dead or the friend is the 'bad guy' in the situation. Which would still mean one of them would end up dead. If not both if said 'friend' already killed the daughter." At least that's what she was presuming from the experience she'd had with similar type situations in other games. The couple made their way out of the safe zone of floor two's main town and towards the quest marker.

  2. Piera glanced back at Mack as she heard him begin to ask her a question and thus she didn't hear, see or notice the monster's presence behind her. Her focus was entirely on her blonde companion as she noticed his eyes expression change, though she couldn't quite tell what it meant until he suddenly reached forward and grabbed the front of the white cloak she was wearing before pulling her forward forcefully, nearly snapping the leather string of the Fang Charm he had given her. Her mouth opened in a surprised cry, immediately wondering why he had done such a thing when she heard metal ringing on metal just before he ordered her to get down.

    That wasn't a problem as his strong tug had sent her sprawling on her stomach, the white cloak almost blending in with the snow entirely until she started moving, scrambling to get to her feet and look at what was apparently attacking them. Seeing the sizeable troll that was beating down against Mack's Guillotine, the alchemist realized that he had just saved her from a world of hurt. Wincing at the brutal attack her companion unleashed, she nodded curtly at his command. "O-Okay!" 

    The brunette hurried to get behind the troll, readying her spear in both hands before darting forward to back-stab the beast. However she hadn't been taking the snow into account and just as she was releasing her spear skill, stumbled in the powdery substance, stabbing the thin air between the troll's legs as she almost fell onto her face yet again. Thankfully though she was able to steady herself, kneeling slightly as she cursed inside her head at the missed opportunity.

    ID: 28288
    BD: 2+1Acc=3 (miss)
    Mack: 39/40 - Hate: 1
    Piera: 27/27
    Ice Troll: 24/30

  3. A grin rose to Piera's face as Calrex commented on Lowenthal's personality and lack of stealthiness not fitting with his self proclaimed title. "Haha, yeah it's kind of hard to sneak around when you're as cheery and cocky as he is. But yeah, I'm glad too. For a long time I wasn't sure if I could ever be happy in here, but I'm glad to be wrong."

    She scanned the surrounding area for any more promising plants before her eyes settled on a odd colored patch of flowered weeds whose leaves were almost teal in color. As the dark haired warrior declared that he had reached six materials now, she walked over to said clump and knelt down before picking the plants to see if they were any good and her grin stretched even wider if possible.

    "Ah! I got one!" The alchemist crowed in triumph, standing as she slipped the plants into her inventory before looking back at Calrex. "Finally! Gah even if it was just one... Compared to your six." The brunette smiled ruefully, admitting defeat to the overleveled player.

    ID: 28278
    LD: 19
    +1 Material

  4. Piera was glad that Mack had caught her, she wasn't sure if she could've caused any real damage to either herself or him, but better safe than sorry. It was then that she realized just how enormous his hands were as they steadied her shoulders before releasing as she backed up. She smiled faintly before nodding as he denied her apology and assured her that his familiar would be alright. As several snowflakes fell onto her avatar, the brunette shivered slightly, the armor and starting clothes she had equipped doing hardly anything to keep up her temperature. "Hopefully he won't make too much of a mess of your sh-shop." Her teeth chattering slightly on the last word before she crossed her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide the fact that she was hugging herself in an automatic gesture to keep warm, though it wouldn't help any unlike in the real world.

    Simply nodding silently, the young woman looked up to where the blonde man was pointing, eyeing the mountain peaks in the distance before doing a double take. "That looks p-pretty far." It was more a statement, though as she vocalized it she realized that it might have sound like a complaint so she hurried to add, "It really is like an adventure! I keep forgetting how much I looked forward to playing this game." As she looked away from their far placed destination back at Mack, she saw him equip on his white armor and hooded cloak that she had seen before and as she looked over his almost entirely white ensemble, a frown pulled at her mouth as she realized how easy it would be to possibly lose him in the snowy area. Just as she was about to speak, the axe wielder somehow separated the hooded cloak from his armor before tossing it to her.

    Catching it ungracefully, Piera stuttered in surprise, "A-Are you sure you don't need this?" But even as she asked, he was already pulling up black fabric over his nose and mouth before putting on a warm looking black hat. "Ah, heh. Thank you."  The alchemist wrapped the white cloak around her shoulders before pulling the hood up and face mask up over her nose. She immediately noticed a lack of cold, if not an overabundance of warmth.

    Seeing Mack pull out his weapon, she swiped open her menu to do the same, her Bleeding Lance materializing in her hand. Leaning the black shaft against her shoulder, Piera set to walking, attempting to meet her companion's pace as they exited the safe zone. Now that they set to walking, she began to feel the silence of the white powdered floor. The snow made it that much quieter, muffling their footsteps but for the softest of crunches as they made their trek. Idly chewing on the inside of her cheek, the brunette glanced at the hulking man as she thought, not entirely sure what they could talk about.

  5. Piera couldn't help but give a short and dry laugh at Calrex's response about SAO's god. "I'd hate to think who the devil would be."

    The brunette looked up as Roc flew past the sun, creating a shadow as he swooped down, showing off his catch. "Gah!" She eloquently squawked before her expression twisted in disgust as the falcon munched down on the grasshopper. "Blegh. I hope at least it was appetizing for him." Shaking her head, the alchemist knelt down in a thick clump of flowers and tried to see if they were useable as materials as Calrex spoke of how he met Lowenthal. Sadly the flowers were useless and she ripped them up and threw them into the wind, watching them shatter into blue sparkly specks in the air.

    At his explanation, a smile crept up on Piera's face, chuckling to herself. Looking up at the dark haired player she replied in amusement, "Almost the exact same thing except reversed. I was afraid to leave the Starting City until I met him. He and Jomei showed Lee and I how combat worked, showing off by dueling with each other for our amusement." Her eyes danced behind her oval glasses as she replayed the memory in her ind before moving on. "He even took me out to fight some low level mobs to make sure I got the hang of things and gave me a Perfect two handed spear." Referring to her cherished Bleeding Lance.

    "Did the same with Lee and fully decked him out too. I owe him a lot and was only too happy to join the guild he started. So....thank you for helping him. And me in a way." Piera smiled over at Calrex, beginning to see why he was generous. It paid off in the end. If someone helped someone who helped another someone who helped someone else... A lot more someones would end up surviving this game.

    ID: 28109
    LD: 10 (no materials)

  6. Piera was still in her search for a Tailor, this time with Lee's companionship, which made things much better of course. Slightly more annoying at times, but still definitely better. She had just exited another shop after finding out it was a very low quality NPC tailor when the brunette saw a woman run up to Lee, begging in frantic tones for him to help save her daughter. Quickly striding up to her boyfriend, the alchemist's heart thudded, still somewhat thrown by the fact that a mother and daughter pair had logged into a MMORPG together when she realized that the woman was an NPC, relaxing Piera's shoulders as she let out a small sigh.
    Smirking in amusement at Lee's brave acceptance of the apparent quest, she glanced at the pop up window that announced that her party leader had accepted a quest. "Gotta play the hero to keep your cover, huh?" She teased, her hands on her hips. "Well let's go then. Where is this damsel in distress?" The young woman had no problems with dropping her own personal 'quest' for armor as it had been ongoing for several days now at least and it couldn't hurt to put it off for a bit longer.
  7. It wasn't even an hour after she had finished crafting when she received another customer. Two in one day! Quite a record for her. Brightening at the chipper boy's wave, she chirped in greeting, "Welcome!" At the player's warm introduction, she couldn't help but smile back, one that wasn't just a polite business smile either. "Nice to meet you too Carambit. I'm Piera, as you might have guessed." She chuckled lightly, referring to the fact that the shop had her name on it. The alchemist tilted her head in interest as she listened to his query, her eyes looking off to the side momentarily as she thought. "Usually any player can find materials by either killing monsters, sometimes completing quests, or also by searching the world. Different professions require different materials and mine has a bit broader selection. I can use just about any kind of possible monster remains as well as any plants you might find about in the world. As for your level..." Her gaze returned back to the boy as she surveyed his equipment and tried to say in the kindest way possible. "I would stick to the first and maybe second floor for now just to be on the safe side. If you pay attention to the spawning areas, you can avoid running into monsters entirely and just look for plants to gather, but that's also pretty time consuming and a bit boring." The brunette woman smiled sympathetically.

  8. Piera held the door open for Mack and his familiar, wincing slightly at the sharp whistle that drew Chewie's attention and caused him to lope out of her shop, which she then closed. Watching the blonde man order the bear cub roughly, holding him up easily at eye height to drive the orders home into the familiar before he literally tossed him through the portal. The brunette chuckled a bit worriedly as she voiced, "He'll be alright on his own, right?" She was fairly sure that he wouldn't have sent off the cub on his own if he wasn't sure of his capabilities. How much trouble could one little bear cub get into? ...Right?

    Nodding as the blonde declared their departure, the alchemist walked behind him before freezing just after he had disappeared through. "Frick, I forgot to lock up." She chided herself before whirling around and running back up to her shop, making sure that it was locked so no one could just go in and snoop around or take anything. Sprinting back, the brunette ran through the portal and the next thing she knew she was running into a brown cloth covered rock. "Oof." She grunted softly, her eyes squinting closed before she looked up at what she had hit before her eyebrows disappeared into her hairline momentarily. "Ah! S-Sorry about that..." Piera apologized, taking a few steps back just short of going through the portal yet again. "Shouldn't have been running through, heh." The alchemist smiled to try and cover her minor embarrassment, playing with the fringe of her bangs. Then a snowflake floated in front of her and she noted their snowy surroundings. Even though this was the second (or was it third?) time coming to this floor, she always forgot its snowy and cold atmosphere. "So where to?" Piera prompted, her warm breath fogging the frigid air slightly.

  9. Piera was resting on the stool behind her shop's counter, her feet dangling and tapping gently against the back of the counter as her hands seemed to tap and swipe thin air. Or at least that's what it would look like to anyone else. But she was scrolling through her menu, reading through the guides and trying to find some useful information on material gathering. If she didn't get some soon, she'd probably have to turn away customers... That unpleasant thought brought a frown to her lips until she heard the door open with a chime and she put on a polite smile, greeting the player that entered. "Welcome!" The alchemist tried to watch out of her peripherals, so as not to make him uncomfortable with her rude staring, as the man browsed through her limited wares. He seemed roughly her age and about Lee's build, though as pale as herself minus the freckles. As he picked out the potion that he wanted, she nodded agreeingly. "One good quality HP Recovery Potion. That'll be two hundred and fifty col or one mat." But when he placed his payment on the counter, her eyes bulged behind her oval glasses before she tried to calm herself, but couldn't stop the grin coming to her face. Turning, the brunette plucked said potion off of the shelf and gently handed it to the male player before accepting the payment with joy. "Thank you so much for your business! Please come again." Her tone conveying how true her gratitude was.

    -1 Good HP Recovery Potion

    +1 Mat

    After her customer had exchanged pleasantries and concluded their business, Piera inspected the mat she had been paid with and decided that she couldn't wait to try and craft again. After all, she did need the wares. Getting out her mortar and pestle, she crushed and ground up the ingredient as the cauldron heated up with the base solution until she shook the powdered material into the bubbling liquid. She was starting to get a better hang on the process and was attempting to make another crystal. With any luck it would at least turn out as good as her last attempt...and hopefully not as bad as the ones before that. Sniffing and stirring the sticky looking liquid, the alchemist decided it was as done as it would ever be and carefully poured the result into a crystal before sealing it and checking the items stats. "And we have another winner." She mumbled with content pride. This was definitely going to be useful to someone. She set the rare quality HP recovery potion up on her shelf and added it to the roster.

    ID: 28086
    CD: 11 (rare item)
    EXP: 5

  10. Piera let out a sigh at Mack's insistence on the subject of her wearing heavy versus light armor. "Perhaps, but at the sacrifice of a build that I've already put skills, items and stat points into. Plus, I'm not a solo player or a clearer." She smiled hesitantly up at him, hoping that he would understand that she wasn't trying to argue with him. "I'm just me. I'm used to a support role and while I know I can't do that as much in SAO, I found a play style that I'm comfortable with. But...if it'll make you feel better, I'll try wearing heavy armor." The brunette finally gave in slightly before raising a finger in warning. "But only for a bit. Until I decide which I prefer and finally put a skill into one of them."

    As Mack offered his role as tank for their material gathering excursion, she smiled, her eyes dancing in amusement behind her oval glasses. "I should hope so. You certainly look impressive enough when you're all geared up. Though I have to admit, I wouldn't have thought that your armor was heavy armor." As he mentioned that they weren't likely to be back before dark, she frowned slightly, thinking for a moment. "It'll be fine. I just need to send a PM so he won't worry."

    When posed with the question of when she wanted to leave, the alchemist shrugged, not realizing the decision had been up to her. "Whenever is good for you." Hearing his explanation of not needing to drop off his familiar, she smiled down at Chewie, who was snuffling up at her, thankfully unable to understand all of what was being said as she chuckled at the poor bear cub's cluelessness. At least he'd have plenty of snacks and occupation when he got home to keep his mind off of his absent owner. At the news that it would take several hours to their destination, the brunette's eyes widened slightly before she replied, "Well in that case, we better get a move on, huh?"

    She brought up two fingers to swipe at the air in front of her, pulling up her menu as she typed out a quick message to Lee explaining where she was going, who with and when she thought she'd be back. Then she equipped the items that she had recently acquired, her hands gripping to test out the flex of the hard leather and fur before glancing down at her chest to see the fang hanging from her neck. Her final act was to send a friend request to Mack, followed by a party invite, which if both were accepted, would show not only Piera's location, stats and health bar but Lee's as well. His health bar was currently slightly chipped away, grinding mobs.

    Finally Piera walked over to the door and switched the sign back to 'closed' before looking back at Mack with a subtly excited smile. "Whenever you're ready." Inviting him to lead the way.

  11. ID: 27953
    LD: 10 (no materials)

    Piera chuckled at the image of tens of thousands of players being somehow crammed onto one floor. "That'd be a sight to see. Hmm..." She frowned as a thought came to her. "I hope I can relocate my shop when I get too high a level. Eh I can live with staying here though." She reasoned, looking around the flowery field. She had chosen this floor for a reason, it was simply nice. It reminded her somewhat of a mix between the three homes of her life, California, Maine and North Carolina. It didn't hurt that it was a low enough leveled to be nearly completely safe for her and Lee as well as that usually it had good materials. Maybe other crafters had already gotten them all. Or all the luck was being sucked up by Calrex. She was starting to get suspicious.

    The dark haired warrior paused to think for a moment before he exclaimed that they had met at Lowenthal's beach birthday bash. "Ah! Yeah that was it. Sorry, there was a lot of people there that I didn't know." She tried to excuse with a bashful smile, remembering that she could've counted the people she knew on one hand. "Good to see you too though. How do you know Lowenthal? If you don't mind me asking that is."

    Looking away from the taller player, she wondered if she overstepped and busied herself with walking over to what looked like a sapling attempting to grow. Poking around it, she thought she might find something useful but was sadly disappointed. Looking up she saw that Roc had brought his master more materials and she pouted before clearing her expression as Calrex spoke to her. Sigh in exasperation she replied, "Five and I haven't found one. I really can't just take that. You need them for your friends too. I was fine just splitting them but I swear if Sword Art Online has a God, I'm pretty sure I'm not very high up on his list."

  12. As Mack accepted the potions, she made a quick note in her shop's menu to say that she accepted items as trade for the potions, listing their names before depositing said items into her own personal inventory. She considered equipping the items but reasoned that she was just around the shop so there was no reason to. As she closed her menu, the alchemist caught an odd tension in the blonde's face and wondered what he was thinking about before he posted an alternative idea, catching her off guard. "Y-Yes..." She replied in surprise, wondering how he had guessed. Her eyebrows rose high above the rims of her glasses at his proposal, not expecting him to offer the same deal to someone that he didn't even know. "I, you- Well yes! I mean if you're fine with that, of course I'd be willing." She was excited but also a bit hesitant in the back of her mind, wondering if there was a reason for the particular gruffness for his tone or if that was simply his voice. Was he just offering the deal to be polite or did he truly wish to trade? But she reasoned that perhaps he just wanted to be able to get potions no matter who got his wares. That made a reasonable amount of sense.

    At his retort of her needing heavy armor more than light because she didn't have the bonus of wielding a shield, she raised her hands in a gesture that said, 'that's neither here nor there' before stating verbally, "You're right in that I do need protection which is why I'm trying as hard as I can to get mats so i can make potions to get more money to buy said armor. But with my fighting style, I rely on being quick on my feet. I prefer to dodge the hits altogether rather than tank them out. My ideal armor would be plus two evasion and plus one damage mitigation. Usually when partying there's someone else to tank for me so I they can draw aggro while I jump in and whittle them down while staying out of the way. And when out on my own, I make sure not to take on more than I can chew." She shrugged, hoping that her explanation would calm the authoritative man somewhat.

    When Mack gave a name to the pitiful mobs and players that wanted to fight him, she snorted, her hand flying to her mouth as if she could hold it in before she burst out laughing at the hilarious mental image of a chihuahua yipping 'ferociously' at the blonde man's ankle, attempting to gnaw his boots with its tiny teeth. "HAHAhahaaha! Ohhh! Oh god. Hehehe." If her avatar had ribs, she was sure that they would be hurting her right now. Not able to wipe the silly grin off of her face, she simply listened as he explained about the cave that he had found that was actually a system of caves that he thought might be good for gathering crafting materials. Her wide grin straightened into a hopeful smile as she replied, "That would be...unbelievably helpful actually. I've had the worst luck with mat gathering so far. I've been surviving on the ones I found when I did my 'Earning a Living' quest."

  13. Piera chewed her bottom lip as he left the decision up to her. She was going to give him the uncommon quality potion regardless but debated on whether to hand over the uncommon crystal or the good quality potion. They both essentially did the same thing, but at different time rates. The crystal was instantaneous healing that you could use in the middle of battle while the potion would take time to drink as well as restore one's health. Meeting Mack's steel colored eyes, the alchemist reasoned that he was a responsible man, had a good control of his party (when he had one) as well as himself. Counting on his tactical prowess to be able to consume the potion in the middle of battle without issue, she handed over both potions, saving the crystal for someone who might need it more. "Well then, here ya go. These should do you alright for now. At least until I get some more materials."

    After handing the potions over, she put the red crystal back on the shelf and picked up the wrapped up gauntlets off the counter as she turned back to him. Tilting her head in consideration, she looked back at her rather paltry shelves. "Hmmm.....that is an extremely tempting offer." The alchemist admitted before looking back at Mack with hesitancy, "But...I can't say when I'll next have potions available for you. Added to the fact that I don't really need weapons as I'm extremely happy with my Bleeding Lance and although I am in desperate need of armor, I'm looking to invest in some light armor." The brunette's expression was apologetic as she explained. "I don't have either the Light or Heavy Armor skill, but I was planning on putting points into Light Armor once I found a decent set. With a two handed spear I can't use a shield to block with which means that I need to be as light on my feet as possible to max out my agility and get proper evasion."

    She almost wished that she didn't have Bleeding Lance or that she had been planning to tank, but what's done was done. She had already talked with Lowenthal at length about her 'build' and what sort of stats, skills and items she would need. Sighing, she lamented, "I really wish Light Armor wasn't Tailor exclusive." Here was a perfectly willing and able shop keep that would trade her for valuable goods and she couldn't even take fully advantage of it! Stupid Kayaba Akihiko. Who made light metal armor a Tailor only craft?? Piera was distracted though as Mack mentioned that she would want the gauntlets to accompany him on floor four. Perking up, the young woman teased, "Well not at your level it wouldn't be stupid. Plus who would want to mess with you? Heh." Her blatant curiosity showed though as she asked, "What'd you find though?"

  14. ID: 27936
    LD: 11 (no materials)

    Brushing the remnants of grass and polygons off of her, Piera shrugged at his statement that she had a point but he would still need to think it over. "It's your life." She replied, not unkindly. The alchemist understood wanting to help people and she had the same urges, but knew that Sword Art Online could be a harsh place to live. Sometimes charity would save a life but sometimes it would cost one as well. But that was for each person to decide on their own.

    Shaking off such heavy thoughts, the brunette began walking more towards the dark haired warrior as he spoke of a permanent living space being nice. Frowning in thought and consideration, the alchemist stated unsurely, "Maybe a combination? I dunno. I would imagine that there's already physical places wherever there are living spaces available and you'd just need to buy them when you get there. There's supposed to be a hundred floors to this place so I can't imagine the game would be designed to just have everyone living on the same floor. That'd be a bit boring."

    Looking around intently as she spoke, Piera frowned as she couldn't find any materials still, looking at Calrex with reproach, wondering how good his stats had to be that he was still steadily finding materials, with and without the help of his familiar. She was about to make a joking remark about his luck as she walked closer and then paused, looking at him closer. "Hey......" Her voice drifted off as her green eyes squinted behind her glasses. "Calrex. Didn't we meet already?" She couldn't say that she had met too many players honestly, but now that she was closer and had a better look, he seemed familiar.

  15. Piera raised an eyebrow at the historical reference in conjunction to his familiar's consumption of the bread and smiled in interest before commenting, "That sounds so much better than the truth." After her comment about being tempted to take him up on the offer of his bear cub, she thought that she saw a subtle shift in Mack's expression but it was too small and quick for her to distinguish what or why

    The alchemist's eyebrows would both raise even further as he affirmed that he had indeed crafted the gauntlets, making them heavy armor. "Really? Wow, they're really well made." She complimented, turning them over and running a thumb over the soft tufts of fur. "You can hardly feel the weight at all." She had forgotten that Blacksmiths could only craft weapons and heavy armor, while Tailors got the honor of light armor crafting.

    As the hulking blonde man mentioned the state of Chuckles the last time he saw him, she couldn't help but chuckle herself. "I can imagine. Good thing we don't need to loot the bodies. ....because there aren't any." She concluded rather dumbly, having forgotten that for a moment before laughing in embarrassment at her blunder, her hand going up to her bangs to hide her face momentarily. "Well at least he will be remembered." The brunette finished lamely, holding up the items.

    Her bashfulness dissipated as business was brought up and as he posed what he would like for the items, she was a bit surprised that that was all he wanted, but reasoned that he probably wanted quantity over quality. Nodding, Piera said, "Sounds good, let me make sure I have enough..." She turned and walked across the small room over to the counter, setting the gauntlets and trinket down, and looked over her available potions. Looking over her shoulder at the axe wielder's offer, her interest peaked. "Oh? What kind of agreements? I'm listening."

    The alchemist picked up one after the other, surveying their stats and quality in turn before plucking up two bright red vials that were varying quality HP Recovery Potions. Turning, she walked up to Mack and held both potions out for him to inspect. "How about these? I only have these two but I also just crafted my first crystal, which will heal you for five points instantly." She wanted to make sure that it was a fair trade but honestly wasn't sure about what equaled what when it came to things outside of mats or col. "It's up to you. I just don't wana jip you out on anything." The brunette smiled up at the blonde man, awaiting his decision.


    Name: HP Recovery Potion
    ID: 27019 CD: 10
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Uncommon
    Effect: Instantly heals you for 5 HP and delay heals you another 5 HP
    A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of tart strawberries. Immediately after drinking the potion, player is healed by five hit points. After a moment they are healed for an additional five points. Takes a post to drink.

    Name: HP Recovery Potion
    ID: 27376 CD: 8
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Heals user for 5 HP a moment after drinking
    A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of tart strawberries. After a moment they are healed for a five health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Name: HP Recovery Crystal
    ID: 27845 CD: 10
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Uncommon
    Effect: Instantly heals you for 5 HP
    A bright red rectangular crystal. Immediately after using the crystal, player is healed by five hit points.

  16. Piera blinked as the bear cub at his feet bounded in as soon as she opened the door, with bread in its mouth no less, though it was soon dropped in the interest of sniffing flowers. Bending over to pick up the piece of bread she commented lightly, "It's like a hairy toddler." Her eyes never left the cub as it sniffed around the store, wanting to make sure it didn't knock anything over...or try to eat anything. But it seemed more interested in the bread that it had dropped and she obligingly held it out for the bear to eat. At Mack's offer she chuckled, "Don't tempt me. You're lucky my boyfriend isn't here, he'd definitely take you up on that offer." Watching bread crumbs being sprayed on the floor as Chewie....chewed, the brunette sighed and figured that it gave her something to do later.

    The alchemist looked back at Mack as he said that he had come by with something and looked down to see some rather warm looking furred gauntlets. Eyebrows raising slightly in mild surprise and interest, she automatically took them in hand before tapping the item to reveal its description and was surprised to see that it was two items, she hadn't noticed the leather string wrapping the gauntlets together was separate and not simply an accompanying decorative piece. Unraveling the charm, she looked at both of their stats and nodded appreciatively. "Pretty nice. Did you craft the gauntlets yourself?" The brunette was about to ask if he had crafted both of them, but thankfully remembered that he was a Blacksmith and not an Artisan.

    Her mouth quirked at his introduction to the items and asked with an amused grin, "'Chuckles, the Flying Bobcat'? I wish I'd seen him before he....well became these." She held up the gauntlets with a slight laugh. "So did you just come to show these off or was there something you're after? I think I'd accept a trade, though I'd have to think of what they'd be worth in terms of potions." Piera would have offered to buy the items from him in cash if she hadn't been saving up for some full light armor herself.

  17. Ahhh, thank you I did not know that. Here are the corrected said bad items:


    Name: Glitter Potion
    ID: 27843 CD: 6
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Bad
    Effect: Causes user's avatar to glitter for approximately two to three hours.
    A small murky pink potion vial that tastes similar to cherry pop rocks. After drinking the potion, player is shimmers as if covered by glitter.

    Name: Voice Modulation Potion
    ID: 27844 CD: 6
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Bad
    Effect: Causes user's voice to change pitch at random.
    A small light brown potion vial that has tastes like what can only be described as root beer flavored cough drops. After drinking the potion, player's voice is altered randomly, changing the pitch and tone. This can have somewhat amusing affects.

  18. Piera was bored. She had used up all of her available materials the previous day and was going to go grind for some mats, but it was Lee's turn to venture out and get some grinding of his own done. So she had to stay and mind the shop. Yawning slightly, the brunette didn't bother covering her mouth, not caring about manners since she was alone, instead idly scratching her head as she looked over her shop's inventory. It wasn't much, but it was steadily growing. And she had her first crystal available so that was something. Opening her menu, she looked through it out of boredom as she often did until she heard a knock on the shop's front door. Frowning and standing up, she hesitated, wondering why someone would knock rather than just come in. It was a shop after all. Hurrying to the door, she then noticed that the sign read 'open'....on her side. Smacking her forehead at her forgetfulness, the alchemist hurriedly flipped the sign and opened the door.

    "Sorry, sorry! I thought I already ope- Oh Mack!" She exclaimed in surprise upon seeing the axe wielder that she had aided on the floor above not too long ago. Then her eyes caught movement by the blonde warrior's feet and she looked down to see a bear. "Whoa." It was a small bear admittedly, just a cub, but still! "Familiars are getting wilder and wilder, huh?" She remarked with an amused smile. "Come in, come in." She opened the door wider, ushering the two in before closing it. "What can I help you with? Here for potions or a crystal? Or do you need help with something else?"

  19. Piera was bored. She had used up all of her available materials the previous day and was going to go grind for some mats, but it was Lee's turn to venture out and get some grinding of his own done. So she had to stay and mind the shop. Yawning slightly, the brunette didn't bother covering her mouth, not caring about manners since she was alone, instead idly scratching her head as she looked over her shop's inventory. It wasn't much, but it was steadily growing. And she had her first crystal available so that was something. Opening her menu, she looked through it out of boredom as she often did until she heard a knock on the shop's front door. Frowning and standing up, she hesitated, wondering why someone would knock rather than just come in. It was a shop after all. Hurrying to the door, she then noticed that the sign read 'open'....on her side. Smacking her forehead at her forgetfulness, the alchemist hurriedly flipped the sign and opened the door.

    "Sorry, sorry! I thought I already ope- Oh Mack!" She exclaimed in surprise upon seeing the axe wielder that she had aided on the floor above not too long ago. Then her eyes caught movement by the blonde warrior's feet and she looked down to see a bear. "Whoa." It was a small bear admittedly, just a cub, but still! "Familiars are getting wilder and wilder, huh?" She remarked with an amused smile. "Come in, come in." She opened the door wider, ushering the two in before closing it. "What can I help you with? Here for potions or a crystal? Or do you need help with something else?"

  20. Name: HP Recovery Crystal
    ID: 27843 CD: 6
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Bad
    Effect: Instantly heals you for 3 HP
    A small murky red rectangular crystal. Immediately after using the crystal, player is healed by three hit points.

    Name: HP Recovery Crystal
    ID: 27844 CD: 6
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Bad
    Effect: Instantly heals you for 3 HP
    A small murky red rectangular crystal. Immediately after using the crystal, player is healed by three hit points.

    Name: HP Recovery Potion
    ID: 27845 CD: 10
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Uncommon
    Effect: Instantly heals you for 5 HP
    A bright red rectangular crystal. Immediately after using the crystal, player is healed by five hit points.

  21. Piera entered the shop, having just returned from getting some food, still abysmal at crafting any of her own. She hadn't been great at cooking in real life, but she hadn't been terrible and missed the taste of the simple dishes she could make. Like ramen. She could make a mean bowl of ramen. Sighing at the unfulfilling NPC made meal, the brunette flipped her shop's sign from 'closed' to 'open'. Looking around the small shop, she didn't see much that needed cleaning so might as well get right into her crafting. She was both excited and anxious. Since she had leveled up her alchemy skill, she could craft crystals now. Additionally, she could also craft three times a day, a slight bump up from her former two times a day. But that being said, she only had three materials left. She would need to be extra careful.

    Setting up her craft's utensils and turning the flames up under her cauldron, the brunette took out her first ingredient and performed her usual routine. Stirring the cauldron, she held her breath as she poured the concoction into the empty rectangular crystal and closed it before tapping the item to see its stats. Grimacing, she attempted to see if she could at least retrieve the materials but didn't see a way to do it without losing the crystal. Sighing at the loss, she set the crystal out of the way, in a square basket on the counter that she now marked as 'On Sale'. Maybe someone would buy it for cheap. Crystals were still useful even if they weren't good quality. She took out another ingredient and tried again, figuring that the first attempt was just bad luck accompanied with the fact that it was her first try at making a crystal. The process was slightly more complicated than making a potion. However she this attempt resulted in the same outcome as the first. Growling in frustration, Piera tossed the bad crystal in the 'sale' basket along with its twin before glaring at her utensils. Shaking her head she muttered, "Just need to take a break. Maybe clean this out and try again once I'm more focused."

    So she did just that, wiping off her mortar and pestle and heaving the cauldron out to clean it before heaving it back in. The alchemist took time to read over the basic tutorial for crafting crystals once more to make sure she had it right and wondered if she hadn't let it stew for long enough. Opening her menu to take out her very last material, Piera stared at it before letting out a steady breath. This time...she would get it, she promised herself. Setting it in the mortar, she picked up the pestle before setting to crushing, making sure to grind up the material into a fine powder before shaking it into the cauldron and adding the proper liquids and additives. She held her breath as she stirred, never stopping as she eyed the consistency carefully. Finally, when it had began to become less watery and more syrupy, she turned the flames off and carefully ladled the results into an open crystal before closing it and slowly tapping the finished item with trepidation. Letting out a breath, Piera smiled at the uncommon crystal she had created. "At least I made you." She said, giving the crystal a little kiss before setting it up on the middle of the shelf behind her, the place of honor.

    ID: 27843
    CD: 6 (bad item)
    LD: 6
    EXP: 1

    ID: 27844
    CD: 6 (bad item)
    LD: 11
    EXP: 1

    ID: 27845
    CD: 10 (uncommon item)
    EXP: 3

  22. Unable to hear Jomei's softly spoken rhetorical question over the buzzing, Piera focused on what was before her, trusting that her companion could handle himself and would say something if he needed any assistance. She heard a lot of foot work and rolling around but resisted the urge to see what the ginger was doing. To finally take down this bug, she needed to concentrate. Lee would never let her live it down if heard that she couldn't kill one pitiful wasp on her own. It didn't even have half the health that Jomei's monster did. Watching its flight pattern intently, she saw an opening and swung her lance in an arc above her head, clipping the wasp's wings and causing its health to dip into the red zone. Its reaction was instantaneous as it gave a shrill buzz and dove at the closes thing to it, her arm; stabbing its stinger into her once more. She didn't let the attack phase her however, her health was still in the green and it was almost dead.

    ID: 27840
    BD: 7(+1Acc)=8
    DMG: 2
    MD: 6
    DMG: 1


    Jomei: 63/64
    Piera: 17/23
    Wind Wasp 3: 22/32 
    Wind Wasp 2: 3/11

  23. ID: 27823
    LD: 1 (no materials)

    Piera couldn't help but pout slightly as he stated rationally that though he had the Search and Detect skill apparently it didn't aid him much at such a low level. "At least you have that though." She stated, hint of a grumble in her tone. Watching the dark haired warrior stooped down when he found some materials, but a breeze whisked them away before he could deposit them in his inventory. Mouth open in surprise that such a thing could happen, the brunette set to looking for more possible promising looking clumps.

    The alchemist shrugged as Calrex's denial of thinking that it was noble, giving away mats for free. "The entire economy is kinda built on 'moving money around'. You're not exploiting anyone. Just providing a service. Or goods rather. Saves them the trouble of doing this for hours on end in the hopes of finding enough materials to last them through a few days. I'm just saying that you're missing out on some serious col, even if you just charged like....fifty col or something like that."

    As he continued to say that he was just trying to help those that he cared about as well as help others progress to high enough level to become clearers she shrugged. "By all means, continue giving them out for free. I'm just saying that you could profit from charging strangers. Everyone always needs money. Hell I heard a rumor that there's places that you can buy to live in (permanently) up on the higher floors. That'd be nice to save up for. Inns and those tiny areas above some of the shops aren't really comfortable living spaces, y'know?"

    Seeing a tall and thriving weed, Piera squatted down to pick it only to find that it wouldn't give. Frowning and using both hands to grab the weed, the brunette pursed her lips as she pulled as hard as she could....only for the weed to shatter into blue polygons when it came out with a sharp 'pop', sending her crashing back on her rear with a wince. "Ugh, stupid plants." She cursed, gingerly getting to her feet and wiping off her hands on her skirt.

  24. Piera sighed in only the mildest of exasperation at the pride in which Lee wore his bathing suit as well as his usually crass greeting to their guildmate. Seeing Jomei wave, she smiled and greeted slyly, "Hey you two~." Before Jomei reacted appropriately to Lee's choice in fashion, along with others. Snickering at the various reactions, the brunette smiled over at her boyfriend, knowing he was loving the attention and looks. Looking at the dark haired man that had greeted them and introduced himself as Calrex, she dipped her head towards him. "Nice to meet you all too. I'm Piera, this is Lee." She pointed to the man in the daring swim wear with face full of beard.

    Receiving Lowenthal's friendly hug with a returning squeeze of her own, her smile froze when he pulled away, her eyes finally catching the color of his cursor. She usually sort of tuned out everyone's cursors after seeing them for so long and hadn't even noticed when she first approached. A streak of unease hit her stomach at the implications of the dark orange color. But she quashed the feeling and forced her smile to return as she replied to her friend, "Yeah, too long! I've been good. Finally set up my alchemy shop on the third floor. And thanks." She stated, her smile more natural and not forced as she chuckled at the compliment. "Remind me to pay you for it, haha. Hm?"

    Piera blinked in confusion as the sandy haired player dragged her over to a light brown haired boy with stunning purple eyes and introduced him as Clarence, the boyfriend he had mentioned before. "Clarence!" She exclaimed with an enthusiastic grin, reaching forward to shake his hand. "Good to meet you finally! I've heard good things." She praised, glad to finally meet the special someone in Lowenthal's life.

    Piera glanced over her shoulder as the self proclaimed 'Master of Shadows' conversed about having invited two players called Zelrius and Mari. She quashed the joke about inviting PKs to a party as it was in poor taste given the circumstances. She obviously hadn't met either player but they were fairly famous in SAO or rather, infamous. Both player killers as well as clearers, though Mari had earned a name for herself as one of the best alchemists in the game, possibly even the best. And she honesty wasn't sure how to feel about either of them showing up. But apparently Lowenthal knew them well enough to invite them to his birthday party, or at least Mari so she trusted his instinct.

    Speaking of trust.... She watched Jomei and Lowenthal speak quietly to each other before catching the sandy haired man's eye and smiling sympathetically at his glum look. She wanted to know. What had happened? Had he really...killed someone? Why? Who? Why hadn't he told them all before now? It shocked her that even Jomei hadn't known until he had shown up. But now wasn't the time for such talk, as much as it pained her to simply go on like nothing was wrong. But she tried to brighten the mood by asking the birthday boy loudly and with cheer, "Well it seems like this party is gonna be jam packed. What do you wana do first birthday boy? Get your yearly noogies? Swim? Volleyball? The beach is your oyster!"

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