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Posts posted by Thorrissia

  1. ID: 24185

    BD: 7

    MD: 5 [EVA - 1 = 4] 


    Even though she felt no pain, a horrified yell escaped from Thorry's open mouth at the sight of having her own stomach impaled by a giant overgrown feeler. "Agh! Stop that!" She scrambled desperately backwards to escape once again being impaled, and slashed at the creature's leg with her sword when she realised the weapon was still in her hand. The ant made an odd sort of angry chittering noise and scuttled fearfully backwards, hissing fearfully at it's opponent. Sighing in relief, Thorrissia dragged herself to her feet and took up a battle stance against the ant. Her attack seemed to have upset the beast enough for a moment for it to back off, but the ant did not stay still for long. Once again it jabbed one of its pincers at her, but the young warrior was ready this time, and rolled quickly out of the way.



    Thorrissia: [HP:: 22/30]

    Ant [7/15] 

  2. ID: 24184

    BD: 3

    MD: 9 [EVA - 1 // no effect] [+1 DMG]


    The weapon found its way back into her grip, although just barely. The ant was scuttling towards her on way too many legs than was natural, and the impact had completely knocked the sense out of the girl's brain. Thorrissia very feebly attempted to fend off her attack by swatting at the ant with her weapon, but the creature continued to advance, unaffected by her poorly aimed strikes. The huge beast swung back one of its pincer like feet, and plunged it into Thorry's stomach. 



    Thorrissia: [HP:: 22/30]

    Ant [11/15] 

  3. Yeah, so evalutions :3 Need this item approved :D 


    Name: Hunter's cloak

    How did you acquire?: Mob drop

    ID: 23656

    Loot Roll: 20

    Item Type: cloak 

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Evasion 

    Description: A thick, flowing cloak made of a velvety red material. 

  4. So, evaluations :3. Need this item approved.


    Name: Hunter's cloak

    How did you acquire?: Mob drop

    ID: 23656

    Loot Roll: 20

    Item Type: cloak 

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 Evasion 

    Description: A thick, flowing cloak made of a velvety red material. 

  5. Maybe it would be a little fast to be moving in with this guy so quickly? I mean, she liked Golden, but she wasn't entirely sure about the idea. But it wasn't as if she really had anywhere better to go at the moment, so Thorrissia returned the tawny haired boy's smile and answered, "Yeah sure. I think that would be pretty fun." It was possible that she was going against her better judgement here, but it would be pretty nice to be staying with somebody, not to mention fifty times better than not having a home. Maybe they would be able to save up some money and actually buy their own house. Then they could live on pretty much whatever floor that they wanted together.

  6. ID: 24171 

    BD: 3 [Internal screaming]


    It appeared Avalanche was determined to live up to his name. The fifteen foot tall abominable snowman was not just content to try and crush them with his fists, but with the amount of heavy snowdrift slipping slowly down the steep slopes, in a few minutes it was going to be fifty times harder to move. Lancelot's sudden statement caught the brunette's attention for a moment and her eyes drew dangerously away from the monster. At any other moment Thorrissia might have smiled at the raven haired woman's confusion over what to call her, but their current tribulation meant her lips remained tightly firm. "Either is fine. I usually go by Thorry anyway."


    The moment of distraction almost lost Thorrissia some very valuable HP, as when her pale green eyes turned back on their target, there was a giant icy fist plunging towards her exposed position. "S**t!" The girl dived hurriedly to the left and landed sloppily in a pile of wet snow. It had been a very lucky save. Snow splattered across her entire body, dampening her clothes and her hair, but the young warrior didn't really feel it. The shock from the sudden attack had left her momentarily unaware of that fact that she was about to be very very cold from being wet. 


    May as well take advantage of this and try and deal the overgrown piece of ice an actual hit. The girl got a tighter grip upon the hilt of her sword and grimaced. There was nothing for it, she'd have to go in for the snow beast's legs. She took a careful moment to observe the swinging patterns of Avalanche's huge blocky arms whilst the monster was diverted by Lancelot and saw a pathway through that wouldn't leave her crushed. The brunette drew in a deep breath before going in for the kill. 


    Avalanche's arms were like massive pendulums, swinging back and forwards in a clock like icy fashion, but the pathway through that she noticed was much more difficult to navigate in practice than it was in her head. Thorrissia found that she just wasn't fast enough to make the attack, and ended up being forced to retreat to avoid being smooshed into a snow cone. 



    Thorrissia: [23/23]
    Lancelot: [17/17]
    Lessa: [58/58]

    Avalanche: [50/50] 

  7. The brunette scratched her chin thoughtfully and pondered silently for a moment. She hadn't actually thought too much over the sword's design. After a moment of quiet thought, a small smile played onto her lips. "I'd like the sword to be called Volundraesia if that's ok Lessa? And as, for the design, I'm thinking nothing too flashy. Um, maybe a silver sword with runes carved out of the middle of the blade? It'd be cool if you could make the hilt blood red with a dragons head on the pommel? If that's not possible for whatever reason then feel free to take some artistic licence with it." Thorrissia shrugged casually, not overly fussy on how things turned out. She just wanted a weapon that would never let her down in battle, and wasn't too set on what it was going to need to look like. 

  8. "Haha yes. That was a yes." Thorry laughed, seeing the spread of red across Golden's cheeks. She had the feeling he probably hadn't dated anyone before based on that reaction, but she hadn't been with anyone for ages and was a little out of practice as well, so no pressure. The girl quite happily accepted his hand up, a little grin still showing on her face. The brunette had to clutch pretty tight onto her boyfriend's waste to even stay upright, but it didn't really matter to her all that much because of how much fun this was. "Y'know, it's been a while since I've done this. It's sort of nice to be able to have somebody to be with.


    [ha ha c: cute]

  9. ID: 24183

    BD: 1

    MD: 9 [EVA - 1 // no effect] [+1 DMG]


    "Gah! I really hate bugs!" Thorrissia hissed in annoyance as her blow swung low of the ants giant feelers by quite a distance. Don't panic don't panic it's just a bug. A very big, oversized, angry bug. The huge ant did not seem to appreciate this statement, as the creature hooked one of its nasty little shell like arms underneath the brunette's foot and totally flipped her over into a near by tree. The impact would have been exceptionally painful in real life, because Thorry's entire body had a massive orange rent right across the majority of her body. "Ughhhhh. Bad ant." She groaned, attempting to grab her fallen sword as she sat up.



    Thorrissia: [HP:: 26/30]

    Ant [11/15] 

  10. "Uh no, it's not that. I'm just, not really a people person y'know?" The brunette explained as they made their way towards the town exit, feeling ever so slightly embarrassed. She nervously brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and began to fiddle anxiously with her sword. She didn't want to make Carmine think that she was antisocial or rude, but she was just easily made uncomfortable. "So, uh, what brought you up to floor two? Not the best of holiday destinations down here." The brunette asked with genuine curiosity as they began to descend down the rocky slopes. She herself had come here to maybe get a little grinding done and take out a few monsters, but sometimes other people had much more interesting reasons for travelling places. The air in this floor was rather bitter and uncomfortable, so enduring it was an unusually bold choice just for fun. Maybe Carmine had an interesting tale to tell that would make their journey just that bit more interesting.

  11. naw cute


    Thorry was rather surprised by Golden's question and it caught her completely off guard. She hadn't actually dated anyone in a while, especially not since they'd entered into this death game. Holding back had seemed like the best option because they could die at possibly any moment, but, when it came to it, Thorrissia liked Golden. She really did. They'd fought battles together and their humour seemed to bounce off each other well. She didn't know him insanely well, but she wanted to. So instead of answering him directly, the brunette threw her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. It would be nice not to have to venture through the world entirely alone. 

  12. Thorrissia stepped out uncertainly onto the ice rink by holding onto the sides. "It's not the pain I'm worried about..." She explained reluctantly. She hated looking ridiculous in front of people. The brunette stepped out slightly anxiously onto the sparkling ice rink and attempted to skate, keeping her arms out in an attempt to balance herself. Things didn't go too well though. Within the space of about ten seconds Thorrissia's feet went out from under her and the girl went crashing backwards into Golden, knocking them both to the ground in a tangled mess of limbs. A dark red heated blush spread onto Thorry's cheeks as she realised that her face was literally inches away from her friend's. 

  13. ID: 23911

    BD: 6

    MD: 3


    Thorrissia continued on through the depths of the jungle, slashing through thick heavily leafy undergrowth. Animals chirruped in the background, birds, crickets, beasts. But there was something strange about the noises in the background. There was an odd chittering that had been following the young warrior for quite a while now, and it was making her ever so slightly uneasy. Just as she'd stepped over another broken twig, the sound began to get louder and louder. Thorry anxiously readied her weapon, not entirely sure what was hearing.


    All of a sudden a massive ant burst out of the undergrowth, feelers waving. The brunette shrieked in surprise and slashed blindly at the monster that had appeared, thwacking it with her weapon. The giant beast squealed hideously and tried to stab her with one of its feelers, but the young warrior ducked quickly out of the way.


    Thorrissia: [HP:: 30/30]

    Ant [11/15] 

  14. The brunette's pale green eyes flittered upwards excitedly upon seeing her friend arrive. A small smile peeked onto her lips upon seeing the tawny haired boy approach. He'd completely decked out for the winter wonderland, that was for sure. He looked... good. The girl returned his wave with a slight blush, suddenly unsure why she was feeling a little more nervous than before. Ignore stupid emotion and go have fun. Time to listen to the brain. "Hey! Thorry, wassup!" Thorry smirked and pointed upwards. "The sky? Ok, ok sorry no sarcasm. I'll try and control it." She laughed as the two of them walked towards the skating rink. 


    Thorrissia found in very hard to balance in her skating shoes. Her skills were making it possible to keep upright, but her real world inability to balance seemed to still be a problem so she ended waddling in a comically stiff manner towards the skating rink. "Ok, you're really going to have to teach me how to do this because um, I, well can't so." The slightly nervous teen let out a stream of babble upon making their way to think rink. She was going to make an idiot of herself, she could tell. 

  15. Thorrissia had been chilling underneath a nice shady tree on floor three when she got the message. The elven village there was her all time favourite haunt because of just how nice the weather was. A stark comparison to the freezing cold floor four. Ice skating? Hmm. The brunette pondered the suggestion for a moment before responding:: 


    >> Just to warn you, I SUCK big time at skating, so you'll have to teach me how to do it properly. Meet me at the teleport gate of floor four in five minutes. << 


    After sending the reply to him, the young warrior got sleepily to her feet and abandoned her lovely spot under the large oak and began to walk eagerly towards the teleport gate. It had been a while since she'd seen Golden. He was fun to hang out with and she missed his company. "Warp floor four." She grinned happily at the teleport gate as it prepared to launch her up up and away. No surprise, it was snowing in Snowfrost Town. Thorrissia was a little less impacted by the cold ever since she'd gotten the athletics skill though. It made her more durable. The brunette sat herself down impatiently on a near by bench where she could be easily spotted and anxiously awaited Golden's arrival. She was excited and couldn't wait to get going! 

  16. ID: 23656

    BD: 10 [+2 DMG]

    LD: 20 [uncommon item of choice] -- will need this approved. 


    "I'll keep that in mind." Thorry answered him seriously, genuinely thinking over investing some of her SP into battle healing. It might save her life at some point. The girl appreciated him giving her a direct hit at the monster. It made thing easier. The bison was still a little disorientated from Dom's attack as it was wondering around in a circle, bleating madly. Or maybe it was just crazy, she wasn't sure. No matter what was wrong with it, this thing was a super easy target. Thorrissia raked her sword aggressively down the bison's side, dealing a critical hit. The bison let out one last miserable bellow before exploding into a wave of blue polygon shards and vanishing into the atmosphere. "Whoo! That was great!" The young warrior whooped happily, punching the air with joy. 


    Item drop >> Hunters Cloak //Enhancements +1 EVA 


    "Hey cool." She exclaimed upon seeing the uncommon item she'd just gained. 



    Ssendom [HP:: 57/57] 

    Thorrissia [HP:: 23/23] 

    Bison [HP:: 8/26] 

  17. ID: 23643 

    BD: 10

    LD: 17 [+1 MAT, 65 Col]


    The one thing that the tiger hadn't considered when jumping on its supposedly helpless victim was that the girl still had a sword, and it's belly was now very very exposed. Thorrissia thrust her weapon violently up into the feline's stomach, never taking her eyes off of its. The light seemed to fade in a very life like fashion from that cold predatorial gaze before the tiger exploded into a shower of blue pixels and disintegrated into the atmosphere. The brunette was left panting on her back, although it wasn't from exertion. Staring into the tigers eyes as she completely obliterated it had been rather disturbing. It's reaction was to real, and it had sort of scared her a little bit. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 16/25]

  18. ID: 23634
    BD: 9 [+1 DMG] *Screams*
    As Golden's hit went straight into the sand instead of the shark, Thorry couldn't help but laugh considering his previous statement to her earlier. "Hey Golden, don't you want to step up your game a little?" She grinned deviously as he sighed disappointedly, staring at the now still sand. She began to walk triumphantly towards her friend to gloat a little more, but all of a sudden the monster exploded upwards in a spray of sand, engulfing her friend in a spray of sand. "Golden!" The brunette cried out in alarm, sprinting urgently towards him. When the sand cleared, she could see a rather surprised looking Golden holding his shield up through the haze and her worry subsided somewhat. Still, the shark was about to mount another attack. "Oh no you don't!" Thorry growled angrily at the monster, leaping in front of her friend to shield him. The shark attempted to close its mouth around her form and snap the young warrior up in a single bite, but Thorrissia thrust her sword upwards through the beast at the last second, blasting it into blue oblivion.
    New Item Gained:: << Sand Armour Potion >>
    The girl stared bewildered at her item screen. Had she just... vaporised the field boss? Thorrissia turned to Golden with an exceptionally triumphant grin and asked rather impressively, "Did we just defeat a field boss with 50HP with taking next to no damage?
  19. ID: 23618
    BD: 1
    MD: 8
    Thorrissia was extremely disorientated from the tiger's last attack. The monster had left her extremely confused from whacking her straight in the face, so her next slash at the tiger failed miserably and she ended up tripping backwards over a tree root and collapsing into a pile of ferns. The giant cat launched itself at her with incredible prowess and landed neatly on top of her toppled over form. The brunette stared up into the dark amber eyes of the tiger... and they felt almost intelligent. It was chilling. Disturbing. But the feline predator did not give her long to think over such things. The tiger slashed it's claw once again over the body of its vulnerable prey. 
    Thorrissia [HP:: 16/25]
    Tiger [HP:: 3/13]
  20. ID: 23617

    BD: 8


    Thorrissia glared irritably at Golden when he told her to step up her game and muttered an unintelligible string of curse words underneath her breath as her companion once again managed to deal some damage to the boss. "Oh that, that was just for entertainment purposes! Y'know some running comedy." She called out in response to the brown haired boy's challenge, sticking her little pink tongue out at him in a childish manner. "You want a fight, you got it coming Goldy. I'll whoop your ass bud!" The brunette yelled, half serious half playful, charging towards the shark with new found determination. The girl dashed furiously at the monster and raised her sword, ready to deal some heavy duty damage. BAM! The sword of dreams passed clean through the shark, calling it to howl out in pain. "What was that about dealing some damage?" Thorry grinned with a teasing tone, prodding Golden lightly with the tip of her sword. Not enough to actually injure, just a jeering prod. 


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [4/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]


    We are sorry T_T *crawls under table and hides* 

  21. URRRRGGHHHH, thought this was my SP thread. *punches head against wall. 


    ID: 23594

    BD: 1  [Are you serious]


    Thorrissia was pretty impressed with Golden's weapon. It did some pretty major damage. Once she had enough SP, maybe she would be that powerful one day. Lightning exploded with intense electricity through the atmosphere as the boy's rapier hit home on the shark. Now was her chance. The brunette dashed furiously towards the shark, now feeling a lot more angry that it had humiliated her like that. "Take this you overgrown goldfish!" Thorry hissed, trying to slash at the monster. But, once again, the shark rolled in the sand and sent her sprawling into the orange sand. 


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [12/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]

  22. ID: 23573

    BD: 8

    MD: 6


    Thorry made a dash for the ball of grass and kicked it towards the tiger. The beast sniffed curiously at the offering for a few moments before growling, unimpressed and squashing the ball of grass between it's very sharp teeth. Oh crap. The girl thought as the giant orange feline made a beeline for some more interesting prey. Thorrissia plunged her sword into the tiger's belly as the beast jumped at her, but its claws raked across her face and she stumbled backwards in surprise. The cat was fast. She really needed to take this thing out as soon as humanly feasible. 


    Thorrissia [HP:: 19/25]

    Tiger [HP:: 3/13]

  23. ID: 23527

    BD: 2


    The girl grinned triumphantly as she watched one of her more successful plans unfold. "What did I tell yah?" She whooped fantastically, punching the air with her sword arm, giving the appearance of an overexcited statue of liberty. "Right, let's do this!" Thorry ran over to where Golden was trying to rub sand out of his eyes and tried to shove her sword straight into the big fish's back. Unfortunately it seemed the monster had preempted the attack as a giant flipper shot out of the sand and sent her sprawling backwards. "Umph!" She called out, feeling a little winded. Luckily the shark had only flipped her and hadn't actually done any damage, but still. That had been a little surprising. "Switch!" She coughed feebly, wiping the sand off of her face. 


    Goldenarroz [35/35] 

    Sand Shark [18/50] 

    Thorrissia [25/25]

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