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Posts posted by Thorrissia

  1. "Actually I was going for a possum." She joked, trying to lighten the damper of a mood she'd just bestowed upon the atmosphere. "Thorrissia at your service." The brunette responded with a small smile, leaning up against her chosen practice tree. She noticed as Xion's hand began to twiddle with a couple of his blonde locks, a popular nervous tick of the human race. Am I really that intimidating? Thorrissia mused curiously to herself, remembering the two gutter rat guys harassing Jevi that she'd managed to chase away just by threatening them. That memory brought a smile to her face. Well, I am pretty terrifying.

  2. Thorrissia felt sort of bad that she'd snapped at the poor fellow when he responded with such guilt. "Ugh, no matter. I was getting down anyway..." She shrugged with a slight sigh, glancing up at the splintered stump on the tree where her branch had once been. The brunette wasn't so good with apologising, so that was best he was going to get. "I was trying to test my stamina out..." She explained, an embarrassed blush tinging her cheeks. She hadn't been expecting anyone else to come by, and certainly not to watch her fail so spectacularly. Ughhhh how humiliating. He'd seen her face plant the ground! 

  3. "Hi...you ok up there?Agh! The sudden noise broke Thorrissia from her focus, causing her to panic and flail at the sudden interruption. The tree let out a low creaky moan from the sudden strain on it and the branch the brunette had wound her feet around began to splinter, sending the poor girl hurtling to the ground. "Ack!" She complained, splatting in a crumpled heap upon the ground. "Grahh, well I was fine thank you very much..." Thorry grumbled irritably, picking herself up and dusting off her clothes. 

  4. ID: 26406

    BD: 4-1=3

    MD: 4-1=3


    This red player seemed alright. Thorrissia was glad for not having called him out on his red cursor or said anything rude. Sometimes stuff happens so she guessed he'd had his reasons. Unless he's just very good at appearing nice. The brunette decided to ignore that thought and focus on the battle. "Thanks. I try my best." She responded with a small shrug, her heart still pumping a crap load of adrenaline through her system. Thorrissia focussed her attention back on the wolves once again, aimed a slash at the wolf who'd attacked her new battle partner. These creature were rather nimble though, and the shadowy creature managed to duck the strike, slinking slyly underneath her legs in order to savage one of her ankles. Thorrissia leaped speedily to the right, evading the blow of one of these creatures once again. 


    Lowenthal: 66/71  Hate: 2

    Thorrisaia: 32/32  Hate: 2

    Night Wolf: 35/35

    Night Wolf: 8/35



  5. ID: 26404

    BD: 8

    MD: 2-1=1 

    "Right ok, we'll be heading a lot further north, that's where all the lakes are. There's a mountain region further up behind that, but it's not somewhere I've visited before." Thorry responded with an enthusiastic smile, pointing in the direction they would be heading. There were no lakes visible, but the mountain range was peeking over the top of the horizon. This should be fun. The brunette thought hopefully to herself, making her way eagerly towards their desired combat zone. 

    The trek to the lake region was relatively uneventful in terms of monsters, but that was fine. Thorrissia knew that as soon as they entered the water region that there would be bigger fish to fry. Sure enough, not moments after they'd trudged through the muddy stretch separating the lakes from the grasslands, a large scaly head rippled through the glass like surface of one of the nearby pools, rising slowly from its home to tower above them. The serpent was about fifty feet in length with huge spear like teeth jutting out from its upper jaw, a long forked tongue darting in and out of its mouth like a snake. "SKREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" The monster cried, crying out a challenge to whoever dared to challenge it.

    Thorrissia wasted no time mounting her attack. As long as she generated more hate than Jevi, then the creature would stay focussed on her instead of the lower levelled player. The young warrior darted across the terrain towards the giant snake, kicking off powerfully from the edge of the lake and plunged Volundraesia into the creature's belly. The creature let out a furious screech of pain and the brunette withdrew her weapon, scampering back quickly so she could take another swing at it. The serpent hissed hatefully at its attacker and attempted to plunge its fangs into her, but Thorry leaped quickly out of the way and the creature's teeth hit nothing but muck. 

    Sea Serpent HP:: [9/16]

    Thorrissia HP:: [32/32] [H:1]

    Jevi HP:: [13/13?] [H:1] 

  6. It appeared that floor six wasn't the most visited of places, so, bad for business but great for Thorry. The girl had half been expecting for them to end up in the Safari Cafe or something, but this place was something else. She had to admit, it was pretty impressive. "Wow Golden you've really outdone yourself." The brunette laughed, feeling rather treasured that he was willing to take her somewhere like this. He certainly knew how to flatter somebody that was for sure. Thorrissia took her seat by one of the tables near the wall and ordered a delicious bowl of pasta bolognese. "Umph es reeby gud!" The brunette grinned through a mouthful of spaghetti. 

  7. Sunsets in Aincrad were incredible. As the sun dipped over the edge of the horizon, it set the sky on fire, blazing pink and orange and red for all to see and marvel at. Thorrissia was about to inquire further about whatever her boyfriend was thinking, but the sunset stole her breath away. "I'll never get over just how stunning this game is sometimes, even if it isn't real." The brunette stated quietly, still captivated by the scene in front of her. As soon as Golden mentioned food... "Yeah that sounds fantastic!" Her stomach chose this moment to growl in agreement. She was actually pretty hungry. Thorry had been so preoccupied with their date that she hadn't even noticed. 

  8. ID: 25658

    BD: 3


    "Ah hahahahhahahahahah! Aha ha! ahhaha! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!" This was just too much. Green Beard Vs Meat. Thorrissia couldn't take it. Had that player actually thought she'd done a good job with that half assed pathetic strike? She was in a state of hilarity and there was nothing breaking her out of it. The poor girl could barely move she was in such a state. So naturally when she made an attempt to prod the boar with her sword it got out of the way. "Stop being so ridiculous you're messing me up!" The young warrior cackled, collapsing in a heap in the grass from the pain of almost splitting her ribs from laughing so hard. This new kid was funny. 


    Goldenarroz (41/41) [HATE: 2]

    Boar (3/21)
    Thorrissia (32/32) [HATE:0]
    Fawnlet (5/5) [HATE: 1]

  9. Concentrate. A small bead of sweat trickled down Thorrissia's furrowed brow. Her eyebrows were knitted into a focussed scowl and her pearly white teeth were bared in a concentrated grimace of frustration at the amount of effort it was taking to balance upside down from a tree. The young brunette had hooked her feet under a thick protective branch, locking them into place so she wouldn't fall, but the strain of hanging there with her full body weight was starting to take its toll on her. The young warrior had wanted to test her stamina, and this had seemed like the perfect place to do so, even if it did look a little odd to see a girl hanging upside down in the middle of Florenthia Village like a very strange tree ornament. 

  10. The final person that came in through the door was a familiar face. Thorrissia's eyes widened in recognition as the exceptionally shy dark haired girl scurried uncomfortably into the room. "Kotori!" The brunette exclaimed in surprise, enthusiastically rising from her seat to go and talk to the girl. They'd only met once, but Thorrissia was just so exceptionally glad to see a familiar person, even if they'd only spoken once, that she was quite willing to go over and chat. "Hey, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Thorrissia. You seriously kicked my boyfriend's ass remember?" She laughed with a very friendly tone, trying to make conversation. From what she could remember of Kotori, she had seemed a little uncomfortable with people, so the affable brunette did her very best to make the other girl feel as welcome as possible. 

  11. Thorrissia grinned in response, glad that Jevi was willing to take her up on the offer. She quickly accepted the friend request and party invite and Jevi's HP bar popped up under her own. She was feeling pretty pumped for this. The last time she'd been down to the lake was when she was gathering materials for a quest and she'd actively been avoiding going to deep into the territory there. This time she could kick some serious ass. "Alright, let's go destroy some monsters." The brunette stated with boundless enthusiasm, heading out towards the edge of the safe zone to begin their journey. "How far out in Floor One territory have you headed before?" The girl asked Jevi curiously, interested to know her companions knowledge of the widely varying terrain out here. 

  12. "Haha yeah Lessa's pretty strong. She's fought out on the front lines and she's got some real hardcore experience. I think she's seen some pretty unpleasant stuff though..." Thorrissia trailed off, thinking of how awful it must have been to watch people die right in front of you and not be able to do anything about it. This is where you're planning on going Thorry. Just keep that in mind. She thought with a solum expression. "Hey, what's so funny?" The brunette laughed upon seeing the cheeky little smile on Golden's face. He's clearly just thought of something very amusing, and she wanted in on the fun. 

  13. Thorrissia hated to say it, but she couldn't be more glad that this quest was finally over. The brunette took hold of the little girl's hand, as the fighting had sparked off a new bout of crying, and considered saying something comforting, but was really at a loss as to what to say. Being nice to crying people... wasn't so much her strong suit. She always felt really awkward when people got all emotional on her. "Thank god that's finally over." Thorry sighed in relief as a large bright light began to emerge on the horizon, growing in size the closer they got to it.

    The outside light was surprisingly blinding. The girl had been so used to the darkness that the sudden brightness assaulted her eyes on contact, causing her to move a hand up quickly to shield them. "Gah! I really need to invest in night vision. Like, seriously. I'm never going through that again." This quest had been beneficial in regards to ExP... but never again. Nope.

    The walk back into the city was relatively uneventful, much to Thorrissia's relief. She really didn't want to get attacked by any more monsters. The NPC was safely returned to her mother, with a lot of crying and sobbing all over her cloak again, and that concluded their quest. The young warrior couldn't have been happier to be finished with all of that. 

  14. "Well clearly they picked the wrong person." Thorrissia stated immediately, having no doubts in Golden's ability. He was a proficient combatant and she had faith in his decision making skills. This sparked some curiosity in her as to who could possibly have surpassed him. They must have been pretty friggin awesome to outdo my bae. When he said it was lonely without her, this brought a smile to her face, and a fuzzy kind of warmth spread through her body. "Yeah I'm pretty happy there for the moment. As much as I like it there, I'm not sure if I'll stay there permanently. Lessa's an excellent leader though. I would trust her with my life." Thorry answered him honestly, holding back no praise for the woman who'd recruited her into The Guardians. Lessa and she had fought against Avalanche together, and the girl knew she could trust the swords woman. Lessa had a good heart. 

  15. ID: 26195

    BD: 2-1=1 [GRAH]

    MD: 4

    Thorrissia was pretty relieved when Golden managed to land his next hit on the bat. It appeared the two of them had become more proficient at fighting in the dark, even if they couldn't really see where they were going. The monsters health was in the red zone now. One more strike at that was it, game over. She launched herself hatefully at the bat, eager to end this battle once for all. Unfortunately the creature swooped out of the way in an infuriating move, leaving the young warrior to strike stone instead of flesh. Thorrissia gritted her teeth in frustration. But now there were other things to worry about, the bat was heading for Golden. "Goldy, watch out!" The girl warned him, feeling rather relieved when there was no sound of any impact. 

    Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:2]

    Giant Cave Bat [1/22]

    Thorrissia [20/32] [H:2]

  16. Thorry smiled in response to that comment, thinking of a few unsavoury people. It was sad that a few jerks gave everyone else a bad reputation. "Hey, I tell you what," The young warrior exclaimed, an idea coming to mind. "How about we go do some hunting together? We can go up to the lake where some of the tougher monsters hang out, and we'll be able to level faster and hopefully pick up a few items. That sound like a good idea to you?" Thorrissia asked curiously, quite eager to make friends. It wasn't so often that she jelled well with other people so quickly and maybe she could make a new friend? Plus, Thorry had a feeling Jevi was pretty low level, so going out into the lake territory by herself probably wasn't an option. But with a player with slightly better equipment, maybe Thorry could help Jevi level a bit and pick up some col. 

  17. "No, really don't. It's my fault I should have mentioned it. I was just a bit embarrassed about it." Thorrissia shook her head, realising that had been a bad idea. Sometimes she found it hard to admit she was a human being, not an invincible fearless being. "Yeah sure, let's do that." She muttered in response, still blushing a little bit. Thorry just didn't want anyone to see her as being weak, that she could do things just as well as any other person, but sometimes that wasn't always true. "So, how have things been going in your guild?" She asked him curiously, wanting to change the subject onto a subject that didn't twist her insides into outsides.  

  18. ID: 26172

    BD: 6-1=5

    MD: 7-1=6


    Maybe she had gotten just a little bit overconfident in her actions. After Golden managed to jab the bat, Thorrissia attempted to thrust her sword rather carelessly into it, and the creature just managed to dodge, surprising her by scratching her face. The girl stumbled back in surprise, letting out a furious string of curse words. "I hate these friggin things. The sooner we get outside the better. As much as I love hanging out with you Goldy, I'd prefer to do it somewhere I can see." Thorry laughed. The little girl began asking what was going on, to which she responded, "More action than I'd signed up for." Her HP had dropped into the yellow zone now which was somewhat concerning. 


    Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:1]

    Giant Cave Bat [8/22]

    Thorrissia [20/32] [H:2] 

  19. "Nono it's fine really. It's not even water really it's drowning. I kind of had an incident where my brother may or may not have tried to drown me in a swimming pool. I mean, he didn't mean to or anything it was an accident we were only six it's just I'm not so good with swimming. I've never really been able to get back in anything much deeper than a puddle without having a panic attack." Thorrissia explained quickly, feeling terrible that she'd suddenly put such a damper on things when they'd been having so much fun. "Ugh I'm sorry." She apologised again, still blushing furiously. The brunette threw her arms around her boyfriend, feeling really glad he hadn't given her one of those soppy pitying looks that so many people did. "Thanks for understanding." She muttered gratefully into his ear. 

  20. ID: 26169

    BD: 9-1=8 [+1 DMG]

    MD: 6-1=5


    At the end of the cave tunnel was a small rather bedraggled looking dark haired girl, her eyes puffy from crying. Thorrissia almost felt sorry for the little NPC, even if the kid wasn't actually able to feel anything. She was glad this quest was finally over with though. It had been fun hanging out with Golden, but she seriously hated fighting in the dark it was a total bummer. "Skreee!" Well fantastic, there was now another bat blocking their exit. Thorry had had enough. "Alright, that's it. I've had enough of you things." The brunette spat irritably at the bat, marching purposefully towards it, sword drawn and temper blazing. The monster hesitated before attacking, suddenly looking a lot more uncertain about attacking. Once it's command kicked in though, the beast had no option but to charge her. The young warrior made no move to doge it however. Instead of moving out of the way, she brought her weapon hard down on the monster's head and bashed it into the floor. The bat made a squeak of displeasure and attempted to slash at her with a claw, but Thorry kicked off the floor of the cave and moved out of the way. 

    Goldenarroz [43/43] [H:0]

    Giant Cave Bat [15/22] 

    Thorrissia [22/32] [H: 2]

  21. Thorrissia felt like she was going to barf. Oh nonoononononono there was no way he was getting her in there. "Um, I uh, I can't- I mean, I don't know how to-" The rather embarrassed girl began to let out a stream of almost unintelligible babble, her cheeks exploding into bright tomatoes as she stuttered with uncharacteristic hesitance. She couldn't meet his eyes, it was just too much! Finally Thorry just couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out, "I'm terrified of water! I know it's stupid but I can't ugh I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin anything with my stupidity." She explained, holding her head in her palms. Ughhhhh how embarrassing. She felt like she wanted to die. 

  22. ID: 26167

    BD: 9-1=8 [Rip bat]

    LD: 15 [135 col +1 Mat]

    It appeared she had gotten the knack of bat dodging, finally. This time when the bat attempted to swipe at her, Thorrissia rolled quickly to the left, and booted the monster in the side for good measure, even though it didn't do any damage. "Screw you!" The brunette growled viciously at the unprepared bat, and thrust her sword straight through its head. The monster emitted a terrible high pitched wail before exploding into polygons and lighting up the cave. "Well," She began, dusting off her rather dirty clothes. "That went well I think." Thorry grinned, giving Golden an affectionate punch on the arm. "Mama! Mama!" A faint, but distinctly childish voice began to drift through the cave, causing the young warrior's heart to leap for joy. "Yeah! Awesome, let's go!" The girl exclaimed excitedly, snatching hold of some of the fabric of Golden's shirt and dragging him in the direction of the sound. 

  23. Nimbus was one of the most beautiful cities she'd ever seen, and as Thorrissia ambled through the beautifully illuminated city streets, she couldn't help but wish it was real. The soft green light gave the place a magical sort of glow, and the awestruck teen couldn't help but marvel at it. She'd come to floor seven simply to explore. After all, it was a pretty decent place for somebody of her own level to be hanging out, but she'd never expected Nimbus to be like this. Instead of going monster hunting, Thorrissia had found herself going sight seeing, ogling at all the beautiful architecture. "Wow, this place is incredible!" She whispered in wonder, sitting down near by a small trickling fountain in the centre of town. 

  24. // lol Thorry's a wuss. Hahahaha. 


    The waterfall truly was beautiful. The thick rocky cliff face was built out of a pale but jagged rock that must have been about fifty feet high. Sky blue glittering water tumbled over the crest, flashing like thousands of tiny diamonds in the light before crashing into the huge pristine lake below. There was no pollution in this world, so everything was perfect and untarnished. Thorrissia was very glad she was holding Golden's hand right now as they stood next to the edge of the pool's surface, its waters lapping gently at the shore line. Staring into the lake's surface was starting to make her feel dizzy though, so the shaggy haired teen quickly turned her attention back to her boyfriend. Her stomach almost jumped out of her mouth when Golden mentioned swimming though. "Ah, yeah too bad we forgot our swim stuff." Thorry supplied the comment meekly, feeling a little ill at the thought. 

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