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Posts posted by Piera

  1. Piera had traveled up one floor in search of better materials only to find that this floor was vastly different from the previous one where her shop was. She had been here before but completely forgot that this was that floor. Shivering in her poorly insulated dark purple starting clothes, the brunette strode quickly through the winter wonderland, barely able to appreciate the snow covered landscape. "J-Just need to find some stupid mats an g-get back." She chattered to herself, stepping through the snow. As she went further and further into the snow covered area with no luck in gathering any materials whatsoever, she was about to give up and go home when she paused and heard something.

    Quickly equipping her lance, the alchemist stepped closer to the noise and exited the woods into a large clearing and realized that the noise she had heard had been people. A lot of people. Mouth opening wide in wonder, the brunette looked around and realized that it was some sort of fair. No, a carnival. She'd never heard of one being here before, was this a limited event? She hadn't heard of any sort of event being advertised either though, but wasn't about to just pass this up. Figuring that there couldn't be any harm in it, Piera put away her spear and walked closer to the attractions, green eyes wide behind her glasses as she looked around.

    Then she saw something that peaked her interest more than the entire carnival. "Clarence!" She called out in surprise with a wave before walking up to her guildmate. "Hey, you're here too? This place is amazing. Did you know this was here?" She asked with curiosity, not even noticing that they were in line for anything. "Are you on a date with Lowenthal?" She asked somewhat teasingly with a smile, not wanting to interrupt if they were.

  2. Piera chuckles at Beoreson stated his hopes of slaying a Lich or creature of equal evil before listing a long line of things he hoped said monster would drop. "Why would you want a sword that would drive you insane??" She asked with amusement in her tone, glancing back at the swordsman before her head whipped around as Golden told them to cover their ears and ready themselves. Seeing that he had entered the end of the tunnel that spilled into a bigger and somewhat dark area, she hurried forward, glancing around before stuffing her torch into a dusty cobwebbed sconce.

    Getting into battle position, the brunette learned her lesson from last time and held her spear in the crook of her elbow while she plugged her ears with her fingers, wincing slightly still from the echo of the tank's howl bouncing off of the walls, immediately drawing the attention of two cyclopes in front of him. The closest one actually brought up a foot to try and stomp down on him and the brunette actually felt a sliver of fear for the higher leveled player, but she needn't have worried as he used his shield to block and push the brute away, getting backed against the wall in the process. Which the second cyclopes took advantage of, swiping Golden with its club which knocked him down with a yelp. Her eyes immediately flicked up and to the left to check his HP and was relieved to see that he'd only taken two damage total, likely due to his superior armor.

    At Mack's barked orders, she nodded and replied, "Got it." Following quickly behind the axe wielding blonde, Piera darted forward with spear in hands. Taking note of the deep gash that Mack had dealt, the brunette extended her lance to stab at the already bleeding wound, not quite hitting her mark, but exacerbating the bleeding at least. She jumped back immediately to give Beoreson room to switch in as well as to stay out of the mob's agro area.

    ID: 27814
    BD: 3(+1Acc)=4
    DMG: miss

    Piera: 25/25 (H: 0)
    Cyclopes 1: 20/30
    Cyclopes 2: 30/30

  3. Piera let out a weak chuckle and tugged on her bangs as Beoreson mentioned this being like old table top games. Like she played. And now she felt old. She'd thought that Beoreson looked about her age or older but she wasn't too good of a judge as far as ages were concerned. The brunette's eyebrow raised at the swordsman's chivalry and though she chuckled a little at the jab at Mack, shook her head. Besides her personal trepidation about going into a dark creepy dungeon first, it wasn't tactically sound to put her at front.

    "I don't-" She began to say before Mack's deep voice called out a sharp and commanding, "No" that caused her head to turn as he walked to them. Their party leader voiced her thoughts and she nodded in agreement, holding a hand open towards him as if to say, 'y'see?'.

    The spearwoman took the unlit torch from the blonde man and nodded, motioning for Golden to enter. "Forge onward valiant meat shield." While the others went on ahead, she attempted to figure out how exactly to light her torch. It took her a bit, but she finally managed to get it by the time Golden and Mack had entered, quickly following behind them.

  4. ID: 27674
    LD: 15

    Piera gave Beoreson a sympathetic smile as he too missed his target, right after delivering a fantastic war cry as well. She moved closer to offer her hand to help him up but he was already on his feet and her attention was drawn to Golden as he launched his own attack, which finished the skeletal guardian off for good, collapsing in a pile of bones and bright blue polygons. The brunette looked at the pile with curiosity, not having ever seen a monster leave behind remains before and approached as Mack sifted through the bones and retrieved a two handed greatsword that the monster had been wielding before handing it to Golden. She would've thought that the tank would get a nice enough last hit bonus loot but it was Mack's call after all.

    What interested her more is what the blonde axe wielder read. Apparently the note had been addressed to the skeleton they had just dispatched and she frowned slightly, wondering if the skeletons were intelligent enough to draft letters and organize but then reconsidered at Mack's interpretation. Perhaps the letter had been written before they had all died and became undead soldiers. Shaking her head she sighed, "Werewolves, great. What next, vampires and mummies?" She hadn't thought that a game like SAO would have such things but werewolves were always popular everywhere so she really shouldn't have been surprised.

    Nodding at Mack's instructions, the brunette woman leaned her spear against her shoulder as she walked in one direction and looked along the Fort's walls and squinted before noticing something. Using her Spear Skill, she slashed at some overgrown dead bushes that obstructed their goal. "Hey guys, I found something. I think this is it." She called out to her party, pointing with the blade of her lance.

  5. Piera glanced in Beoreson's direction as he yelled out a question and shrugged, more to herself than to answer. Then she managed to hear Golden advise them to cover their ears. Before she could ask why, he let out a bellow that immediately attracted the skeletal guardian's attention. That must have been the Howl skill that Mack told him to use, she realized. Shaking off the ringing in her ears, the brunette nodded as Mack urged them on and she took advantage of the attention being on their party's two tankier members.

    Darting forward, Piera lunged to try and stab the skeleton in his spine, figuring that it would do the most damage, only to miss her mark and strike nothing but the thin air that was where its ribs were just a few moments ago until a mighty axe had decimated them. "$h!t." She cursed to herself, trying to backpedal so as to not draw its ire to her. "Hope you have better luck." The spearwoman called to Beoreson, motioning for him to take his chance to strike. The blonde was right though, they were doing remarkably well in her personal opinion. The monster's health bar was already deep in the yellow and surely another hit or two would take it in the red if not finish it off completely.

    ID: 27657
    BD: 3(+1Acc)=4
    DMG: miss
    Piera HP: 25/25
    Skeletal Gate Guardian HP: 10/32

  6. Piera bounced on the balls of her feet before freezing as she heard metal hitting the ground and turned for a moment, looking over at Jomei in concern as she heard him curse the monster. "You alright?" Her mouth was tugged into half a smile, not sure whether to actually be concerned or to just tease him. But she had her own problems to deal with as she heard her wasp buzz zooming closer to her and she ducked and rolled forward to get behind it before standing again to stab at it. She allowed herself a small smirk as her hit found its mark. "Don't make me come over there." The spearwoman joked to the ginger swordsman, as if she'd be any help.

    ID: 27638
    BD: 6(+1Acc)=7
    DMG: 2
    MD: 5
    DMG: miss


    Jomei: 63/64
    Piera: 18/23

    Wind Wasp 3: 27/32 
    Wind Wasp 2: 5/11

  7. Piera laughed along with the swordman, replying with caution, "Just be careful about how hard they hug you back."  She shrugged as he stated that he didn't know any Tailors at all and nodded at his suggestion of Mack if she wanted heavy armor. "I think I'll keep that in mind." She could refer Lee to him when he outgrew/out-leveled his current armor. The brunette grinned at his praise before nodding. "Ah, thanks! Don't go out of your way though, I'm sure you need some too." She wasn't sure if Beoreson had a profession, but even if he didn't, mats were always nice to have for trading purposes. The alchemist waved as he left and gave a great sigh as she was left to the empty shop once again before pulling open her menu to continue her reading, this time with a contented smile.

  8. Piera was idly sitting at the shop's counter, elbow resting on the fabric covered wood with cheek in palm as she scrolled through her menu. She had the alchemy tutorial pulled up and was reading through the possible potions and crystals one could make and at what level a player could make them at. Sighing longingly, she lamented that she had already used up her two crafts for the day early that morning. Though it was definitely worth it as she gained enough experience to become an Apprentice Alchemist, earning her the ability to make basic crystals now. The waiting game was the worst game ever.

    The monotony of the day was broken however as she saw movement and thought it was someone else until she flicked away her menu and looked properly, breaking out in a smile upon seeing who it was. "Welcome back Beoreson." She greeted happily, glad to see that he had returned as promised. Chuckling lightly as she opened up the shop's transaction menu, she accepted the col as payment and traded him the potion. "It was crafted with love~." She teased.

    At his additional reason for being here, her eyes blinked in surprise as she pushed up her glasses, considering for a moment before asking half jokingly, half hopefully, "Know a good Tailor?" Shoulders bouncing in a shrug, Piera explained, "I'm just saving up to be able to buy a set of perfect light armor with the right enhancements, but even then I don't know a good Tailor to buy from. At least not one who's available." She amended, thinking of her guild mate. "I'm always looking for mats though. Only have a few left and I just leveled up my alchemy so I can make crystals now." There was slight pride in her casual tone.

    -1 Good HP Recovery Potion

    +250 col

  9. Piera was glad that Jomei was so accommodating, catching the attention of the other wasp that had arrived. She was determined to kill this one wasp herself, even if it killed her. Well....maybe not to that extent, but the sentiment was the same. Her green eyes narrowing behind her glasses, the young woman darted to the left...before suddenly feinting right. She was quick enough to clip the wasps legs, but not quick enough to avoid its own counter attack. The insect buzzed angrily at the damage she caused it before zooming in and stinging her shoulder, causing her to wince more at the close presence of the bug to her face than actual pain. Hearing Jomei's plan, she replied, "If this thing is still alive by the time you take out your second monster....then I think I just might let you."

    ID: 27553
    BD: 5(+1Acc)=6
    DMG: 2
    MD: 8
    DMG: 1


    Jomei: 64/64
    Piera: 18/23

    Wind Wasp 3: 27/32 
    Wind Wasp 2: 7/11

  10. ID: 27447
    LD: 3 (no materials)

    Piera blinked at Calrex's reaction to the number she had offered and wondered if that was too low. Chuckling weakly at his expectations for her she shook her head. "Ah..no. I only just started out, but I did just achieve rank two! So only three crafts per day. Now that i can make crystals though, I'd like to keep practicing to make more and fill up my stock. But I only have....I think three materials? Left." She paused in the middle of her sentence to think, trying to remember the number.

    Noticing that his familiar had been flying in a particular direction, the brunette began to walk slowly (so as not to make Calrex think that she was just walking away from him) towards that direction. Maybe that area would have ground or soil or who knows what for proper materials to be grown and found. "I wonder if you could grow your own materials." She wondered aloud, pausing for a moment to kneel down and investigate an indentation in the otherwise flat land. Peering into the hole she realized it was a burrow of some sort and wondered if there were some mushrooms or something in it and reached her hand in, only to brush against something warm and soft and she squeaked in surprise, jerking her hand back as a meerkat looking rodent poked its head out before darting back in its home. Sighing in defeat, the brunette stood and kept walking.

    Piera grinned as he said that he wasn't collecting materials fast enough to be popular and argued, "Hey, you've gotten more than I have and we only just started!" She nodded as he spoke of the simple exchange of materials for items being secondary to helping out player run shops and increasing overall player survivability. Standing straight and looking over the man before stating, "That's pretty logical and noble. Most players would rather just look out for themselves. Maybe sell gathered materials to the highest bidder."

  11. Piera gave an un-ladylike snort at Beoreson's comment of Mack's similarity to a Storm Trooper and let out a laugh as she said, "Hopefully he only looks like one." Referring to Storm Trooper's notorious failure to hit anything and ability to be picked off like flies. She had confidence in their leader though, because he simply exuded it. The brunette frowned at Golden's short tone and noted that his impatience sure wasn't getting any better. If this was such a waste of time for him, why did he bother joining the party? With his level he could be getting much better loot and experience on higher floors. The walk through the forest was uneventful but for her slight fidgeting, getting used to the new weight of the heavy armor. Occasionally she stretched her arms or neck, but didn't break pace, keeping up with the guys as they made their way to the dungeon.

    The 'dungeon' turned out to be a broken down fort. She surveyed the gates, wondering how they were going to get in if they were locked, as Mack dished out orders. Shrugging at Beoreson as he got the short end of the stick stuck in back behind her, she wondered why the blonde warrior hadn't given him the armor. She got into position though and watched as Mack approached the gate and Sparta kicked it down, drawing several choice expletives to the forefront of her mind, but that never passed her lips. As soon as the gate crashed down though, a howl rose up, shaking the very ground and causing her skin to break out in goosebumps as the young woman swallowed thickly. She really really hoped this dungeon wasn't those out of the way ones that were impossibly hard. Watching skeletons pop out of the ground like daisies...or zombies, was rather eerie in person. Definitely different from any other game.

    Fingers flexing around her spear's shaft, Piera cursed softly as the biggest skeletal figure clawed its way up, revealing a health bar bigger than most of their party's. She wasn't so much worried about beating this guy as she was getting picked at by those smaller skeletons in the back while they were distracted. The leader-like skeleton swiped at Golden and thankfully missed. While its attention was drawn, Mack took advantage of the opening and swung his axe into its rib cage. Her attention snapped back as the blonde barked out orders and she immediately darted left, going around Golden before using her momentum to slide and slice at the skeleton's shins. Getting to her feet, the brunette noted that she hadn't been very effective and realized that as skeletons, the bleed damage of her lance wouldn't work. Cursing under her breath, Piera wondered how much this would affect their chances.

    ID: 27551
    BD: 8(+1Acc)=9
    DMG: 2(-1Mit)=1
    Piera HP: 25/25
    Skeletal Gate Guardian HP: 25/32

  12. I apologize, I misunderstood the potion enhancements and tiers. Here are the two items above, edited correctly I hope:

    Name: Safeguard Potion

    ID: 26959 CD: 12
    Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Perfect
    Effect: The next successful hit to your player will do no damage.

    A glass vial filled with a bright blue liquid tasting of blueberries with a hint of iron. Protects the drinker from damage for one hit directly after drinking. Takes a post to drink.


    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    ID: 27019 CD: 10
    Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Uncommon
    Effect: Instantly heals you for 5 HP and delay heals you another 5 HP

    A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of tart strawberries. Immediately after drinking the potion, player is healed by five hit points. After a moment they are healed for an additional five points. Takes a post to drink.

    And here are my newly crafted potions:

    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    ID: 27375 CD: 8
    Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Heals user for 5 HP a moment after drinking

    A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of tart strawberries. After a moment they are healed for a five health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    ID: 27376 CD: 8
    Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Heals user for 5 HP a moment after drinking

    A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of tart strawberries. After a moment they are healed for a five health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Name: Antidote Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 2, Apprentice Alchemist
    ID: 27547
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: Antidote
    Description: This yellow syrupy potion tastes similar to lemon cough drops and smells just as bad, but when drank, will negate the next effect produced by the following sources: Burn/Poison/Paralyze/Bleed. This works as a counter to status ailments of these types.

  13. Another day, another challenge. Stretching her arms above her head, Piera made her way down the stairs of her shop. She'd slept in for a bit too long due to staying up reading. The books of Aincrad were surprisingly riveting. She couldn't help but appreciate the attention to detail the psychopath that stuck them in here had. Changing the sign on her shop from 'closed' to 'open', the brunette peeked outside of her shop and took a breath of fresh air that invigorated her. Stepping behind her counter, the young woman opened her menu to browse through her dwindling amount of materials. She'd need to get more soon. But for now, practice. Choosing a clump of promising looking weeds, Piera grimaced slightly at how dirty they looked and wondered if she should wash them off. But how? Shrugging, she set to grinding the earthy plants with mortar and pestle before pausing a moment to light flames under her cauldron. "I should probably clean that..." She muttered, but figured that she had already started so she'd do it after she was done.

    Sticking her tongue out at the yucky mess in her mortar, she scraped the paste into the cauldron and stirred, adding water as needed. She was seriously regretting not cleaning both the weeds and the cauldron though as the concoction began to smoke and she quickly turned off the flames and tried fanning the air with her hands, hoping it wouldn't attract Lee's attention to her failure. Groaning as she looked at the mess of her cauldron, she poked through it and realized that she could still salvage some of the material, phishing the bits of good weeds out of the bad potion before scraping the soup into the failure bucket. "Dangit, I thought I asked Lee to take that out." The failure bucket was starting to get a bit full...and rank.

    Hauling her cauldron and mortar & pestle outside, Piera set to scrubbing them down and also washed weeds off for good measure. With clean supplies to work with, she started all over and carefully observed the boiling syrup before determining that it was as done as it could ever be and bottled it. She smiled in satisfaction at the uncommon potion she had crafted and set it on the shelf before beginning to clean up the shop so the smell wouldn't linger.

    ID: 27546
    CD: 5
    LD: 15
    EXP: 1

    ID: 27547
    CD: 10
    EXP: 3

  14. Piera listened with passing interest as Beoreson and Mack conversed about a blade that Mack had forged for him. It didn't surprise her that the hulking man was a blacksmith. What did surprise her however was Beoreson's rather poor comment. Staring at the man in mild disbelief she joked, "Well I'm inspired." Shaking her head, she hoped that she didn't come off as rude, she was only trying to help lighten the mood, albeit at his expense a little. As he introduced himself to the man who had been here first, she noted his weapon and the fact that he too was clad only in starter clothing. Her eyes flicked behind her glasses to Golden as he introduced himself and his equip list as well as confirming his role as tank. The side of her mouth tugged in a lopsided smile as he reminded them that safety was paramount before trying to rush them off. Someone's eager. She thought as Mack welcomed them all and said that they'd leave in a moment before sending out a mass party invite to the group.

    Piera quickly opened her menu to leave the party she was currently in, confident that Lee would be able to connect the dots from her PM and accepted the new party invite. She glanced at Golden once again, now able to see his level and now felt a bit more confident in their little endeavor. It was also nice to see that both Mack and Beoreson were around her own level. Looking over their party, her eyes stopped at the blonde man as his previous standard steel heavy armor shimmered away to be replaced with a form fitting white armor set complete with hood and face mask, making him look rather mysterious in an odd way (due to his sheer size) before he took them down. "Lookin' good there." The brunette complimented with a smile, wondering if he had crafted the armor himself but opted not to ask as apparently one of their party was on a schedule.

    She stared at the items that had appeared in Mack's hands and wondered why he had taken them out when he stated his intent as he held the respective items out to herself and Beoreson. Blinking in surprise, her mouth opened but no sound came out as she paused to think. Her immediate instinct was to decline, but he had just said that not only did he not need them, he couldn't use them either for whatever reason. Frowning, Piera's green eyes surveyed Mack's closely as he reiterated what Golden had said about safety being the most important thing. The man seemed sincere and the brunette let out a small sigh before stating, "If you're sure you can't use them... Then just for the dungeon. Thank you." She reached to accept the item exchange, taking the heavy armor in hand as her eyes bulged at the weight of said armor, though she should have expected it really.

    Equipping the armor, she took solace in the fact that while she didn't have the Heavy Armor skill, neither did she the Light Armor skill. Yet. Looking down at herself, she saw that Hussar's Protest fitted to her form, proving that one size truly fits all as it hung over her dark purple starter clothing. The mitigation should be pretty helpful, she just hoped that she wouldn't be slowed down. Looking at the party leader as he designated their respective positions. Her eyes narrowed at his speech, finding that it tickled as vaguely familiar in her mind, but more concerned with the fact that he was putting their tank at the back. She understood him both wanting and needing to be at the front of their group as he was the only one that knew the location of their destination and he just seemed to have good leadership skills; but thought that it would make more sense for the tank to be at the front. Still, she was neither the leader nor a strategist so she simply nodded in acceptance and readied her Bleeding Lance, leaning the staff against her shoulder as she looked sidelong at Beoreson with a slight smile and nod. Her worries were for naught though as when they arrived at the Fort, Mack directed Golden to the front with him as they entered and she readied herself, gripping the black staff of her lance.

  15. Piera smiled at Mack's introduction, not surprised upon hearing his weapon of choice and role. "Nice. Haven't seen many two handed battle axe wielders before." She complimented simply. He definitely looked like a Bruiser. Her comparatively tiny hand shook his massive one, causing the corners of her mouth to quiver, keeping back a giggle at the ridiculous size difference. She was about to turn and ask the dark haired tank player his name when another dark haired man approached, one who apparently already knew Mack.

    "Beoreson!" She exclaimed in pleasant surprise. As he apologized for not having dropped by, she raised her hand to wave off the platitudes. "Take your time. I do have some cheaper potions available now though." The brunette was glad that she knew at least one of their party members, even if just barely. As Mack and Beoreson were conversing, she took the time to send a quick private message to Lee explaining that she was going to be late and why, giving him her location and who she was with just in case.

  16. Piera met the brawny man's intense gaze and forced herself not to look away, as if it was some sort of unspoken contest. When he spoke, she let out a mental sigh, feeling as if she had passed some sort of test or qualification. She listened quietly as the man explained his discovery and goal. It was surprising to hear of uncharted territory on so low a floor, but she reasoned that perhaps it was because it was so low that nobody thought of going further than what the public maps laid out.

    As he stated that the tank would get dibs on the best loot for taking the most risk, her eyes glanced at the other player from behind her glasses and wondered if he was said tank. The idea was sound, but if their tank was much higher level than them, it was doubtful that he would be in much danger. Still having someone with that high a health bar and skill was still useful to have in a party so she shrugged and replied, "Fair enough. I'd rather fork over some of the loot than take the damage myself." She smiled slightly before explaining, "I'm a two handed spear user, so I try to keep my distance and look for the right opportunity to strike."

    She left out the fact the fact that she also didn't have any armor to help her with taking hits, thinking that it might be obvious to them since she was only wearing cloth clothing rather than armor currently as well as not wanting to broadcast her 'noobness'. Sticking a hand out towards the blonde man she introduced, "I'm Piera. Nice to meet you both." The brunette nodded at the darker haired man before offering him her hand to shake as well.

  17. Piera was roaming around the lower levels, starting with the Starting City and making her way up in search of a good tailor. She had managed to get this far in only her starter clothing, relying on Lee and other party members to tank for her while she counted on her Bleeding Lance to kill off the monsters before they could do much damage to her. Sadly she hadn't come across one that had the kind of wares she was interested in just yet. "I'd ask Lowenthal, but he's busy being all cute with Clarence." She muttered to herself as she walked around the village, hoping to find a hidden jewel.

    Her feet slowed as she heard a deep masculine voice say something about an offer to join party and loot. The word 'loot', caused the brunette's head to turn and she stopped cold with eyebrows raised as her eyes fell on the hulk that was the player in question. Dayum. Someone like that plays this game. She thought to herself before walking forward, looking at the player the axe wielder was speaking to. She didn't recognize him either (which wasn't surprising as she wasn't exactly sociable), but could tell that he was a pretty decent level, likely around Jomei's range.

    "Um, hi. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I overhead you." She greeted with an upraised hand in a small wave to the blonde player who's username read 'Mack' next to his health bar. "Do you need help?" There was a chance that she wasn't what he was looking for or he simply didn't want to divide said loot three ways so he could always say no and she would be on her way.

  18. ID: 27447
    LD: 9 (no materials)

    Piera nodded with a content smile as Calrex commented on how her profession was one of the most useful. "I'm used to playing a support role in games and being an alchemist seemed the closest I could get in SAO." It was a shame she couldn't just throw potions at her party members and have them be healed. Linking her fingers together, her mouth opened in a surprise 'O' shape at the revelation that he didn't actually have a profession. "Ohhh. Wow you are probably every shop owner's best friend then, huh? Haha." She chuckled lightly at the vision in her head of numerous people gathered around Calrex, fawning over him and tempting him to give them materials. "That's a pretty cool idea actually. Must definitely be useful to be on the good side of different professions, probably get you some choice items too, heh."

    As Roc swooped down to gift his owner with more materials, the spear-woman walked over to a clump of taller flowers and crouched down to look through them, only finding useless weeds, nothing she would be able to use as materials. Sighing, the brunette stood and smiled slightly as Calrex returned her handshake. At his question of her material goal, she tilted her head in thought. "I didn't really come out with a goal in mind. Honestly any would be nice." She considered his offer and was tempted to turn it down, but reconsidered with the knowledge that he himself wasn't going to use them after all. "It'd be nice to get five or six, that'd hold me over for a bit. I'm going through them like water it seems." She sheepishly flattened the back of her hair.

  19. ID: 27398
    LD: 3 (no materials)

    Piera chuckled awkwardly as he explained that he had thought that she had been trying to draw his attention. "Sorry. I'm not really a people person." Immediately she berated herself inwardly for just blurting something like that out. She was drawn out of her mental lecture by his offer. "Oh you are?" Her expression perked up along with her tone of voice, surprised that he was here for the very same reason. "What's your professional profession then? If you don't mind me asking that is. I just became an alchemist. My shop's on this floor actually."

    Then she realized she had just been prattling on about herself and hadn't actually answered his offer, "Um, I wouldn't mind you joining me, but you don't have to share, I'm sure you need them just as badly."  Without a sound, the blue bird of prey that she had seen earlier swooped down to deposit a talon of flowers to the male player's hand. As the dark haired man praised his familiar, she saw upon closer look that Roc was a falcon, not a hawk and she smiled as the avian flew off once again. "I can't imagine how useful that is." She sighed longingly, honestly a bit envious of the other player's familiar if only for the fact that it could help him gather materials.

    Hearing the introduction, the brunette's head turned to look away from the falcon back to its owner and she smiled automatically before replying as she outstretched her hand for him to shake, "I'm Piera. It's nice to meet you both." She realized that the bird probably could care less about her, but she was always tickled to see players with familiars. She realized that some players would only get them for the unique boosts or features, but some would still just like to have an animal companion. It made her miss her own pet. The alchemist scanned the nearby grass and flowers, almost in hopes of finding a snake in the brush, but she'd settle for some plants she could use as materials. She just wasn't having any luck though.

  20. ID: 27381
    LD: 7 (no materials)

    Piera watched with curiosity as the blue bird dipped and landed on the player before taking off again. A familiar then. With this new knowledge, she couldn't help but feel a little bit more relaxed, finding it hard to believe a player that had worked hard to gain the loyalty of a monster to be a bad person. There was still the possibility however. Suddenly realizing that he was staring back at her, the brunette awkwardly looked around her for some sort of distraction, hoping to find materials to gather as an attempt to look busy but finding no such luck.

    Hearing the man speak and realizing that he was calling out to her, made her realize she had just been standing and staring at him and her hand reached up to tug on her bangs in an embarrassed habit before raising it to wave back as she slowly approached him, not wanting to yell back and forth across the field. "Ah, h-hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I didn't think anyone else would be out here. This floor isn't very popular." At least not for higher leveled players like him that was.

    Then his question finally registered for her and she replied, "Oh, I'm just gathering some materials. You?" Her face seemed more calm now, her expression set into her standard polite smile that she kept up at work, while her body was still a bit stiff and on edge.

  21. Piera's feet twitched as she shifted, not staying in place for long not only because of her impatience but also to make it harder for the bug to hit her again. She wanted nothing better than to stab the stupid bug into the ground (repeatedly) but knew that that little feat was a bit beyond her currently and so focused on her breathing to calm her down. She had to settle for the little pinpricks of damage that she did now until she got better. The wasp was fast, aided with having wings and being a smaller target. But she had a bigger weapon and health bar at least. Her impatience got the better of her and she stepped forward to slice upwards at the monster, but it was too quick for her. It took advantage of the opening and dived to sting her once again, infuriating her further. "Augh, stupid bug!" She growled in annoyance under her breath, glancing to see another one coming and now realizing that Jomei must have already killed his respective partner. Biting the inside of her cheek, she stated, "Sorry Jomei. Could you hold that one back?" Even though she had asked him to join her on this quest for this very reason, she had hoped that she would be able to pull her own weight alongside her friend.

    ID: 27380
    BD: 5
    DMG: (miss)
    MD: 6
    DMG: 1


    Jomei: 64/64
    Piera: 19/23

    Wind Wasp 1: 0/20
    Wind Wasp 2: 9/11

  22. ID: 27378
    LD: 14 (no materials)

    It was very quiet on this floor Piera noticed and sort of liked it depending on her mood. Currently she wished that she had music to listen to though and hummed the tune of a song she liked as she scanned the area, still not finding any materials. As a slight breeze rustled the grass and flowers, she tucked a loose lock of hair back behind her ear before noticing something in the sky. That's an unusual bird, I haven't seen one like that around here before. She mused, watching its graceful flight with passing interest. It was flying fairly low, or at least low enough for her to get a vague look at it when she squinted. "Is that a hawk?" She asked herself with a hint of a smile, recalling an amusing memory. But the smile dipped into a frown as she considered that it might just be a monster and she wouldn't relish fighting it.

    Walking further into the field, unconsciously following the avian's path, Piera wondered if it would drop anything. She could probably make a potion using feathers. Shielding her eyes from the sun, the alchemist watching the falcon glide in slow lazy curves until it caused her to turn to follow it and she saw a figure across the field. Her mouth opened in surprise and wondered for a brief second if it was someone she knew. But upon closer look, she realized it couldn't possibly be anyone she knew. His armor wasn't very large, but she could tell even from this distance that it was good quality. Obviously levels higher than herself and that in and of itself made her immensely wary. Should she play it safe and turn and go back to her shop? Or just continue looking for materials as if she hadn't seen him? Or maybe be friendly and approach? Maybe she was just being silly and cowardly. Her mind buzzed with all of the choices and she hadn't realized she was simply standing stock still, staring intensely at the male with a look of trepidation on her face.

  23. Piera's expression fell slightly, only detectable in the angle of her brow, as she smiled understandingly. "Of course, I understand. I'm sorry for not having better stock; I only just opened a few days ago." The brunette actually felt horrible for not being able to help her very first customer and was inwardly beating herself up. Why didn't she wait a few more days before opening so that she could take the time to make some rudimentary potions first? Ugh, she hadn't even thought of it, she had been so proud of her first perfect potion that was too overpriced for any normal player to consider buying.

    Looking back up at the man as he told her that he'd likely be coming back later in the week but not to hold the potion for her, she brightened. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to make more potions!" The alchemist assured him as he turned and walked towards the door. As the warrior introduced himself as he left, Piera called out, "Ah, I'm Piera. And I look forward to seeing you back here Beoreson!" As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized that introducing herself was a rather silly move on her part as her name was literally in the name. It'd be a bit weird of a 'Piera' wasn't the shop's owner.

    As soon as the man left, she bowed her spine sharply, crashing her forehead into the counter, only barely softened by the cloth covering it. "Idgit idgit idgit." She chided herself. Rubbing her fingers over her eyes underneath her glasses, Piera sighed and brushed her bangs out of her eyes before looking back at her failed attempts. "I've got to get better." She told herself, taking the cauldron and scraping the remnants of her failure into a spare bucket. "I'll get Lee to take that out for me later." She muttered before setting the cauldron back on the flames and opening her menu for another try. This time using a beetle's leg.

    "Eugh." She grimaced, getting grossed out just looking at it. Looking away slightly with a frown, the brunette picked up the pestle and began crushing the insect appendage, shuddering at the icky noises the action made. The alchemist hurriedly shook the ground up material into the cauldron and quickly stirred, her face still pulled into a grimace, now because of the smell. Still, she didn't let it dissuade her from her stirring, making sure that the heat wasn't too great or too little. Her persistance was rewarded as she created a perfectly normal Good quality health potion. She smiled at the success and hoped that her customer would return soon for it and was tempted to reserve it for him, but remembered his words and so set it up on the shelf before opening her menu again.

    "Maybe I should stick with the bug stuff..." Depositing another beetle leg into the mortar and pestle, Piera repeated the process and received the exact same results! "Now that's what I'm talking about. Gah that can't taste good though." Shrugging, the brunette poured the somewhat foul smelling concoction into a glass vial and corked it before setting it next to its' twin on the shelf.

    ID: 27375
    CD: 8
    EXP: 2

    ID: 27376
    CD: 8
    EXP: 2

  24. Name: HP Recovery Potion

    ID: 26959 CD: 12
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Perfect
    Effect: Heals 15 HP over the course of one post, takes one post action.

    A glass vial filled with a bright red liquid tasting of tart strawberries. Heals 15 health points and leaves the user feeling rejuvenated after drinking.


    Name: Safeguard Potion

    ID: 27019 CD: 10
    Shop: Piera's Perfect Potions
    Alchemist Rank: 1
    Item Rank: Uncommon
    Effect: Raises Mitigation +2 over the course of one post, takes one post action.

    A glass vial filled with a bright blue liquid tasting of sour blueberries. After drinking the potion, player's mitigation is raised by +1 per Quality tier. (+1 for Good, +2 for Uncommon, etc.)

  25. After a few failed attempts at making more potions for her newly set up alchemy shop, Piera determined she was going to need a lot more materials in order to keep making potions for the shop with the good chance that at least half of them would be lost to failed attempts as she experimented and practiced her potioneering. She'd asked Lee to look after the shop for her while she did some gathering and he obliged. It wasn't likely that there would be any trouble for him in this, she'd only had one customer since her 'grand opening' and it wasn't like she had a wide variety to choose and buy from. Sadly. So the brunette set off from the edge of Delilah Village to walk further out into the prairie of floor three. She trekked through the vast fields of dandelions, smiling softly as she squatted occasionally to pick flowers in the hopes of gathering materials. Sadly though, her search provided no results and so Piera continued her walk, keeping a look out for other players or possible good places to search as she hummed to herself.

    ID: 27221
    LD: 11 (no materials)

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