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Posts posted by Thorrissia

  1. ID: 23552

    BD: 5

    MD: 3


    If she could maybe just end the nasty cat before it got any more chances to smack her, then perhaps it would yield a decent amount of winnings. Thorrissia eyed up the predator, considering the best form of attack. After a few careful thoughtful moments, the girl attempted to lash her sword across one of the cats ears, but the tiger ducked quickly out of the way, and the brunette just barely got out of the way of a nasty bite. "​Now that's not very nice is it?" She tutted, spotting a large wad of grass that resembled a ball of yarn under a nearby tree... maybe. Just maybe. An idea began to form in the young warrior's head. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 22/25]

    Tiger [HP:: 6/13]

  2. ID: 23551

    BD: 9 [+1 DMG]

    MD: 6


    Thorrissia used the tiger's confusion to her advantage and slashed her blazing red sword across the monster;s eye, leaving a nasty orange pixel wound where the blade had hit. The tiger roared in agony and thwacked her suddenly with it's claw, lashing out at any near by target now. The brunette jumped back in surprise. That had been a powerful hit. -3 HP. Crap, it could deal just as much damage as she could. "Uh, nice kitty. " Thorry suggested hopefully, trying not to make it even more angry than she had earlier. Things would probably end very badly. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 22/25]

    Tiger [HP:: 6/13]

  3. ID: 23549

    BD: 1

    MD: 2


    The tiger was built like a powerhouse, lithe yet very heavily muscled. It could probably deal damage on par with her if it managed to get her. The girl tried to retreat slowly backwards in order to get away from the beast. Fighting it might be the wrong idea. Unfortunately, as she made her way backwards, a twig snapped at the monstrous feline launched itself at her. Thorry tried to stab the tiger with her sword, but she tripped backwards and landed with a crash in the jungle dirt. "RAWR!" The tiger snarled, trying to swat at her again, but once again the girl managed to evade the attack by rolling out of the way. She was going to have to fight catzilla. Great, just great. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 25/25]

    Tiger [HP:: 10/13]

  4. ID: 23542

    BD: 6

    MD: 4


    Not long had Thorrissia been wondering through the mesmerising undergrowth before a threatening growl emitted from a near by tropical fern. The girl pointed her sword suspiciously at the bush, hoping nothing too dreadful would pop out from the other side. A large orange and black striped feline head appeared slowly from the leaves, amber eyes glaring hatefully at her as if to say what are you doing in my jungle. "Would a monkey have been to much to ask?" The brunette sighed at the tiger, slashing at the creature's face suddenly with her blade. The tiger hissed, furious that it had been taken by surprise and attempted to swat angrily at her with one of its clawed paws. Thorry scrambled backwards to avoid the blow and the tiger slunk out of the undergrowth, revealing just how big it really was. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 25/25]

    Tiger [HP:: 10/13]


    [Tiger does base damage of 3]

  5. Floor six was amazing. Thorrissia had come up here to check out the jungle environment and maybe do some grinding, but this place was way more wicked than she could ever have expected. Strange exotic creatures roamed through the thick leafy canopies of the Aincrad rainforest, beautiful birds of paradise squawked happily away in the incredibly tall trees as furry little monkeys swung from the vines. "Wow." The brunette exclaimed in wonder, picking her way through the trees. She had to use her sword to cut a path through most of the undergrowth because it was so thick. It was difficult work, but there was no doubt in her mind that this place was truly the best floor she'd been too so far, and it made Thorry wonder what the ones above might be like. 

  6. ID: 23526

    BD: 3


    It seemed luck had finally decided to desert them. A huge gust of wind practically blinded Golden by whipping a spray of sand into his face. Thorrissia's stomach lurched as she saw him stumble and the girl dashed towards him with concern. "Hang on! I'll be right there!" The brunette called reassuringly, but it was difficult to run through the sand very quickly because of the way it shifted under her feet. Thorry attempted to draw the sand shark's attention by trying to stab it while it was focussed upon her battle partner, but the creature moved before she could injure it. "Golden it's going towards you again. Just stand still, it's coming straight at you! You'll have a direct hit!" She yelled over the sound of the wind, hoping her friend would hear her.


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [24/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]


    *cries* The dice gods have forsaken us. 

  7. Thorrissia was a little surprised by the friendly shove from the older girl, although she did not feel adverse to the gesture. It's just she wasn't used to a huge amount of physical contact with those she was unfamiliar with, and probably looked a little startled. When the red headed girl jokingly mentioned her scar, a small smile split the brunette's small pink lips, revealing a row of cheeky pearly whites beneath. "Well, it's not quite as impressive, but I guess I have a battle scar that could count me in as a cabin boy." She joked, pointing to the small discoloured slice just above her lip. "Apples and gambling." Thorrissia shrugged with a knowing smirk, as if this explained the entire story behind the incident. 


    "Well then let's just wonder around randomly and hope we find something. Seems to work for me." Thorrissia suggested with a small shrug. She felt a little odd being fondled by the red haired woman, considering the fact they had only met about five minutes ago, and the strange display of affection left the brunette feeling ever so slightly uncomfortable. "​Uhhh, Thorrissia. My name is Thorrissia." She muttered almost unintelligibly, trying not to look ever so slightly violated by the previous few seconds. "So, um, grinding. Shall we uh go and um, kill some things?" Thorry said, moving quickly towards the gate in order to change the focus of whatever the hell just happened.


    Aww, lil Thorry is like a puppy. Getting stroked naw. 

  8. ID: 23439

    LD: 18


    Thorrissia groaned irritably as the large silvery dorsal fin of the sand shark sunk back into the desert and completely vanished underneath the sand. The stupid great lump had done a runner as soon as it daw Golden coming to slice it again. "Well that's just great. I guess flippers didn't like getting his ass kicked." She sighed, absent mindedly twirling her weapon around as the two of them stood rather bemused around the spot the monster had just vanished into. Thorry looked over at Golden with a small scowl on her face. "It better not be regenerating HP or I swear I'll do that thing some serious damage." Well, no point standing around aimlessly over here anymore. The young warrior began to trudge through the sand in a random direction, looking out for the sign of a fin appearing through the grainy ocean. "There!" She cried suddenly, grabbing a tight hold of Golden's sleeve and pulling him roughly towards the spot where she'd seen the silvery flash. She had not been mistaken. There was the shark. "Don't let him get away!


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [24/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]


    I just went wight he regular non combat material gathering dice with the 15+ to find, but uh, it looks like fortune is favouring the searchers today.

  9. ID: 23408

    BD: 10 [+2 DMG]


    The dice gods are on our side. *celebrates* Although... we're probably going to have to wonder around the desert aimlessly for a bit so that the post count warrants us enough SP.


    Thorrissia was surprised how quickly they were making such short work of this thing. Golden's paralysis was clearly effecting the beast pretty badly because once again he managed to get a crucial hit right in the sand sharks back. There was no way she was going to watch him have all the fun, so with another devious grin, the young warrior took her turn to switch in and began to dart speedily to the rather confused looking sand shark. Thorry swung her blade straight into it's back once again, right in the point that Golden had earlier. "Wow! This thing is about a thousand times weaker than I was expecting!" The brunette exclaimed in surprise, taking a few steps backwards for Golden to take his shot. "Switch!"


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [24/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]

  10. ID: 23399

    BD: 9 [+1 DMG]


    Thorrissia glared as Golden felt the need to show off his full battle capabilities. "You're not the only one with a sword dumb ass!" She called out jeeringly as the boy once again paralysed the monster and left it struggling feebly in the sand. Her tone said that she was only joking, but this young women did not like embarrassing herself. No, this time she would not miss. The brunette was determined to take her turn and do some fancy moves of her own. Thorry dashed quickly through the sand towards the sand shark, kicking up a small cloud of sand as she went. This time she was much more sure footed on the softer terrain though, and her attack was considerably more powerful. The young warrior viciously sliced her sword across the top of monster's head before skipping lightly backwards and allowing Golden another shot. 


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [32/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]

  11. ID: 23385

    BD: 2


    The attack came faster than she'd been expecting. Thorrissia had been thinking that they would have to walk out a little further to draw the monsters attention, but sure enough her theory was put into practice not moments after she'd said it. I really hate being right all the time. She sighed woefully as a large dorsal fin broke through the surface of tiny yellow gains and began to move eagerly towards its prey. Golden wasted no time hanging about and quickly went in to tackle the monster, slashing the beast and dealing a good amount of damage to it. â€‹Can't afford to look stupid here after what I said earlier. 


    ​Thorrissia moved in for the kill, brandishing her weapon and heading quickly towards the beast while it was stuck. But the young warrior did not estimate the sheer difficulty of running through the sand and tripped, falling to the ground. "Well that was embarrassing. Golden, switch in!" She told her companion, trying desperately to hide the blush that had rushed to her cheeks from her own sheet stupidity. 


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [43/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]


    The numbers hate me :0000 *cries* 

  12. "Grouch grouch grouch. I think somebody should have worn their shorts today instead of coming decked out for the winter wonderland hmm?" Thorrissia laughed at Golden's outburst, finding his grumpiness rather endearing. His attire was totally wrong for what they were doing, so his uncomfortableness was entirely his own fault. "Besides," She began, kicking absent mindedly at a pile of sand as they walked. "I have a feeling it's going to find us. We've been walking in the right direction for a while now. It'll probably radiate towards us because we're the only targets walking around out here at the moment." She shrugged, wondering if her companion would throw a strop about the wait. 

  13. "Same with me. I only need two more SP in order to get my athletics ability." Thorrissia shrugged in response when Golden mentioned SP. The boy looked ever so slightly uncomfortable in the furnace like temperatures, but she herself was ok. The pros of not wearing layers meant she wasn't going to bake to death, although the weather was still rather uncomfortable. The girl raised an eyebrow when Golden referred to her by her nickname, a slight smirk appearing on her face again. Had he really just done that? "Well, looks like somebodies feeling all better." She laughed, glad his spirits had lifted a little. "And don't get too confident about your sword being better than mine. Once I get my order finished up, I reckon my combat abilities will probably outdo you." The girl joked light heartedly, heading optimistically out into the vast golden sands. "Well, the floor certainly matches your name, that's for sure." She stated with a low whistle as the town of Armadillo shrunk slowly into the distance behind them. "I would not like to get stuck out here any longer than I have to.

  14. "Warp Floor 5!" The two players appeared in a sudden bright flash in the middle of the harsh desert town of Armadillo. The air was dry and hazy, not particularly pleasant and the sun was baking down upon the little orange sandstone domes that were clustered around the teleport gate. A stray tumbleweed blustered through the empty little city. Thorrissia turned to Goldenarroz with a devious little grin plastered upon her face. "Hey Goldy, how about you and I, seeing as we're sort of housemates for the time being, go and take on the Sandshark? I think it might be a good way to earn some col. Whattya think?" She suggested with one of those trouble making smirks that sometimes lay upon her lips when the girl was about to do something risky. "Besides, I want to show off my new sword." Thorrissia smiled, equipping the blade of dreams out of her inventory. 

  15. Thorrissia was exhausted. She'd been out grinding all day and hadn't gotten a huge amount to show for it. Most of the monsters she'd battled hadn't dropped any col, just a few materials. Well at least I got to test out my new sword. She shrugged a little disappointedly to herself, milling aimlessly through the thatched cottages of the third floor. A few NPC's flowed elegantly through the elven village and a nice cool breeze swiftly followed. The brunette trudged wearily towards the town centre and gave a satisfied smile upon seeing the beautiful fountain there. The girl picked up the pace a little bit and eagerly plunged her hands into the nice cool water, splashing it refreshingly upon her cheeks. "Oh god that's great. Just what I needed." She said with a small smile. 

  16. Thorrissia had been wondering rather aimlessly around the shops, looking hopefully for somebody who could make her the weapon she needed, but so far she hadn't really had any luck. Just as the girl was about to give up and go home, she spotted a little place in the corner that she'd walked past earlier and hadn't seen. "Wild rose forge?" The brunette mused aloud, letting the words play off her tongue. â€‹Well, no harm in trying. She shrugged silently to herself and wondered in through the door. 


    Thorrissia instantly felt at home as soon as she walked in. The place had a nice, sort of warm feeling. Cozy. The kind of atmosphere that made you feel all warm inside. "Hello? Anyone there?" She asked cautiously, wondering off of the door mat and actually walking into the shop. "​Uh, I've been looking to buy a perfect quality sword that can deal +3 DMG. Is there any way I might be able to commission one off of you?" The brunette asked hopefully, sincerely depending on there being somebody about. She didn't want to be talking to herself right now. That would be... embarrassing to say the least. 

  17. Thorrissia had to admit she quite liked the idea go getting to keep the item. The Snowfrost item had in fact been the main reason why she had decided to take this quest on, so when Lessa suggested the item going to her, Thorry shrugged with a small smile. "​Sounds like a plan. I think we should split the col evenly though if this thing decides to drop us any." She felt like that would be fair. They all deserved some of the winnings. The girl picked out a slight hint of hesitation from Lessa when she mentioned the hydra, but said nothing. It wasn't her business. Still, she was interested to hear about the blonde woman's experience battling out there at the front, seeing as it was her own very idea to go out there herself eventually. No matter, they'd reached their destination.


    The vast snowy clearing looked relatively unthreatening with its sparse arrangement of pine trees and wide open spaces for movement, but Thorrissia knew better. As soon as they slid down the hill, Avalanche would appear in all his glory and possibly crush them into snow cones. Hey, what could go wrong? "Well, we'll try not to die." The brunette smiled in response, although this one was a genuine one and substantially less maniacal. "See you on the other side." She stated ever so slightly reluctantly, and tapped Lancelot lightly upon the shoulder. "I'll go in on the left and try and distract it when it appears. Hopefully the monster will go for me, and you can get a hit in whilst I'm keeping it busy." Thorrissia suggested darkly as they began to descend from the steep mountain rise into the open battle field. 



    ID: 23330

    BD: 5 


    The abominable snow man was not what she'd been hoping for. This thing was made up of frigging snow armour, hard coiled up rivers of rock and ice built for one purpose. Smashing. The cognitive functions in the young warrior's brain began to go into overheat, calculating a possible battle plan. Ok, well if it's big, hopefully it will also be slow. It was definitely a bit of a gamble, but if she could draw Avalanche's attention then maybe Lancelot would have time to thwack it one. 


    Thorrissia drew in one last deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the stunt she was about to pull, and dashed aggressively towards the giant monster, deliberately making as much noise as possible in order to gain the thing's attention. "Oi snowy! I'm going to melt you into a popsicle you big overgrown icicle!" The brunette shouted hatefully at the boss, holding her sword into the air like a fiery red beacon of hell as she raced towards it. 


    The girl attempted to get in as close as possible to the creature without its great big rocky arms snatching hold of her. Unfortunately it wasn't all that easy. She tried to slash one of Avalanche's icy hands, but the beast managed to retract its oversized paw just in time, narrowly missing getting a slashing. "Lancelot! Now would be good!" Thorrissia roared over the sound of the snow beast's giant footsteps, keeping her eyes fixed on the monster in case it decided to attack. 


    Thorrissia: [23/23]
    Lancelot: [17/17]
    Lessa: [58/58]

    Avalanche: [50/50] 



    [[ That's perfectly agreeable to me ]]

  18. ID: 23329

    BD: 8

    MD: 1 

    LD: 11 [total loot = 12 x 5 {60 col} ] 


    Thorrissia's blade glinted silently in the sun as she sprinted towards her target, promising death for the boar. Sure enough, her aim was true and the girl's weapon passed clean through the monster's body, completely obliterating it. "Yeah! I could get used to this new sword." She exclaimed happily, inspecting her blade with curiosity. She'd have to buy a new one soon enough sadly, because in order to progress, you needed better equipment, but this thing had done some good for her today. Time to turn in and head back. 



    Thorrissia [HP:: 19/23] 

  19. ID: 23125

    BD: 8

    MD: 2


    For a moment she thought that nothing else was going to happen, and that the boar might just turn around and go home as the creature was just standing there stupidly, not doing anything. "Well come on! I don't have all day!" Thorrissia snapped at the monster, making a wild unimpressed arm gesture. The sudden motion seemed to kick start the animal back into action. The giant pig squealed and began to charge viciously in her direction. And so the dance went on. This time Thorry had no intention of loosing. The girl slashed her gleaming red sword through the giant pigs exposed hide and danced easily out of the way of its tusks, feeling rather proud of herself. One more slice and this pig would be history. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 19/23] 
    Boar [HP:: 2/12]
  20. ID: 23117

    BD: 8


    Nahhhh it's all good. 


    "No, laugh away. It was rather funny. Well, the bit when the fire fighters showed up at the house wasn't, but in hindsight that was also rather amusing." The girl shrugged with a small smile, her eyes flittering towards the bison standing near by that Dom had spotted. The large shaggy brown haired cow thing was milling casually through the long stems of flowers, occasionally taring a petaled snack from the ground and munching lazily upon it. It looked sort of innocent and sad. Such a shame. "Woah woah wait for me!" The brunette exclaimed in an almost childish surprise upon seeing her companion blitz into the distance and begin to engage the target. The young warrior was forced to dash after him at top speed just to arrive in time to switch in the exceptional combatant. 


    "Guess we're eating sunny side up." Thorry muttered humorously to herself upon seeing the upside down bison. The large shaggy beast was braying miserably, waving it's four hoofed feet aimlessly around in the air like an overturned beetle. Thorrissia raced towards the bison and plunged her sword into the creature while it was still out for the count. Not the most impressive of feats, but still. She'd actually managed to hit it at least. "Switch!" The girl called out to Dom, high tailing it out of the way so he could engage the bison once more. 


    Ssendom [HP:: 57/57] 

    Thorrissia [HP:: 23/23] 

    Bison [HP:: -3 = 13/26] 

  21. ID: 23054
    BD: 1
    MD: 3
    It seemed the two virtual fighters would be trapped in death dance forevermore. Neither of them seemed to be able to land a hit on one another. Thorrissia once again attempted to stab her attacker, but the once again the unplanned trip into the muck had left her dazed enough that her aim was far from two. The pig seemed rather unhappy about its attacker trying to rather brutally stab it in the side, and squealed furiously as the girl managed to once again evade the onslaught of it's thick sharp tusks. "Maybe you should just give up and die?" Thorry suggested to the boar, who only glared hatefully in response. 
    Thorrissia [HP:: 19/23] 
    Boar [HP:: 5/12]
  22. "Lead on McDuff." Thorrissia grinned, gesturing with a happy hand for Lessa to take point and lead the way into the belly of the beast. The girl quickly accepted all of her friend/party requests and the little green HP bars for both Lessa and Lancelot popped under her own.The brunette shoved her hands carelessly into her pockets and began to whistle a happy tune as they walked through the ever sparser sprawls of snow topped buildings. The chill in the air somehow seemed to become more bitter as they trudged through the snowfall and out of the city boundary lines, the wind blustering a flurry of snow on the little group of travellers. "Right, so, battle plan. I'm quite happy to take vanguard on this one and attack first, so the boss will probably focus the majority of it's damage upon me. Lancelot that would leave you to switch in with me, and Lessa whenever we start inevitably getting smashed to pieces by this thing you can step in and save our miserable hides. Once we get in here it'll probably be impossible to haul ass and get out of there so we'll have to battle to the end no matter what happens, even if one of us gets crunched. That sound agreeable to everyone?" Thorry relayed the summary of their arrangements casually and light heartedly. Her carefree tone and dark choice of words didn't really seem to match each other, giving the girl an alarmingly disjointed manner of communicating and possibly making her seem ever so slightly apathetic and psychopathic. She'd weighed up the danger and didn't seem to care, although this wasn't entirely true. It was just that if she acknowledged any fear in this situation, it was likely to end up in her second guessing herself in the battle and possibly panicking, which she was very much hoping to avoid. 


    It seemed like really no time at all before they came to a halt and the dark eerie presence of the field boss seemed to ooze through the atmosphere. "Lovely place for a summer home." The brunette remarked casually, glancing around their frozen winter surroundings with interest. A tiny snowflake fluttered down from the sky and landed lightly upon the tip of her now rather red nose. Thorrissia went cross eyed looking at the thing and after a moment of consideration, her little pink tongue darted up to the snowflake and snatched it from it's new home and into her mouth, much like a lizard might catch a fly. 

  23. D: 22866
    BD: 1
    MD: 5
    For a moment Thorrissia thought that she would actually be able to battle the creature effectively. Her sword was drawn, her stance was right. Everything seemed well. That was until she tripped over her own foot and landed with a muddy splat into the dirt, face down. "Blurgh!" The girl cried in alarm, flailing in the murk like a spazing toad, limbs everywhere. The boar squealed in delight, clearly happy with it's newfound luck and began to run at her, ducking it's head into a charge and fuming at its opponent full steam ahead. Thorrissia just barely had time to roll out of the way and even then the boar's tusks only just missed slicing her to ribbons. 
    Thorrissia [HP:: 19/23] 
    Boar [HP:: 5/12]
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