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Posts posted by Piera

  1. Piera watched as the mother boar realized that she had missed her target, stopping her charge. Glancing over at Lowenthal as he gave her some advice about combat, she couldn't help but smirk and raise an interested eyebrow. "Clarence huh? Like the angel? Heh. I think I get you though." She looked back at her boar just as it came barreling towards her, her green eyes wide with fear. As it crashed into her, she flinched and tripped backwards a few steps with a loud gasp. Once she realized she was still alive, Piera began to breathe again, though it was quicker than it should have been. Pupils dilated she cursed, "F-Frick... I just had to say something. You're sucking up all of my luck Lowenthal. Lucky Lowenthal." The brunette babbled clasping her spear tighter as she tried to remember his earlier words. You had to work for it. Lips tightening into a thin line, she ran forwards to stab at the large boar. But her stab went wide as the mother made to stab her with its tusks, leaping forward.


    ID: 22532

    BD: 3+1Acc=4 (miss)


    HP List:

    Lowenthal:  48/50 

    Piera: 10/13 


    Boar Mother: 23/25 

    Piglet: 2/2 

  2. The third floor was quite quaint, in the best of ways, at least from what Piera had seen of it so far. Lee was off leveling with a friend so she took the opportunity to do a bit of exploring. She hadn't been past the second floor yet and felt quite adventurous for having done so. Delilah Village sort of reminded her of Maine, though admittedly a lot prettier and with more people. Though compared to the previous two floors, there was practically half the population she was used to. She took a leisurely stroll through the village until she came across a little cafe with a nice outside patio where two or three patrons were enjoying themselves. One of them even had a familiar! A cute little owl that was getting its' head scratched by its' ginger haired owner.... "Jomei?" Piera questioned with a curious smile, stepping closer. Seeing his face now, and of course his name above his head, she grinned and raised a hand in greeting. "Hey. Haven't seen you in a while. How're you doing?"

  3. Piera shrank in on herself slightly as Carmine reached down to give her a quick small hug. She wasn't used to much close physical contact. With people other than Lee that was. Smiling up shyly at the red-head, she felt a glow of happiness at her friend's words, though a bit warm from her wink. "No problem, I was glad to come. And you're exaggerting again, you should be careful. One of your jealous fans might come after me." She half-joked. The brunette honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out that Carmine had fans. Piera's expression became a bit more serious as she listened carefully to the quest being explained. Nodding thoughtfully she remarked, "I've heard of this quest before. It's supposed to be pretty easy, which is always good."


    Piera grinned again at the 'awesome' comment, but it drooped just slightly as Carmine sent her a party invite. "Um...actually... Could you join my party?" She asked hopefully, declining the invite before sending her own. "It's just that...it's how Lee and I make sure the other is alright. You can always see your party members' health bars  and statuses." Piera shrugged awkwardly and prayed silently that Carmine didn't think it was weird or was put off by it. "And um, I've never done a quest before. Only small combat on the first floor."

  4. Piera couldn't help but have a only slightly annoyed grin at Lee's antics. At least he was embracing his 'tankness'. After she successfully picked her hawkweed, the brunette deposited them into her inventory. The brunette glanced up at Lee from her kneeling position as his sentence became slowed down and distracted. Standing and looking in the direction that he was, Piera pulled out her spear as a beetle floated towards them at a breakneck speeds......at least for it she was sure. It sort of reminded her of a carpenter bee, slow and somewhat stupid. It headed straight for Lee....and completely missed. The beetle sailed past him and headed straight for what Piera thought was her, and so swung her lance wildly with a panicked shriek. And ended up just smacking herself in the face with the spear's staff. "Oww..." She whined, rubbing her forehead. 


    ID: 22472

    BD: 1+1Acc=2 (misss)

    MD: 2 (miss)


    HP List:

    Piera: 15/15

    Lee: 15/15


    Beetle: 5/5 

  5. Piera didn't allow herself a smile as Lowenthal complimented her achieving a hit against the large boar, though the corner of her lip twitched slightly. She had a strong suspicion that her weapon had somehow helped her, something she would have to ask him about later. Glancing over at said 'him', she watched distractedly as he easily dispatched an incoming piglet with one slash from his dagger, or kunai rather. Seeing its body shatter into bright fragments made her shiver slightly, but she was not allowed to dwell on it long. The mother boar came charging at her angrily, seemingly infuriated by the death of one of her young. Using her lance's staff to quickly sidestep the attack, the brunette used the opportunity to try and slash its' side as it passed. However she didn't realize how fast it was actually charging and missed her chance just barely. "Ngh..." Piera growled as she got back into a wide battle stance once again. "Gah, I stink. At least it hasn't done any damage to me...yet. Knock on wood." She would have knocked on her spear's staff, but remembered that her new lance's shaft wasn't made of wood. She kind of wished it was now, if only for a bit of luck.


    ID: 22470

    BD: 4+1ACC=5 (miss)


    HP List:

    Lowenthal:  50/50

    Piera: 13/13


    Boar Mother: 23/25 

    Piglet: 2/2 

    Piglet: 2/2 

  6. Piera would withhold any further comments to Lee until they were outside the shop and then she turned towards him. "AUGH!" She took his shoulders and shook him in annoyance. "Just because I'm talking to an NPC doesn't mean you can just say whatever! Gah... You're lucky you're a tank. Or at least on your way to being one." She crossed her arms and turned away from him with her nose in the air, as if she didn't even care if he existed. "And I'm just saying that I don't want to have to literally grind for these ingredients or materials or whatever for dayS straight." She put an emphasis on the plural of 'days'. Pulling up the quest on her menu, she surveyed the information and her nose wrinkled as she remembered the lady's comment about bug glands. "So to the grasslands we go I guess." 


    It took less time for them to navigate their way out of the starting city as they didn't get lost at all this time. As the couple approached the grassy meadows, Piera spotted something familiar and beamed. "Dandelions!" She approached the plant and knelt down in front of it. As she reached towards it, a menu popped up, declaring that it was a 'hawkweed'. Blinking, the brunette pulled open the quest menu again and stated, "I actually need this." She pointed to the list for Lee before dismissing the windows and reaching down to pick the weed. She got a clump of three hawkweeds and deposited them into her inventory just as she heard a low buzzing sound.


    ID: 22347

    LD: 17

  7. Piera had shot Lee a glare at his loud and a bit rude exclamation.  When he answered Alchemist Agatha's second question, an eyebrow was raised as Piera glanced at him. "Hotshot?" She asked blankly before shaking her head and replying more thoroughly. "I'm Piera, this is Lee."  The lady smiled and nodded. "Well then it's nice to make your acquaintance. Now to get you started..." Agatha turned and began to root around in various cabinets and cubbyholes before eventually pulling out a small and rather dusty mortar and pestle, setting it down on the counter. "This will help you make potions, but in order to be able to try making a potion, you'll need ingredients." A window popped up on Piera's heads up display, asking if she would like to accept the quest 'Earning a Living' to become an alchemist. Smiling over at Lee, she pressed 'accept', which then lead to another pop up, listing ingredients that she would need to collect to try making a potion.


    "You can find all of these ingredients in the grasslands nearby, from plants and those pesky beetles. Their juicy glands are quite useful." Piera nodded in understanding and automatically replied, "Thank you." She actually had forgotten that she had been speaking to an NPC. Agatha chuckled and replied, "Don't thank me yet dear. I'll only accept you as an alchemist if you can bring me back a proper health potion. It might take a while to get it right." The lady warned sagely, to which the brunette nodded again and was starting to get a little worried, wondering how long this might take. "Well I'll start right away." Depositing the mortar and pestle into her inventory, Piera raised a hand to give a small wave to the NPC shop owner before tugging on Lee's sleeve as she went to leave. As soon as they exited the shop, she sighed. "I think this is going to be one of those quests where it's not really difficult, just time consuming."

  8. Piera simply stuck her tongue out at Lee when he made the 'genius' comment but continued on their way. As they walked and looked, she used her free hand to reach up and pat the top of his head. "Good boy." They got a bit lost but eventually they did find an Alchemist shop. It was tucked away and had plants growing in flowerbeds in the windowsills as well as in pots that hung from the porch's roof. Tentatively opening the pane windowed door, Piera looked around the seemingly empty shop. "Hello?" She wasn't sure if this was an NPC or player run shop so there was the possibility of nobody being here. Though she was fairly sure that if they had left, that they would have locked the door. Her suspicions confirmed, a bit older than middle aged lady stood up from behind the counter where she had been hidden, a beaker in hand. "Hello there. Can I interest you in some potions? Perhaps crystals?" 


    Seeing that somebody was actually here and that it was only an NPC gave Piera a bit of confidence and she walked up to the counter. "Ah no, actually I was wondering if you would be able to teach me how to become an alchemist?"  


    The NPC lady seemed to brighten at this question as she smiled and nodded. "Why, yes! Oh goodness me, I haven't had an apprentice in goodness knows how long." She seemed to busy herself, setting down the beaker and gathering some other things. "These young new adventurers these days just don't seem to be interested in the finer art of alchemy. Not as flashy or well...adventurous as most of the other professions." She sighed before regaining her smile. "My name is Agatha dear. A pleasure to meet you. Might I know your names?" She looked between the two of them before asking, "Are both of you interested in becoming alchemists?"

  9. Piera didn't expect for Lee to know the answer to her query about a room above the shop and so didn't acknowledge his 'dunno'. Maybe she should message Lowenthal? Or...just find out herself! Looking up at him as he reached towards her, she flinched as he lightly poked her temple....repeatedly. Not hard or anything...just very annoying. "I hate you." She stated seriously as she glared up at him before continuing, "And your enthusiasm is noted. Well c'mon then! Let's get to...finding where the hell I go. Hm....that's a pretty good question actually. Lowenthal didn't really mention where this quest was." The brunette had stood upon saying 'c'mon' but didn't move, simply stroking her bottom with her index finger as she thought. "Maybe...just go ask an alchemist? An NPC one? Or maybe a player..." She shrugged before taking Lee's hand in hers and leading him out of there room. "We'll find out eventually." She stated positively as they walked through the inn to outside. It was about noon and the starting city was bustling. There were numerous shops strewn about the city but she thought she remembered one that had potions and the like and so walked towards that area, still hand in hand with her companion. 

  10. {Piera & Lee ONLY}


    Piera had considered long and hard after Lowenthal had told her about the ability to make potions and crystals. He said that he had done a quest called 'Earning a living' to become a tailor and set up his own shop. Picturing a little shop where she could sell her wares and get some col in, the brunette smiled to herself as she lounged on a chair in their room at an inn. It was a bit small to be honest...and pricey... "I wonder if you get a room above the shop when you do that 'Earning a living' quest Lowenthal was talking about." She thought out loud, Lee close by. Sitting up, Piera chewed on the inside of her cheek before stating again, "I think I'm going to do it." Looking up, she met Lee's eyes as she elaborated, "Become an alchemist. It'd help both of us, getting those crystals and potions and we'd get some cash flow. ...Will you help me?" She asked finally with a hopeful little smile.

  11. Piera's eyes sparkled as Lowenthal explained that one could make crystals and potions if they completed a certain quest and then open your own shop like he had. "A tailor? That's so cool! So I guess you would make light armor? Like leather working? What's the name of your shop? I'll need to go by there when I actually get some col, heh. I wonder what other sorts of other occupations there are... I think making potions and crystals is about as close as I can get to being a support healer." She half-joked, smiling at Lee. That was usually her role in previous games with him. The brunette mentally made a note and repeated the quest name in her head at least five times so that she wouldn't forget. Hopefully that quest wouldn't be too hard given her low level.


    She glanced at Jomei as he called Lee over and wondered if he was sending him a friend request or something like that when a high quality small shield popped into existence in Lee's arms. "Whoa!" Piera exclaimed, grinning at Lee and then Jomei and back to Lee. Her companion was thoroughly ecstatic as he exclaimed his thanks and pumped both fists into the air. His excitement was infectious as she jumped up and hugged Lee tightly in happiness, squealing a little. "Thank you so much Jomei! This will really help us." For they were a team after all. They both benefited when one did. 

  12. Piera had been devising new ways to keep entertained with Lee's assistance in their little room at an inn when she had gotten a message. It could only be from a very short list of people, so she was curious as to which of the few it was and was happy to see Carmine's username. Letting out a warm, "Heeeee..." As she read the subject line, she quickly opened it to read the rest of the message. She had a small discussion with Lee about the contents before she replied back.




    Subject: RE: Hey Cutie

    Recipient(s): Â«Carmine»



    Good to hear from you Carmine! I'd love to do a quest with you. See you in a bit.



    Piera kissed Lee on the cheek after giving him a hug and set off to Carmine's location. ...Naturally it wasn't quite that easy, even with the red-head's helpful instructions. The user interface was still a little weird to the brunette, so it took just a few minutes longer to finally reach her destination. Looking around the area, Piera caught sight of her tall friend by the fountain and waved before running over. "Hey Carmine. Sorry about the wait, I kinda got lost." She smiled apologetically up at Carmine.

  13. Piera let out a slightly nervous laugh along with Lowenthal. She was eager...and terrified. But she tried not to let it show. There was nothing to be scared of out here, she wasn't alone and she was only going against little low level monsters. Everything would be fine. She followed Lowenthal's gaze as he looked around before pointing in a direction and declaring that there was a boar mother that way. "A mother? Does that make her harder than regular boars then?" She asked as they walked over. Judging from their size difference, she was going to say 'yes'. Accompanying the mother boar were three little piglets, immediately reminding her of the fairy tale. Glancing at her companion, she nodded at his instructions of what to do and what he would do. Piera closed her eyes briefly as she breathed in deeply and let it out into a slow sigh, trying to calm herself down. Approaching the boar mother, she kept it simple, stabbing downward at it's head area and praying that nothing would go horribly wrong, like her missing completely.


    Which nearly happened. She didn't expect the boar to move around so much and nearly stabbed too far to the left but still managed to hit the monster.


    ID: 22007

    BD: 5 +1ACC=6 (success)

    DMG: 2


    Piera: 13/13 (Deals 2 dmg)


    Boar Mother: 25/25 (Deals 1 dmg)

    Piglet: 2/2 (Deals 1 dmg)

    Piglet: 2/2 (Deals 1 dmg)

    Piglet: 2/2 (Deals 1 dmg)

  14. Piera's eyebrows raised as Lowenthal explained to Lee the reason why Jomei had flinched and was damaged even though he wasn't attacked. Thorns seemed a pretty useful thing to have and she was immediately reminded of another game who had a similar mechanic with some of their armor. And SAO had it for armor and shields, quite handy. Naturally Lee absolutely smitten, she could just see it in his eyes that he wanted Thorns on everything that he owned or would own in the future.


    Lowenthal was really good at explaining things simply and the brunette nodded thoughtfully as he explained that attacking without weapons was possible, Jomei had just missed. Then said rapier wielder further elaborated that he had acquired this skill through a special quest and without said skill that unarmed attacks were severely lowered. "That would be extremely useful as a last resort..." She wasn't one for hand to hand combat, but that little skill would definitely give a player an edge and might even be the difference between life and death one day.


    When Lowenthal took out a rectangular crystal that was light red in color, Piera focused on it as he simply crushed it in his fist and she was about to ask why he did that when he glowed softly and she noticed that his HP bar was a bit fuller than before. Eyes shining and mouth open in rapture, the spear-woman listened intently as he explained about crystals and potions. After he had finished and asked if they had any questions she immediately asked (without even raising her hand), "Can you make those crystals and potions? I know you can buy them from merchants, but is there a way for you to possibly craft them yourself?"

  15. Piera payed close attention as the battle commenced, listening as Lowenthal explained to them about the game's battle system. Jomei just seemed cocky, and while that was entertaining, she was glad that the dagger wielder was taking the time to explain some of it to them. Her mouth made a slight 'O' shape of comprehension as Lee made a guess as to what the 'Season' was, as it made sense. She only wondered why she hadn't heard of it before. But then again, Floor 1 wasn't always the place to be for the juiciest gossip. It usually trickled back to them at a very slow pace.


    Then she felt a shift in their demeanor, or at least Lowenthal's as he attacked, saying that Jomei had stolen something from him? When it was further explained that what was stolen was a girl, the brunette's eyebrows raised a bit and she glanced sideways at Lee as he whispered quietly about how fast things had gotten serious. Nodding silently, Piera wondered if this was the reason why Lowenthal had switched the duel to Jomei instead of her.


    The duel was very close, but in the end Jomei came out on top and she let out a small sigh, though she wasn't completely at ease yet, still waiting to see if Lowenthal would accept Jomei's peace offering. It sounded like this 'Ahti' really did a number on the poor guys. Of course Lee did what he could to break the ice, clapping loudly which prompted her to clap along with him, though noticeably quieter. She snickered at his 'words of encouragement' to the winner. The question he posed to them was interesting, she had noticed but hadn't even thought about it. But she had a question herself. Timidly raising her hand as if she was in a classroom, Piera waited for some sort of acknowledgement before asking, "Can you really attack without a weapon? Like punching or kicking or maybe biting?" She was of course referring to when Jomei attempted to punch Lowenthal, but had missed, so she wasn't sure if it was because you couldn't damage anything without a weapon or if he just missed.

  16. The grasslands of the first floor of Aincrad were quiet, only the ambient noise of the grass rustling in the wind, the soft buzzing of the beetles' wings and low grunts of boars. Her hair blowing into her face, Piera tucked it back behind her ear before looking back at her current companion, Lowenthal. He said that he wasn't leader of their guild, but she still felt he was unofficial leader. In a good way. It meant that their guild members had someone to look up to. She hoped he was up for the job. He seemed to be a good 'leader' thus far though. He definitely took care of his fellow guild-mates. The brunette surveyed the brand new perfect spear that he had generously gifted her. The Bleeding Lance. It looked simple, attractive yet plain, and deadly. It was Perfect. "So now that we've already dueled, you gonna teach me how to stab some monsters with this thing?"

  17. Piera's eyes went wide as Lowenthal said that she was 'first', before a duel request popped up onto her screen. "Eh?! U-Um...." She hesitated, glancing at Lee before looking back at the dagger user. But then it seemed he had changed his mind and challenged Jomei, saying that it was better for her and Lee to watch and learn. Shrugging, the brunette simply declined the duel request that Lowenthal sent and backed up a bit next to Lee as Jomei accepted the duel. Her mouth opened slightly as the ginger did a very cool flair with his rapier and spoke of being glad for a chance to fight Lowenthan before something called 'Season'. "What do you think 'Season' is?" She whispered to Lee. Then the fight began with Jomei sprinting straight towards the blonde before bringing his rapier to slash at him.

  18. Welcome ye fellow n00blet! *offers tea*

    Sadly I do not know the Manga or Book that you mentioned but I am all down for some Grimm and Noragami~

    Awkwardly sweaty sweet smelling homeless bae ftw!

    Carmine what have you done. How can Erwin glare properly now? He just looks sad... His eyebrows are free but his heart is in chains :'(

    Lookin' forward to RPing with ya hopefully Thorrissia.

  19. Candy can only lure so many though Carmine~

    You should broaden your lures! Add things like gluten free cookies or something. Bacon! Think out of the bun!

    You seem really ultra cool and I look forward to RPing with you in the future hopefully! ^^

    P.S. - your character is REALLY tall @_@ Like insanely so.

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