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Posts posted by Piera

  1. Piera gave an exasperated sigh as Lee straightened his stance and turned around to face her, completely ignoring the beetle as he simply said, 'I beg to differ.'  "Pay attention, jeez! Fine fine, what song do you have stuck in your head then?" She caved and asked him, shaking her head at his antics.


    She watched a little anxiously as the insect plowed into his side, actually causing Lee to stumble back a bit as it scored a critical on him. His follow up attack was sloppy and missed his target before he looked over at her and cast the blame. "What?! I'm not the one fighting it, you are. It probably knows that it could kill you faster than you could kill it." She goaded with a smirk before glancing at her feet and her eyebrows raised upon seeing hawkweed. "Oh, sweet." She bent down to pick the flower and was rewarded....with squat. "Agh, again?!" She fumed, stamping her foot and crossing her arms over her chest. "There's got to be a trick to this or something."


    ID: 23772

    LD: 14

  2. Piera rolled her eyes as Lee argued that the game was supposed to be 'green'. "Oh yeah, a death game is so 'green'. I'm sure y'know, dying isn't bad for anyone's health at alllll." She retorted at maximum sarcasm levels.


    The brunette involuntarily glanced towards her companion as he asked her a silly question, and the beetle seemed to take advantage of the distraction, barreling into her shoulder. "Agh! Yes, but now isn't the time to talk about it!" She stated in annoyance, channeling her anger with a powerful stab with her spear and it seemed that she got the angle just right as that one blow finished off the insect, causing it to shatter in blue. Her eyes widened in surprise before she jumped up, pumping her fist in the air. "Wooo! Crit! Oh wait..."


    Piera was distracted by her menu as a pop up appeared, completely ignoring Lee even as she spoke to him. "I leveled up. But I didn't get any glands or anything this time." She frowned, her bottom lip sticking out slightly before she noticed that Lee was still fighting his beetle. "C'mon honey, you haven't killed it yet? Put your back into it! Believe in the me that believes in you!" She cheered him on with a humorous smile.


    ID: 23760

    BD: 9(+1Acc)=10 (hit, crit)

    MD: 8 (hit)

    LD: 2


    HP List:

    Piera: 13/15 (-1)

    Lee: 15/15


    Beetle: 0/5 (-3, dead)

    Beetle: 4/5

  3. Piera chuckled lightly as Jomei related his discomfort with singing around people. "Most people do, it's understandable. Maybe you could get a bunch of performers together and you could sing together? It's easier when you're not alone. And harder for people to single you out if you mess up a bit." She winked with a grin.


    The brunette let out a longing sigh as he spoke of singing in the showers if there were any before mentioning that he had heard a rumor about hot springs on floor five. Piera sat up straight with a look of intense interest. "Really? Wow, that would be absolutely amazing." She groaned. "I really hope it's true and not just one of those convoluted rumors where it turns out to be like a pond or something. We could all get together with Lowenthal, Clarence, me, Lee, you," She paused with a grin before saying the last and most important name, "And Carmine of course."


    "I doubt that there's only ten front liners in all of Aincrad. A thousand might be close. I know some guilds that are entirely devoted to fighting on the front lines so they would have a high player count. Who knows." She shrugged. "If they don't win out in levels, I'm sure they've probably got numbers covered." Piera's eyes surveyed Jomei behind her glasses as he mentioned that he was sure not all front liners were bad, only a few and now she was sure she was talking about players that he knew in particular. She was itching to ask, but could tell that it already wasn't a pleasant conversation and so saved the thought for later.


    Piera raised her tea cup that had the last bit of tea in it to toast with Jomei, "To making friends and kicking @sses."

  4. Piera smiled slightly upon hearing Lee's sigh and glanced over at him, seeing his own smile before hers grew in response. She stopped walking when he stilled and looked over in another direction before stating that he heard the 'flying glands'. He paused and turned until he spotted more beetles, pointing his sword in their direction to indicate. Getting out her spear once again, Piera lamented, "If only we had a bug bomb. Or even just a can of Raid." Chuckling, the brunette ran towards the beetles, catching their attention. The first beetle dive bombed Piera, aiming straight for her face and she flinched with a shriek, waving her arms instead of her weapon. Growling in annoyance that it had even taken away one HP, she whirled her lance, slashing at the infuriating insect as the second beetle sailed past her towards Lee...and then straight past him.


    ID: 23423

    BD: 8(+1Acc)=9 (hit)

    MD: 6 (hit)

    ID: 23419

    MD: 4 (miss)


    HP List:

    Piera: 14/15 (-1)

    Lee: 15/15


    Beetle: 3/5 (-2)

    Beetle: 5/5

  5. Piera's eyebrows raised as Lowenthal explained that his clothing could give a player certain bonuses. She hadn't thought that clothing could do that, though maybe clothing was different than armor. As he winked at her and said that his clothing could even help one get lucky, she smiled shyly and chuckled, not thinking that he was talking about the game. "Jeez what kind of clothing do you make?" Her earlier suspicions were confirmed as Lowenthal explained that he could make armor, but found it boring, and seemed more excited about the fact that he had recently unlocked the skill to craft plushies. Giggling at his enthusiasm she replied, "Aw, how cute!" Maybe she could get Bunny made one day? She really really missed Bunny...


    Piera's momentary melancholy was brushed away as Lowenthal asked them who would be next to duel him and she immediately looked to Lee. Of course, his hand shot in the air as he claimed 'dibs' before stepping up in front of the kunai wielder, his sword and shield out, warning his opponent that he really couldn't do much of anything. Chuckling at the sad truth of that statement, Piera stepped back a bit next to Jomei to give them some space before saying, "You can do it honey, maybe he'll give himself a concussion on your shield, or trip and fall on your blood! Think positive!" She clapped enthusiastically before whispering to Jomei, "So how much of a chance does Lee actually have?"

  6. Piera smiled, letting out a small breath of relief as Lowenthal stated that he would be the only one going to fight on the front lines until other members felt ready and then the council would vote on if they were high enough leveled and so forth. It sounded like a nice system. Her eyebrows raised again as he stated that he had plans for Lee and herself. "Really? What sorts of plans?" The brunette was a little paranoid, which showed in her arm position (crossed over her chest) still but also genuinely curious. Then she realized that he must plan on asking Lee to join as well. "I can't say if Lee will accept or not, you'll have to ask him yourself. But...." Piera's smile turned soft and hopeful as she looked back up into Lowenthal's eyes. "I think I do want to join. Your guild sounds like the type of group I'd be proud to be a part of. I'm not sure what I can do to help, but please let me know if I can." She held out her hand, a symbol of trust and her accepting his invitation.

  7. Piera smiled, easily being able to picture Jomei in a pub or the like, but not quite playing some jaunty tune. "I'd like to see that one day. And I'm sure you sing fine. Just need to build up some confidence. Keep practicing in the shower...or whatever the equivalent is in Aincrad." She shrugged, kind of missing showers. The closest one could get to here were hot springs or something but she hadn't encountered any. Must be up on higher floors. "Do the buffs help you much in combat?" She was curious about the performer profession, having considered it briefly before settling on being an alchemist.


    The brunette could tell that the entire talk of player killing and death in general was making her companion uncomfortable and so tried to shift the conversation. "I wonder how many people are on the front lines. We started out with ten thousand...and now are down by, what a thousand? Two? Makes me wonder how many players are actually fighting on the front lines." Piera sipped her tea thoughtfully before looking back up at the ginger as he mentioned that front liners were part of the reason he didn't go to the front lines. She frowned and asked, "Really? Are they that bad? I mean, I know they must have some ego, but...." She shrugged again, not knowing what else to say as she hadn't met any herself.


    Piera smiled kindly across at Jomei as he admitted defeat and nodded as he explained that even though he hadn't known Carmine for long, he was very much attracted to her. He seemed to just soak up her words and reassurances until Adere nudged his cheek to get his attention. She shook her head as the man thanked her. "No problem. I'm doing this for completely selfish reasons. It's nice to see my friends happy and maybe this can help."

  8. Piera's eyebrows raised just fractionally, not thinking that Lowenthal was the 'guild' type, though what type was that, she wasn't entirely sure. He just didn't seem to be a player to join a mainstream front lining guild. But she stayed silent as he explained, stating that Jomei was already a part of it and that he wanted her to join as well! Her eyes blinked rapidly behind her oval glasses as she tried to think while simultaneously listening. The ideal of the guild sounded much different than any others she had seen or heard of. It was quite tempting... She nodded, liking the idea of the voting process than having a monarchy of sorts, where the leader of the guild decided on everything. But the corner's of her mouth tugged towards just slightly as he mentioned front lining.


    The brunette was silent as her arms crossed and her right index finger tapped on her arm before she spoke. "This...definitely doesn't sound like a bad idea. It sounds like the sort of guild that should have been around from the start." She paused before asking, "You said Jomei is in, anyone else?" From the way he described it, she was relatively sure that since he just made the guild, that not a whole lot of people had joined yet. Then a nagging thought brought itself out of her lips. "So...this guild...it will be front lining?" She asked hesitantly before adding with a light nervous chuckle, "You do know my level...right?" She was no where near high enough to be able to fight on the front lines.

  9. Piera shrugged as Jomei admitted that he didn't keep up with the news in SAO or real life for that matter, preferring to wait to hear the important things by word of mouth. She perked up when he mentioned that he was a bard. "Really? I didn't know that. A bard huh? What instrument do you play? Or do you sing? Or maybe both?"


    She took a sip of her tea as Jomei stated that it was just another reason he stayed away from the front lines. Piera shrugged nonchalantly and stated, "I'm sure there are some good reasons to kill someone. Not many, but a few." She was a firm believer in the death penalty and a healthy dose of revenge. If someone killed Lee, there was no way in hell she'd let them get away with it, even if she wasn't able to get her revenge with her own hands, she'd make it happen. The brunette's head tilted as a thought came to her, "You know I don't think I've ever met someone that fights on the front lines. Probably because they wouldn't ever have a reason to come back to these 'lowly lower leveled floors'. Too busy leveling up on the higher floors." She shrugged again and glanced around at the few other patrons of the cafe, wondering if she'd even be able to pick out a front liner in a crowd.


    Looking back at Jomei as he sputtered and stuttered at her suggestion of mentioning him to Carmine, her grin returned wide and strong, simply listening to him dig his hole deeper and deeper. Propping up her elbow on the table and then resting her cheek on her open palm, Piera stared at the blushing ginger as he realized how badly his accent was coming through...as well as his feelings. "You. Are. Adorable. You have the biggest crush on her Jomei, just say it and embrace it."


    Piera chuckled and stirred her tea with her free hand before placating, "Don't worry, I'm sure she already likes you as at least a friend and that's always a good place to start. I'm not proposing that I'll try and get her to...well propose to you or anything, hehe. Just might mention that I know you and you're a good guy. Pretty cute, funny, and who wouldn't love that accent?" She winked at him teasingly before taking another drought of the tea. "It's just small talk. Chatting and gossiping." She wouldn't try to forcibly push the two together before finding out how both parties felt about the vague idea after all.

  10. Piera held her lance at the ready, letting Lowenthal get the first strike in after he acknowledged that the fight wouldn't last long now....and it certainly didn't. One blow from his kunai and the childless mother shattered into bright blue pixel shards, causing the brunette to blink in surprise. "Wow. That would have taken at least another three hits (if I could actually land them) to finish off." She stated, impressed at his damage as she twirled the bleeding lance in her hands before putting it away. Piera glanced over at Lowenthal as he called her name and told her that he had an important question. "Important? Okay..." She acknowledged, waiting for him to ask it as she shifted a bit nervously.


    HP: 11/13(+1 out of combat regen)

  11. Piera tilted her head to the left and right before shrugging. "At least that's something. Would be cool if we both got some glands. Guess that would be too easy." She put away her spear before opening the quest menu and checking her inventory. "Both actually. Hopefully if we keep picking some dandelions, more beetles will find us. Save us the trouble." The brunette dismissed the windows before beginning to walk, keeping her eyes peeled for the small yellow flowered plant. "Ah! There are some more." Piera pointed before running over to a nice clump and squatting down to try and pick them. Though there were several in the group, when she tried to pick them, she only got one. Frowning, the spear-woman wondered if there was some sort of flower picking skill that made this easier. "This is gonna take a while..." She grumbled as she deposited the hawkweed into her inventory.


    ID: 23200

    LD: 12

  12. Piera sipped the tea after murmuring thanks to Jomei for ordering it. As he spoke of how social media and the like got old after a while, she nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right. It's just...hard to keep things into perspective, you know? Do you read the Aincrad newspaper? The articles about new shops opening, obituaries, front line reports. After living here for so long, sometime's it's a bit too easy to forget where we came from. What's outside...what everyone's working towards...or against. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of crazy PK group dedicated to stopping the front liners from succeeding. It would be horrible...but not surprising." She shrugged and realized that she had gone on a sort of philosophical ramble and studied her teacup very closely to avoid meeting Jomei's eyes. 


    Smiling up at the ginger as he made the comment of the hospitals paying the bill, Piera nodded. "Yeah, me neither, heh. I'm sure they will. I just hope there's not a power outage or something like that..." Her shoulders shivered slightly as she remembered back to the first week or so of the game, when people began to drop dead or just simply go limp or 'afk' for a few hours before finally returning. 


    The brunette's blank expression slowly drew into a playful grin as Jomei guessed that her only female friend was Carmine. Nodding, Piera asked coyly, "I don't suppose you have any objections if I try to play matchmaker? Or at least ask what she thinks of you. I didn't even knew you two knew each other. But then again I haven't seen her in a week or so." She shrugged casually, not trying to make a big deal so as to not embarrass the man. 


    As she brought her cup back up to her lips, Piera paused as Jomei stated quite wisely that it didn't matter how a relationship starts as long as you're both happy. Smiling gently, the brunette took a long sip before setting her tea back down as she nodded. "Lee is the main reason I'm not still hiding in the starting city back on floor one. You and Lowenthal certainly helped as well though." Piera flashed the ginger a smile before continuing, "I want us to be able to protect each other. So we should all do our best to make it out together."  

  13. Piera's head whipped over to Lowenthal as the boar bowled into him. "You okay?" Her voice and expression held concern until she checked his HP bar. He wasn't hurt too badly, though she was worried about him 'tanking' through all of these monsters. The piglets didn't manage to do much to him, but now he had their very angry mother to deal with. In the back of her mind, she wondered if anger could make monsters attack more. Which then lead to a whole new set of worries, such as NPC's feeling emotions. Shaking off these philosophical thoughts, Piera focused on the here and now as she ran behind the boar to stab at its hindquarters, causing it to squeal in frustration. "I think we almost have it."


    ID: 23097

    BD: 5+1Acc=6 (hit)


    Lowenthal: 45/50

    Piera: 10/13 


    Boar Mother: 8/25 (-2)

  14. Piera smiled brightly as Lee acknowledged the fact that she hadn't sucked. It was a rather good hit...for once. Beetles were surprisingly hard to hit though, as it sporratically buzzed up and down and around, its flying ability severely hindered due to one of its wings being nearly useless. "Daw." She stated sympathetically as Lee missed before dodging the beetle trying to barrel into him. She used the insect's momentum to try and slash it again. Her strike finished it off, causing it to gave a frantic clicking noise before shattering into bright blue shards, causing a pop up to appear on Piera's menu, stating that she had been awarded some experience, 25 col and... "A beetle gland. Mmm yummy." She stated with a somewhat disgusted chuckle before dismissing the window. Glancing over at Lee she asked, "Did you get anything?" She hoped that since they were in a party together that they would share some experience at least, though she was fairly sure that loot was only awarded to the player that dealt the killing blow.


    ID: 23096

    BD: 8 (hit)

    LD: 14


    HP List:

    Piera: 15/15

    Lee: 15/15


    Beetle: 1/5-2dmg= 0/5 (dead)

  15. Piera laughed at Jomei's 'sudden discovery'. "Your observation skills astound me." Chuckling some more she tried to defend her missing internet. "I know we're using the internet right now! But we can't go on our emails, on youtube or netflix or whatever! I miss doing that stuff! I was always on my laptop doing something." Giggling at the idea of a ridiculously long electric bill she retorted, "At least we won't have to pay it. That's the hospital's responsibility. Or at least it better be..."


    She nodded a bit solemnly as he stated that there wasn't anything that she could do to help now...other than one thing. A small smile growing into a smirk, Piera replied, "I've never done that kind of thing, but there's a first for everything. Honestly most of my friends are guys, but I do know one girl..." She winked at him and wondered if he was purposely trying to lead her to this conclusion, or if she was reading too much into it. 


    Piera smiled warmly as Jomei stated that their little love story gave him hope. "I'm glad. It's not that inspiring if you've lived it, but I'm glad it is for you. If anything, it certainly does tell of the strength of meeting online, on a game no less, and long distance relationships. Your soul mate could be wandering one of these one hundred floors of Aincrad." She shrugged with a light smile, liking the romantic thought.

  16. Piera nodded in understanding as Jomei compared the front liners to the real world's military and how he supported them both in the same way, from a safe distance. When he mentioned that it was a dream come true to live in a game she stated wryly, "Lee said the same thing. This world...it isn't so bad. As long as you don't think about our real bodies and how they're holding up." She shrugged before trying to add positively, "But you're right. There are a lot of perks. No more worrying about going to the bathroom. Disease. On the other hand, I really miss the internet." The brunette chuckled, shaking her head as she watched him tip back his chair, balancing on the back two legs. It made her wonder if he could fall. 


    Looking back up from the chair's legs to Jomei's eyes, Piera's eyebrows raised as he told her of his unluckiness. She was silent as he explained, and by the time that he was done, she really got the feeling that he was unlucky... "Jeez Jomei... What happened to Luck o' th' Irish? I...I mean I want to ask if there's anything I can do to help, though I'm not sure what I can do. Can I help at all?" The brunette was honestly a little concerned for his mental state if nothing else. That was a lot of crappy things to happen in likely a relatively short amount of time given they'd only been in SAO for a few months. 


    Momentarily distracted by his question about Lee and herself, Piera sighed and gave in. "Lee and I? Well...we met online. In a game sort of like this. We weren't stuck in it though." She smiled wryly. "He was just a casual friend at first. Then we started to get closer and chatted a lot, even called each other and talked." Piera shrugged and her eyes became sort of unfocused as she looked past Jomei, seeing with her mind's eye as she smiled softly.


    "I had a crush on him for a while. He was very popular in the game. But I never expected anything to come of it. I was happy just to be friends. And then he confessed that he loved me!" She shook her head and let out a sigh. "It was terrible. I didn't know what to say, I had buried my feelings for so long, I didn't know what I really felt for him anymore! I didn't want to lie so I told him honestly that I needed time to think. It didn't take long to realize that I still really liked him...and had even fallen in love with him. It was a long distance relationship for a while. Games and Skype were a godsend. We first saw each other on Christmas Eve. He flew over to stay with me..." Her smile dropped slightly before her head shook and she continued, "And the summer after, I visited him. We eventually moved in together and then moved around for a couple years before settling down and here we are! I didn't know a thing about gaming before I met him, haha! Gah, I'm talking your ear off, sorry Jomei." The brunette apologized, just now realizing how long she had been gabbing on. 


    Piera's head tilted as Jomei asked if Lowenthal was the one to ask her to promise before she shook her head. "No, it was a player named Sakuri. He was a bit...jittery when we met. I think he had lost someone. Why, did Lowenthal ask you to promise?" He didn't seem the type to ask for the impossible. She watched with a faint smile as Adere's attention was recaptured by Jomei and she hopped across the table to settle onto his shoulder, fluffing her feathers before getting comfortable. It was a pretty cute sight, the tiny fluffy owl on the shoulder of the tall scraggly ginger. "I'm glad you two have each other."

  17. Piera swallowed and nodded at Lowenthal's praise, not really feeling like she was doing that well. Maybe it was just because the boar she was up against had more health than the smaller ones. ...The...babies. Her babies. She watched as he dispatched the last one, which threw the mother into a rage and attacked him, barely damaging him. The brunette's expression was conflicted as Lowenthal stated calmly that the solitary mother boar would be easier to target now that all of her children were dead. "I.. I guess." She actually pitied the monster and resolved to try and dispatch her quickly. The boar was so distracted with Lowenthal, the murderer of her children that she didn't see Piera come up behind her and stab her.


    ID: 22744

    BD: 5+1Acc=6 (hit)


    Lowenthal: 47/50

    Piera: 10/13 


    Boar Mother: 21/25-2=19/25

  18. Piera listened as Jomei explained the occurrence of his meeting Carmine that sounded vaguely similar to hers, except for the part where someone was upsetting her, which of course made her worry a bit, but she was glad that it all seemed to work out in the end at least. She was more interested in the ginger's blush as he said that they had hit it off quite well before becoming flustered and changing the subject. Her lips twitched in a smile she tried to minimize, no need to get carried away. Yet. She'd develop a clearer opinion on the situation once she saw them together. Which would hopefully be sooner rather than later.

    As Jomei agreed that the front lines weren't for him because he'd rather, and he too left a rather telling pause before saying 'survive', causing her to bark a short dry laugh of agreement, giving him a nod. "I hear ya. I applaud the players that are on the front lines, risking their lives to get us all out of here, or perhaps just themselves. But that's not for us I guess. I'm content just surviving as well, and enjoying the little things." She relaxed in her chair, leaning back a little.

    Piera watched as Adere stared at her a little more intently than before and wondered why, while simultaneously trying to listen to her friend about his unluckyness. She perked up when he mentioned that he did have a sort of crush on currently and immediately she wondered if it was Carmine, given his earlier reaction. "Oh? Well at least that's something. And I don't think you've been unlucky per se, the timing just wasn't right. Either or them or for you. These things take time. Think of it like this, with thousands of people all trapped together in a death game, it's bound to bring people together! See? Silver lining." She laughed a little.

    When the Irishman asked her to do him a favor, she nodded immediately, though her head tilted as he asked that Lee do the favor as well and she smiled a little sadly at the request, matching his smirk. "You know you're the second person to ask me that. Though the other demanded that I promise. I can however do my best to do that favor for you. For us both." Her voice spoke lightly, but her green eyes were heavy and serious as she met his olive ones across the table.

    Sighing heavily from the rather heavy talk, Piera focused back on lighter and smaller subjects as she looked back to Adere, who was still staring at her with those adorable big eyes. The brunette slowly tilted her head to the right....which the owl did as well, and then to the left, which was likewise repeated. Grinning at the little owl, Piera shook her head, not meaning to be copied, but that action was mimicked as well, causing her to laugh. "She's so cuuute!"

    The spear-woman looked back up at Jomei as he told her of his quest to tame a familiar and her smile completely dropped when he mentioned almost running into a PK group. "Jomei..." She whispered with horrified worry. Obviously things worked out, or he wouldn't be sitting with her currently, but she couldn't help but still feel concerned. Since he specifically said that he didn't want to talk about it, she bit her tongue to keep herself from prying and instead stated, "Well Adere here sure seems worth it. You're such a good little owl, huh? Yeeeeesss." Piera cooed at the fluffy bird of prey, giving her another scratch on her head, this time between where her cheek and chin, or beak, would be.

  19. Piera blinked as Jomei mentioned Carmine by name, as if he knew her and apparently he did. Grinning at the coincidence, the brunette replied, "Yeah! I um..well I just bumped into her one day (literally) and we just really hit it off, did a quest together a few days ago." She noticed the ginger's very content expression and wondered if there was anything special behind the reason, but put it out of her mind...for now. "Yep, coolest chick in SAO."


    "Twenty exactly? Nice!" She complimented him. To be honest, she had thought he was a few levels higher, but she probably wasn't the best judge of levels. But as he explained that his level was nothing since there were plenty of players stronger than him, she nodded seriously. "I mean I got the impression that you and Lowenthal were really high level and not just because Lee and I are like ridiculously low either. But I guess you guys aren't on the front lines every day or anything. Not that that's a bad thing! That would be...pretty..." Horrifying? Nauseating? Exhilarating? "...Yeah." She finished, letting the silence speak for itself as she shook her head, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling going down her spine.


    Hearing Jomei mention about how he knew how it felt to have another person's back and them have yours made her ask with curious smile, "Do you have someone special?"


    Adere's adorable appeal for attention certainly helped and Piera gave a small chuckle as she finally gave in and raised her right hand to begin scratching the little owl on top of her head before working down to a little between her eyes. "You are really friendly, huh? Isn't that weird for a bird of prey like her? Maybe it's just because she's been tamed?" She asked her owner. "I'm not sure it's an especial liking she's taken to me, so much as another pair of hands to scratch her itches and possibly feed her treats, heh. Not that I mind." The brunette added with a smile as she moved to Adere's ear tufts.


    Her hand stilled when Jomei mentioned how long the quest took though. "Two days? Jeez... Why so long?" Maybe other quests took a while to complete and she just hadn't heard of them? It wasn't like she had much experience on the matter after all. As Jomei explained what sort of things Adere helped him with, Piera's eyebrows raised. "That's certainly helpful. I keep missing monsters right in front of my face and that's with an awesome spear Lowenthal gave me that has an accuracy buff." She sighed, resting her left elbow on the table and her chin on her left hand.

  20. Piera blushed and stuttered, "S-Shuddup an just kill it!" Great Alyssa, way to show him that you've improved. She thought angrily to herself before focusing on the annoying insect. Lee managed to make a successful slash at it, though said enemy didn't seem to really care about the one point of damage, though it was still a fair bit out of its' HP bar. Trying to utilize the long distance of her lance's pole, Piera attempted to slash downwardly at it instead of stabbing, figuring that it would have less chance of missing. This thinking was quite right, as she managed to severely cripple the beetle, shredding one of its wings and cutting off a couple legs. Smiling smugly now, she told Lee, "One more hit should do it."


    ID: 22693

    BD: 9+1Acc=10 (hit)

    MD: 2 (miss)


    HP List:

    Piera: 15/15

    Lee: 15/15


    Beetle: 4/5 -2dmg(+1crit dmg)= 1/5

  21. Piera smiled and nodded before her head tilted at his question of if her other friend was anyone that he might know. Shrugging she replied, "Dunno. You seem like you could know lots of people. She's around my level though, so not sure. Really tall, beautiful long red hair. Username is Carmine. She's really awesome." Her smile widened into a grin at the last bit of information. That was a key factor of the other girl's personality after all.


    At his congratulations on her new accomplishment she couldn't help but smile to her lap a bit bashfully. It still felt good even if it wasn't a huge leap. She looked back up as Jomei as he mentioned that he himself had done some leveling. Her eyes widened in impression, "Wow. You're like at least level twenty right? I don't even wana think about how long it took you to level up. Well you deserve it. I know how hard it is to level when you get higher, it didn't take much to get me to seven honestly." She admitted with a sheepish shrug.


    Piera's polite smile turned warm as Jomei stated that it was good they were both training so that they could protect each other. The brunette nodded and said, "I always thought that he would be doing the protecting. But I'm starting to feel that I can do my part to protect him too. It feels good." Even though she couldn't be his tank, she could do her best to kill anyone that tried to hurt him. And that was one of the best feelings.


    She watched as the mini owl nibbled down bits of meat as Jomei explained her name and origins as the small fowl hopped forward towards her. Piera wanted to pet Adere, but felt that would be too forward. Instead she met the owl's large eyes and greeted, "Hello Adere. Nice to meet you. I'm Piera. I wish I had a treat to give you or something, sorry." She smiled up at Jomei and complimented, "She's beautiful. I've seen players around with little animals and such but not more than like three or five. And never an owl." She winked at Adere winningly. "Just out of curiosity, why do you think everyone's getting familiars now? Just for company or are there actual in game uses?"

  22. Piera's lips tugged up into a brief smile as Lowenthal laughed at her 'angel' comment and agreed that the mysterious 'Clarence' was an indeed an angel in a way. But she was a bit occupied to do anything other than that as she focused on dodging the large boar attempting to skewer her. This time she remembered how fast it was and did not hesitate to quickly get out of the way, using her trick from before to use the bottom of her lance's staff to help propel her before whirling it in her hands and stabbing the mother's side. It squealed viciously and tried to move in front of the last remaining piglet. It was honestly a troubling scene for her. "I-I think I'm okay. But it doesn't seem like I'm doing a lot of damage to her. And, just- Nng...why does this game have to be so realistic?" She fretted. The brunette kind of wished Lee was here. He wouldn't have any problem with killing anything.


    ID: 22684

    BD: 5+1Acc=6 (hit)


    HP List:

    Lowenthal:  48/50 

    Piera: 10/13 


    Boar Mother: 23/25 -2dmg= 21/25

    Piglet: 2/2

  23. Piera couldn't help but smile more at hearing Jomei's accent. It wasn't thick like her dad's, but still noticeable. It made her a bit wistful. "Good to see you too." Nodding in acceptance at his offer for her to take the empty seat across from him at the table, she pulled it out and sat down comfortably before staring interestedly at the owl on the table. She listened as he mentioned how it'd indeed been a while and what he had been doing in the meantime before asking her the same. "Heh, yeah this is actually the first time I've ever been above floor two. Seems worth it so far though. I've been doing a bit of training myself. With Lowenthal, Lee and another friend. Separately though." She didn't want to think that they were excluding him or anything. "It's paying off though, I'm already level seven actually." She knew that it wasn't much compared to Jomei's own level, but it felt like quite an accomplishment to her. As he brought up her other half she nodded. "You'd be right. We are usually together more often than not. He's off doing his own training with a friend right now. I'm keeping an eye on him though. What about you? Who's your new friend?" She gestured to the owl with a curious smile.

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