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Posts posted by Piera

  1. Piera had finally finished straightening up the store as much as she possibly could for the day and even tidied up the living quarters even though it was upstairs and out of sight. Now she needed to practice her potioneering for the day. Looking through the various materials, she picked a few of the flowers and set them into the mortar and pestle, crushing them into bits before pausing as she heard something. She snickered upon realization that it was just Lee's snores and shook the flower bits into her cauldron. Stirring while humming quietly to herself, the alchemist waited for the window to pop up. Her mouth twisted in a displeased grimace as it informed her that she had failed in her attempt to craft a potion and had lost her material. "Damn..." But she didn't let it discourage her too much, taking out an additional flower to try again. This time she didn't fail...completely. The potion was made but its quality was bad, thankfully she was able to salvage the material from it so she could try again another time.

    ID: 27219
    CD: 2
    EXP: 1

    ID: 27220
    CD: 6
    LD: 18
    EXP: 1

    Piera was cleaning up her work station from her failed attempts when she heard the door creak open and looked up with a hopeful smile as a dark haired man about her age stepped in. Smiling at the armor clad player, the brunette woman bowed her head as she greeted, "Hello, welcome to Piera's Potent Potions." Wiping her hands of flower remnants on her apron, she listened to his explanation and line of question with an attentive expression before considering. "I hadn't thought about commissions yet to be honest, I'm still new at alchemy I'm afraid." She gave him a apologetic smile before continuing, "I do however have a perfect quality HP recovery potion." Turning and reaching up on the high shelf behind her, she plucked said potion from its place of honor before turning back around and presenting it for him to look at its stats. "It's more expensive (seven hundred col), but it's worth it if you can afford it. I also accept payment in materials if you happen to have them. This potion would be worth four materials. But if it's a bit out of your price range, you could wait for a bit and I can see if I can craft you a good quality potion." The brunette's voice was hopeful as she laid out the options to her first customer. Her outward appearance was composed, but inside her stomach was fluttering with nervousness.

  2. Piera's lips pressed together in a thin line as she eyed her health bar before glaring back at the cause of it. Why was she doing so badly? She wasn't fast enough or focused perhaps. Taking in a deep and steady breath, the brunette circled the wasp as she twisted the long spear in her hand to point it at the monster. As she heard Jomei's question behind her, she silently shook her head, concentrated on the task at hand. She didn't have much pride, but she at least wanted to be able to take out one or two monsters without assistance. Her life wasn't in any danger....yet, so Piera was determined to kill this thing on her own. The brunette simply waited, watching the insect closely as it buzzed about and just as it lost patience and zoomed forward to sting her, she shot forward to stab it head on. She wasn't quick enough though. While she managed to get a hit on it, it wasn't before the wasp managed to sting her yet again. At least she didn't miss again though. Glancing over at Jomei quickly, Piera grimaced at seeing that his prey was nearly dead already while she had only just managed to score a hit. "Damn luck o' the Irish." She muttered to herself as she glowered at her wasp.

    ID: 27218
    BD: 7
    DMG: 2
    MD: 7
    DMG: 1


    Jomei: 64/64
    Piera: 20/23

    Wind Wasp 1: 4/20 (paralyzed)
    Wind Wasp 2: 9/11

  3. Piera had immediately rushed to Lee to show off her newly created perfect potions and had rambled for a bit about renaming her shop Piera's Perfect Potent Potions, but was quickly dissuaded by the daunting prospect of having to ensure that all potions she sold were indeed perfect quality. With chagrin, the brunette went back to her 'station' and opened her menu with a flick of a finger before selecting a material to use for a second potion. "Hope I get lucky again." She murmured as she ground up the ingredient before checking to make sure the cauldron was hot enough before shaking in the stuff. Stirring with a critical eye, the brunette kept her left hand's fingers crossed while she waited for it to brew before the window finally popped up to notify her that she had created an Uncommon potion. Brightening, Piera looked it over as she said to herself, "Not too shabby."

    ID: 27019
    CD: 10
    EXP: 3

  4. Piera grimaced as her twirling downward slash missed and the wasp buzzed left and took the opportunity to sting her. Eyes immediately going to her health bar, it thankfully only went down by one point. Pausing for a moment as she regrouped, the brunette almost looked away from her enemy as she heard Jomei's comment about the Queen. She tutted exhasperatedly and retorted to him, "I'm sure she's quite beautiful and regal in...bug standards. Probably." The spear-woman smiled at the monster as it buzzed angrily at her and she wondered what it would think of their conversation. "I'm sure these guys think that she's quite a catch. Too bad they won't get a chance to court her." Piera emphasized her sentiment by quickly sidestepping to the right and slashing upwards diagonally from the left before holding the spear's staff at the ready in case the wasp made a counter attack. But the wasp was still to quick for her, buzzing around her slash before stinging again. Of course her pitiful attempt to guard was useless as she didn't have a shield or even the Block skill so an additional point of health was taken from her, causing Piera to growl in annoyance under her breath. "This guy's really determined to defend her honor I guess."

    ID: 27018
    BD: 1
    DMG: miss
    MD: 7
    DMG: 1


    Jomei: 64/64
    Piera: 21/23

    Wind Wasp 1: 10/20
    Wind Wasp 2: 11/11

  5. Piera had settled into her newly found shop, glad that it had a small living space above for her and Lee to crash in so they could stop wasting their money on inn rooms and save it up to get better gear. "I really need to see about getting some armor." She murmured to herself as she looked through her menu before getting out some of the materials she had collected. No point in having a shop if she had nothing to sell, right? That meant that she needed to get cracking and try to actually make some potions. Depositing the material into her mortar, the brunette picked up the pestle and began grinding before pouring the remains into a small heated cauldron. Stirring the contents, Piera broke out into a grin as a window popped up notifying her that she had created a Perfect Potion. "Yes! Whoa my first potion in my shop is perfect, awesome!" This had to be a good sign.

    ID: 26959

    CD: 12

    EXP: 8

  6. <<Piera's Potent Potions>>



    On the outskirts of Delilah Village on the prairie floor of three is a flat stone paved path that cut through fields of dandelions that leads to an ordinary looking cottage. Smoke leaks out of its chimney and as you approach, a sign hangs on the door that depicts a steaming mortar and pestle with the title of Piera's Potent Potions on it. Once entered, the smell of numerous flowers and herbs would wash over you as sunlight leaked through the windows.

    "Hello." A polite female voice would greet you. The voice came from a brunette bespectacled woman that was crushing materials with a mortar and pestle on the counter in the corner. "Welcome to my shop. What can I help you with?"

    Profession Stats:


    Rank 7: High Mentor Alchemist

    Experience: 644/1,279 (8 Crafts per day)

    Tier 1 Materials: 23

    Tier 2 Materials: 34

    Tier 3 Materials: 9

    Items: Potioneer's Kit (+1CD)

        [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials)
        [2] = Fail (Lose materials)
        [3-5] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
        [6-8] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
        [9-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
        [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

        [1-12] = No additional items.

        [13-17] = Yields 1 additional item.
        [18-20] = Yields 2 additional items.

    • Critical Fail and Fail crafts: +1 EXP
    • Salvage crafts: +2 EXP
    • Uncommon crafts: +3 EXP
    • Rare crafts: +5 EXP
    • Perfect crafts: +8 EXP




    ► Damage
    Cost: 1 Slot
    Cap: 3 Slots
    Effect: Gain +1 base damage per slot. Effect lasts for one thread.
    Applicable to: Potions, Crystals

    ► Mitigation
    Cost: 1 Slot
    Cap: 3 Slots
    Effect: Prevent (5 per slot * Tier) damage from successful attacks against you. Effect lasts for one thread.
    Applicable to: Potions, Crystals

    ► Crafter’s Respite
    Cost: 3 Slots
    Cap: 1 Slot
    Effect: Resets your daily crafting attempts. Cannot use more than one Crafter’s Respite within 24 hours.
    Applicable to: Potions

    ► Over-Health
    Cost: 1 Slot
    Cap: 3 Slots
    Effect: Adds +(15 per slot * Tier) to your maximum HP. Effect lasts for one thread.
    Applicable to: Crystals

    HP Recovery
    Cost: 1 Slot
    Cap: 3 Slots
    Effect: Heals a single target for (20 per slot * Tier) HP.
    Applicable to: Salves, Potions

    ► Mass HP Recovery
    Cost: 3 Slots
    Cap: 1 Slots
    Effect: Heals you and each member of your party for (30 * Target's Tier) HP.
    Applicable to: Crystals

    ► Teleport
    Cost: 3 Slots
    Cap: 1 Slots
    Effect: Use a post action to activate a teleport crystal. Teleports the player to the town or designated teleportation area they specify.
    Applicable to: Crystals

    ► Safeguard
    Cost: 3 Slots
    Cap: 1 Slots
    Effect: When applied, the next successful attack against you will do no damage. Effect lasts for one thread.
    Applicable to: Potions

    ► Antidote
    Cost: 1 Slot
    Cap: 3 Slots
    Effect: When applied, grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used. Effect lasts for one thread.
    Applicable to: Salves

    ► Toxic Venom
    Cost: 3 Slots
    Cap: 1 Slot
    Effect: Natural critical attack rolls of 9-10 deal (8 * Tier) unmitigatable poison damage on each enemy turn for 3 turns. Effect lasts for one thread. Poison damage does not stack, but can be refreshed.
    Applicable to: Salves




    Vanity Items:


    Name: Deceit Potion
        ID: 29874 CD: 9
        Alchemist Rank: 2
        Item Rank: Good
        Effect: Causes the drinker to lie.
        A glass vial filled with a bright orange liquid tasting oddly of blueberries. After a moment, the drinker will not feel any different but be unable to speak anything but lies.  Also  strangely enough they will feel compelled to speak these lies even if they don't particularly want to. The effect wears off after a few hours.

        Name: Honesty Potion
        ID: 29875 CD: 8
        Alchemist Rank: 2
        Item Rank: Good
        Effect: Causes the drinker to speak truthfully.
        A glass vial filled with a creamy butter yellow liquid tasting of plain yogurt. After a moment they will be compelled to be extremely honest, unable to speak any lies or even keep quiet should someone ask a question that they truthfully know the answer to. The effect wears off after a few hours.

    Name: Hair Loss Potion
    ID: 30250 CD: 9
    Alchemist Rank: 2
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker to lose their hair
    A glass vial filled with a golden liquid tasting of lemonade with a bit too much salt in it. After a moment they will turn completely bald (including the loss of their eyebrows and facial hair), however it is only temporary and their hair will grow back after a few hours.

    Name: Silence Potion
    ID: 31037 CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 3
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes user to go mute.
    A glass phial filled with a somewhat clear yellow liquid tasting strongly of cinnamon that causes the user to loose their voice and become completely mute shortly after drinking. This effect lasts for several hours before eventually wearing off.

    Name: Hair Growth Potion
    ID: 31113 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 3
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker's hair to grow longer.
    A glass vial filled with a creamy lilac liquid that tastes like licorice. A moment after drinking, the hair on the user's head will begin to grow into long and luxurious locks while also becoming very silky and shiny. However this will only last  for a little under a day before reverting back to the user's normal hair.

    Name: 100 Proof Potion
    ID: 31177 CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 3
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker to become highly intoxicated.
    A glass vial filled with a dark blue liquid that smells like lettuce, but tastes like peppermint.  Not long after consuming, the user will begin to quickly become intoxicated no matter their usual tolerance to normal alcohol. The effect wears off after a few hours and leaves the player with a bad hangover.

    Name: A Familiar Sound Potion
    ID: 31179 CD: 8
    Alchemist Rank: 3
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker to be able to hear and understand familiars.
    A glass vial filled with a light pink liquid tasting of paprika and garlic. After a moment they will be able to hear and understand any and all familiars that they are around. The effect wears off after a little under a day.

    Name: Rainbow Delight
    ID: 31576 CD: 8
    Alchemist Rank: 4
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user's hair to change to a different random color.
    A glass phial filled with a clear sticky liquid that tastes of sherbert. Shortly after drinking, the user's hair will turn a different shade and color than it was originally, though the color will be chosen at random. This effect will only last a day.

    Name: Feline Potion
    ID: 31577 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 4
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user to become feline like.
    A glass phial filled with an orange liquid that tastes of catnip. Shortly after drinking, the user will gain feline characteristics such as growing cat ears, tail, whiskers and even their pupils slitting. However they will also be unable to speak normally, only able to emit various 'meows'. This effect will only last a day.

    Name: Hangover Cure
    ID: 32793 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Can cure a hangover.
    A phial filled with a muddy red liquid that tastes like somebody dropped an Alka-Seltzer into a Virgin Mary. Guaranteed to cure the user of any hangover (alchemically induced or not), though might leave a bad taste.

    Name: Extract of Insanity
    ID: 32850 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker to hallucinate.
    A glass vial filled with smoking murky red liquid that smells like excrement and earwax, but tastes like milk and strawberries. Shortly after drinking, the user will begin to hallucinate. Small things at first, such as hearing things that aren't there or perhaps movement when there is none but then it will escalate into much grander hallucinations, such as everybody's cursors turning orange in a safe zone, or mobs attacking in a safe zone, or perhaps a friend turning into a monster. It is limited to the user's psyche and imagination and will eventually wear off after a couple of hours.

    Name: Glitter Potion
    ID: 33248 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user's avatar to glitter.
    A small glass phial filled with murky pink liquid that tastes similar to cherry pop rocks and also reacts the same in one's mouth. A few minutes after drinking the potion, the user's avatar shimmers as if covered by glitter. Effect lasts anywhere from three to six hours.

    Name: Voice Modulation Potion
    ID: 33383 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user's voice to change pitch at random.
    A glass phial filled with a light brown liquid that tastes like what can only be described as root beer flavored cough drops. After drinking the potion, the user's voice is altered randomly, changing the pitch and tone. This can have somewhat amusing effects. Lasts from three to six hours.

    Name: Potion of Unseeing
    ID: 33388 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user's sight to become extremely fuzzy.
    A glass phial filled with a cloudy off white liquid that tastes of chocolate covered raisins. A moment after drinking, the user's vision will become clouded, as if their vision suddenly became less than 20/20, however neither things near or far will be more visible to them. This effect only lasts up to three hours at maximum.

    Name: Aging Potion
    ID: 33545 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: A potion that ages the drinker to various ages.
    A glass phial filled with milky green liquid that when drank, ages the user randomly. Effect only lasts for around three hours.

    Name: A Familiar Sound Potion
    ID: 33660 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker to be able to hear and understand familiars.
    A glass vial filled with a light pink liquid tasting of paprika and garlic. After a moment they will be able to hear and understand any and all familiars that they are around. The effect wears off after a little under a day.

    Name: Amatory Oils
    ID: 33760 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Body oil that works as an heightened aphrodisiac.
    A medium sized glass phial filled in the shape of a heart, filled with clear dark honey liquid that smells of pomegranates and vanilla. When applied generously to the user's skin, causes the user to become highly aroused. Effects only last for up to two to three hours after use. Not for sale to minors. Only applicable in the Unrestricted Chat Section. Do not imbibe. If consumed instead of applied dermatologically, user will become extremely aroused to the the point of being painful as well as be violently ill after the effects wear off.

    Name: Mimic Potion
    ID: 33763 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user to take on another player's appearance.
    A glass phial filled with a clear sticky liquid that tastes of pears. For the potion to work however, one needs to put at least one strand of hair from another player into the phial and shake it before drinking. After consumption, the user's avatar will temporarily transform into the appearance of the player whose hair they used. The user's original equipped items will stay and look the same and their voice will still be the same however. If one enters combat, the effect is shattered and will not return unless user consumes another Mimic Potion. Lasts for one day.

    Name: 100 Proof Potion
    ID: 33764 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the drinker to become highly intoxicated.
    A glass vial filled with a dark blue liquid that smells like lettuce, but tastes like peppermint.  Not long after consuming, the user will begin to quickly become intoxicated no matter their usual tolerance to normal alcohol. The effect wears off after a few hours and leaves the player with a bad hangover unless otherwise treated by an alchemist crafted 'Hangover Cure'.

    Name: Potion of Heat
    ID: 33889 CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 5
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Makes the user very warm no matter the climate.
    A glass phial that is warm to the touch and filled with fiery orange liquid that tastes like liquid spicy red peppers.

    Name: Record Crystal
    ID: 34254 CD: 4
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Can take in game screenshots.
    A dark teal octahedron crystal that can take in-game screenshots of whatever the user is looking at that can print out via NPC shops later on. Infinite uses.

    Name: Spoopy Potion
    ID: 34748 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Temporarily causes user's skeleton to glow.
    A glass phial filled with a glowing white liquid that tastes like powdered milk. Shortly after drinking, the user's skeleton will glow through their avatar, allowing it to be seen and glow even in darkness. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: Headless Potion
    ID: 34751 CD: 7
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Causes the user's head to become invisible.
    A small glass phial filled with seemingly nothing at all, though you can hear the swish of liquid and when consumed, the near invisible liquid tastes of candy corn. A few minutes after drinking, the head on the user's avatar slowly becomes invisible, giving a 'headless' look. Effect lasts up to six hours.

    Name: Fang Potion
    ID: 34754 CD: 4
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Temporarily gives user fangs.
    A glass phial filled with what appears to be blood but tastes like a mix between rare steak and mint leaves. Shortly after drinking, the user's avatar will grow long vampire like fangs that even allow them to 'mark' other players with a bite, though it offers no negative or positive effects, simply cosmetic. Lasts for one thread.

    Name: Infusion of the Undead
    ID: 34948 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Temporarily zombifies user.
    A glass phial of thick snot looking liquid that smells absolutely foul but tastes similar to pistachio pudding. Shortly after drinking, the user's avatar will deteriorate into a zombie looking appearance that varies from each user. Whether rotting flesh, wounds, stitches, missing limbs or organs, an appearance change will definitely occur, though their mind and speech remains intact. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: Werepotion
    ID: 34951 CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Temporarily turns user into a werewolf.
    A glass phial of a clear brown liquid that tastes like a root beer float. Shortly after drinking, the user's avatar will begin to change, growing tufts of hair all over their body as well as growing claws on their fingers and toes and their nose elongating into a snout as well as wolf ears, tail and even fangs: transforming them into a werewolf. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: Ectoplasm Extract
    ID: 34953 CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Temporarily turns user into a ghost.
    A glass phial of a milky light green liquid that glows and is faintly see through and tastes like marshmallows. Shortly after drinking, the user's avatar will begin to lose color and become whiter and also more translucent, but not entirely see through, making them appear much like a ghost. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: Infusion of Marrow
    ID: 34954 CD: 5
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Temporarily turns user into a skeleton.
    A glass phial of a milky liquid that tastes like Tums. Shortly after drinking, the user's avatar will become completely invisible but for their skeleton. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: Pumpkin Spice Potion
    ID: 35703  CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Changes user's head into a pumpkin.
    A phial of pulpy orange liquid that smells accutely like a pumpkin's innards but when drank, tastes almost exactly like a pumpkin spice latte. A moment after drinking, the user's skin begins to change to orange before their head expands and eventually becomes a jack-o-lantern, complete with lighting. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: Concoction of Flame
    ID: 35705  CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Coats user's avatar in flames.
    A phial of slightly iridescent blue liquid, the surface alight with a flame. When poured over the user's avatar, it will coat them in flames that will surprisingly do them no harm, though it is known to be ever so slightly warmer and ticklish. Consumption is not recommended. Lasts for several hours.

    Name: X-Ray Potion
    ID: 35707  CD: 6
    Alchemist Rank: 6
    Item Rank: Good
    Effect: Gives user X-Ray vision (sort of).
    A phial of very pale lilac liquid that tastes of banana yogurt. A moment after drinking, the user's vision will be affected and they will see everyone as skeletons, whether they be players, NPCs or familiars. Lasts for several hours.


    Name: Cleansing Water


    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID: 79530

    Roll: 4

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good

    Enhancements: None

    Description: (Just a fluffy description.) A tall glass vial of perfectly clear liquid that has no odor. It's taste is that of sparkling seltzer water and if consumed, instantaneously cleanses the player's avatar of any and all vanity affects caused by alchemical products.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=510206


    Name: Potion of Youth

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID: 79834

    Roll: 4

    Item Type: Potion 
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Good

    Enhancements: None

    Description: A round vial of slightly cloudy sky blue liquid that tastes of blue raspberry icee and after consumption causes the drinker to age backwards to be seven years old. Doesn't affect stats or fighting ability, clothes morph to fit new size. Effect lasts for a few hours.

    Post Link: 


    Combat Items:


    Tier 1 Items:



    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35180

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A phial filled with red liquid tasting of carbonated strawberry soda that shortly after drinking, user heals for forty health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35510

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A phial filled with red liquid tasting of carbonated strawberry soda that shortly after drinking, user heals for twenty health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Antidote Salve

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35511

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A small jar of green paste that smells of freshly cut grass and lemons. Grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Armor Infusion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35583

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Mitigation

    Description: A glass phial filled with a murky grey liquid with silver flecks in it that tastes of steel and raw eggs. Shortly after drinking, the user will gain ten points to their damage mitigation. Lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35702

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A phial filled with red liquid tasting of carbonated strawberry soda that shortly after drinking, user heals for twenty health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Extract of Devastation

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35704

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: A glass phial filled with a hot pink liquid that tastes similar to an energy drink. Shortly after drinking, the user will gain two points to their damage. Lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Armor Infusion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35764

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Mitigation

    Description: A glass phial filled with a murky grey liquid with silver flecks in it that tastes of steel and raw eggs. Shortly after drinking, the user will gain five points to their damage mitigation. Lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35766

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A phial filled with red liquid tasting of carbonated strawberry soda that shortly after drinking, user heals for forty health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  35771

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A phial filled with red liquid tasting of carbonated strawberry soda that shortly after drinking, user heals for twenty health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Antidote Salve

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  31687

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A small jar of green paste that smells of freshly cut grass and lemons. Grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used. Effect lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Crystal of Armor

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  34749

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Mitigation

    Description: A rectangular silver crystal that when used, instantly gives the user plus fifteen to their mitigation. Lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: Crystal of Armor

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  34750

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Mitigation

    Description: A rectangular silver crystal that when used, instantly gives the user plus fifteen to their mitigation. Lasts for one thread.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name: HP Recovery Potion

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  34949

    Roll: 13

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A phial filled with red liquid tasting of carbonated strawberry soda that shortly after drinking, user heals for sixty health points. Takes a post to drink.

    Post Link:  N/A


    Name:  Teleport Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID: 79827

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Crystal

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Teleport

    Description:  A bright blue rectangular crystal that when held and stated correctly, "Teleport, <Insert Town Name>", will instantly teleport the user to said place unless otherwise stated by the area that teleporting is disabled. One time use.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=510617


    Name: Crystallized Band-Aid

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID: 79828

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A red rectangular potion bottle filled with a small tan crystals in the red liquid tasting of vanilla and mangoes that shortly after drinking, heals the user for forty HP.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=510617


    Name: Antidote Salve

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  79831

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A small jar of green paste that smells of freshly cut grass and lemons. Grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used (2). Effect lasts for one thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=510617


    Name: Antidote Salve

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81733

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A small jar of green paste that smells of freshly cut grass and lemons. Grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used (2). Effect lasts for one thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671



    Name: Essence of Bulk Up

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81734

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: A round glass vial filled with cloudy white liquid with the odor of fresh milk and the taste of a protein shake. After consumption, gives player plus two damage for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671


    Name: Essence of Bulk Up

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  81738

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: A round glass vial filled with cloudy white liquid with the odor of fresh milk and the taste of a protein shake. After consumption, gives player plus two damage for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513671


    Name: Essence of Iron

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81821

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage Mitigation

    Description: A square vial filled with dark grey sticky liquid that smells of dirt and tastes like tree bark. After consumption, gives player plus ten damage mitigation for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513837


    Name: Antidote Salve

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81826

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A small jar of green paste that smells of freshly cut grass and lemons. Grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used (1). Effect lasts for one thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=513837



    Name: Zelly Pot

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81938

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: Damage

    Description: An oblong glass pot filled with a slightly iridescent murky gold liquid with the odor of freshly blow dried hair and the taste of churned and salted butter. After consumption, gives player plus two damage for a single thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015


    Name: Antidote Salve

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  81941

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Salve
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Antidote

    Description: A small jar of green paste that smells of freshly cut grass and lemons. Grants immunity to negative status effects (Paralyze, Bleed, etc.) for a total number of turns they would affect you equal to the slots used (1). Effect lasts for one thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015



    Name: Helios' Light

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81943

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A small rectangular vial of black liquid that glows green and tastes of fruit loops. Shortly after drinking, heals the user forty health points.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015


    Name: Lindow's Helping Hand

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 81947

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A small red potion that after drinking, heals the user for twenty health points.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514015


    Name: Over-Health Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82039

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Over-Health

    Description: A square red crystal that when activated, adds fifteen health points to the user's maximum health points. Effects last for one thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130


    Name: Azide's Smile

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82040

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A small red potion that after drinking, heals the user for forty health points.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130


    Name: Cora's Reassurance

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82042

    Roll: 9

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: HP Recovery

    Description: A small red potion that after drinking, heals the user for twenty health points.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130


    Name: Over-Health Crystal

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID: 82045

    Roll: 8

    Item Type: Crystal
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: Over-Health

    Description: A square red crystal that when activated, adds fifteen health points to the user's maximum health points. Effects last for one thread.

    Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/8534-f3-pieras-potent-potions-pk-accessible/?do=findComment&comment=514130


    Name: Tortoise Shell Soup Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank:6
    ID: 97306
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: Mitigation
    Description: A murky green liquid in a spherical glass vial that has a rather marshy smell and tastes like pea soup. Gives plus ten to user's mitigation after drinking, effects last for one thread.

    Name: Tortoise Shell Soup Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank:6
    ID: 97308
    CD Roll: 8
    LD Roll: 14
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: Mitigation
    Description: A murky green liquid in a spherical glass vial that has a rather marshy smell and tastes like pea soup. Gives plus five to user's mitigation after drinking, effects last for one thread.

    Name: Tortoise Shell Soup Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank:6
    ID: 97308-1
    CD Roll: 8
    LD Roll: 14
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: Mitigation
    Description: A murky green liquid in a spherical glass vial that has a rather marshy smell and tastes like pea soup. Gives plus five to user's mitigation after drinking, effects last for one thread.


    Tier 2 Items:




    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank:



    Item Type:
    Tier: 2




    Post Link:


    Tier 3 Items:



    Name: Potion of Life

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 6

    ID:  96647

    Roll: 11

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: + 120 HP Recovery

    Description: A round vial filled with a muddy red liquid that smells of the earth after rain and tastes like V8 juice. After consuming, heals player up to one hundred and twenty of their health points.

    Post Link:


    Name: Babette Tail Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96926
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +30 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A murky brown liquid in a spherical glass vial that has a rather earthy smell and tastes like pork gravy. Don't ask why. Gives plus thirty to user's mitigation after drinking, effects last for one thread.

    Name: Potion of Life

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 7

    ID:  96929

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 3

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: HP Recovery +120

    Description: A round vial filled with a muddy red liquid that smells of the earth after rain and tastes like V8 juice. After drinking, heals user for up to one hundred and twenty health points.


    Name: Griffon's Feather Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96930
    Roll: 6
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +60 HP Recovery
    Description: A tall vial of milky white and slightly pearlescent liquid that smells like cream and tastes like a vanilla milkshake. After drinking, heals the user for up to sixty health points.


    Name: Griffon's Feather Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96930-1
    Roll: 6
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +60 HP Recovery
    Description: A tall vial of milky white and slightly pearlescent liquid that smells like cream and tastes like a vanilla milkshake. After drinking, heals the user for up to sixty health points.


    Name: Boar's Tail Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96932
    Roll: 6
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +15 Mitigation
    Description: A murky brown liquid in a spherical glass vial that has a rather earthy smell and tastes like pork gravy. Don't ask why. Gives plus thirty to user's mitigation after drinking, effects last for one thread.







    Accepted Orders:



    Tier 1 Perfect Damage Potions (x5)

    Tier 3 Perfect Mitigation Potions (x5)


    Reserve Stock:
    (Ordered items ready for pick-up.)



    Name: Adamantine Fortitude
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96650
    Roll: 13
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +45 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all.

    Name: Adamantine Fortitude
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96650-1
    Roll: 13
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +45 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all.

    Name: Adamantine Fortitude
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96650-2
    Roll: 13
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +45 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all.

    Name: Adamantine Fortitude
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96654
    Roll: 13
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +45 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all.

    Name: Adamantine Fortitude
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 96931
    Roll: 13
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier:  3
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +45 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all.
    Post Link

    Name: Templar's Strength
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank:6
    ID: 97305
    CD Roll: 13
    LD Roll: 5
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Damage
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all. 

    Name: Templar's Strength
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 97310
    CD Roll:13
    LD Roll: 15
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Damage
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all. 

    Name: Templar's Strength
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 6
    ID: 97310-1
    CD Roll:13
    LD Roll: 15
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Damage
    Description: A potion infused with a steroid activator, quickly increasing one's strength for a short duration, but giving the body its all. 


    Order Form:


    Name: [Give the item a name]
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: [Leave Blank]
    ID: [Leave Blank]
    Roll: [Leave Blank]
    Item Type: [Potion, Crystal or Salve]
    Tier:  [1, 2 or 3]
    Quality: [Vanity, Uncommon, Rare or Perfect]
    Enhancement: [Use the enhancement guide for a list of enhancements]
    Description: [A description of the item]



    Tier 1 Items:

    Good Items: 100 Col / 1 Tier 1 Mat

    Uncommon Items: 600 Col / 2 Tier 1 Mats

    Rare Items: 800 Col / 3 Tier 1 Mats

    Perfect Items: 1,200 Col / 4 Tier 1 Mats

    Tier 2 Items:

    Uncommon Items: 700 Col / 2 Tier 2 Mats

    Rare Items: 900 Col / 3 Tier 2 Mats

    Perfect Items: 1,300 Col / 4 Tier 2 Mats

    Tier 3 Items:

    Uncommon Items: 800 / 2 Tier 3 Mats

    Rare Items: 1,000 Col / 3 Tier 3 Mats

    Perfect Items: 1,400 Col / 4 Tier 3 Mats

    ~Fellow members of the Holy Dragon Alliance get 20% off their transactions or -1 Mat off per item~



    Beoreson: 1 Good HP Recovery Potion (+250 col)

    Kalesh: 1 Good HP Recovery Potion (+1 mat)

    Blue: 1 Uncommon HP Recovery Crystal & 1 Rare HP Recovery Potion (+850 col)

    Mack: 1 Bad Glitter Potion & 1 Bad Voice Modulation Potion (+300 col)

    Beoreson: 1 Perfect HP Recovery Potion (+2 mats & 350 col)

    Xion: 1 Uncommon +5 Health Crystal & 1 +10 Rare Health Crystal (+850 col)

    Kalesh: Donation of +4 mats & +200 col for future Teleport Crystal

    Mack: ______  (+14 mats & Potioneer's Kit)

    Zelrius: Donation of +8 Mats for Boss Raid Order

    Kalesh: 1 Recording Crystal & 1 Message Recording Crystal (+2 Mats)

    Takao: 1 Extract of Insanity (+35 Mats)

    Teayre: 1 Uncommon HP Recovery Potion & 1 Rare HP Recovery Potion (+700 Col)

    Zelrius/Persephone: 37 Boss Raid Items Order (+13,000 Col & 40 Mats)

    Kalesh: 1 Cool, Hot, Canine, Mimic Potion & Amatory Oil (+5 Mats)

    Kalesh: 1 Teleport Crystal (+5 Mats)

    Vasth: 2 Uncommon HP Crystals (+1,200 Col)

    Ssendom: 2 Perfect Damage Crystals (+9,000 Col) + Order Submitted

    Astropheric: 2 Rare HP Recovery Potions & 2 Rare HP Recovery Crystals  (+3,200 Col)

    Jomei: 2 Good Vanity Potions (+5,000 Col via Ssendom)

    Ssendom: 5 Perfect Damage Crystals (+30,000 Col)

    Kalesh: 3 Good Vanity Potions (+1,200 Col)

    Mack: 4 Good Vanity Potions (+1,600 Col)

    Shield: 5 Uncommon Quality Tier 1 Antidote Crystals (+3,000 Col)

    Vargas: 1 Tier 1 Uncommon Damage Potion, 1 Tier 1 Rare Damage Potion, 1 Tier 1 Perfect Damage Potion, 1 Tier 1 Rare Mitigation Potion, 1 Tier 1 Uncommon Mitigation Potion, 1 Tier 1 Perfect Mass HP Recovery Crystal  (+5,200 Col)

    Husky: 2 Tier 1 Perfect Damage Crystals, 2 Teleport Crystals (+4,800 Col)

    Itzal: 1 Tier 2 Perfect Damage Potion, 1 Tier 2 Perfect Damage Mitigation Potion (+8 Tier 2 Materials)

    Macradon: 3 Tier 2 Perfect Damage Potions & 3 Tier 2 Perfect Damage Mitigation Potions  (+24 Tier 2 Materials)

    Shield: 3 Tier 1 Perfect Safeguard Potions, 3 Tier 2 Perfect Damage Mitigation Potions & 3 Tier 2 Perfect Over Health Potions (+3 Tier 2 Materials. Still Owes either 32 Mats or 8,000 Col)

    Itzal: Donation/Tip (+10 Tier 2 Materials)

    Macradon:  5 Tier 1 Perfect Damage Potions & 5 Tier 3 Perfect Mitigation Potions (+20 Tier 3 Materials & 6,000 Col)



  7. Piera couldn't help but smile alittle as Jomei tried to insist that potions were always useful no matter the level. But the smile drooped in shock as he explained that a pitiful level one potion saved his life when he was on the seventh floor. "Jomei..." She breathed in worry even though there was nothing to be done now of course. Her smile returned a little with his thumbs up and she nodded. "Alright, I'll do my best to get better though." As his head drooped, stating that what was truly pitiful was being a music shop owner with useless songs, the brunette leaned her spear against her shoulder as she put her free hand on her hip. "Hey, I'm sure they can do something. Don't be so down on yourself." 

    As they walked through the fields, her green eyes darted around behind the shield of her glasses, keeping her wits about her as they navigated their way around other mobs. Piera was sure that they would have to fight at least one or two of them, but Jomei managed to lead them away from the aggro zones. The further they went into the fields, more and more trees began to crop up. She was admiring the scenery when she saw Jomei throw his arm out in front of her and immediately froze, scanning the area ahead. It was then that she finally heard buzzing sounds. Seeing the ginger's head turn to their left, she looked that way as well and saw their prey.

    Glancing at Jomei as he leaned in with a smirk, she couldn't help but smile in return at his words. "Oh gee, thanks. I can't wait to see a pretty one." Holding her Bleeding Lance at the ready in front of her, the brunette watched as her ginger friend took off at a sprint to the wasp on the left. Gripping her weapon tight, Piera took a deep breath before running to the right at the other wasp, which upon second glance she realized was just slightly smaller than the other one. She twirled the staff of her spear in her hand, slashing downwards at the pesky insect.

    ID: 26903
    BD: 4
    DMG: miss
    MD: 8
    DMG: 1


    Jomei: 64/64

    Piera: 22/23

    Wind Wasp 1: 15/20

    Wind Wasp 2: 11/11

  8. Piera glanced to the side as her friend acknowledged that she had a point and she couldn't help but smile happily at his smile, thinking cutesy things about her two friends with a little spring in her step. As the sun hit his already flaming hair, the brunette couldn't help but appreciate how he looked right now and idly thought that Carmine was a lucky lady. "Yup! We're going to astound them with our martial prowess and everyone shall flock to my new shop!" She skipped ahead with a leap and punched her fist into the air before pausing and looking back at the ginger before finishing ruefully, "To buy my pitiful level one potions, heh."

    As Jomei laughed at her question about the Raid, Piera pouted and explained, "I'm sure there is a potion for that but I definitely can't make it yet. Though when I can you can be sure that I'll be making plenty of that." If there was one thing she was happy about being stuck in SAO it was that there were no bugs. At least in safe zones. No spiders lurking in the corners of rooms.

    As they left the city, the young woman paused along with her companion as he looked around before pointing in a particular direction and then equipping his weapon. Opening her own menu to ready herself, a black two handed spear with golden wrapped blade appeared in her hands before she nodded, her expression more serious now. "Yes. Lead the way."

  9. Piera and Lee appeared on the eleventh floor via teleport, armed and ready. She was nervous to be on literally the highest floor available in the game so far. Even though technically she was just a level lower than the floor, she knew that she would need to be at least twice that level if not triple to even feel safe. "I hope this beach isn't too far." She murmured to her companion. The brunette was vaguely surprised that Lowenthal hadn't sent Lee his own invite but then rationalized that they hadn't spent much time together and he might have just assumed that she would bring him as her plus one, which she was doing anyway.

    But her current worries were a bit more serious, such as making their way to the party alive. She had asked for directions and constantly referred to them as she and Lee made their way to the designated area. Piera heaved a huge sigh of relief as they stepped on sand and saw a group of people in the distance. "Oh thank god. Welp, guess we can get changed now." She winked at her boyfriend, eager to see how he would look in his swimsuit as she opened her menu to unequip her own items before equipping the lilac bikini.

    Once properly attired, she ran ahead and waved, "Hey! Sorry we took so long. Oh." She blushed slightly as she realized that she didn't know...well most of these people. Her hand lowering and her posture drawing inward slightly, the brunette glanced around and was glad to see at least three familiar faces, those of Jomei, Carmine and of course the birthday boy. "H-Happy Birthday Lowenthal." Her right hand raised slightly to wiggle her fingers in a shy wave to her other two friends and guildmates. Piera glanced behind her, hoping Lee was not too far behind her.

  10. Piera felt a bit more relieved as he assured her that the wasps didn't have any special attacks or anything weird like that, other than the queen's ability to summon more monsters to her aid. "Heh. I'm sure you can take her out in enough time. I just hope I can keep up and pull my own weight. Kinda wish I'd forced Lee to come to be a meat shield." He was still a level or two behind her though and was busy grinding to catch up.

    The brunette chuckled along with her friend as he agreed that he'd rather not have to put his life on the line for her but her smile drooped just a little as he said that he still would. Her expression developed into a frown as he explained that she had things to come back to and that there would be consequences for him if something happened to her. "Hey, c'mon, you have things to come back to too. Lowenthal, the guild, Carmine. What would I say to them, huh?" She sort of avoided talking about what Lee would do to him. Or what would become of him. She stopped for a moment as the ginger rested a hand on her shoulder and she gave him a bittersweet crooked smile at his promise. "Yeah, you're right. It's just a buncha bugs." Piera followed him as he turned and walked towards the gates as Adere hooted softly on her shoulder. With a sly smile, the bespectacled woman asked, "Don't suppose you have any Raid?"

  11. Piera's eyebrows raised slightly as Jomei mentioned that he'd actually gone against this floor boss two other times. But her smile returned as he reassured that it was fairly easy to beat considering that it was still technically a boss. "That's good then. This'll be my first boss!"


    The brunette straightened and paid close attention as her ginger friend pointed to her seriously and explained what she in particular would have to look out for. She nodded faintly as she listened closely to her guildmate's rundown of how this fight would likely go. Piera frowned in thought but nodded once again. "Makes sense, queen bee an all that. Do they have any special attacks or anything like that? Paralysis, poison or something?" Piera was a bit wary of encountering unfamiliar monsters and since he had gone through this multiple times, wanted to make sure she knew everything she could before going into the fight.


    As Jomei crossed his arm and stated seriously that if things looked bad, he would draw their attention off of her, she gave a sad sort of crooked smile. "Thanks Jomei. I'd prefer it not come to that though." Piera doubted that his life would be in any danger due to his high level...but it was a death game and she'd prefer not to take any chances. Shaking her head from such thoughts, she used her index finger to scratch Adere on the side of her neck, wondering if her shoulder was more comfortable than her owners or perhaps the owl wanted a change of scenery. "Should we head out then?"

  12. Piera was zoning out, thinking of the positives and negatives of being stuck in this game as she often did. Suddenly a yawn took over her mouth, stretching it wide as her eyes closed, not noticing a small fowl flutter onto her shoulder. Thus she was quite surprised when she felt something soft nudge her cheek. "GAH! Oh jeez Adere..." THe brunette's hands had flown up protectively but now went limp in relief as she sighed and pet the little owl's head. "Just about gave me a heart attack. Wait..."


    Her brain finally kicked in gear as it put two and two together and she looked around before her eyes settled on Jomei's form before she broke into a smile. "Sneaky bugger." She chastised as he laughed and approached the pair. Nodding at his question she elaborated, "Yup. I've heard she drops this cool alchemical venom and I'd really love to open my shop with it as a special item. Have you fought her before? Not too hard, is it?"

  13. Piera smiled at Carmine's request and nodded seriously in thought before replying, "I accept this grave responsibility." And formally sealing the deal by linking her own pinky with her friend's, shaking it. She was just glad that this was a fairly easy quest so they didn't need to worry about their lives actually being in danger. Theoretically. The brunette suddenly wished there was a piece of wood around for her to knock on.


    She nodded as Carmine expressed satisfaction about being able to kick boars around. "Yeah, it's pretty nice when you can beat them without dodging and doing pin prick damage for like four evers. And even take on more than one!" She giggled at their achievements, knowing that they were small but still satisfying.


    Piera couldn't help the slight blush on her cheeks at Carmine's statement, looking sidelong at her as she mentioned that it was nice to see compared to most flings or tweens trying to have a 'relationship'. Smirking, the brunette shook her head. "Yeah, I know just what you mean. Let's see if they last through a coma that lasts goodness knows how long? It's like a damn soap opera or something. I'm just thankful that we got stuck together. I...don't know what I'd do if I was in here alone. Or if he was stuck in here alone." Her expression turned dark at the prospect before she mentally gave herself a shake to rid herself of such depressing thoughts before finishing, "We've been together for this long. About five years. And no death game is going to change that." She nodded confidently with a small smile.


    Piera watched her red-headed friend closely as she replied about her having 'someone'. At her negative answer, she shrugged and was going to let it go before Carmine mentioned getting 'back into the game' and then dropping a particular name. The brunette couldn't stop the smile slowly growing on her face as the dagger wielder continued. "You're not old!" She protested, giving the other girl a light shove to punctuate her feelings on the matter. "You can be single or taken no matter your age. Well...as long as you're an adult. Or whatever, you get the point! But Jomei huh? Why do you say he's a softie? You doing any flirting back?" Piera asked with a mischievous smile.

  14. Piera had been a bit busy of late. Not long ago she had completed the quest 'Earning a Living' with Lee's help. This of course enabled her with the ability to open up her own shop. But the question was where. She searched for quite a while before settling on the third floor. It wasn't too high leveled, had a nice area and the floor had good alchemical reagent materials for her to collect easily. Which was essential for her to level up her craft. But while she had indeed claimed her 'shop', she hadn't set it up and opened it quite yet. She wanted to open with something special. An item that not many had. In her grinding, she had heard a rumor about an area boss that respawned and dropped a potent venom that one could apply to their weapon. That would definitely sell well. Piera was a bit worried about being not quite high enough level to breeze through it so immediately knew she was going to need some help. Lee was busy grinding and since he was the same level as herself that might not work out quite well. Same went for Carmine. Lowenthal seemed distracted as of late so she didn't feel up to bothering him with something fairly trivial. That left Jomei. The brunette relaxed in safe zone and sent out a message to her ginger friend asking him if he was busy and if not, if he felt up to assisting her in collecting some venom from a boss on floor two.

  15. Piera shook her head with a smile. "I'll hum it until you HATE it." She promised with an air kissed blown towards his direction with a loud 'mwah' sound accompanying it. Her body would sway slightly as the song still played in her head as she watched Lee rather viciously secure his beetle kill and when he announced such, she couldn't help but laugh. "You were afraid that I'd steal it~ Don't worry, I'm a good support." She walked forward and patted his shoulder. "Good job honey." She told him, reaching up to kiss him on his fuzzy cheek before opening her menu and checking her quest. "Awesome. I have enough materials now to try making the potion! Let's go back to town so we don't have to worry about monsters while I try not to fail. C'mon." The brunette beckoned her companion to follow her as she lead them back to the safe zone. 


    Once there, she sat down at the nearest bench and opened her menu, taking out the materials she needed as well as keeping open the quest instructions. "Okay. A potion. Just a simple HP recovery potion." She said to herself before getting started. Piera followed the relatively simple instructions, using the mortar and pestle the alchemist lady had given her and she bit her lower lip nervously as she crafted before finally a potion appeared in her hand. Her face lit up in a amazed smile before dropping a little as she surveyed the items information. Apparently it was a 'bad item' and didn't heal very much HP, not nearly as much as a normal HP recovery potion was supposed to. Frowning slightly the brunette stated, "I hope this will be enough... Let's go back to the alchemist to see if this will help or hurt me."


    Making her way back to Alchemist Angela's Apothecary, Piera opened the door and entered, glad to see that the woman was still there. "Hello. I'm back again. I did like you said, gathered the materials and used the item you gave me, the mortar and pestle to make a potion." She then opened her menu and retrieved said potion before presenting it to Angela. The elder took the potion in hand and seemed to survey it critically before her eyes flicked back up at her. "Was this your first attempt?"  Piera nodded with wide worrisome eyes before relaxing slightly as the alchemist smiled kindly. "This isn't bad for a very first attempt at crafting a potion. The first concoction I ever made was not even fit for use. I think you'll be a fine alchemist." The brunette's face lit up again before looking down shyly. "Thank you." She was then distracted as a window popped up on her menu declaring that she completed the 'Earning a Living' quest and that she was now a Beginner Alchemist and should find a property to set up shop. "Yes! We did it!" Piera cried out in jubilation before turning and hugging Lee. "Thank you for helping me sweetie." 


    ID: 24265

    CD: 5


    Thread Complete!


    +200 Col

    +1 SP



    +200 Col

    +2 SP

    +? MAT

    + <<Alchemist Title>>

    + <<Ability to Open a Shop>>

  16. Piera giggled and tried to stifle the noise behind her hand as Carmine began to look around for her fans as if they were hiding behind every bush and store corner before stating wisely, 'They're always around'. The brunette's expression became serious as she nodded, looking around as well before winking at the red head. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. I'm tougher than I look....kinda." 


    The spear-woman nodded in understanding and slight relief as Carmine explained that the quest they'd be doing was pretty easy. She was honestly really worried that the other woman would be put off by the idea of joining her party instead of vice-versa, but she let out a breath and smiled as the red head quickly joined, even stating that she liked the idea and how it was cute. "Heh, it just gives us some peace of mind. Sorry for the inconvenience."


    As Carmine said that she had battled only once or twice, Piera continued walking along with the woman, listening as she continued, saying that she wanted to be able to protect herself and her friends and was working towards that. The brunette nodded immediately. "I know just what you mean. That's basically the entire reason why I stopped cowering and hiding in the starting town on the first floor." She gave a sad humorless chuckle. "I've been doing a bit of leveling, just fighting against boars and beetles." She shrugged, knowing that it wasn't much, but it was a big step for her.


    Piera looked around carefully as they exited the safe zone to ensure that there were no monsters in the immediate area or worse, any orange players. She was barely paying attention when Carmine asked her a rather big question. "Huh, what?" Then the question actually processed in her brain and the brunette looked away bashfully, her cheeks tinted faintly with pink as she easily replied, "Oh, no no. We're not married. Not yet."  Upon second consideration, she wasn't sure if Carmine had meant in the game or in real life but figured that it didn't matter as the answer was the same. Then glancing back at the red head she asked curiously, "Do you have anyone special?"

  17. Piera laughed as Jomei debated on whether it was a good or bad thing that there were no Aincrad's Top Performers running about, simply nodding in agreement as he concurred that it would be a bad idea if there were. The brunette smiled as he promised to let her know if he ever got a band of performers together. "I'll hold you to that. But best focus on your own career for now." 


    Her head tilted as the ginger divulged that he had been to a hot springs, in the real world no less, though it was quite some time ago. Her expression became content and longing as he vaguely described it. "Nnnn it sounds heavenly."  Piera's eyes flicked to Jomei's as he asked about her concern on his opinion about Lowenthal's boyfriend. She looked away a little embarrassed before shrugging. "S-Sorry, I just wasn't sure. Not everyone is so accepting." The brunette didn't want him to feel like she was judging him either though... 


    Her bashful expression morphed into a rather mischievous look as Jomei finally realized what he had agreed to do. Nodding with a grin, Piera replied, "Yup. I have confidence in you." The brunette opened her mouth to continue before a window popped up on her menu, distracting her. She made a few hand motions before a soft smile graced her lips as she typed up a reply before looking back at Jomei once she had dismissed the message. "Sorry about that. I should probably get going. Lee's wondering where I wandered off to." Her green eyes glanced to her shoulder where Adere was still perched and was starting to nod off and Piera's expression was regretful as she gently prodded the owl before attempting to get her to perch on her fingers so as to transfer her back to Jomei.

  18. Piera's eyes widened in surprise at Lowenthal's suggestion. "You can support in SAO?" She nodded slowly as he explained further, her hand coming up to rest her fingers on her chin as she thought. "Yeah, and since my spear's range is pretty long it could work with me staying in the back when possible. And I can increase my inventory after I become an alchemist. Wow, this could really work." She spoke softly, more to herself than to Lowenthal but it could still be heard.


    The brunette smiled as the swordsman stated his opinion on the guild's name before a laugh bubbled out. "Haha, yeah I suppose it would make it seem like that. Or that we have an obsession with that color. Though that isn't a bad color. You could make us all uniforms! They'd have to be velvet though. We have our image to uphold." Piera teased the tailor before her smile turned content. "Thank you Lowenthal. Again." She chuckled before continuing, "For the first time, I feel like we have a chance."

  19. Piera frowned sympathetically as Jomei explained that the novelty of being able to play music as a performer was nice, functionality in battle was low, so not many people were willing to pay col for the songs. But her smile returned somewhat as he stated that even if it wasn't popular, he enjoyed what he did. "Well at least there's that."


    As he mentioned that anyone who had wanted to be an Aincrad idol probably ditched the idea when it was revealed that they could actually die, the brunette nodded with a chuckle. "I don't know whether that's a shame or a blessing." She rested both elbows leaning forward onto the table before raising her right hand and gently stroking upwards between Adere's eyes onto her head before glancing back at Jomei as he gave a half answer to her 'manager type' question. Her left eyebrow raised in interest before shrugging and then remembering that she had an owl on her shoulder and murmured an apology to the familiar before saying to her ginger owner, "I don't have a lot of skills myself and I like helping people. So I guess it'd be a good fit."


    Piera giggled as Jomei facepalmed, apparently having forgot that deserts can get quite frigid at night. "Yeah, I'm sure it will be." She replied when he said that either way it would be great. "I'm excited now! I've never been to a hot springs or spa or anything like that before." Even if this was 'just a game', it really wasn't. Virtual reality was just too...real to be considered fake.


    She surveyed the swordsman closely with a blank expression as he reacted with vague surprise upon hearing about Lowenthal's new relationship status. But everything seemed to be okay even if it was a bit of a surprise for him to hear that his best friend hooked up with someone he didn't even know and that he was presumably bisexual. Piera remained silent, waiting for further opinion to be stated on the subject before letting out a slightly relieved breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in as the ginger exclaimed that he was happy that his friend was happy. Chuckling as he guessed Lowenthal was probably too busy or forgetful to relay the 'big news' to the rest of his friends, Piera stated, "We definitely have to get him in on the triple date now. So we get to know him." 'Him', being Clarence of course.

  20. Piera's expression turned quizzical as Lowenthal stated that 'the Velvet Room' meant velvet as in the color, not the material. "Soft purple? Well I do love that color....never heard of velvet being a color though." She shrugged and left it alone. Her head tilted in interest as he explained that they didn't have a building but they did have a small meeting room until they found guild housing. "Guild housing? Our guild can get a whole house?" She asked, rather surprised. "I didn't think there were houses in this game, just endless amounts of inns, heh."


    Piera shuffled her feet a little bashfully as Lowenthal stated rather enthusiastically that he was planning on spoiling Lee and herself to ensure that they wouldn't die. Her eyebrows raised in surprise and skepticism as he also said that with said items that they would be on par with himself. "HP kinda counts for a lot in a game where you die when it reaches zero. Especially if you're a tank like Lee. But I get your point. You still have skills on us. I've only got one piddly rank in my two handed spear skill. Not sure what else to really level up, besides my light armor and profession." The brunette shrugged, wondering if perhaps he had any advice for her.

  21. Piera's lips widened into a smile as Lee did his best to sing the lyrics to the song that was stuck in his head. Her head began to bob to the beat of the song that was now playing in her head as well. "Yeah, that was a good one." She replied before humming along to the rest of what she remembered, not being able to recall all of the words herself. The brunette walked over to another clump of dandelions to pick some more. This time she was successful and received a generous amount of hawkweed in her inventory. "Yes! Wow I think that's almost it." Piera said to herself before standing and looking back at Lee. Gauging both of their health bars she cheered, "C'mon sweetie, you almost got him! Don't make me KS you!" She laughed at the threat, knowing that she wouldn't go through with it.


    ID: 24049

    LD: 19

    HP List:

    Piera: 15/15 (+1)

    Lee: 13/15 


    Beetle: 2/5 (-2)

  22. Piera was a bit surprised as the handshake turned into more medieval style, gripping the forearms but once she corrected herself, she shook with Lowenthal firmly with a content smile, her eyes bright as she surveyed his as he welcomed her to the 'Velvet Room'. "The Velvet Room, huh? Interesting name." She commented, wondering if there was story behind it. "Does the guild actually have a room of velvet? I'll be very disappointed if that's not the case. False advertising and all that." She joked.


    The brunette's eyes widened as Lowenthal stated that not only was he giving her the awesome spear, but he has a full set of items for Lee and he was making her her own armor. "Whoa. I mean...jeez, you don't need to do that... Not that I wana say no. Man you really know how to bribe, don't you? Can't wait to see you ask Lee and tell him all this." She chuckled, feeling a bit overwhelmed and giddy. She tried to focus on what he was saying now, about levels and she shook her head in incredulity as he stated that he was going on the front lines. "Only level twenty four he says. I don't even want to think how long it's gonna take me to get to your level." Piera sighed, futzing with her bangs as she glanced at the sandy haired man as he messed with his menu.

  23. Piera's head tilted as her drinking companion wished her luck on finding other performers which prompted her question, "I take it it's not a popular profession? I would've thought all of the bubbly girls would have jumped to be the only 'pop star idol' in Aincrad. Though I suppose there's not many if any such girls that play a game like this." At his idea of her being their manager if their little band of performers was ever assembled, she couldn't help but smile, not hating the idea, though her expression turned curious as he stated that she seemed the 'type'. "Oh? Is there a musical manager 'type'? Though I don't think I'd mind. I'm sure there are certain benefits." She grinned at the ginger.


    She relaxed back in her chair as Jomei placated her by stating that he had been to floor five plenty of times and that apparently it was a very hot area. The brunette couldn't help but bark a laugh at his observation that putting a hot spring in the middle of a desert wasn't the best of ideas. "Haha, we can only hope." She replied as he stated that he hoped it was in a cooler area that the rest of the floor. "I know deserts can get really freezing at night, maybe it's for then?" She shrugged, not being able to think of any other reason.


    Piera's head tilted to the other side along with Jomei's as he inquired about the 'triple' part of the 'triple date'. She blinked in confusion before explaining, "Yeah. You and Carmine. Lee and I. And Lowenthal and Clarence. At least I think that was the name." Then she blinked again as she suddenly realized something, her mouth opening in a vague 'O' shape. "Oohh...I um. Sorry I don't know if that was supposed to be a secret or anything. I just remembered Lowenthal mentioning it in passing. I haven't met this 'Clarence' yet myself. Umm....surprise?" She said a bit guiltily, raising her hands in a very halfhearted attempt at 'jazz-hands'.


    The spear-woman waited for Jomei to get her insinuation and thought it had passed right over his head as he actually answered her question with a guess of his own before his voice drifted off and his face suddenly grew extremely red, which was only made more comical by his eyes widening before he introduced the table to his face. Piera snorted at the violent reaction before glancing at Adere as she fluttered onto her shoulder, having been spooked by her owner's antics. Her hand reached up to gently stroke the owlet's head to soothe her as she apologized with a less than apologetic smile. "Sorry, sorry. You're just too fun to tease! I'm sure there will be towels or bathing suits or something like that. How can I make it up to you?" She asked, her expression now looking a bit more contrite.

  24. Piera grinned as Jomei seemed to take to the idea of getting multiple performers together. "If I meet another performer, I'll send them your way." She offered before laughing as he thanked her for the idea. "Don't thank me, just give me some royalty bonuses when you start raking in the col that your fans throw at you!" She could honestly see Jomei really hitting it off if he actually found a group of performers to pull it off.


    The brunette hummed in thought as she drummed her finger tips against her lips in thought as the ginger man explained that the rumors he had heard about the hot springs were just that, rumors, not information leaked from an info broker (a much more reliable source). As he offered to scout the area out, her expression turned thoughtful as her lips pursed to the side and she looked down at the table. "Mmm, just don't take any risks. Well, I guess that's pointless, you're plenty high enough level. I'd ask to go with you, but...well yeah." She threw up her hands as if to say, 'what are you gonna do?', before shrugging. "Let me know when you do find out. A triple date sounds really fun." She smiled, already imagining the antics they could all get into.


    Her grin only grew as Jomei glared at her for teasing him about Carmine coming to the hot springs with them. The brunette only stuck her tongue out, not able to stifle her smile as she did it. She couldn't resist the urge to continue teasing him as her expression turned thoughtful, tapping her index finger to her chin as she wondered aloud, "I wonder what the dress code is for hot springs? Same as a swimming pool, a bikini perhaps? Or maybe they're supposed to be more natural... You can simply go nude if you allow that feature in your menu."


    Piera smiled as Jomei seconded her toast and she nodded before taking a sip to drink the rest of her tea. "Yup. Only..." She paused as she attempted to do the math in her head before eventually saying, "Eighty-nine more floors to go! Heh...easy peasy." She gave a dry chuckle.

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